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WataMote Wiki
Chapter 183.5
First Page c183.5
Volume Number Volume 19
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular a Typhoon is Coming (Part Two).
Published October 21, 2020
Previous Chapter Chapter 183
Next Chapter Chapter 184-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter continues directly after the previous, and it does not appear to have a separate title page. Tomoko and Yuri shop in the convenience store. As Tomoko gathers snacks, she remarks that the night is "definitely a movie night," and Yuri remarks that she has only one more movie. As Tomoko grabs some Pocky sticks, she notes that she has recorded some, but she does not know if Yuri likes anime. Yuri picks up something and asks if she can buy it and promises to use her own money. Tomoko assures her that she received ¥1000 from her mother so she can buy whatever she wants. Tomoko suggests that since watching movies and studying requires both sugar and salt, Yuri should balance her choice. Yuri shows her that she plans to buy a bento. Yuri explains that since she is spending the night, she needs to purchase at least one meal. Tomoko assures her that her family will at least provide her dinner. However, Yuri confesses that she would be nervous to eat dinner with her family and plans to simply eat alone in her room, so she does not have to worry. As Tomoko imagines Yuri eating alone in her room with only her plush toys to accompany her, Tomoko insists that that would make her worry.

Rain c184

As Tomoko completes their purchases, she admits that she understands Yuri hating having to eat dinner with other families, but she asks her to try to put up with it. Yuri replies that she does not hate it.

The doors open to reveal the torrent of rain. "Okay," Tomoko proclaims, "let's go!" Panels mark time that show the city in rain, their wet shoes outside, and the shower running. Tomoko emerges wrapping her hair in a towel. She finds Yuri sitting on her floor and asks her if her cloths are too tight for her. Yuri responds that they are not, but they are oppressively unsophisticated (ダサい・dasai). A chibi Tomoko growses that she did not actually ask about that. She then asks if Yuri took a bath. When Yuri asks her why she asks, Tomoko admits that she is surprised she did not see even a single "hair" left in the water! When a chibi Yuri asks why she would check for that, a chibi Tomoko admits that seeing a lot of them floating in the water would be more suprising as she imagines shockingly looking in the bath water and screaming "Yuri-chan!?" Yuri asks her if she is stupid.

Castle c184

Shown: A REAL Castle!
Trust us, Masaki

Panels depict them opening their various boxes of snacks, and the settle down at Tomoko's table to study, snack, and watch an anime. The screen shows a view of a European style castle with the narration that "a long time ago," a girl admired a castle[1] on top of a hill.

Panels show the two studying as the rain continues. As the credits roll, Yuri remarks that the anime was a story about a class putting on a musical. Tomoko agrees but then adds that it was an anime about youth so Yuri must have hated it. Yuri says she found it interesting. She reminds Tomoko that she planned to shoot a movie and asks if she wants to do it for the culture festival. When Tomoko reacts with surprise, Yuri expands that she means a story where everyone works together to overcome obstacles and grow. Tomoko agrees that that vibe does sort of feel like youth so she admires it. As she languidly scribbles in her notebook, she continues that, realistically, none of the pleasant troubles would happen, and the story would just be everyone making compromises to worth together. She guesses that that could be seen as growing up in a way. However, while "Nemo" and her agreed that they would do a movie, the class has not decided what they will be doing.

She then admits that on the day of the festival,

Masaki Can Cook c184

"You are Welcome!" – WataMote Wiki

they just may end up cooking yakisoba or takoyaki instead. She imagines the setting, with on the one side cooking takoyaki, a stripped-to-the-waste Masaki smiles as she skillfully cooks with an admiring Mako Tanaka watching her. Tomoko's narration nearly fully obscures Shiki who holds a sign advertising the price for Masaki's offerings. On the other side, The Killer ChefMike, with intense joy, works her spicy yakisoba with her still living boyfriend Kakkun supportively dotting on her from behind. A thick plume of animesque steam wafts from her concoction with a resulting groan and "My eyes?!" from off panel. Tomoko sweats as she looks with concern at Mike's work, but Yuri seems to sheepishly stare at Masaki.

Family Meal c184

The two continue their study as the weather report discusses the typhoon. Her mom calls her to dinner, and Tomoko expresses surprise since it has been so dark outside she did not realize it was already 6 P.M. With a panel depicting Mrs. Kuroki's repast, Tomoko's mom sits across from Yuri with Tomoki next to her and across from his sister. She asks Yuri to tell her if there is anything she does not like. Yuri politely gives the traditional dinner greeting: itadakimasu (いただきます). With a few panels of them eating, Tomoki notices that Yuri has paused staring at her bowl, and he wordlessly offers her some condiments, to which Yuri stammers a "t-thanks." After a few more panels of them eating, Yuri compliments Tomoko's mother on her grautin. This pleases her, and she thanks Yuri for her compliment, then notes that her children just eat and never say anything. 

A view of the outside with a lull in the rain marks the passage of time. Back in Tomoko's room, Tomoko observes that it has become quiet outside. Yuri suggests that they are in the "eye" of the storm. A chibi Yuri asks if dinner was quiet because she was there. Tomoko responds that it is always like that. Yuri confesses that she had the image of other families being more cheerful during dinner, then she admits that doing that every day would be unnatural. Tomoko asks her what it is like at her home. She replies that it is pretty much the same. Tomoko suggests that it is pretty much mthe same wherever they go. Yuri does admit that it was easy for her to eat since the dining table was so quiet. Tomoko grouses a bit at the suggestion her family has a gloomy household.

Tomoko smiles, slams down a bottle of cola, and suggests that they watch the other movie Yuri brought. Yuri agrees but confesses that she is unsure if it is good. As she fills Yuri's glass, she asks her if the movie is the one that starts the day before a culture festival. Yuri sheepishly replies that she brought it for everyone else to watch. Tomoko expresses admiration at a scene shot looking down on a girl floating in a pool while another sits on the edge. Yuri asks her that while school starts in September, does she want to try such a scene.

Tomoko demurs since shoot may conflict with the swim team. Yuri asks if she should act as a lookout. Tomoko responds by musing that she did have "Nemo" help her experience the gym storage room trope, then notes that they actual experience proved different from artificially made youth. Their viewing is interrupted by a flash and a loud clap of thunder which shocks Tomoko. Chibi Yuri calmly observes that the storm has started up again while chibi Tomoko thinks that it scared her.

Time passes with a scene of open snacks and the credits. While Yuri eats popcorn, Tomoko looks at her phone and announces that she was correct to suspect that an episode from the anime she likes that involved putting on a concert imitated the movie they watched. She cheerfully continues to explain that the scene where the protagonists were detained in a trap and their friends try to buy time felt like a light novel, and she suspects that light novel authors watch it as well. Yuri adds that the anime Tomoko showed her has a similar ending. Tomoko remarks that the film Yuri brough was fun, but since she brought it, she became afraid that the band members would commit suicide at the end. Yuri insists that it is not as if she likes stories about death.

Yuri and Tomoko c184

Another loud thunderclap interrupts them, as well as the power. As they wait in the dark, Tomoko suddenlly lays back and rests her head on her purple plushie. She invites Yuri to use her smaller cushion as a pillow. As they lay on the floor and look at the window which shows a torrent of rain, Yuri observes that the typhoon seems to have reached its peak, then she reminds Tomoko that they have school in three days. She adds that it would be interesting if a typhoon occurred during their cultural festival. Tomoko agrees that that would be insane. Yuri asks her if she has any ideas for the movie. Tomoko replies that she does not have any scenarios in mind, but she has a bit of a plot. When Yuri asks her for details, Tomoko that it is difficult to explain, and this being WataMote, the scene cuts at that point.

The lights come on and Yuri springs awake as Tomoko continues snoozing. She stirs and asks when she fell asleep, and what time it is. Yuri reveals that it is 1:30 A.M. The rain has stopped, but there is still a lot of wind. Yuri pours the remainder of the cola. Tomoko notices that it is warm and has lost its carbonation and asks Yuri if she should chill it, but Yuri demurs since it is that last of it. Tomoko observes that since they just drank caffeine they will not be able to sleep. Yuri asks Tomoko if they can put on the anime she said she liked.

Let Us have Chocolate c184

They watch until Tomoko and Yuri look out the window and notice the sunrise. The two step outside. Tomoko observes that the typhoon is gone. Tomoko asks Yuri what they should do today. Yuri replies that she will probably head home around noon when it is still bright outside. Tomoko looks at her and suggests that she make some coffee since there will be no one in her living room. She then suggests that they both devour whatever chocolate they have left with some coffee.

As the higurashi start to cry, Yuri smiles and replies "yes."


In order of appearance:


  • "But Yuri it's Cold Outside": Tomoko suggests to Yuri that she spend the night due to the typhoon in Chapter 183.
  • Hair Apparent: Tomoko has had a recent fascination with this . . . "area." Asuka makes a joke when Tomoko offers to pat her hair, then repeats the joke to Fūka that leads to the former's obsession over the subject across numerous chapters. Meanwhile, when Asuka and help Tomoko dye her hair silver, Tomoko makes the unfortunately painful decision to dye her "lower hair!" This leads to her many failed attempts to hide this.
  • Anna Haruna's Howling Castle: In Chapter 181, Anna Haruna jokingly tells the story about how, when a little girl, she saw the love hotel built like a European castle and believed it was real. She ask her father if their family could visit it to his discomfort. As she laughs with the other riders in the car, Masaki inwardly thinks, "so it isn't a real castle."
  • Yuri's Lack of Interest: Yuri previously indicated that she would not take part in a movie.
  • Trapped in a Closet: Tomoko experienced being locked in a storage locker in Chapter 163.
  • Yuri the Otaku: Tomoko introduced Yuri to a manga phone application Chapter 145. This is the first time she has shown interest in an anime.

Cultural References[]


  • Yakisoba
  • Takoyaki
  • "And it's not like your friends go to the candy shop with you, or sleep over, so I'll deal with this for now...": in Chapter 142, Kiko talked about how Tomoko's friends would not sleep over. Yuri demonstrates how mistaken she was.
  • "It was easy to eat, since the dining table was so quiet": As Chapter 112 reveals, Yuri feels uncomfortable with making conversation.
  • "I was surprised that I didn't see a single pube in the water": it may be possible that after Asuka's visit in Chapter 170, Tomoko became more self-conscious about presence of "those hairs" in her house.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "There Can Only be One!": Yuri becomes the first, and at the time of this writing and revision, the only friend who has eaten dinner and had a sleepover with Tomoko.
  • "I Want to be a Paperback Writer!": WataMote has yet to reveal any actual writing from Tomoko; however, Tomoko gives a serious critique rather than simply dismissing the work as "lame" or "stupid."


  • "I got 1000 yen from my mom, so you can pick up whatever you want. Watching movies and studying takes both sugar and salt, so think about the balance and sense" – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "I'd be nervous eating with your family, Tomoko. I'll just eat alone in your room so don't worry about it" – Yuri Tamura
  • "Well, I totally get that you hate eating with other people's families, but try to put up with it" – Tomoko to Yuri
  • "... They are suffocatingly lame" – Yuri about Tomoko's clothes
  • "Something with everyone working together, helping with each other out, overcoming troubles and growing from the experience. Well... to be honest, that kinda does feel like youth, so I do kinda admire it. But realistically, none of those pleasant troubles would ever happen, so it'd just be everyone making compromises to move forward in the name of "working together". I guess that could be seen as a "growing" in a way, though. Nemo and I say we'd do a movie, but it's not decided what the class will be doing. When the day of festival arrives, we might end up cooking yakisoba or takoyaki instead" – Tomoko
  • "My kids just eat and never say anything, so I appreciate the feedback." – Mrs. Kuroki
  • "I had this image of other people's families being more cheerful while eating dinner" – Yuri
    • "Doing that everyday would be unnatural, wouldn't it?" – Tomoko
  • "It was easy to eat, since the dining table was so quiet" – Yuri
    • "I do have mixed feelings about how that implies we have a gloomy household, though..." – Tomoko
  • "That was fun, but since it was a movie you brought, Yuri-chan, I got anxious that the band members were gonna commit suicide at the end..." – Tomoko
    • "It's not like I like stories about death or anything" – Yuri



  1. The Japanese, reflected in the fanilation, has in parenthesis after "castle (お城)" "love hotel (ラブホ・rabu ho)." This is probably Tomoko thinking about Anna's story, or WataMote Wiki is watching the wrong anime.


Story Navigation
Volume 19 Chapters 177-1 | 177-2 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 183.5 | 184-1 | 184-2 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA