WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Chapter 179
Cover c179
Volume Number Volume 19
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular I'll Dub.
Published August 5, 2020
Previous Chapter Chapter 178
Next Chapter Chapter 180


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


Animation Girls c179

Shown: Lots of Twintails!!

This chapter takes place immediately after the previous. The sun shines through their hotel window. Tomoko remains curled up sleeping, but Nemo awakes with the sun streaming in. She stares up at the ceiling for a moment then suddenly startles. She shakes Tomoko as she demands she wake up since they will be late. Sleepy Tomoko asks what place they will be late to, and Nemo screams, "SCHOOL!"

The next scene shows the entrance for the "Akiba Animation Academy." A banner includes "Anime Voice Acting Games Manga." Inside, a sign directs to the voice actor (声優・seiyū) classes. Inside, a large class room, the anonymously drawn teacher thanks them for attending the Akiba Animation Academy's work experience. She continues that after introducing a simple subject, they will experience to the voice actor class and simple dubbing (アフレコ・afureko).

Tomoko and Hina sit behing three not-anonymously-drawn girls with twin tails. Hina smiles with a bit of a blush as the instructor continues to explain that at Akiba Animation, practical lessons by active professions are available for sale. Tomoko can only startle and think "LOTS OF TWINTAILS!!"

Sweating, Tomoko turns to Hina and asks if she has to be aiming to be a voice actress. Smiling, Hina assures her that she is just experiencing a class, then afterwards they will go to the "Light Novel" department. Tomoko asks her about it, and chibi Nemo playfully asks if "Kuro" is not a little bit interested in voice acting, then adds that Tomoko has always had this weird image of it. Chibi Tomoko mutters concession. Hina continues to explain that she truthfully wanted to go to Akiba Animation, but she has already decided on her college. For that reason, she wanted to go with Tomoko as one last memory. Irritated Chibi Tomoko suggests that if she fails her college exams she can attend Akiba instead, to which Happy Chibi Hina responds with a laugh and "certainly!"

Tomoko Interested c179

The teacher continues to suggest that most people imagine a voice actor's work consists only of anime and drama dubbing. In reality, they also work in television, radio, and narration of stage productions. "Recently," she adds, the numbers of jobs related to Youtube [Censored in the Japanese Original. – Ed.] have increased as just a few examples. She then reveals that one of their graduates currently works as a "Virtual YouTuber."

This immediately captures Tomoko's attention. Thinking, she admits that she did not see a reason to study voice acting, but she did not think of "V-tubers." She imagines herself with the virtual equipment working an image of a pretty girl who introduces herself as "Kurono Moko (クロノモコ)," as she notes that her dreams of becoming a Youtuber were shattered a few days before, but she may have a chance as a V-tuber. Her fantasy continues to her happily sitting on her cushions with snacks and coffee as she thanks her paid "super chats (スパチャ)" and encourages them to enter into debt for "Moko." She muses that is she has an avatar, she can say things that would get her punched in the face in real life! Returning to reality as the teacher starts to hand out sheets of paper, Tomoko muses being a V-tuber, light novelist, and college student does not seem at all bad, then concedes that it sounds like one of the idols who does not sell.

As she passes out her handouts, the teacher explains they will begin and asks them to look at the printouts. Smiling with a bit of a blush, Hina recognizes it as "The Medicine Seller." Confused, Tomoko inwardly reads it as, possibly, "The Vomit Seller!" The teacher explains that voice actors, actors, and announcers use it to improve their vocalization, articulation, and acting ability. Now it is fine to read and recite them, but eventually, through the lessons, they will memorize the lines and learn to apply them. Everyone, including the Twin Tail Triad standing in front of Tomoko and Hina, begin reciting the lines. Tomoko stammers and halts, but Hina happily says the lines. A Sheepish Chibi Tomoko watches Hina's skill.

During a break, Tomoko notes to Hina that she recited it without even looking at the paper. Hina explains that they use it in her training school.

Nemo Skill c179

As they observe two of the Twin Tail Triad enjoy drinks from a vending machine, a chibi Tomoko compliments Hina as already being able to succeed at her level, then suggests that she is the best of all of the attendees. Sheepish Chibi Hina denies it and insists that anyone of them could do it with practice. Normal Hina then expresses surprise at how seriously Tomoko took the lesson, suggesting that she expected her to only do the bare minimum. Tomoko merely replies that she thought it might come in handy, as she inwardly adds for being a V-tuber. Hina smiles and suggests that Tomoko has a unique voice and could be suited for voice acting. Irritated Chibi Tomoko insists that that is not likely, but she then suuggests that if she were one, she certainly would not lose her popularity by having a boyfriend, and she would certainly fit in with the yuri business (百合営業・yuri eigyō). Irritated Chibi Hina snaps at another weird image Tomoko has of the voice acting profession.

Nemo Kuro-I c179

"You are welcome!" – WataMote Wiki

With Tomoko's imagination that WataMote Wiki cannot begin to describe, a costumed idol Tomoko embraces a similarly idol Hina as she suggests she would be confident if they would put into a "NemoKuro" voice acting unit. The imaginary smiling idol Hina asks her what she is talking about. Tomoko then imagines the two sitting separately at a table ignoring each other as she states that they then would be pretty dry back stage. Idol Hina again demands to know what she is talking about.

Converting to chibi, Hina assures her that since they are friends if they became a unit they would not have such problems since they tend to arise between strangers who are put together. Tomoko asks if it is true that working together tends to ruin friendships, as with entertainers. Hina insists that that happened with old entertainers and not current ones. Reverting to her imagination, Idol Tomoko sits on Idol Hina's lap languidly perusing her phone as she asks if they still get along when they are not doing yuri business, would that not make them "lesbos (レ●) [Censored in the Japanese Original. – Ed.]?"

Normal Hina turns and smiles and asks Tomoko what she is talking about. Starring at a wall covered with posters, Tomoko confesses that she does not know, but her being in this places makes her want to spout such nonsense.

The teacher announces that they will begin the recording experience. The participants will enter the studio as pairs and match their voices to the characters they are given. Hina remarks that it is like a real studio. She notes to Tomoko that she has seen a real studio before, but this one is newer and cleaner. The teacher continues that they will dub a scene from an anime produced by "Akiani (秋アニ)" students. Since there are not enough boys attending, girls will have to voice the male role.

An anonymously drawn boy and girl begin. The girl begins to read by asking what the boy means as a screan shows a concerned anime uniformed high school girl. The boy voices a glasses-wearing anime uniformed high school student boy responding that he simply lacks this thing called emotion. Hina smiles in excitement, while Tomoko inwardly considers him a creepy protagonist. The scene continues with the anime girl slyly asking if his heart does not react when there is a cute girl before his eyes. He asks who is cute. Anonymous girl speaks the lines protesting that since she is the only girl present, he should not make jokes just because he has no emotion. Her anonymous partner responds by denying that he was joking and asking if she is suppose to be the "cute girl."

The teacher calls "cut," and compliments the pair. They boy as everyone applauds, and the teacher asks for the next pair. As another pair repeats the scene, a sweating Tomoko asks Hina if she has to do this. Hina reminds her that she did sign up for it.

No Pressure c179

Shown: No pressure!

The two stand before their microphones. Hina appears confident while Tomoko sweats. The teacher announces the line, and Tomoko stammers through the "lacking emotion" line. Hina easily responds. Tomoko searches the script for her next line, then accidentally skips to her character confessing that the girl actually excites her to Hina's shock.

A sweating Hina inwardly wonders why Tomoko is ad-libbing, while Tomoko realizes she is on the wrong page and saying the line from a different character. Through her sweat, Hina grows determined. Ever suspecting that Tomoko is competing with her, Hina takes the challenge: anime girl now angrily asks what the boy is saying all of a sudden, "you stupid?!" Tomoko first suspects that Hina got her line wrong, but when looking into Hina's face, she wonders if the "bitch (こいつ・koitsu)" is the one ad-libbing. She concludes that it is to be expected of a wannabe voice actress.

Hina wonders how Tomoko will respond while Tomoko inwardly admits that she cannot think of anything. The anime boy laughs while the anime girl wonders how he can laugh with such a blank expression. Evily smiling, Hina as the anime girl demands to know if he has emotions or not. Swearing to herself, Tomoko realizes that Hina intends to keep up with the ad-libbing. The anime boy apologizes that his other personality "Takeshi from Kansai" came out. Anime girl demands to know who that is. Still sweating, but no longer stammering, Tomoko responds that he is an alternative personality of a perverted section chief formed by his lack of emotions. "Do you really need that kind of personality!" Hina/Anime girl demands. Tomoko/Anime boy explains that whenever he is alone with a girl, his lust overloads and he appears. Hina/Anime girl deems this "gross!"

The two emerge from the studio with Tomoko breathing a sigh of relief and Hina appearing determined and pleased. The other students, including the Twin Tail Triad, applaud them as the instructor compliments them on how they made everyone laugh. Tomoko blushes deeply, sweats, and stammers faint laughter as she realizes that everyone heard them. Hina happily thanks the instructor.

Tomoko continues blushing and sweating as she watches the next pair of students enter and realizes that she and Hina are staring at the two the same way everyone else stared at them. When the instructor announces where in the script to begin, the Anime girl appears on the screen appearing disappointed. However, her dialogue consists of her announcing that she is actually a vampire. Tomoko continues to blush and declares that she cannot watch them ad-lib since it reminds her of how she must have looked to others. Hina also blushes and sweats a bit while maintaining her smile.

Hina c179

A view of the clouds summons a time change. Tomoko and Hina sit in a train. Tomoko looks sheepish, but Hina has her smile with a blank stare as she holds her bunny bag. A flashback depicts two anonymous girls in the studio. A chibi Hina declares that it was amazing that everyone after them ignored the script and ad-libbed. Tomoko responds that it "was Hell (地獄だったな・jigokudattana)." Hina reminds her that it was a "Hell" she created. Tomoko replies that it was not her, it was Hina. Hina suggests that they both accept responsibility. Still staring ahead, Hina remarks that it was fun, the two of them doing whatever they wanted and not caring about who is watching them. Tomoko remains silent. Hina continues that they should make a play or movie for the school's cultural festival. Tomoko first asks what brought up that thought all of a sudden, then suggests that it will be hard for third-year students and doing something like the maid café as they did in their first year would be easier. Over a flash-back to the two attending the lecture on light novel composition, Hina claims that Tomoko can write the piece, since she did attend the lecture, and her ad-libbing was great. Tomoko concedes that the voice acting was so intense she forgot, and the course was rather normal if not boring in comparison.

Tomoko admits that showing a piece she wrote to the entire class would be an even greater Hell. Hina gently suggests that she will help and get everyone involved like the way others joined in ad-libbing.

Tomoko walks home with a panel showing a fully smiling Hina waving as her train leaves the station. Tomoko thinks that she has done everything she intended to do which means that her Summer Break is over. A panel shows messages from Hina with the chibi Hina explaining that she invited many to a briefing then a study session. A chibi Yuri refuses to do a movie but will come over to Tomoko's house. Chibi Asuka eagerly suggests that she is free the following week.

Tomoko looks at her phone and thinks that she was wrong: there is still a bit more to do.


In order of appearance:


  • "A virtual YouTuber": in Chapter 176, Tomoko explored the idea of becoming a streaming YouTube gamer. She felt she could not do it, but she did discover Shiki Futaki's channel and admire the effort she put into it.
  • "It's time to visit the ghosts of past recordings!": In one of the more infamous WataMote scenes, in Chapter 17, depicted in Episode 7, Tomoko attends a fan meeting with a male voice actor.  Tomoko asks him to record a slew of suggestive to rather salacious dialogue. Later, she decided to make a mix of her voice with this and decides to listen to in only to discover that her headphones are in the wrong jack when her mother walks in on her.
  • "Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder": in Chapter 124, Kotomi discusses how members of comedy duos never hang with each other when they are not performing, because they are always on stage. Tomoko applies suggests the same happens for voice actresses.
  • "I'm lacking this thing called emotion": In Chapter 10 after watching an anime, Tomoko played the role of an emotionless character to unsuccessfully attempt to become more popular.
  • "I should have known she'd try something like this!": As Chapter 139 nicely summarizes, Hina for a long time has thought that Tomoko competes with her.
  • "But it was fun. Doing whatever we wanted without caring about who was watching": in Chapter 122, after watching Tomoko's embarrassing introduction, Hina gathered the courage and stopped pretending, revaling her goal of becoming voice actress, and without caring anymore for what others could think about her.
  • "I'm not doing a movie, but I'm fine with coming over to your house": In Chapter 167, when Tomoko calls Yuri to see if she is also studying and discovers that she is also taking a break, she notes that it is difficult to study alone. However, when Yuri offers to come over, Tomoko instead suggest that they study together over the internet.
  • "I figured you'd just do the bare minimum": in Chapter 149, Yuri pointed in how Tomoko uses to avoid the making the big effort in view she joined to table tennis team. This time Hina does something similar, because of reading a printout, though.
  • "You've got a pretty unique voice, Kuro": in Chapter 117, after Hina mimicks Tomoko, Emiri corrected her that her voice is quieter, has a higher pitch, and sounds far more depressed, being ten times creepier, but with a strange charm to her creepiness.

Cultural References[]

  • Akiba Animation Academy: thus far, a specific model has not been found.
  • ツインテ: "twintales!"
  • Puns: Tomoko misreads the kanji 外 as "ge" (げ) rather than "ui" (うい).
  • Idols 'n Boyfriends: as many links such as this oneindicate, idols are usually contractually forbidden to date since it may ruin the fantasy that one could date or has some sort of connection with her. On this WataMote Wiki does judge.


  • Nemokuro: in the fandom of WataMote, this happens to be the most accepted name for the shipping between Tomoko Kuroki and Hina Nemoto.
  • "キモい! キモい!": Tomoko uses Uchi's trademark phrase when describing the male protagonist. Incidentally, Hina uses the involved 気持ち悪い (kimochiwarui) also used by Uchi when Uchi tries to explain her feelings to Asuka.
  • "Don't F[CENSORED – Ed.]k with the Tomoko!": in a similar way in Chapter 122 during introduction of class 3-5, Hina pushed Tomoko with embarrassing results.
  • "This a pretty creepy protagonist": Many fans have suggested that the male character Tomoko voices resembles the male version of Kotomi she imagines in Chapter 133.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Nemo Kuro!
  • Social Anxiety: Tomoko still has difficulty speaking before strangers. Hina, similarly, still worries about how people perceive her.
  • "Come on Up and See Me Sometime!": Tomoko has been somewhat reticent to having people visit her. Obviously in the earlier chapters, she lacked friends, but she does not invite people to her home. The infamous dyeing chapter where she allows Asuka to visit suggests that she is very self-conscious about others seeing how she lives. Tomoko seems to accept that Yū understands her "weak points," and she does not care what Kotomi thinks of her.


  • "LOTS OF TWINTALES!!" – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Besides, you have an interest in voice acting too, don't you, Kuro? You always have this weird image of it, though." – Hina Nemoto
  • "Truthfully, I wanted to go here, but I've already decided on my college. That's why I wanted to do this with you as one last memory, Kuro" – Hina
  • "Please super chat yourselves into debt for Moko!" – Tomoko
  • "I thought there was no point to study voice acting but... V-tubers were a blind spot" – Tomoko
  • "Nice to meet you, I'm the virtual youtuber Kurono Moko, thanks for the superchats (money), everyone! Please superchat yourselves into debt for Moko" – Tomoko as Kurono Moko
  • "Being a V-tuber/light novelist/college student doesn't sound too bad. . . it does sound like the setting for one of those idols that don't sell, though. . . ." – Tomoko
  • "You've got a pretty unique voice, Kuro, so you could actually be suited for voice acting" – Hina
  • "I'd pretty confident if we were put into a NemoKuro voice actress unite together" – Tomoko
  • "Even if, for arguments sake, we were to become a unit, we're both friends so we wouldn't become like that, right? It'd be a different story if it were two strangers becoming idols, though" – Hina
  • "But if we get along even when we're not doing yuri business, wouldn't that make us lesbos?" – Tomoko
    • "No, what's wrong with just being normal friends?" – Hina
  • "I should have known she'd try something like this!": – Hina
  • “This bitch...!? Is she ad-libbing because this is just a mock recording...!? As expected of a wannabe voice actress...!! She's so damn cringey...!!” – Tomoko
  • "You say that like it's not your problem, but you're the one who made that hell, Kuro" – Hina
  • "But it was fun. Doing whatever we wanted without caring about who was watching" – Hina
  • "Hey, once summer break ends, there's the cultural festival, right? We should make a play or a movie or something" – Hina
  • "Or rather, showing a scenario I wrote to the entire class would be an even greater hell than today" – Tomoko
    • "I'll help you out, too. We'll get everyone involved like what happened today" – Hina
  • “I’m not doing a movie, but I’m fine with coming over to your house”. – Yuri Tamura
  • "I stand corrected. Looks like there's still a little bit more left..." – Tomoko



Story Navigation
Volume 19 Chapters 177-1 | 177-2 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 183.5 | 184-1 | 184-2 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA