WataMote Wiki

Fūka Sasaki (佐々木 風夏 Sasaki Fūka?) spent much of her time as an occasional but striking background character until revealed to be an acquaintance of Asuka Katō in Chapter 154.


Affectionately designated the "Depressed Black-Haired Girl" by WataMote Wiki until she finally receives a name in Chapter 154, Fūka first appears as a distinct but uninterested member of the cheerleaders at the school intramural games. She returns looking similarly disinterested in Chapter 148 as a passenger on Tomoko's train to school. She is the skilled pitcher Kotomi Komiyama scouts in Chapter 153, only to have her win the game with a two-run home run in Chapter 154 where she receives her name. She reveals her last name in the next chapter. Those chapters reveal that she is a gifted athlete, and Miho Narita will later reveal that she is a very good singer.

She is a friend of Asuka and Miho. She and Miho join Asuka, Tomoko, and Kaho's study group where a tired Tomoko blurts out that she wants to touch breasts. Fūka is shocked when Asuka offers to let Tomoko touch hers during a break. While she first assumes Asuka is joking, she inwardly protests that Asuka has never made such a joke before. When they return from a break together, Fūka wonders if Tomoko actually fondled Asuka. This becomes a bit of an obsession for her, and she will later try to ask Tomoko directly, then later Asuka, only to have both rebuff her for her rudeness to her inward irritation. Asuka teases a pun about Tomoko asking to touch her hair to imply she asked to touch her "hair down there." The thought will become an obsession for Fūka for a number of chapters and a story arc until Asuka finally reveals it was a joke.

Due to her own insecurities, Fūka begins to imagine that Tomoko looks down at her with her "judgmental eyes" over her innocence. She tries to denigrate and compete with Tomoko over her, imaginary, sexual experience; however, Tomoko correctly concludes that Fūka is not only a virgin, she cannot interact socially with boys. This leads to a confrontation[1] where, armed with information from a friend with more experience, she tries to intimidate Tomoko who has her friend Shizuku, who actually has a boyfriend, with her. Though hilarious and cringy, it leads to both accepting that neither have any real experience. This has led to a bit of a recent detente between the two, with both reading magazines together before school, and Tomoko casting her in a role for her film for the Cultural Festival. Fūka remains obsessed with, but largely unfamiliar of, sexual matters.


For much of the series little is known about Fūka. Prior to her friends, then Katō, congratulating her in Chapter 154, she does not speak and her expression seems disinterested, hence her WataMote Wiki Nickname™. With her friends she is cheerful, and when she joins Asuka and Tomoko's study group, she politely introduces herself to Tomoko. She becomes obsessed with the possibility that Tomoko asked Asuka if she could touch her hair "down there" to the point it affects her studies and relationships. Currently, the exact reason for this obsession, from simple curiosity all the way to jealousy, is unrevealed. Nevertheless, perhaps due to Tomoko's influence, Fūka becomes openly interested in sexual matters.


Fūka has very long black hair which she puts into a long pony tail. She stands as tall as Asuka which, as Chapter 175-2 demonstrates, makes them the tallest of the WataGirls. The color cover of Volume 17 suggests her eyes are light blue to grey.


  • None


(Strikethrough episodes or chapters indicate the character was mentioned but did not make a physical appearance)


Tomoko Kuroki[]

Fūka first introduces herself to Tomoko when she joins her study group with Asuka and Kaho; however, she is aware of Tomoko's reputation for being "strange." For her part, Tomoko does not seem to know her. Tomoko blurting out during this study session that she "wants to touch boobs," Asuka inviting her to touch hers, then taking Tomoko out of the room greatly disturbs Fūka. The next day she sees Tomoko on the train, and when she overhears Tomoko discussing a sexual matter with Reina, she confronts her with whether or not she fondled Asuka. Tomoko refuses to answer since it would embarrass Asuka. Though Fūka inwardly protests that Tomoko had just been publicly discussing cunnilingus, she accepts this explanation for the moment. Asuka teasingly telling her about Tomoko's offer to touch her hair while implying that she thought Tomoko actually wanted to touch her "hair down there" triggers an obsession in Fūka: she is stunned by and fixated on the idea of Tomoko tending to the foliage about Asuka's Road to a Christening. This leads to some hilariously embarrassing moments at the expense of Fūka. When they attend the same Study Camp and end up rooming together, Fūka vows to question Tomoko on the subject, but does not. Instead, she accidentally walks in on Tomoko using the toilet during the night while still half-asleep. While she apologizes, she becomes disturbed the next day trying to recall something she saw. Remembering that Asuka remarked that she and helped dye Tomoko's hair, she realizes she saw Tomoko's still-dyed "hair down there" and concludes that Asuka helped her dye it which means, then, that Tomoko wanted to touch Asuka's. This obsession ruins her study which leads her to dropping a level at the camp. Undaunted, Fūka feels she has solved the "riddle of the hair" and now needs to learn more about Tomoko.

Their relationship, such as it was, remained strained with Fūka calling her a "pervert" (変態か・hentaika) in Chapter 166, and Tomoko inwardly describes Fūka as "Sleazy Maiden (ゲス乙女・kusuotome)" in Chapter 171. Witnessing her appetite, Tomoko adds the nickname "Gorilla (ゴリラ)." When they meet again on a train, Tomoko becomes jealous at hearing how popular Fūka is, particularly with the possibility that she may have dated the captain of the basketball team. Based on her prejudice, Tomoko decides that Fūka can only interact with boys in sporting situations and accuses her of being a virgin. This cuts Fūka, who inwardly wonders how she could know that. She boasts to Tomoko that she is not a virgin, then tries to impress her with her experience based on stories she has heard from others in high school. In the second part of the chapter, she pumps her more experienced friend Rise for sexual information while Tomoko talks to her younger friend Shizuku Hirasawa who has a boyfriend. Tomoko subsequently challenges Fūka to show her how much she actually knows with a clay model she fashioned. Fūka fails hilariously, but Tomoko also admits that she does not have any experience in such matters either.

Over all, their conflict has appeared to have cooled. They are seen arriving to school together with stop-offs at the market where they both peruse adult magazines. Tomoko does include her in her film, and at the time of this edit, Fūka appears to play the stereotypical officious student council president who is against the protagonist but appears happy to play it. When Hina becomes upset with her role that requires her to practice on camera making "sucking" sounds after Fūka enthusiastically compliments her and insists it must come from real experience, Tomoko actually defends Fūka by explaining that she is being sincere rather than denigrating her. During the Christmas party, which occurs in the future after the current Cultural Festival arc, Tomoko inwardly, and reluctantly, admits that her singing brought her to tears.

The "Expectation versus Reality" section of Volume 16 reveals that Fūka wanted Tomoko to describe what it was like to fondle Katō.

Asuka Katō[]

The two do seem to know one another, but they do not appear initially to be actual friends. When Fūka finally moves from a background to a main character, Katō congratulates her on her beating her class in the softball game, and Fūka suggests that table tennis is not something she would expect her to play which Katō then denies. When Katō offers to let Tomoko touch her breasts, Fūka is stunned but then rationalizes that Katō is making a joke only to think that Katō never makes such jokes. Katō taking Tomoko from the room shatters this rationalization, and it leaves Fūka wondering if Tomoko actually did fondle Katō. This question bothers her enough to try to confront Tomoko the following day. Tomoko replies that the question would be rude to Katō, which leaves Fūka inwardly frustrated.

Unlike Katō and Tomoko who text and call one another, Fūka does not appear to do either with Katō. Instead, she takes the opportunity to ask Katō if it happened when she sees Katō in school and mentions to Katō that Tomoko has been suspended. Katō similarly rebuffs her to her irritation. If they were friends, one would expect her to text or call Katō privately.

Nevertheless, in Chapter 160 when the two meet in a hallway, Katō walks off with her to let her talk to her. Katō begins by apologizing for her behavior towards her. Fūka apologies for her "weird" questions but when she pretends, politely, to have already forgotten its substance, Katō happily reminds her then smiles and reveals that Tomoko did not actually fondle her. Fūka inwardly wonders why she is disappointed to learn that. Kato then through giggles starts to tell her about Tomoko asking to touch her "hair" (毛・ke) but then cuts off the story when the bell rings leaving Fūka stunned and thinking about 毛. This suggests that Katō is aware of Fūka's curiosity and takes the opportunity to slyly tease her.

Chapter 162 reveals that Fūka has become jealous of Tomoko's friendship with Katō and is obsessed with the idea that some sexual relationship exists between the two. She inwardly rages that she needs to know what Tomoko asking to touch Katō's "hair" meant so much she cannot think of anything else even when she is studying.

During the Summer Study Camp, Asuka comes to believe that Tomoko can talk easily with Fūka. Both Miho and Yū suggest, to Fūka's irritation, that Tomoko is more comfortable with her because of her "worthless" points, and they suggest that Asuka let Tomoko see her flaws. Asuka asks Fūka to teach her how to be a "worthless human being," to her further irritation; however, she does suggest a "joke" Asuka can play on Tomoko that might make her more comfortable around her.

In a curious moment in Chapter 192-2 when Miho starts to reveal to Tomoko that Fūka is a very good singer, Asuka suddenly becomes quiet and leaves before Miho completes her story that Fūka sang Asuka's favorite song for her birthday which moved Asuka. Similarly, during the Christmas party, when Fūka sings, Asuka looks up which causes her bangs to obscure her eyes. She remains that way after Fūka finishes, and when Fūka asks her if anything is wrong, Asuka merely responds, "It's nothing."

Miho Narita[]

She congratulates Fūka on her win, and when Fūka declines the invitation to accept their class award, Miho eagerly rushes to the stage. They appear friends in that the two enter the study hall to study together, and when they cannot find an open desk, Fūka asks Katō if they may join them. When Katō invited Tomoko to touch her, she appears intrigued while Fūka looks shocked. She teases Fūka about her behavior, such as in Chapter 174 when she teases her about peeping at Tomoko in the bathroom. She later explains to Asuka that while Fūka is good at studying she is a "natural airhead."

Rise (Experienced Friend)[]

Rise is a background character for much of the series, but is a friend of Fūka and Miho. She is often seen laughing with an arm around one of them. When Fūka imagines her competition with Tomoko, she pumps Rise for sexual information, including the basics of drinking beer fellatio, which she then magnificently fails to use to beat Tomoko. Fūka later enthusiastically compares Hina's performance making erotic "sucking" sounds with Rise's experience. This irritates Rise, who insists that she is not that experienced since she has only been with three boys. When she informs Fūka in front of Hina and Tomoko that it does not sound like the noises Hina makes, and Fūka requests the source for this revelation, Rise asks if she has ever watched pornography. When asked, Nico Tanigawa confirmed on Twitter[2] that Rise attends the same class as Fuka and Miho.

Yū Naruse[]

Fūka first really encounters Yū at the Summer Study Camp. To her irritation, Yū explains to Asuka why Tomoko seems uncomfortable around her by comparing how she hides her flaws from Tomoko unlike Fūka. However, Chapter 189 reveals that she studies with Yū under Asuka's direction. When in that chapter Yū learns that Tomoko claimed she sent her a picture of the Matrimonial Peacemaker, Fūka, as part of her effort to appear experienced, invites Yū to send such to her. She will later boast to Tomoko that Yū is sending her all of the Matrimonial Peacemaker pictures she use to send to Tomoko. Nevertheless, all three attend the Christmas party, and neither Fūka nor Tomoko refer to the subject.

Hina Nemoto[]

The two really do not have much meaningful interactions since they do not occupy the same social spheres. Hina does not attend study sessions with Tomoko. Tomoko brings them together when she casts Fūka in her film. Hina's part thus far revealed involves her practicing "sucking" sounds; this greatly impresses Fūka who insists that there is no way the increasingly embarrassed Hina could have imagined the sound. Hina angrily insists she played particularly vulgar eroge.

Memorable Quotes[]

  • "Kuroki-san's kind of strange but Asuka?!!"
  • "You were just saying a lot about cunnilingus and penises!" - to Tomoko
  • "You're the one who told her to touch your breast right in front of us!" – Fūka thinking in response to Asuka Katō's rebuke
  • "E?! Hair?!
  • "I-It's not what you think, Asuka! At first I was curious about your boobs, but then you started talking about your hair, and I couldn't stop thinking about it so . . . I'M THE VICTIM HERE!"
  • "SILVER?!!"
  • "When did I become the worthless human being model?!" - to Asuka, Miho, and Yū
  • "The first time hurt, but the second time felt really good. . . .so I've heard."
  • "What kind of life do you have to live every day to come up with such vile sounds?!" – to Hina


  • While Sasaki is a very common name, in keeping with Nico Tanigawa's trend, she shares her surname with Chiba Lotte Marines pitcher Chihaya Sasaki.
  • Fūka pitches right but can bat left.
  • Fūka (風夏) means "Summer Wind."



  1. WataMote Wiki actually typed, "comes to a head," then "reached a climax!"
  2. Tweet.


Character Navigation
Female Characters Tomoko Kuroki | Shiki Futaki | Anna Haruna | Shizuku Hirasawa | Akari Iguchi | Hikari Itō | Megumi Imae | Asuka Katō | Kayo | Kotomi Komiyama | Mrs. Kuroki | Sachi Mima | Koharu Minami | Miyazaki | Miho Narita | Yū Naruse | Hina Nemoto | Ogino | Nagi Ōtonari | Akane Okada | Reina | Fūka Sasaki | Kiko Satozaki | Sayaka | Yuri Tamura | Mako Tanaka | Emiri Uchi | Masaki Yoshida
Male Characters Tomoki Kuroki | Aomatsu | Art Teacher | Hatsushiba | Homeroom Teacher | Jun Ishimine | Kakinuma | Yoshinori Kiyota | Kosaka | Mr. Kuroki | Suzuki | Nico Tanigawa | Wada | Yocchan
Minor and Unnamed Minor and Unnamed Recurring Characters
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA