WataMote Wiki
WataMote Chapter 186-2
Cover c186-2
Volume Number Volume 20
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular I'll Present. (Second Part)
Published February 3, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 186-1
Next Chapter Chapter 187


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This is the second of a two-part chapter.

At her bus stop after school, Mako stands with Kotomi and calls out to Tomoko to do her best the next day. Tomoko replies that she does not know how it will go. She then finds herself encirled by Hina, Akane, Asuka,Yuri, Hikari, and Uchi, who naturally stands behind her. While Akane chats with Asuka, Hina encourages Tomoko to do a little more practice. Itō swears to herself that she does not have "Koto (琴)" around. Emiri walks with Itō and asks her if she is a friend of "glasses." When the surprised Itō responds that she is, a chibi Emiri asks if Tomoko is a close friend of hers. Chibi Itō replies that the two went to middle school together. Emiri stares ahead and lets out a Japanese "hmmm (ふーん・fūn)."

Itō continues that she has learned a lot about Kotomi during high school such as her birthday and hobbies. Emiri replies that she guesses that she will ask about such things eventually. She asks Itō if she has a nickname (あだ名・adana). Itō confesses that she does not. Emiri notes that her name is "Itō" and asks if she may call her "Ito."[1] Emiri claims that since she was a classmate of Tomoko's in their second year, she is, therefore, practically a member of Class 3-5 and they should get along. Itō replies with a slow "yes."

Yuri Will Think About it c186-2

Itō looks ahead at the group and thinks to herself that there is a surprisingly lot of strange people. Asuka turns back and suggests that before the presentation they decide on a committee for the festival. She asks who wants to be on it. Akane recalls that she believes they had one in their first year, and Hina confirms this. Chibi Hina offers that she and Tomoko will serve and asks Akane and Asuka if they will. Chibi Akane replies that she does not mind either way, and Asuka agrees to help even if she is not on the committee. Laughing, Hina then asks Yuri, and to her chibi surprise, Yuri replies that she will think about it. In response to Chibi Hina's shock, Chibi Yuri asks if it is wrong for her to think about it.

That night, Tomoko stares at her festival plan in her room and admits to herself that just looking at it starts to scare her again. She wonders if she should get someone to do it after all when her phone bleeps with a message. She notes that it is from "Yuri-chan." Yuri asks her if she will be on the Festival Committee. Tomoko responds that she thinks so, and Yuri responds, "All right (わかった・wakatta)."

Superball Yuri c186-2

At home, while she is reading a manga, Yuri's phone rings. Tomoko explains that she forgot to ask her what she did during her festival in her first year. Yuri responds that they did a "temple fair." Tomoko asks what that is, and over a flashback that shows a costumed Minami, Sachi, Nori, and Maki, Yuri explains it involved things like target shooting, ring toss, and superball scooping. Tomoko specifically asks Yuri what she did. Over a flashback of Yuri watching Mako happily serve children, Yuri explains that she was free on the first day, then helped with the superball scooping during her second day. Tomoko suggests that Yuri would be bad with the service. Yuri insists that it was not bad. Tomoko teasingly insists that she must have been bad, then asks her how it went: "was it fun?" Yuri responds that she does not remember, but it was "normal."

Yuri asks her how her festival went. Tomoko replies that it was not really fun, but it was fine when came. Yuri remarks on that point then adds that she hopes Tomoko will have fun this time. Surprised, Tomoko replies that she guesses that Yuri is correct. After their call, Tomoko calls Asuka. She completely stammers her greeting while wondering if she will ever get use to just calling her "Asuka." Asuka replies that it is rare for her to get a call from "Tomo-chan." Tomoko notices and asks if there is an echo, and Asuka reveals that she is in her bath. Tomoko quickly asks if she should call another time, but Asuka assures her that she was just watching video.

Asuka Bath-2 c186-2

Asuka suggests they switch to a video call. Tomoko agrees and sees Asuka in her bath. Her reaction WataMote Wiki cannot adequately describe. Asuka asks her what it wrong, and Tomoko replies that she cannot seem to get the angle of her phone right. She then explains as she shifts herself awkwardly in her chair, that she wanted to ask her what she did during the first year's festival. Asuka responds that they served pancakes. Tomoko think she recalls it, but Asuka notes that it was a popular choice and at least three classes did it. A movie was proposed, but pancakes won the vote. Since they were first years, Asuka explains, they believed that they should do something easy. For this reason, she got excited when "Tomo-chan" proposed a movie, though she admits that it is a bit scary. With a view of Tomoko's stuffed toy, Tomoko suggests that her idea may also get voted down.

The next day, Ogino addresses the class to decide on the committee representatives. She states that they need about six boys and girls, then she asks for volunteers. Hina immediately volunteers, followed by a nervous Tomoko who merely waves her hand. Ogino recognizes Tomoko, then notices Yuri volunteering. Stunned, Hina asks Yuri if she is going to do it, and without looking at her, Yuri simply responds that she will. Ogino then asks if any boys wish to volunteer. Chibi Yoshinori asks the Chibi Wada and Suzuki if they wish to do it. Suzuki demurs, but Wada agrees.

The Committee c186-2

The Festival Committee

Yoshinori addresses the class with the rest of the committee of Wada, Akane, Hina, Tomoko, and Yuri behind him. He invites the class to give ideas what the class will do. Hina turns to Akane to note that she joined after all. Akane replies that none of the boys wanted to do it, so she will act as a proxy. That and Yoshinori will not shut up about it! Meanwhile, Yoshinori takes the suggestion for melon bread. Hina turns to Tomoko and asks her if it is time for her to make her presentation. Tomoko stammers that she does not think it is the best time. A number of other ideas are pitched by students which Akane and Wada write on the black board for an eventual vote. The final list is included in the Gallery. Yoshinori calls for a vote, but an excited Chibi Hina calls for them to wait. Sweating, she turns Tomoko and prods her to speak else something else will be chosen. She stammers and whispers that she was not sure of the timing, thought everyone would have more time to make their presentations, figured she could present it some other day, then suggests that Hina has not created the right mood for it. Hina takes exception to Tomoko blaming her. She angrily insists that the time is now, and she then declares that the committee has one more proposal.

Tomoko stands at the desk while Hina glares at her with her chalk poised at the black board. Tomoko starts with a whisper that she thinks they can make a movie. She appears bleached as she inwardly complains that her mind has gone blank. She continues to try to describe her idea of a sort of teen youth movie as Mako listens with concern. Next to her, Masaki listens. To herself, Tomoko complains that she has no idea what she is saying, and she was able to do it fine the day before. She continues to ask herself why she is even doing this. Meanwhile, she continues to explain that the concept is to be like the school festivals one sees in anime and movies. She says this as she stares at an empty desk. She imagines a translucent version of herself listening bored. She thinks that the old her would just sit and show barely any interest.

The next panel reveals that Tomoko's idea wins by one vote over "Bubble Tea." Tomoko sits at her desk holding up her head while staring darkly ahead. Hina congratulates her for her idea winning, then adds "just barely." Tomoko laments that because of her error, the majority of the votes simply came from her friends, and she could not get her idea across. As Yuri looks down at her, Tomoko continues that she got carried away because she has been with all of them recently, but in the end, this was all she could do. Kotomi genially offers that failure is a part of youth, so Tomoko should not worry about it. Besides, she adds, Tomoko may end up failing even more from this point onwards. Sweating, Hina glares at Kotomi.

Tomoko stammers the question of if it would be fine if they just went with bubble tea instead. Hina tells her that she can say that in front of her, but she should not say it in front of others.


In order of appearance:


  • Glasses: in the previous chapter, Emiri angrily addressed Kotomi as "glasses (メガネ・megane)."
  • First-Year Festival: Yū visited Tomoko's in Chapter 20
  • "Heh? Sounds like you'd be bad with the service . . .": Tomoko teases Yuri's poor ping pong skills which she tried to help her improve in Chapter 151.
  • "Failure is a part of youth too, isn't it? Don't worry about it, you might end up failing even more from this point onward": In Chapter 186-1, Tomoko said something similar to Kotomi when she asked her about her idea, this time, Kotomi gives her back her response.

Cultural References[]

  • (koto): interestingly, this first kanji of Kotomi's name is a Japanese guitar. WataMote Wiki will confess not realizing this initially and wondering why Itō laments her lack of a guitar!

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Say My Name!": Since Chapter 175-2 when Asuka asked her to do so, Tomoko has struggled to call her by her first name. In this chapter, she eventually succeeds over the phone twice.
  • "Why am I even standing here talking to everyone else? If this were the old me, I'd just be sitting over there showing barely any interest...": Tomoko had not shown any interest in the past for participating in the school festival, as seen in Chapter 19. She now makes a proposal and joins the committee which is in charge of organizing the event.


  • "I was in the same class as Kuroki during the second year, so I'm practically a 3-5 member too. Let's get along" – Emiri Uchi to Hikari Itō
  • "There's a surprising number of weirdos here..." –  Hikari Itō
  • "I was free on the first day, so I manned the superball scoop on the second day" – Yuri Tamura
    • "Heh? Sounds like you'd be bad with the service..." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "I just can't seem to get the angle right . . . there's something I wanted to ask about the school festival" – Tomoko to Asuka Katō
  • We did propose doing a movie too, but pancakes won by majority vote. We were first years se we figured we should do something that we could do easily" – Asuka
    • "Heh?" – Tomoko
    • "That's why I got excited when you suggested that we do a movie, Tomo-chan, it's a bit scary though" – Asuka
  • So you joined in after all, A-chan" – Hina Nemoto
    • "Well, none of the boys wanted to do it so I'm acting as a proxy, besides, Yoshi wouldn't shut up about it..." – Akane Okada
  • "Come on, Kuro! You gotta say it, or they're gonna pick something else!" – Hina
    • "Well, I wasn't sure of the timing, and I thought everyone would have more time to make their presentations. I figured I could present it some other day... and you didn't really create the right mood for it either, Nemo..." – Tomoko
    • "You're blaming me?" – Hina
  • "This is bad, my mind's a total blank... Huh? I have no idea what I'm saying... I was able to do it just fine yesterday... Why am I even standing here talking to everyone else? If this were the old me, I'd just be sitting over there showing barely any interest..." – Tomoko
  • "You did it, Kuro your idea won, just barely though" – Hina
    • "No, because of my screw-up, the majority of it was just block votes from you guys... I couldn't get my idea across at all... I got carried away because I've been with everyone lately, but this is all I can do in the end..." – Tomoko
  • "Failure is a part of youth too, isn't it? Don't worry about it, you might end up failing even more from this point onwards" – Kotomi Komiyama to Tomoko
  • "W-would it be okay if we went with the bubble tea stand instead...?" – Tomoko
    • "You can say that in front of me, but don't go saying that around everyone else from now on, okay?" – Hina



  1. Translation Note: Emiri speaks it in the hiragana: いと. The difference is that the "o" of "Itō" would normally be held for two beats. In the nickname it is short in duration.


Story Navigation
Volume 20 Chapters 185 | 186-1 | 186-2 | 187 | 188 | 188.5 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192-1 | 192-2 | Omake | SE Booklet
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA