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Chapter 183
Cover c183
Volume Number Volume 19
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular a Typhoon is Coming (Part One).
Published October 7, 2020
Previous Chapter Chapter 182
Next Chapter Chapter 183.5


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


Stylish Yuri c183

This chapter has a side narration that reads, "A typhoon is coming." Tomoko talks on her cell phone to Hina. Hina notes that it is just wind, but they chould cancel what they planned. Tomoko agrees that it looks pretty stormy now. As Hina hugs her stuffed bear, she explains that she suggested this to the others the day before, but she will contact all of them just to be safe. She adds that she does not expect anyone would want to come over in the middle of a typhoon. She concludes by observing that the next time she sees Tomoko will be at school.

She agrees, but when she concludes the call, her front door rings. Her mother announces that she has a friend. Tomoko opens the door to reveal Yuri. She then closes the door. Yuri stands before the closed door for a beat until Tomoko opens it. She emits an irritated "Oi" as Tomoko sheepishly explains that it was her stupid joke, but it should at least generate a reaction. Tomoko then asks why she came over since they cancelled plans. Yuri responds that it was not raining so she came over.

The cover page depicts them walking in heavier rain with the caption: "While discouraged in the storm, we proceed."

As she sits at her table with Yuri, she observes that, like Katō, she was able to find her home, but she is surprised at how people can find her house with just the address. Yuri responds that she has a navigation application. Yuri then expresses surprise at how tidy Tomoko's room is, since she suspected it would be messy. Tomoko agrees that the both of them would seem to have messy rooms. Yuri responds, "Mine's clean, though."

Yuri continues that she heard from Hina that they were having a meeting concerning the cultural festival then a study session. Tomoko explains that they have been cancelled due to the coming typhoon. A chibi Tomoko then asks "Yuri-chan" if she will be alright, then suggests that she can still make it home if she leaves now. Chibi Yuri flatly asks if Tomoko is telling her to leave. Tomoko replies that if she is find, it is fine.

Yuri Music Lover c183

Shown: Yuri the Music Lover

Tomoko suggest they start studying, and Yuri removes a movie from her bag and explains that since Hina said they might make a movie for the cultural festival, she decided to bring some films she likes. Tomoko suggests they put one on while they study. Yuri admits that they are only musicals and movies about bands performing for the festival. Tomoko asks Yuri if she likes musicals; Yuri responds that she does not hate them. Tomoko imagines Yuri watching one as she pounds her desk and sings along. She says that she is fine with it, particularly if the music is the main attraction. They sit studying before Tomoko's video screen. Tomoko notes that she has heard of the movie, Dancer in the Dark, thinks it is a cool title, but admits that she did not think it would be a musical. Yuri replies that she thought Tomoko would like it. The two watch and study. At the end, Tomoko wonders what it is about this depressing story. However, Yuri suggests that it was "interesting (面白飼ったでしょ・omoshirokatta desho?)." Stunned, Tomoko sheepishly stammers that she wonders about that. She then explains that it felt really uncomfortable which is interesting. Yuri does not respond.

Friends c183

Tomoko continues that it was good that they did not watch this with everyone else as she imagines Akane, Hina, Uchi, and Asuka watching: "That would be Hell, probably." Yuri replies that she would only watch it with her: "I figured that if it were you, you would understand it."

Tomoko stares at Yuri as she returns to studying. She thinks that she thought Yuri wanted to show off that she knows "fasionable (オシャレ・oshare)" movies. Tomoko looks outside then asks if Yuri wants to go outside. The scene shifts to the two walking through the park. It is windy, and they carry umbrellas. Tomoko lets the tip of hers drag along the ground leaving a trail behind her. Yuri asks her where they are going. "Convience store," Tomoko responds. She observes that since it is not yet raining, she reasoned that they should go outside while they can. She explains that one needs snacks for movies and studying. Yuri simply replies that they do not really need to watch any more movies.

As they continue their walk, Tomoko remarks that typhoons give off a "Doomsday (終末・shūmatsu)" feeling since there is no one else around but them. Yuri replies that a typhoon would not be enough to end the world, but it does make her feel like something is about to happen. She then asks Tomoko if she wants the world to end. Tomoko admits that it would be a problem if it actually happened, but she then asks does not Yuri sometimes casually wish for the world to be destroyed.

Yuri admits that she sometimes does. Tomoko expresses relief, explaining that if even Yuri did not think that, she would have looked like the crazy one. Yuri asks what she means by "even me." She asks if Tomoko thinks that they were the only two people in the world who would have such thoughts. Tomoko dismisses it by observing that if there is one loser, there are thirty more, so she imagines that there are tons of them.

Wanna Sleep Over c183

They arrive at the convenience store and spend some time looking at manga. When they look outside, they see that it is raining heavily. Tomoko suggests that Yuri cannot go home and invites her to spend the night at her home. Yuri accepts. As they start to shop, Tomoko observes that things really do happen on typhoon days. She then asks Yuri if they should buy some spare panties. Yuri reveals that she already brought some. Surprised, Tomoko asks if Yuri knew this would happen. Yuri replies that she brought some just in case.


In order of appearance:


  • n"Come Up and See Me Sometime": Asuka found Tomoko's home in Chapter 170.
  • Face the Music: in many chapters, Yuri is seen listening to music, the nature of which remains unknown. Tomoko did catch her singing in Chapter 167.
  • "How's That Grab Ya?": since the release of WataMote Volume 18 with its Omake that depicts Tomoko accidentally groping Emiri from behind, there has been no further mention or depiction of Emiri. It is interesting that Tomoko would imagine her in the group and without her Emoji Face.
  • "I heard from Nemoto-san that we were having a culture festival meeting and a study session": In Chapter 179, Hina contacted Yuri and Asuka by Line about gathering at Tomoko's house to study together and plan the event for the culture festival.

Cultural References[]


  • "Your room is pretty tidy. I figured it'd be messier ": In Chapter 170, shortly before Asuka came over, Tomoko was hastily tidying her room.
  • "I don't hate them ": In the past, Yuri Tamura has shown her ambiguity about what she hates, like she did in Chapter 130.5 when Hina asked her if she hated her, this time she expresses the same ambiguity about musicals.
  • "I'd only ever watch this with you, Tomoko": In Chapter 151, Yuri suggested to Tomoko that they can invite Hina, Asuka and Yū to Aprecio Makuhari. Tomoko replied that it would be possible but then admitted to feeling more comfortable reading manga when it is only the two of them. This time Yuri arrives at a similar conclusion when she admits she would only ever watch Dancer in the Dark with Tomoko.
  • "I've brought some already": Was Yuri planning to spend the night in Tomoko's house since beginning?

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Come to My Window": This is the first time Yuri has come to Tomoko's home.
  • "I thought that if it were you, you would understand it": In the past, Yuri has manifested her fear of not being understood by her friends, such as in Chapter 136 when, after reading the manga lent by Tomoko she did not react as others like Mako and Masaki. Tomoko lends her other manga she thought Yuri might enjoy. In this chapter, it is Yuri who comes with a movie which she thought Tomoko would understand.


  • "You like musicals, Yuri-chan?" – Tomoko
    • "I don't hate them." – Yuri
  • "It'd be a problem if that actually happened, but don't you sometimes casually wish for the world to be destroyed?" – Tomoko
  • "No, I was doing that clichéd gag, at least give me some kind of reaction" – Tomoko
  • "Alright, I'm cool with that. All the better if music is the main attraction" – Tomoko
  • "It felt really uncomfortable, which I guess is kinda fun in its own way... Thank goddess we didn't watch this with everyone else around. It probably would have been hell" – Tomoko to Yuri
  • "I thought she was showing off how she knows about stylish movies, but it feels really disappointing to know that's not the case" – Tomoko about Yuri
  • "Typhoons give off that "doomsday vibe", kinda exciting, right? There's nobody around us, after all" – Tomoko to Yuri
  • "Ooh! Good! If even you didn't think that, Yuri-chan, it would've looked like I was the crazy one." – Tomoko



Story Navigation
Volume 19 Chapters 177-1 | 177-2 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 183.5 | 184-1 | 184-2 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA