WataMote Wiki
WataMote Chapter 186-1
C186 Cover
Volume Number Volume 20
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular I'll Present. (First Part)
Published January 21, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 185-5
Next Chapter Chapter 186-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This is the first of a two-part chapter.

Yuri and Hina sit in class. Hina asks Tomoko if she already has an idea for a movie. Tomoko haltingly replies that she does, "at the moment," and Yuri offers that she already heard. When Chibi Hina asks what it is like, Chibi Yuri responds that while she really does not want to do it, she thinks it is not bad. Chibi Hina then asks Chibi Tomoko what it is about. She responds that she is not sure that she can do it, and Nico Tanigawa decides to keep her plan hidden for now with the next panel showing a blushing Tomoko conclude her description to the seemingly concerned Hina, and she asks Hina if it is too difficult. Hina insists that she was just surprised at how much better it is than she imagined. She then encourages Tomoko that she should be fine to present it at the long home room the next day. She then excuses herself as Kotomi and Hikari arrive. Before she can leave, Tomoko asks Hina if she can present it instead. She explains over an example of a Chibi Miho and herself, a cheerful girl can tell a dirty joke, she will get laughs, whereas if a gloomy girls does it, everyone will be creeped out. Therefore, Tomoko reasons, she thinks they will get more classmates interested if Hina does it rather than her. To herself, Hikari repeats the phrase "creeped out."

Hina responds by asking Tomoko if she can stay a bit after school to Tomoko's surprise. A view of the school marks the passage of time.

Dry Run c186

Shown: Dry Run

In a classroom, Tomoko stares out in shock. Behind her, Hina writes "movie (映画・eiga)" on the chalkboard as she explains that they are going to do a dry run of Tomoko's presentation. Tomoko looks out at Uchi, Asuka, Akane, Yuri, Mako, Hikari, and Kotomi looking back at her seated in the classroom as Hina explains that she can do it for them, whom she found studying in the classroom. Tomoko asks her what this is, and Hina explains that in order for her to do well tomorrow, she will practice. She rhetorically asks Tomoko to confirm that she cannot do it suddenly. Chibi Hina then encourages her that if she incorporates everyone's feedback, she can improve.

Emiri interrupts to asks when it begins. Sweating, Hina assures her that it is starting now as she thinks that "Uchi-san" is in the wrong class. She then turns to Tomoko and encourages her to try it for the time being: "It's okay for the time being." Sweating and blushing, Tomoko smiles and stammers that for this year's school festival, they should make a movie. Her audience stares back at her. Hina asks her if that is all since that is not how Tomoko pitched it to her. Tomoko tries again to get Hina to do it, but Akane interrupts to asks a question. She thinks that a movie will be too difficult for third-year students given their college entrance exams, and she suspects they will choose something simpler. Emiri responds that it depends on whether the film is 5-minute short or a 30-minute feature. Asuka and Akane agree, though Akane thinks, "but you're in the wrong class."

Hina Encourages c186

Mako happily asks Tomoko if she has decided what it will be about. Emiri thinks, "Kuroki, director of K-grade film. . . ." Still sweating, Tomoko replies that she has not settled on the plot and trails off with a "but." Hina encourages her that since she has made it this far, she can finish her presentation. Tomoko sheepishly agrees. She continues that the movie, itself, will be five minutes long, but there will be a lead-in to it that will bring it to thirty minutes. Kotomi inwardly wonders about this. As Yuri and Emiri watch, Tomoko asks if they know how in movies, anime, and light novels, there is always some trouble at the climax of a school festival. With a view of what appears to be Tomoko and Yuri outside under the eves of a school, Tomoko describes examples such as where the band runs late, and their friends have to help them make it to the stage on time, and where the lead actress goes missing. "Basically," she continues, overcoming such obstacles to make the festival a success feels like youth to her. As Hina writes, "A youth movie that's like an anime made by us" on the board, Tomoko concludes that since, in reality, such troubles do not conveniently happen, what if they made the troubles part of the production itself and film themselves dealing with them.

Art c186

Shown: "Art"

Akane responds that she does not understand what Tomoko means, and Tomoko confesses that she does not either. It is just an idea, she is not sure how to do it, but she gives the example based on the schedule of the festival. At the time when their Class 3-5 movie is supposed to play, they have the person with the five minutes worth of movie data and a cameraman. The scene depicts a blind-folded Yuri standing outside with Shiki standing behind her filming with her phone. Tomoko continues that they wait somewhere where they can get to the screening just in time. The next panel depicts Yuri on screen in the auditorium removing her blind fold. Tomoko explains that they relay their footage just as the screening starts. With a panel of anonymously drawn concerned students, Tomoko continues that students would start thinking about how to find them in time. "Technically," she adds, this will be a staged event. She then adds that to make sure the audience does not get board, they will have everyone put on acts to buy time. The scene shows Yoshinori and Suzuki standing in front of the screen that depicts Yuri running. Yoshinori exclaims, "What the Hell?!" as the students stare. Tomoko suggests that since everyone will do it on the spot, they will not have to rehearse.

The scene then shifts to Yuri entering the auditorium with this entrance shown on the screen, and the audience looking back at them in surprise. Tomoko concludes that if they arrive on time it is a success, but if they do not it is a failure, and that is the lead in they will have before the movie. Tomoko looks out at her audience and asks them what they think. Akane finds it amazing and pretty interesting. Asuka agrees that it can be possible with everyone involved. Tomoko sheepishly stammers, "you think so?" Meanwhile, Emiri angrily repeats the first syllable of "gross (き・ki)." Yuri announces that she has known about it for a week, which elicits a "Yuri. . . ." from Mako.

Kotomi asks if she can ask a question. She observes that it depends on everything going well, and she asks if it will not be exhausting to pull it off. She notes the area gets slippery depending weather, and she wonders if they will become laughingstocks. To her surprise, Tomoko admits that that is a possibility. She then suggests that regardless of whether they slip, become exhausted, and it all becomes a huge failure, would that not also be considered "youth?" Komi agrees that school festivals can be like that. She then asks if she can really get everyone on board. As a chibi, she suggests that Tomoko may get a lot of hate if she suggests her idea. Chibi Tomoko responds that if that happens, she will have her producer "Komi-san" apologize. Chibi Kotomi demands that she not assign her that "weird" role. During this interchange, Emiri looks back and forth between the two with her teeth clenched. She finally explodes at Kotomi, demanding to know why she is there. She adds that she recalls seeing her at the study camp, then demands to know who "Glasses (メガネ・megane)" is. Kotomi growls back that that is her line.

Smiling that smile which WataMote Wiki suspects she makes prior to demanding someone put the lotion on its skin, Asuka compliments Kotomi for being so kind to worry so much about "Tomo-chan." A Sheepish Chibi Kotomi responds that she would not call it "worrying." Hina interrupts to suggest that rather than worry about how to put the project together, they should focus on her presentation for tomorrow. As a chibi she cautions that her idea will not become a reality if she cannot get it across to everyone. First, they need to improve Tomoko's presentation skills. She asks for suggestions, and Akane responds that Tomoko may have been a bit too quiet. Yuri helpfully adds that Tomoko's way of speaking quickly in a whisper while smirking may come off as bitter. Chibi Tomoko is surprised by the amount of detail in Yuri's critique.

Dis-Feeling c186

Asuka comes up behind her and forces her to straighten her back to make her voice clearer. Emiri tries to suggest that there is not enough "disgusting," but again stops at the first two syllables (キモ・kimo) to convert it to "feeling (キモち・kimochi)." An irritated chibi Tomoko tells her to just say "disgusting (キモい)," and Emiri complies and tells her to convey her disgustingness more.

Kotomi turns to Itō and asks her with a background of stuffed bears if she has anything to add. Itō replies that she believes it is fine. Still Irritated Chibi Tomoko concludes that Itō is not interested.

Happy Chibi Hina suggests that Tomoko take everything into account and try her presentation again. "Off screen," Tomoko complains by asking what, exactly, she needs to take into account.


In order of appearance:


  • Continuity: Yuri indicated in Chapter 179 that she would not participate in the movie. Her refusal has moved to reluctance.
  • "Give Me a 気持ちいいいいいいい[ – Ed.]!": Emiri tries to explain the significance of her signature declaration in Chater 161. She infamously converts it to "FEELS GOOD!" in the Volume 18 Omake.
  • "Youth!": Chapter 164.
  • "She's already told me about it": In Chapter 183.5, Yuri stayed over in Tomoko's house, where the two of them watched movies together, and Tomoko got the idea for a film.
  • "I don't really want to do it, but I don't think it's bad": When Hina texted Asuka and Yuri by LINE in Chapter 179, the latter expressed her disinterest in making a movie.

Cultural References[]

  • 69: WataMote Wiki is sure that the meaning of that need not be explained to the Noble Readership, goodness no.


  • K-Grade: Emiri actually says "K" with the furigana "キモ (kimo)." Fanilators render it "G" for "gross," and Emiri struggles not to say her signature declaration later in the chapter.
  • *”You're not even in this class, Uchi-san": Emiri does not seem to understand she is not part from class 3-5.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "With Friends Like These": as noted on her character page, Hina suffers under an imaginary competition with Tomoko with often hilariously embarrassing results. Despite this, she shows moments where she cares about her. Though she knows Yuri does not like her, she pushes Tomoko to pursue Yuri when Yuri is hurt by Tomoko in Chapter 144. In this chapter, she provides honest encouragement to Tomoko.
  • Tomoko Trusts Kotomi: despite their usual enmity and continued snarkiness, Kotomi takes a serious interest in Tomoko's project, while Tomoko seems receptive to Kotomi's input.
  • "My Jealousy": Uchi becomes jealous of the attention Tomoko appears to show Kotomi, as well as to other WataGirls.
  • "Say My Name, Bitch!" Noble Readers who catch that reference earn a mocha at Star Tullys. Tomoko seems to accept Emiri's term, though she, and pretty much everyone else, do not know what it means. For her part, Emiri has become more communicative towards Tomoko.


  • "Kuroki, director of K-grade film. . . ." – Emiri Uchi
  • "I've known about it for a week, though." – Yuri Tamura
  • "Come to think of it, I saw you during the Study Camp, but who are you, Glasses?!" – Emiri to Kotomi Komiyama
  • "Isn't a movie gonna be too difficult fort third years takin entrance exams? I would assume the majority vote would go for something more simple" – Akane Okada
  • "I'm not sure  there was enough gr...greatness... you should emphasize the gr... greatness..." – Emiri
    • "Just say 'gross.'" – Tomoko
    • "Convey the grossness more." – Emiri



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