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WataMote Wiki
Chapter 184-1
Cover c184
Volume Number Volume 20
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular School Begins (Part One)
Published November 4, 2020
Previous Chapter Chapter 183.5
Next Chapter Chapter 184-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter is a first part divided into titled sections.

On the cover page, outside the school, Tomoko walks with Fūka following a few paces behind her. Reina walks in a different direction holding a soda can. Inside the school, Miyazaki looks concerned as she pauses looking at her phone and follows Tomoko with her eyes through the hallway window. The narration reads, "Feeling nostalgic after the end of Summer Vacation."

Idol (偶像・gōzō)[]

As she stands in the train, Miyazaki is greeted by Fūka. When she returns the greeting, Fūka suggests that they attended the same study camp. Miyazaki She gives her name, but when Fūka starts to introduce herself, Miyazaki happily tells her that she already knows her name. When Fūka asks her if she heard of her name, Miyazaki states that she is "famous (有名・yūmei)." As she repeats "famous" as a question, Fūka turns to see Tomoko standing. Reina comes up to Tomoko to greet her, while Fūka thinks "Kuroki!"

Condescending Eyes c184

Shown: "Condescending Eyes"
Tomoko has them!

She walks up to Tomoko and greets her by remarking that they have not met since the study camp. While smiling Tomoko thinks, "it's the stupid sleezy piggy gorilla (低能ゲスブタゴリラだ・teinō gesu buta gorira da), but replies "good morning." To herself, Fūka is stunned by Tomoko's apparent confidence: "What?! What's with these incredibly condescending eyes?!" She continues to ponder as Tomoko stands next to her. Miyazaki thinks the two are an "amazing combination." Fūka notes that Tomoko acted so timid when they first met.

Fūka turns to Miyazaki and reminds her what they were talking and asks why she thinks she is famous. Miyazaki starts to answer as the background becomes flowers that "Sasaki-san" is beautiful, great at sports, and popular with boys and girls. She then notes that there were rumors that she dated the current basketball team captain in her second year. She responds that they were together and starts to say that the one he was dating was "Mi . . ." only to notice that Tomoko is biting her lower lip. As a sweating chibi, she wonders why Tomoko looks so agitated. For her part, Tomoko inwardly swears that she thought Fūka was a lower life form but it seems the even scum can be popular if they look decent.

Perhaps sensing the opportunity to needle Tomoko, a chibi Fūka cheerfully concludes that while she has not experienced it herself, she has heard that there are girls who become jealous of other girls being popular. "Well, I am popular after all!" Fūka cheerfully adds. "Bitch!" Tomoko thinks, "you're looking at me?!" Fūka smiles as she inwardly celebrates that she has suffered nothing but painful experiences since she met "Kuroki," that Tomoko has always looked down on her, but now she finally got one on her. For her part, Tomoko inwardly seethes that it just because she is pretty "for a gorilla," "bitch!"

Not a Virgin Fūka c184

Shown: "Not a Virgin"
[Citation Needed – Ed.]

As Fūka continues to smile at her, Tomoko continues to rage, but concludes that she can somehow tell that "this bitch," is still a virgin. As she pictures chibi Asuka, , and Miho, she rationalizes that she does not feel any of the "eroticness" (エロさ・erosa) that she feels from those "non-virgins (非処女・hishojo)." Looking back at Fūka, Tomoko thinks that she is not sure, but she will go with the idea. She rhetorically asks Fūka if she only hangs out with boys when they go to Round1. Fūka sweats and inwardly rages, wondering how she would know that, then suspects it may be because she is accepted by Asuka.

Tomoko continues her assault. She asks her if she can really say that she is popular if simply has some friends who are guys: "Even if you are technically popular, a virgin is still a virgin." Inwardly, Fūka worries that if she lets Tomoko continue to say whatever she wants, she will get carried away.

"I'm not a virgin, though," she declares.

This stuns Tomoko, whose chibi transforms into a shocked, sweating, and stammering protest that anyone can say they are not a virgin when they are, and she even admits that she has done so herself. A triumphant chibi Fūka declares that she can describe how it feels like to Tomoko. "The first time hurt,' she declares with a smile, "but the second felt really good." "Or so I've heard," she inwardly confesses.

Though sweating, blushing, defeated, Tomoko still inwardly maintains that Fūka is lying, but given how proud she acts, Tomoko wonders if it is plausible. For her part, a pleased Fūka believes that Tomoko is taken aback while happily admitting to herself that she has heard plenty of these types of stories in her three years of high school. She gleefully presses her advantage by declaring to Tomoko that the third time the guy "came" (イキ・iki) so violently she thought she would die (死ぬ・shinu). She then adds that her jaw was tired from overuse, but she is sure that Tomoko has no idea what that means!

Tomoko gasps in shock, while behind them there are some anonymously drawn students who appear surprised.

Fūka inwardly admits that she also does not really know!

Reina remarks to Miyazaki that Fūka is in her class, but she guesses that she is an idiot. Sweating, Miyazaki agrees, then thinks that Fūka spent her entire time at the study camp in "Class-C."

Environment (環境・kankyō)[]

Shiki and Class Rep c184

On a bus, Shiki stands vigorously working her phone. The Former Class Rep sits looking at her phone, while in front of her, Minami sits thinking that school begins today. An elderly women enters the bus, and Kaho, sitting in front of Minami at the entrance, notices her as well. Minami thinks that if Makocchi were there, she would give up her seat, and Mako would pat her on the head and praise her.

Kaho gets up and offers her seat to the old woman. Smiling, she then thinks that if Sachi and Nori were there, they would say that she made them look bad.

Second Semester Debut (2学期デビュー・2 gakki debyū)[]

Asuka Grooms c184

Shown: Asuka grooms another victim Itō

Asuka Katō, holding a parasol, greets Hikari Itō. She remarks to Itō that the time seemed to pass quickly since study camp. She adds that since they were in different rooms and classes they never had the chance to talk. Keeping her vision focused ahead, Itō admits that "this person" makes her nervous as she simply replies, "that's so." Continuing to look nervously ahead as Asuka looks at her with a smile, she does admit that she has spoken to more people besides Koto since entering her third year.

Not Jealous Asuka c184

Shown: Not Jealous Asuka

A chibi Asuka focuses on Itō's left eye and asks if it is eyelid glue, then remarks that it is coming off a bit. Itō admits that Kaho taught her during the camp, and she decided to try it herself, but she also admits that it is hard for her to do it herself. A somewhat sheepish chibi Asuka ask "Kaho did?"

Smiling brightly in a fashion WataMote Wiki does not at all find alarming, goodness, no, Asuka offers to help her.

As the Gallery demonstrates, Asuaka transforms Itō.

As she walks, Akane looks at her with sweating shock and wonders if something happened to her during the second-year summer vacation.

Inwardly, an equally shocked Itō exclaims, "she's freaked out?"


In order of appearance:


  • Study Camp: that arc occurred between Chapters 171 and 175-2.
    • "Gorilla": Tomoko inwardly denigrates Fūka's eating habits in Chapter 174.
    • Embarrassing Moments: some of them include a sleepy Fūka walking in on Tomoko in Chapter 174 when the latter is sitting upon the Throne of Contemplation which becomes public in the same chapter and having Yū and Miho dissect her "worthless points" in Chapter 175-2
  • "Shiny and New!:
    • Yū Naruse: she asks questions about sexual activities that shock Tomoko in Chapter 36. In Chapter 100 she infamously leaves Tomoko and Kotomi with the possibility that she is not a virgin.
    • Fūka Sasaki: while her answer to the "virginity quiz" in in Chapter 172 suggested that she is not a virgin, her answers in this chapter reveal she is.
    • Miho Narita: does her answer in the same chapter and the revelation that she dated mean that she is not?
    • Tomoko Kuroki: Tomoko did try to imply she is not a virgin to Uchi in Chapter 80. "Digusting! Disgusting!" Earlier, she tried to impress Kiko in Chapter 14.
  • Asuka Make-Up:
    • Tomoko "suffers" Asuka's make-up asistance in Chapters 106 and 135.
    • Kaho taught Hikari how to apply eyelid glue in Chapter 175.5.
    • In that same Chapter 175.5, Kaho recalls Asuka applying make-up on her.
    • Kotomi reacts to Itō's new look in the Volume 19 Omake.
  • "The World in a Nutshell": The first time it is depicted that Tomoko, Miyazaki, Reina, and Fūka share the same train at the same time. Tomoko, Miyazaki, and Reina encounter one another on the train in the Chapter 156.
  • "No, you're just famous, Sasaki-san": Together with her sport skills, Chapter 166 revealed that Fūka is super popular with all the underclassmen.
  • "Come to think of it, Sasaki-san spent the entire study camp in the C-class, didn't she": in Chapter 174, while Tomoko and Miho upgraded to the B-class in the cram school camp, Fūka remained in C-class with Yū. According Miyazaki's comment, she remained there.

Cultural References[]

  • Round1: censored in the Japanese Original. Seeking an English link. There is a US branch for what is, basically, an amusement center targeting teens.
  • Black Contact Lenses: are, apparently, a "thing" for Watagirls in Japan as this linkypoo explains. It also contains a link to a Japanese vendor for such contact lenses. This means that Asuka happens to carry them with her.


  • キリ (kiri): the sound Tomoko's teeth make on her lower lip.
  • モテ (mote): Fūka uses the term made famous by WataMote.
  • For some reason, some popular English "Fanilations" remove the words that indicate the Transformed Itō™ is wearing black contact lenses.

Memorable Moments[]

  • My, My Jealousy!: Tomoko is jealous of Fūka.
  • "Like a Virgin! Hey!": Despite Tomoko's imaginations, neither Asuka nor Miho have given any indication about their, well, "experience." Yū's status remains an unresolved issue. As for Fūka, WataMote Wiki feels confident that she has no experience, though is willing to be proven wrong, and prefers video evidence submitted for SCIENCE!
  • "Has Kotomi Komiyama been replaced?": As in Chapter 48 and others, there is a sort of rivalry between Tomoko and Kotomi about who "was over the other," but over time and thanks to Tomoko having gained friends, this rivalry has subsided somewhat. Has Fūka become a new rival?
  • Hikari Itō, the New Asuka Katō Prey?: Asuka Katō seemingly has the trend of feeling interested to aid plain gloomy-like girls, firstly it was with Kaho, long after that, she did it with Tomoko by the return of winter break, and depending how things go, Asuka may find interest in Hikari.


  • "It's the feeble-minded scummy pig-gorilla" – Tomoko Kuroki about Fūka Sasaki
  • "This a pretty amazing lineup" – Miyazaki
  • "Shit! I thought she was a lower lifeform, but even scum can be popular if they look decent enough...!" – Tomoko about Fūka
  • "Hah! I see! It's not something I've experienced for myself but I've heard that there are girls who get jealous of other girls being popular! So that's what it is!" – Fūka about Tomoko
  • "It's been nothing but painful experiences ever since I first met Kuroki . . . she's always looked down on me, but now . . . I've finally gotten one back at her!!" – Fūka about Tomoko
  • "Even if you are technically popular, a virgin is still a virgin." – Tomoko Kuroki to Fūka Sasaki
  • "The first time hurt, but the second time felt really good. . . .so I've heard." – Fūka
  • "The third time was with another guy. He came so much I thought I was gonna die and . . . um . . . oh yeah, my jaw was so tired because I overused my jaw, but it seems you don't know about that?" – Fūka discussing her time in the Debate Society . . . probably.
  • "She's in the same class as me, but I guess she's a total moron, huh?" – Reina about Fūka
  • "Come to think of it, Sasaki-san spent the entire study camp in the C-class, didn't she" – Miyazaki about Fūka



Story Navigation
Volume 19 Chapters 177-1 | 177-2 | 178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 183.5 | 184-1 | 184-2 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA