WataMote Chapter 189 | ||
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Volume Number | 20 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm Not Popular where it Ends. | |
Published | March 24, 2021 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 188.5 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 190 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
The cover depicts Tomoko in the background entering a classroom holding a vase of flowers. In the foreground the anonymously drawn Sachi, Nori, and Maki share from a bag of Koharu Minami's snack. The narration reads "Somehow noticeable, somehow on the tip of my nose. . . ."
Surrounded in animesque stars, Miho, happily, drinks from an iced coffee as she, happily, announces that today, on behalf of Asuka, she will instruct the "two C-Class high school girls." On the other side of their table, Yū thanks her sincerely, but Miho, happily, tells her it is fine since they are "Study Camp Companions (合宿仲間・gasshuku nakama)." Fūka grouses over who are the "C-Class school girls." Miho reminds her that she was in the "C-Class" during the study camp. Fūka tries to retort that since she received a "D" grade on her final mock exam, Miho should move her to that status. Miho sighs that that is actually lower.
While Minami sits with Sachi, Nori, and Maki, chibi versions of Miho, Yū, and Fūka continue their conversation. Sweating, Chibi Yū admits that she received an "E" grade. Chibi Fūka smugly declares that in "sex" she is "A" grade! Not So Happy Chibi Miho observes that they just started yet the conversation has turned stupid.

Yū's eyes wander as she sips her drink, and she notices the party of Minami and her trio. Miho notices her and asks her what is wrong. Yū quickly insists that it is nothing. Meanwhile, the anonymously drawn Maki and Sachi seem to regard one another. Maki starts to speak, but the now with her face Sachi interrupts to apologize for what happened before. This surprises Maki, but Sachi continues to suggest that she is upset at the way she directed her frustration towards her. Maki stammers a reply, but Sachi repeats her apology, then explains that she has been in a bad mood since that morning, actually, for the last two days. She places her face in her hands as she then adds that she has been in a mess since Koharu-chan lied to her. Minami looks down at the table while sweating, and Maki stammers a "yes."

Shown: "Most Likely to Challenge Asuka Katō for Class Serial Killer"
Maki then tries to apologize herself for not reading the mood properly, but Sachi starts to turn her head towards the sweating Minami as she refuses her apology and insist it is her fault. She reveals her face to Minami which WataMote Wiki cannot possibly describe to the Chibi Minami's shock. As Sachi looks over her fingers and Minami quietly smiles and sweats, Nori suggests to Sachi and Maki that everything is good. She then notes that this is the first time the four of them have been together at the Censored in the Japanese Original Starbucks since their second year. Maki asks if that is true, and Nori continues they have not had many opportunities since Maki has had a boyfriend and Minami has been in a different class. Minami emits a nervous "Nē."
Maki concedes that it does not seem like a long time since they are often together for lunch. Nori agrees, then as an anonymous chibi chirps that it was hilarious how irritated Sachi was when Minami did not come to their class this week, Minami sweats and emits an "Eh?" while Sachi simply stares and makes a grin that has the onomatopoeia of "biku (びく)." Nori laughs as she tells Minami that she should not leave Sachi alone. She then remarks to Maki that even at the best of times, Sachi becomes uneasy. Minami reacts in surprise as Sachi now appears anonymous. Her face returns as she stirs her drink and replies that she is someone who loves (大好き・daisuki) "Koharu-chan."

"Boy Meets Girl"
Two boys walk by Miho's table. The one with blond hair who is drawn anonymously calls out to "Miho and Sasaki" and asks if they are studying. Miho replies that they are and asks if they are as well. The boy with black hair who has a face seems surprised to see Yu. As a chibi, he asks her if they have ever met. Sweating and Surprised Chibi Yū is surprised, and Miho taunts the boy for his embarrassing situation. Irritated, the boy insists that they have met. Miho asks "Naruse-chan" if she has ever met "this guy (コイツ・koitsu)"; sweating, Yū insists that she has not. Miho triumphantly declares that he is lying. Angry Chibi Boy insists that he is serious. He stares at Yū as Miho insists that he has created a complete embarrassing situation.[1]
He suddenly realizes and declares that he remembers: "You're Kuroki-san's friend!" Surprised, Yū repeats "Mokocchi?" Miho repeats, "Kuro-chan?" Fūka thinks "Kuroki. . . ?!" The Chibi Boy continues, "yeah sure, di (ちん・chin). . ." He corrects himself and continues, "Kuroki-san showed me pictures."
Fūka notices this and asks him that he just said "di. . . ." When he reacts, she presses the point that he was going to say something about "dongs (ちんこ・chinko)" or "dicks (ちんちん・chinchin)" which are all censored in the Japanese Original. He stammers denial, but Fūka angrily declares that Kuroki showed him pictures of Yū as well as "dongs." Chibi Sweating Yū exclaims, "Fūka-chan?!" while off-panel, Miho scolds her not to say it out loud.
Sweating, the boy does reach for the chair next to Yū. He starts to explain as he confirms Yū's last name, that Kuroki-san claimed she sent her a "dick pic" as a prank. Yū sweatingly insists that she did not, but Miho, happily, explains that since Kuro-chan is an "idiot" she probably lied about it. Fūka, however, holds up her phone and tells Naruse if she is going to prank Kuroki, she should prank her instead and boasts that she can take whatever she sends her. Sweating Chibi Yū repeats, "Fūka-chan" while Chibi Miho that Tomoko is not as stupid as "this idiot."
As the other boy sits at the table, the scene shifts to place Minami and her trio in the foreground. They can hear noise from Yū's table, and Nori smiles. She remarks that she heard that "Sasaki-san" is a "total slut (ヤリマン・yariman)." Maki is surprised and replies that she does not look like one. Sachi, without her face, and Minami listen. As Chibi Nori and Maki continue their discussion, Sachi acquires her face, and she stares forward. Minami similarly stares. Nori continues that recently rumors have passed between guys, and when Maki jokes that they must love ponytails, Minami begins to wonder why their bad mouthing (悪口・waruguchi) seems lame and tedious. Without her face, Sachi suddenly turns to her and suggest that "Koharu-chan" if she has something to say. Over a view of their drinks on the table, Chibi Minami remarks that during the ball tournament, she lost to Fūka when she hit a home run off of her. Maki is unimpressed, and Minami replies that that is all she has.

Minami inwardly grouses as she feels she is not int the mood to bad mouth. She then wonders what "that one (あいつ)," with the kanji replaced by Shiki's face, is thinking right now. Faceless Sachi raises what boys want, then with her face, continues that the "pigtailed" girl Minami was with seems popular with boys. She adds why she cannot say with a laugh. Nori continues that also last week she was surrounded by boys and concludes that she must be popular with that type. "The Hell?" Maki asks. Nori continues that when they went looking for her, she was playing with them just like today. Minami grimaces as she inwardly realizes that they saw her that time too.
Sachi asks Minami if she was not being a nuisance by butting her way into that girl's "harem."[2] Chibi Minami insists that Futaki is not like that. "Not like that?" a Chibi With-Face Sachi asks. She then asks her if she has known her for that long. Did she not just become friends with her recently? Minami sweats as she responds that it may be recently, but she just cannot tell. The scene focuses on Sachi's left eye as she lets it pass. She continues to ask about the Otaku: "they were in our class during the second year, right?" She stabs at the eye at the bottom of her cup with her straw as she reminds Minami that she use to denigrate them the most, then asks if she will denigrate herself by becoming friends with them. Minami insists that they are not friends.
Though still sweating, Minami asks what is with Sachi lately. She insists that this has nothing to do with her, and they are in separate classes. Chibi Maki agrees and suggests that Sachi seems to be holding a grudge against Minami. Sachi with her face listens to them. Probably Maki continues to tease Minami about whom she is aiming for: the "glasses"; "fatty"; or "shorty." Chibi Maki continues that she say "glasses." Upset Chibi Minami insists that it is not like that. Sachi, with her face, smiles a bit and tells them it is fine. Chibi Nori suggests that Minami is after the "fatty," who does seem nice. Maki laughs.
Minami tries to change the subject by jokingly asking Maki how things are going with her "chin (アゴ・ago)" boyfriend. Maki asks "E? Chin?" Nori sputters as she sips on her straw in reaction. Maki blushes deeply in shock. Sachi makes a coughing sound, as Nori looks in shock, and Minami realizes she has made a mistake. Maki utters a version of the ubiquitous anime "you": teme (てめっ)[3]. Sweating and Shocked, Minami tries to backtrack by weakly stammering that if she is fine with his chin. This is interrupted by the Faceless Sachi giggling as she stirs with her straw. With her face, she smiles and declares that Minami is the best, but she then wonders if here is the right place for her to say it. She laughs as she says, "calling her boyfriend 'chin!'" Minami sweats profusely even for a manga depiction. Maki complains that they are creeping her out.
Nori claims that she does not know what they are talking about then insists that Maki's boyfriend is a nice guy and she cannot believe they would talk about him like that. Inwardly, Minami rages that it was Nori who started calling him that in the first place. Smiling, Sachi notes that Minami was not the only one to call him that: "Did not Nori also bad mouthed him with us?" Nori calls her a terrible liar and insists it is up to Maki if she believes her. Sachi produces her phone as she, smiling, declares that she has proof. Chibi Nori reacts in shock. Sachi places her phone on the table as she claims it happened when the three of them, four if they include Makocchi, got together during the summer break. She then suggests that she recorded their conversation. Angry, Nori asks if she is stupid and demands to know why she would do that. Sachi ignores her protests and poises her finger over the "play" button on her phone screen as she say, "let's give it a play." Nori angrily protests that it was the rest of them who made her say it.

Shown: "Just as Planned!"
Without her face, Sachi replies that it was just a lie. Maki stands as Nori demands to know what Sachi is doing and if she is an idiot. Maki shoulders her bag, turns back to them, and instructs them, starting tomorrow, not to talk to her. Nori stands and indicates that she is leaving as well. She then tells Minami that while she is sure she has already noticed, Sachi makes fun of her behind her back as well.
With her face, Sachi smiles with satisfaction as Minami watches the two leave with shock. When she asks Sachi why she did that, she feigns shock then insists that it was her fault that she laughed. The scene focuses on Minami's right eye then their near-empty drinks as Sachi elaborates that she always hated Maki, and while she does not hate Nori as much, she gathers she is sticking with Maki. Both lack a face as Sachi continues that they all somehow managed to stay friends up until now regardless.
She starts to stand as she explains that she wanted to hold on to them until the end of the school festival, but since she can now focus on her exams, it is all good. Without a face, she genially tells Minami that she was able to have a blast with her right to the very end.

Shown: Minami Alone . . . and Stunned
Minami, with her face, sits alone stunned. She is interrupted by a voice who asks her if she is okay. It is a concerned Yū standing in front of her. As Fūka and Miho look at them from their table, Chibi Minami asks her who she is. Sweating Chibi Yū replies that they saw the fight from across the room. Inwardly, Minami regards the seemingly nervous Yū who has a slight bow. She wonders who she is, and why she is so seriously worried over someone, like her, who is a stranger from a completely different school. As Yū smiles nervously waiting for a response, Minami continues to muse that she is probably a really good girl unlike Sachi and the others. "Unlike me." She notes that they were all terrible people badmouthing other people on the surface while badmouthing one another behind their backs.
She does feel even that kind of relationship was kind of fun, but she suspects that Yū would not understand that.
In order of appearance:
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Sachi Mima
- Nori
- Maki
- Koharu Minami
- Miho Narita
- Asuka Katō (mentioned)
- Yū Naruse
- Fūka Sasaki
- Three-Legged Race Guy
- Mako Tanaka (mentioned)
- "C Class": Chapter 171 revealed that Tomoko, Fūka, and Yū attended the "C" class of the Summer Study Camp.
- "Coffee, Tea, or Me?": Minami and her trio decided to study at a coffee shop in Chapter 188.
- Dick Pics: Tomoko was caught searching for such pictures in Chapter 43, Tomoko's lies to the boy about that at the party in Chapter 120, and she shows him a picture of Yū. He is interested in that he asks if Yū has a boyfriend. Tomoko does confess her lie to Asuka CHAPTER, but Yū, until now, never heard of it.
- Left Hand of Darkness: Yū is consistently depicted as left-handed.
- "But There is No Joy in Minamiville": Minami played softball in Chapter 154 where Fūka hit a walk-off home run.
- "And so, for today, I'll be teaching you two C-grade high school students in Asuka's place": At the start of the Study Camp, Yū and Fūka ranked in the C-class with Tomoko and Miho, but after of exam in third day, Tomoko and Miho advance to B-class. This chapter reveals that both Yū and Fūka not only did not improve their scores in the mock tests, they performed worse.
- "The Girl with the Vase": The cover picture depicts Tomoko holding a vase filled with flowers while entering in the classroom. Based on the appearance of her leggings and the length of her skirt, it is very probable that that moment corresponds to Chapter 85 when Tomoko tried to get her head patted.
- "The Three-Legged Race Boy": During the sports festival in Chapter 86, Tomoko took part in the three-legged race event with a hot guy.
- "Don't Give a Damn About My Reputation!": Fūka was overheard wildly boasting about her experience in Chapter 184-1.
- "How are things going with the chin guy, Maki?": In the Chapter 169.5, it was revealed that Maki started dating with a boy with a prominent jaw.
Cultural References[]
- "Seriously!": the term the boy uses – マジで (majide) – is actual slang.
- Airtrap: This appears to be based on "Airtap," which is a social media application one can purchase, but it also appears to mainly be Arabic and not available in Japanese. WataMote Wiki will keep searching.
- Slut Shaming: yariman is a "big one" as too many online and written references attest. At least Nori did not call Fūka a "municipal bicycle" or "public restroom."
- "A Boy Does Not have a Name": The "Three-Legged Race Guy" has yet to reveal his name.
- "The loner girl in the table": The scene of Koharu being left alone in the table of St*rbucks resembles Tomoko in the Chapter 27:
- With Tomoko: she is brought back to reality by her mother's calling to her which leaves her alone.
- With Koharu: she is brought to the reality that Nori, Maki and Sachi were never actually her friends which leaves her alone.
Memorable Moments[]
- Japanese Psycho: Sachi destroys her own group. Is there a glimmer of regret and hesitation in Minami?
- "Love is in the Air!": with apologies for the eisegesis, though, given WataMote, it is not the worse introduction.
- "I Can Handle 'Big'!": with further apologies for the pun, and a struggle to avoid Rampant Speculation, WataMote will note that Fūka seems concerned with appearing innocent. Tomoko correctly accused her of being unable to talk to boys, and Fūka responded with hilarious innocence trying to impress Tomoko with her "experience." However, why does she challenge Yū to play sexual pranks on her?
- "Well, in terms of sexiness, I'd be an A-grade" – Fūka Sasaki
- "Sorry, I've been a bad mood since this morning . . . for the past two days . . . I've been feeling really irritated. . . . That, and I'm in such a mess after learning that Koharu-chan lied to me." – Sachi Mima
- "I'm someone who loves Koharu-chan after all" – Sachi
- "Naruse, if you're gonna prank Kuroki, you should do it to me instead. I'll take any thing you can throw at me" – Fūka
- "Is it just me, or does these guys' badmouthing seem kinda cynical and lame? Can't they come up with something more interesting to badmouth?" – Koharu Minami.
- "I'm not in the mood for badmouthing anyway. . . ." – Koharu
- "Actually, what's with you lately? It's got nothing to do with you, Sachi. We're in separate classes after all." – Koharu Minami.
- "I don't really get it, but you're talking about Maki's boyfriend, right? He's a really nice guy, I can't believe you'd talk about him like that!"– Nori
- "No, you're the one who started calling him that in the first place!!" – Koharu in her head
- "It was when the three of us . . . four if you include Makocchi . . . got together during summer break. I recorded our conversation from then."– Sachi to Nori
- "I'm sure you've already noticed, Koharu-chan, but Sachi's always making fun of you behind your back too."– Nori
- "Don't blame me, it was your fault that I laughed, Koharu-chan. I've always hated Maki, though. I didn't hate Nori so much, but I guess she's sticking with Maki. Well . . . we somehow managed to stay friends up until now regardless. I wanted to hold onto them until the school festival was over, but now I can focus on the exams, so it's all good. I gor to have a blast with you at the very end, Koharu-chan."– Sachi
- "Who is this girl. . . ? She's getting seriously worried over someone like me, who's a stranger from a completely different school. . . . She's probably a really good girl unlike Sachi and the others . . . unlike me. Sachi, Nori Maki and I were all terrible people, badmouthing other people on the surface while badmouthing each other behind our backs. Even that kind of relationship was kinda fun. But she probably wouldn't understand that, huh?"– Koharu about Yū Naruse
- ↑ The term used is "ナンバ (nanba)" which is "number" but can also mean a "predicament." Fanilators using mechanical translation suggest that Miho accuses him of hitting on Yū. WataMote Wiki could not find a reference for that specific meaning, but the basic idea is valid.
- ↑ The kanji used is that for "paradise (楽園・rakuen)," but the furigana reads "harem (ハレム・haremu)."
- ↑ Versions of 手前 (temae) are severe insults. They are often translated as "bastard" or "bitch" depending upon the recipient.
Story Navigation | |
Volume 20 Chapters | 185 | 186-1 | 186-2 | 187 | 188 | 188.5 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192-1 | 192-2 | Omake | SE Booklet |
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