WataMote Wiki
Christmas Special Edition
Cover cV21CSE
Volume Number 21
Chapter Title Christmas Special Edition
Published December 25, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 199-3
Next Chapter Omake


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter has "Christmas Special Edition" as a title, and while it lacks the usual "Because I'm Not Popular," form, the page does contain the full title of the series. The side narration reads, "Original Cast Christmas Special Edition!!"

The first panel of the cover reveals a sign for "Spice Curry" outside a restaurant that has a Christmas Tree. Wearing their winter clothes, Asuka, Yuri, Tomoko, and , enter a room in the restaurant. It is large, sparkling clean, and has a karaoke machine with three microphones on the table. One of them exclaims off-panel, "Huge!" The voice of Asuka explains that she reserved a room larger than she expected since everyone is coming.

The next panel reveals the girls sitting at the table without their coats. Tomoko, removing her hat, asks Asuka how many will come. Asuka explains that she thinks it will be about 15 people, but she thought it was better to reserve it for 16. Her phone beeps, and she explains that Fūka and Miho have arrived. She excuses herself and Yū happily responds. Tomoko looks at her phone and remarks that she has a Line, and she will be right back.[1]

Yuri Circle cV21CSE

Shown: Shoulder-Pad Black Yuri-Chan!

Alone with Yuri, Yū asks, "Yuri-chan" if she knows if it will snow today. Yuri replies that she saw the weather report and there will be a big snow. Chibi Yū squeals that it will be fun. Nonplussed Chibi Yuri agrees then becomes silent. She then starts to ask "Naruse-san" about the thing Tomoko showed in this café before. Yū responds with an "E?" and Yuri continues as she forms her hands in a circle and explains it is this small round packet that Yū gave to Tomoko. Looking warily, she rhetorically asks, "Condom, right?" Inwardly, Yuri confesses that she knows, because she asked Mako.

The two look at one another, with Yuri looking warily, and Yū transfixed with a smile but sweating. Inwardly, Yuri thinks that she only brought it up to have something to talk to her about, but she now wonders if it was not a good topic to bring up without Tomoko.

Chibi Yuri asks her if she ever used one. In a starburst indicating Yuri's inner thoughts, Yuri confesses that since she brought it up, she cannot really drop it. Sweating but Beamingly Smiling Chibi Yū denies that she has. The scene shifts to a girl's hand opening a door. Superimosed on this Chibi Yuri continues that since Mako knows a lot about it, she has probably used one. Sweating but Beamingly Smiling Chibi Yū stammers that that could be so, but it is not a bad thing. Mako opens the door to hear Yuri say that, despite the innocent way she looks, she can rely on Mako for her wealth of "sexual knowledge."[2] Behind her, Itõ and Kotomi stand questioning. Inwardly, Mako admits that Yuri making many friends is good but wonders what she is talking about.

At the cash register, Tomoko stands with Shizuku. In front of her walk Hina and Akane behind Miho and Fūka. Tomoko wonders when they got here. The scene focuses on the outside of Room 21. A voice – later shown to be Miho – asks if everyone has their crackers. In unison, the rest respond they have. Miho tells them to get ready, and the scene moves inward as they pop their crackers and cry "Merry Christmas." See the Gallery for the scene and seating arangements. Notably, Miho and Hina spray their bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling wine; Emir bears her Irritated and Jealous Face as she sits between Shizuku and Itō; Yuri's cracker does not work; and Masaki is present as well.

Miho, happily, pours a drink from her bottle into Tomoko's glass as she, happily, commands "Kuro-chan" to drink. Tomoko sheepishly stammers gratitude. Still with her Irritated and Jealous Face, Emiri turns back-and-forth quickly to fill Shizuku and Itō's glasses. While Yuri digs into the For Trademark Reasons Totally Not Kentucky Fried Chicken, Mako fills Masaki's glass. Masaki smiles and thanks her.[3] Yū smiles and sweats as she slices cake next to Asuka and Fūka who dutifully pass the pieces around. Sitting next to Kaho and both enjoying the Not-KFC, Kotomi remarks that it has been a year since she has had fried chicken. Akane takes a bite of her piece of cake and is stunned by how delicious it is. Hina explains that it comes from "Naruse-san's store."

Miho[4] holds out a bundle of sticks and declares that on Christmas they must have a Santa (サンタ). Whoever draws the correct stick will be Santa. Staring her stick, Tomoko inwardly muses that this is like a "mixer"[5] with the "King Game"[6] and carries tension. Miho explains that anyone with a number on their stick is a winner. Yuri notes that she has a number on hers. Chibi Kotomi introjects that she has "Number 1." Masaki admits that she also has a number on hers. Miho[7] announces as she holds three folded costumes with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on them that whoever has those numbers must change into these.

Shocked Chibi Masaki exclaims "A?"


"Merry Christmas!" – WataMote Wiki

The Three emerge with with not completely unlike jolly expressions. Kotomi, her arms strategically folded, demands to know who these benefit. Off-scene, Miho[8]admonishes them for appearing so grumpy and commands them to smile more. The next panel focuses on her, happily, sitting with her arm around a smiling Fūka. She explains that these "Santas" are in charge of filling everyone's glasses. Chibi Kotomi demands to know what Santa does that job.

A Slightly Less-than-Jolly Santa Yuri-chan dutifuly fills [the Happy – Ed.] Miho's glass as she stands in front of Tomoko. Tomoko slides down her chair to gaze upon the backcourt of Yuri as Shizuku sweats and looks with surprise. Answering the Noble Readership's Scientific Inquiry, Tomoko inwardly exclaims, "Raw?!" and surmises it is because of Christmas.

Yuri demonstrates her slight exception to Tomoko's Scientific Exploration by raming her bottle into Tomoko's groin with both hands. She then impresses her exception further by slamming the karaoke controls on her head. Tomoko protests and claims that Yuri is like a sumo champion.[9] Yuri calmly denies this.

Kotomi cV21CSE

As Kotomi fills Yū's glass, her costume slips down to reveal her front court discretely obscured by a black censorship bar.[10] Yū sweats and smiles whilst a Shocked Chibi Itō appears shocked. Sweating Chibi Yū tells Kotomi "your breasts."[11] Nonplussed Chibi Kotomi explains that it slips down if she does not hold it up with both her hands. Sheepish Chibi Asuka apologizes that it is her costume and the sizes do not match. A Somewhat More "Plussed" Chibi Kotomi insists that she not apologize.

Santa Masaki swigs from a bottle, notes that no one is doing anything[12], and demands that someone sing. Chibi Akane deems her a "Bad Santa." Miho happily seriously agrees and works the karaoke controls as she declares that Fūka will sing the first song.

With a view of the video screen, possibly Miho asks her if she is really going to start with that particular song since it is serious. Another agrees that with Christmas one has to go with this song, but she then quietly asks Fūka if she can handle it.

Which she does.

Tomoko watches her in shock as Shizuku clasps her hands next to her with a blank-blushing stare ahead. The next panel focuses on Tomoko's face. She blushes deeply and her eyes swirl and well up.

Tomoko Asuka cV21CSE

Shown: Tomoko describes "sumitting" . . . probably.
Also Shown: "It's nothing."

After Fūka finishes, Tomoko curses to herself as she blushes and sweats. She is stunned that the "Gorilla's" singing could make her cry. She wonders about this feeling of defeat and considers it similar to orgasming whilst being raped. Fūka lays down the microphone as she sits next to Asuka who is looking up with her eyes unseen. Fūka asks her what is wrong.

"It's nothing," Asuka responds.

Hina Strikes a Pose V21 CSE

Whilst Yuri sits and nonchalantly fills the shocked Mako's glass with one hand as she sits and munches on another piece of chicken, Hina announces that she will sing next. Masaki, again swigging from a bottle, notices the title of the next song and the singer.[13] She notes that "Tamura" has the same name; Hina corrects her that the singer is "Yukari," and she is a few letters off. From across the table, staring at Hina, Kotomi inwardly concludes that she is definitely an "otaku." Hina begins to sing to the delight of the others. She even strikes a pose.

Chibi Hina exhales with a "fu!" to the background sounds of applause. Clapping Chibi Yū declares it was cute; Chibi Asuka says she was like an "idol." Chibi Hina asks "Kuro" how it was. Normal, but blushing, Tomoko replies that she thinks Hina brought out the worse of otaku, to Hina's off-panel angry exclamation. Deeply Blushing Chibi Tomoko explains that Hina not reading the mood to fight against the Cheery with her favorite song made her face and chest hot. Angry Chibi Hina insists that she can sing normal songs as well.

Yū interrupts them to announce that Tomoko will sing the next song, to Blushing-Sweating-Chibi Tomoko's objection. Yū explains it is the "Main Event" for today's Christmas party to Tomoko's further protest. Yuri announces that she also wanted to hear "Tomoko's Song" today. Sweating Chibi Tomoko notes that it is "Yū-chan and Yuri-chan" of the "YūYu-chans." Accompanied by two of the "Pi'ing" chicks, Sweating Chibi Tomoko protests that she does not know popular songs, so it is impossible to expect a lame person like her, but Chibi Hina interrupts to happily recommend "Jingle Bells."

Go Emiri-Chan cV21CSE

Tomoko,[14] stands in blushing, sweating, and nervous silence with the microphone raised. Masaki swigs from her bottle again whilst the other wait in anticipation. Suddenly, Emiri stands and announces with her microphone that she has waited for this moment, and she will sing too. As she walks towards Tomoko, she continues to confess into the microphone that it has been ten months since the end of their second year party where she wanted to sing a duet with Kuroki. Tonight, Christmas, the time has finally come, and she will sing "Jingle Bells" with her. Tomoko responds that that sounds like something she would say before an old and popular song.

Emiri Tomoko Shizuku cV21CSE

To Emiri's true emoji jealousy, Shizuku also stands and volunteers to sing as well since this will be her only chance to sing with her senpai. Nevertheless, Emiri smiles as she sings. Tomoko still holds her nervous expression. Yuri expressionlessly rings a tamborine. Mako, Asuka, and Yū join in. Kaho smiles and claps, Kotomi plays a kazoo, and Itō slaps another tamborine. While Tomoko inwardly thinks that this is like kindergartner's play, she loses her sweat, blush, and happily starts singing.

There is a view of the legs of the girls walking.[15] Tomoko chides "Yuri-chan" for pretty much humming the majority of her song. Yuri retorts that that is because she was forced to. One of the girls remarks that the party pretty much became a karaoke competition, but another insists that since they were Christmas songs, it was sufficiently "Christmasy." There is a view of the stairs leading to the outside. The pavement is wet. A voice reminds that Christmas is all about eating chicken, cake, and making some noise, after all. Another wonders if it will snow. Still another finds that exciting but wonders if it will stop the train. Yet another says she hears something like "saaaaaa."

Wet WataGirls cV21CSE

Shown: Wet WataGirls
Also Shown: WataMote Wiki hath No Shame

The girls stare out into the pouring rain. With a view of the top of the building, one of them notes that it is pouring. Another rhetorically asks if it is not rare to get rain during Christmas time. Yet another adds that it does not appear that it will turn into snow.

They huddle in the entrance way as other girls try to enter squealing about the rain. Masaki suggests that they are obstructing the entrance, and Asuka agrees that as much as she would like to take shelter, there is too many of them.

Dressed in meterologically appropriate attire including a rain hat, Miho, happily, notes that since they do not have umbrellas, perhaps they should break up. Fūka agrees. Over a view of the rainy bus station, Happy Chibi Miho organizes by asking who is taking the bus. Chibi Shizuku identifies herself. Chibi Yū asks Chibi Kotomi and Mako if they also take the bus, and they confirm it. Chibi Hina announces that she and Asuka take the bus from the South Exit.

Standing with Yū, Kaho, Kotomi, Mako, and Shizuku, Miho, happily, waves her phone as she wishes the rest a Merry Chistmas. Shizuku thanks her senpai for inviting her. Standing next to Tomoko with her back to the Noble Readership, Fūka watches them rush through the rain and suggests that they head off too. There is a scene of the station, then inside Asuka tells the rest that next time will be next year. Surprised, Fūka reminds her that of their study session the day after tomorrow. Asuka corrects that she was talking to the others.[16] Hina and Asuka wave to the others. Hina wishes them a Merry Christmas and a good New Year. While she admits that she is a bit early, Asuka uses the more formal wish that they take care of her in the next year.

The rest sit waiting except Masaki and Akane who stand chatting with one another. Emiri, naturally, sits quietly in the seat next to Tomoko. Tomoko turns to Yuri, who is sitting to her right, and suggests that while it is Christmas, it feels more like New Years. Yuri agrees. As the train approaches, one of them suggests that it was fun, and the other responds with a "Hmmm . . . I guess."[17]

Yuri Christmas cV21CSE

"You are welcome!" – WataMote Wiki

On the train, before the doors close, Akane waves and tells them to take care. Behind her, Emiri wishes a Merry Christmas (メリクリ・meri kuri). Itō stands behind her silently. Yuri sort of reacts with a bit of surprise. The next panel shows her smiling as she looks out the window of the closed door and whispers "Merry Christmas (メリークリスマス・merī kurisumasu)." On the platform, Fūka, standing between Masaki and Tomoko, smiles and waves back.

With a view of her home, Tomoko's traditional "I'm home" is heard. Her Mum's voice is heard giving the traditional response, but she stops. The next panel reveals her shocked to see her soaked daughter. Observing the obvious, she then rhetorically asks the obvious question that Tomoko did not buy an umbrella. Tomoko sheepishly replies that one cost ¥500 [~$5.00 – Ed.], to which Her Mum angrily reminds her that she gave her money.

Tomoko Down Under cV21CSE

Shown: Tomoko sitting . . . muttering under water.

In her bath, Tomoko sits muttering under water. Her Mum tell her from outside that her towel and pajamas are outside. Tomoko ducks her head down and mutters acknowledgement.

Calmer, Her Mum pleasantly asks her if it was fun from outside the bath door. Tomoko's muffled "N? N. . . ." emerge from within. Inside, still with her head nearly submerged, Tomoko mutters[18] her response that it was fun, which Her Mum does not understand.


In order of appearance:

Referbacks and Forwards[]

  • "Because black is never out": In Volume 4 Special Edition, the class 1-10 held a Christmas party which she never assisted, and in her fantasy, Tomoko pictured herself wearing black clothes and white shoes while socializing with her classmates. This time, she has the chance of wearing the same outfit in the 3rd Christmas party.
  • "Do You have Yoshida's Brain?!": In Chapter 185-5. Yuri does not recognize the condom Tomoko returns to Yū and inwardly vows to ask Mako about it.
  • "Don't Let Bears Bounce Their Seed Off Your Head, Masaki!": Chapter 199-1 Both Yuri and Tomoko believe Mako has more sexual knowledge since she scores high on the human health exam. Masaki similarly asks about the terms "rubber" and "raw" to Mako.
  • Yū's Cherry Pie: WataMote Wiki has no shame. Yū worked at her uncle's cake shop that Tomoko visited in Chapter 029.
  • "Whoever pulls the right straws will be Santa": Asuka showed a picture of both her and her friends wearing Santa costumes in Chapter 185-5, which are used now like part of a game, being the winners (losers), Kotomi, Yuri and Masaki.
  • "And You Wear it Well!": based on Chapter 185-5, Kotomi wears Asuka's costume, Yuri wears Miho's, and Yoshida wears Kaho's.
  • "Ah!? Uncovered!?":  In Chapter 146, Tomoko took the change while being lapped by Asuka of seeing underneath Yuri's skirt, thinking in that moment she was seeing her real underwear, which was refuted in Chapter 148 after Yuri admitted to wear an extra layer.
  • "Raw (生・nama):” Tomoko uses the same term that Masaki said Anna and Reina used when she asks Mako what it means in Chapter 199-1.
  • "No, seriously. Don't apologize...": Since middle school, Kotomi has shown a complex regarding the square yardage of her "tracts of land," as in TomoMote Chapter 6 and WataMote Chapter 195.
  • "Woaah!! I can't believe the Gorilla's song made me cry!": In Chapter 192-2, Miho commented and explained about how Fūka is a good singer, to disbelief of her and Asuka the first time they listened her to sing. Regarging Asuka, she has a strange complex with Fūka's singing, which she shows in her expresion like in this Christmas party.
  • "The main event for Today's Christmas party is Mokocchi's song, after all": In the Christmas party from Volume 11 Special Edition, Yū expresed her desire to see Tomoko to sign again at karaoke, which in fact the same Tomoko did mention in Chapter 185-5.
  • "Sing for Your Super": The Expectation versus Reality of Volume 12 reveals that Emiri wanted to sing karaoke with Tomoko after the class party in Chapter 120. She notes that this occurred ten months ago, or in February.
  • "Like a Virgin, Hey!": Does Yū confess that she is still a virgin to Yuri, or that she does not use condoms? WataMote Wiki is asking for a friend. . . .
  • "Sing! Damn it!": Tomoko promised to Yū if she lost their Christmas contest in Volume 11 Special Edition, she would sing for her.

Cultural References[]

  • KFC, Japan, and Christmas: It is important. Oddly enough Not Kentucky Fried Chicken published a guide for its Japanese customers on how to eat fried chicken.
  • Pouring Etiquette in Japan: you do not pour your own drink.
  • I, Tomoko: King Game
  • "The Opera isn't Over Until the Fat Lady Hina-Chan Sings": Hina sings "Future Gazer" from Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko by Yukaru Tamura: https://youtu.be/QjsDTeyuvL0 From The Credit Where Credit is Due Department: jvdevious found the song and the link.
  • "I'm not a sumo wrestler”: On November 14, 2017, it was reported that Harumafuji Kohei, the reigning yokozuna (the sport’s highest rank), had gotten into a brutal bar brawl with fellow, though lower-ranked, wrestler Takanoiwa Yoshimor, where one of involved weapons was a  karaoke machine remote control.
  • "Clap! Clap for You!": the onomatopoeia for clapping is "pachi (ぱち・パチ)."
  • Jingle Bells: WataMote Wiki stresses, for the record, that Batman does not, in fact, smell. Further, Robin does not, actually, produce cleidoics. Certainly, the Bat Mobile retains its required compliment of wheels. Finally, The Joker did not escape.


  • Continuity Department I: How did Masaki and Kaho get there?
  • "Look at What the Cat Dragged in!": Work with WataMote Wiki here. WataMote Wiki leaves to the Noble Readership to speculate who, specifically, invited Emiri, unless it will be revealed in a subsequent chapter.
  • "A Girl Does not have a [Kanji – Ed.] Name!": the kanji for "Yuri" remains unknown. When she makes her pun, Tomoko "says" the kanji for "Yū" and the hiragana for "Yuri." Other characters will "say" the kanji for various other characters' first names.
  • "Let Off Some Steam, Tomoko!": for fans speculating, based on the term, when Yuri changed she did, indeed, "go commando."
  • Continuity Department II "Your Clothes are Black!": a Special Picture of Commando Yuri-Chan to those who recognize that reference. Tomoko's pants suddenly turn white in one panel. Subtext?

Memorable Moments[]

  • Tomoko's "Insult": the blushing Tomoko suggests that Hina acted so well she brings out the worse in otaku.
  • Emiri Confesses!: [Citation Needed – Ed.] No, but she does insist on doing something with Tomoko that she confesses she wanted to do with her ten months prior when Tomoko really did not interact much with her.
  • "Tomoko Kuroki, a girl who attends parties": in the beginning of the series, Tomoko coped with her high school life alone, passing her first year completely unnoticed by her classmates. When they held a party, she just decided to go to the Arcade and read at book shop, then lied to her mother about having fun at the party. In her second year, she could only go to karaoke with Yū and Kotomi. There she suggested a useless gift exchange game where Yū contributed a condom. This time, after all of her experiences, Tomoko attends a large party with her friends and acquaintances. In kind of parallelism with her first year, Mrs. Kuroki asks her if it was fun, and she mumbles underwater that it was.
  • Fūka X Asuka: bad jokes aside, WataMote Wiki well notes the fan speculation on their relationship and how Asuka seems to insult her near the end of the chapter. See their relevant Character Pages for the details on their relationship. Relevant to this chapter:
    • "Killing Me Softly with Her Song": all that can be stated with certainty at this point is that Fūka's singing moves Asuka and can bring her to tears which embarrasses Asuka for reasons currently unknown. As noted in the Referbacks, she does not want Miho telling the story of how Fūka did this to her when she sang for her birthday, or at least she does not want to be present when she does.
    • "Not YOU!": while Asuka does seem to shut down Fūka, Fūka does make a rather thoughtless correction: most of the others will not be at the study session, so, obviously, Asuka is speaking to the others about when they will next meet. WataMote Wiki suggests caution that Asuka intends to insult her. She can be a bit curt to people, and this may be just that she is a bit irritated with Fūka's interruption.
  • Masaki X Akane: WataMote Wiki . . . no shame . . . but consider how far they have come that they pleasantly chat together.


  • "Condom, right?" – Yuri Tamura to Yū Naruse
  • "Mako may look like the freshly poured and undisturbed water in a bath, I can rely on her wealth of sexual knowledge" – Yuri to Yū
  • "I'm glad that Yuri has made so many friends,  but . . . what's she talking about?" – Mako Tanaka
  • "If we're having Christmas, we gotta have a Santa, whoever pulls the right straws will be Santa" – Miho Narita
  • "There's a weird tension, like with those king games they have at mixers... I can't tell if I've won or lost..." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "The Santas are now in charge of topping up everyone's glasses" – Miho
    • "What kind of Santa does that kind of work" – Kotomi Komiyama
  • "Ah!? Uncovered!? Must be because is Christmas!!" – Tomoko
  • "Hey!! Don't hit me with the bottle and karaoke terminal! You're like a sumo champion!!" – Tomoko
    • "I'm not a sumo wrestler" – Yuri
  • "Sorry, that's mine. I guess the sizes don't match." – Asuka
    • "No, seriously. Don't apologize..." – Kotomi
  • "Hey, I'm bored! Somebody sing something!" – Masaki Yoshida
    • "Santa's evil!" – Akane
  • "You're starting with this? Isn't that one a bit serious?" – Fūka
    • "When you talk of Christmas songs, you gotta go with this, right? You're good at this, Fūka?" – Miho
  • "Woaah!! I can't believe the Gorilla's song made me cry! What's with this uncomfortable sense of defeat!? It's as sickening as being brought to orgasm from getting raped against my will!!" – Tomoko about Fūka
  • "I think I'm happy you showed the bad nature of otaku. The sight of you rebelling against the cheery girls by ignoring the mood and singing the song you're good at made both my heart and face heat up" – Tomoko
    • "No! I can sing normal songs well too!!" – Hina
  • "The main event for Today's Christmas party is Mokocchi's song, after all" – Yū Naruse
    • "Eh? Since when did it become the main event?" – Tomoko
  • "I wanted to hear Tomoko's soon too" – Yuri
    • Yū-chan and Yuri-chan, aka the YūYu-chans..." – Tomoko
  • "I've waited for this moment!! I'll sing too!! It's been ten months since our second year wrap-up party. When Kuroki didn't show up and I didn't get to do a duet with her. This Christmas, the time has finally come. The track is 'Jingle Bells.'" – Emiri Uchi
  • "U-um! Can I sing along too!? Today's the only chance I'll get to sing with senpai." – Shizuku Hirasawa
  • "This feels like a kindergarten's play!!" – Tomoko
  • "I cant' believe you pretty much hummed the majority of your song, Yuri-chan..." – Tomoko
    • That's because I was forced to sing." – Yuri
  • "Next, next year I think?" – Asuka Katō
    • "The day after tomorrow aren't we having a study session?" – Fūka
    • "Fūka, that was for everyone else." – Asuka



  1. Censored in the Japanese Original: "ラ●ン (ra●n)."
  2. 性知識 (seichishiki): Yuri literally says that Mako looks like the freshly poured and undisturbed water in a bath (あらゆる・arayuru).
  3. Masaki actually says "sankyū (サンキュー).”
  4. Happily
  5. 合コン: kon
  6. 王様ゲーム (ōsama gēmu): see Cultural Reference.
  7. Happily
  8. "Sternly?"
  9. Tomoko uses yokozuna (横綱). Yuri denies that she is a rikishi (力士).
  10. Or Kotomi-chan wears black electrician's tape across her chest. WataMote Wiki will have to research further. . . .
  11. お胸 (omune): this is more polite that the standard おっぱい.
  12. Masaki basically declares, "Oi! Since we're not busy/free, someone sing!"
  13. In the Japanese Original they are both somewhat obscured; the Fanilators recognize them. Hina does say the singer's name.
  14. Wearing her Magic Pants!
  15. Along with Tomoko's pants now again black. Magic!
  16. Hyperliterally: "Fūka talk for others (風夏以外の話)."
  17. Given Tomoko's underwater response to Her Mum – Spoiler! Arg! [Get on with it! – Ed.] – it could actually be Yuri who says it was fun and Tomoko who gives the "I guess (まあね・maa ne)" response.
  18. As shown in the Japanese Original, the furigana over the katakana of "Fubobobofufu" reveals that Tomoko muttered "It was fun," underwater.


Story Navigation
Volume 21 Chapters 193 | 194 | 195 | 196 | 197 | 198-1 | 198-2 | 199 | 199-2 | 199-3 | Christmas SE | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA