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WataMote Wiki
WataMote Chapter 190
Cover 190
Volume Number 20
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular I'll Get Along?
Published April 14, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 189
Next Chapter Chapter 191


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This appears to be another chapter from Koharu Minami's perspective. The cover depicts the viewpoint of Tomoko looking through her phone as she records in the classroom. The narration reads, "Youth . . . . ● in recording." Hina gives the "peace sign" as Akane smiles next to her. Immediately behind them, Asuaka is turned smiling and also giving the "peace sign" to the camera. Further behind them, Koharu stares out the window.

On the bus, Koharu sits behind Former Class Rep and in front of Kaho Kusunoki. She inwardly laments, "School . . . I wish I rested, I don't want to go at all." Koharu sees Shiki Futaki standing next to an anonymously drawn boy with glasses that WataMote Wiki will dub "Anonymous Glasses-San" for now. Both are looking at their respective phones. When they enter, they stand near Koharu. She crouched behind the Former Class Rep's seat. Anonymous Glasses-San appears to notice her. She is sweating.

In class, she inwardly complains that there was no point trying to hide when Shiki sits in front of her. Mako looks at her with a question. Koharu stares at the back of Shiki who is still working her phone. She wonders if Shiki is so crazy about her game or, given all that happened the day before, if does not want to talk to her. She flashes back to Sachi's confrontation with her in the arcade. "Face to face," she thinks as she recalls Sachi ask if she will come with them, but then adds that she does not care if she prefers to remain with "these creeps." She wonders if Shiki will talk to her after hearing that. As she starts to think that Sachi, Nori, and Maki as well have "probably already . . ." Shiki thinks, "There! Dailies finished!" Mako notices Koharu staring at Shiki and asks her what is wrong. This cases Shiki to turn in surprise.

Shiki Nose c190

Shown: A Nose
Shiki has One!

With animesque light streaming through, Shiki asks her if she is okay with what happened yesterday. The quetion surprises Koharu. As a chibi, she stammers that they went to a cafe, then she asks Shiki what she and her friends did. Shiki responds that after that, they all stayed and played games until five o'clock. Koharu sighs, then asks what her male friends said. Shiki asks her about what. Koharu explains about how her friends badmouthed them. Shiki responds that they did not really comment. Koharu then asks about her: "Suddenly, a stranger called you a creep."

Shiki Face c190

With a view of her playing an online game at home, a chibi Shiki explains that she gets insulted all of the time, while a message appears on her screen calling her trash, vowing to destroy her, and asking if she has "balls (玉・tama)." Koharu replies that she understands, but she inwardly wonders what it is about Shiki. As she stares at her "Emoji Mark-II" face, she muses that she was initially relieved that Shiki was not offended, but she now feels pissed off that it does not seem to bother her. As she continues to stare at Shiki, Koharu inwardly wonders if she simply is not interested in other people and is fine no matter what others think or say about her. She notes that Shiki simply sits by herself, eats by herself, and plays by herself because she does not care about other people. She admits that she thought she was amazing, but she now thinks that Shiki is not that amazing at all. She concludes that Shiki just thinks differently than she, Sachi, and the others do.

Shiki, to Chibi Koharu's shock, asks if something happened yesterday between the four of them. When Koharu asks why, Chibi Shiki explains that it seems that she is not well and it did not appear that she got along with the other girls. As Ogino's voice calls everyone to take their seats, Koharu snaps back at her wondering how she would know anything about it given that all she did was play video games. Inwardly, she wonders why she is lashing out at her and doing the same thing Sachi did the day before. As Ogino calls homeroom to order, Koharu wonders why Sachi did what she did. She could have simply ditched her. Koharu does not understand, and she admits that it pisses her off.

Later, she asks Mako to accompany her to the bathroom. As they walk through the hallway, they see Nori talking to anonymous boys. Mako greets her, but Koharu says nothing. She tells Koharu that she spoke with Shiki, asks if she and Nori are fighting, then expresses the hope that they can make up. Koharu flatly denies that that will happen, then adds that they are not even friends in the first place. She continues that Sachi said the same thing and noted that they are graduating soon, so there is no reason to make friends with someone at this point. Mako asks if she is sure about that.

Yuri Desmond c190

Shown: "All right Kuroki-san, I'm Ready for My Close-Up"

Tomoko focuses her phone on Yuri's face. Yuri raises her hand and protests against her filming her without asking. Hina stands close behind Tomoko smiling. Tomoko responds that she is simply practicing for when she films the movie. She asks Yuri to act a bit. Yuri asks her what to act, and when Tomoko tells her anything is fine, Yuri turns her back. Tomoko complains that she did not expect her to try to act with her back like Ken Takakura[1]. She declares to Hina that "Yuri-chan" is not good, then suggests that "Nemo" must be able to act. Hina excitedly volunteers and asks what to do. Aiming the lens on her phone, Tomoko asks her to act as a normal high school girl being interviewed.

Tomoko asks her to give her name and age, and Hina complies. Playing an interviewer, Tomoko tells her it must be nice to be a high school girl, then she asks Hina if she is nervous. When Hina denies that she is, Tomoko then asks her to describe her first sexual experience, and hw many partners she has been with. Hina angrily reminds her that they do not have the time to fool around. Tomoko retorts that Hina is acting as a high school girl and should not bring reality into it, but she then lowers her phone and admits that every day she wastes is one day closer to Hell. Hina continues her scolding to tell her to start the real filming. A sheepish Chibi Tomoko explains over a view of Shiki's empty desk that she wanted to ask "Mk2," then quickly changes to "Futaki-san," a bunch of questions since she knows about filming, but Shiki is never around during lunch.

Hina agrees, then walks over to Mako who is having lunch with Koharu. She asks her if she knows where Shiki went. Mako does not know, and when she turns back to ask Koharu, she denies that she knows as well. As Mako and Hina chat about how Shiki just left, Koharu muses that she is probably in "that place."

Missing Kibako c190

Shiki finishes her bench press repetitions, sits up, and exhales. She then looks for a time at the empty bench next to her. She walks a hallway thinking, "shortcut," then passes the faceless Sachi who is looking at her phone. She continues to walk, then is startled when she realizes that the faceless girl is the same one, with a face, who called her a "creep (キモい)."

On the bus home, Koharu stares out the window. She notices that Shiki is sitting across the aisle from her. She rhetorically asks if Shiki is not going to the arcade. Shiki replies that she will be streaming from home. After a pause, she confesses that since Koharu[2] has been with her a lot lately while she has been working out, when she was not there today, she felt a little uncomfortable. She continues that she does not mind whether she is there or not, but she thinks she likes it better when she is.

Koharu playfully asks her which is it. Then, after a pause, she looks down and apologizes for what happened in the morning. Shiki apologizes for saying that Koharu and her friends were not getting along when she barely knows Koharu. She then adds that she saw Koharu's friend on the way back from their training. Koharu asks her if she means Sachi, but Shiki continues to add that Sachi seemed bored by herself. She suggests that Koharu might make her happy if she went to see her.

Koharu agrees to do that tomorrow, but she then gleefully adds that Sachi always made fun of her for being alone, so now it is her turn to laugh at her. She notes with a smile that she now has "you"[3] and "Makocchi." Shiki asks if that means that she will not make up with Sachi. Koharu replies that it is as she said: "We weren't getting along." She explains that, unlike her, they formed a group because they hated being alone. She then clarifies that perhaps it would make more sense if she said they were a party formed purely for the sake of enjoying school life.

Shiki responds that she thinks she understands. She then adds that she often gets revenge through video games.

Koharu happily agrees: "Right!"


In order of appearance:


  • Girl Fight: Sachi confronted Koharu in the previous chapter.
  • "How awesome would it be if someone with looks like that was a slut?": The boys who were accompanying Nori in this chapter are the same ones who were spreading rumors about Fūka's reputation with her in Chapter 184-2
  • "The gap of the loner": The place where Sachi sits while checking her smartphone is the same one that Tomoko used in Chapter 45, and later by Tomoki in the Volume 15 Omake when he was avoiding his classmates.

Cultural References[]

  • Japanese Peace (ピース) Sign: a ubiquitous thing in Japanese photography, manga, and anime.
  • Ken Takakura: late celebrated actor whom Kotomi remembers from Mr. Baseball. [Citation Needed – Ed.]


Memorable Moments[]

  • "The Lady Doth Protest too Much, Methinks": Koharu's complaint about how Shiki does not appear to care about other people broke the WataMote Wiki Irony Meter 2000®. Still, she does begin to admit she acted the way she did out of loneliness. Given her thought that she now has a collection of people to talk to, does Koharu actually care about anyone?
  • Emoji Mark-II X Kibako: with apologies to fans, Shiki actually misses Koharu. Why is currently left to Speculation. Meanwhile, Koharu actually apologizes to her, and Shiki reciprocates.


  • "School . . . I wish I rested, I don't want to go at all." – Koharu Minami.
  • "Oh right, she sits in front of me. Hiding from her was pointless. Is she focused on her game? Or maybe she really doesn't want to talk to me after what happened yesterday. There's no way . . . that anyone would wanna talk to me after being told that straight to their face. . . ." – Koharu about Shiki Futaki
  • "Suddenly, a stranger called you a creep." – Minami to Shiki
  • "I get verbally abused by strangers all the time when I'm gaming. No big deal." – Shiki to Koharu
  • "At first, I was relieved that she wasn't upset, but the fact she doesn't think anything about it at all ticks me off. Is it just she's not interested in other people? Is she simply fine regardless of what others think or say about her? She sits by herself and plays by herself because she doesn't care about other people. I thought that side of her was amazing, but it's not really that amazing at all. She just thinks differently from me, Sachi and the others." – Koharu about Shiki
  • "Like you would know anything about that. All you were doing was playing video games." – Koharu to Shiki
  • "Why am I lashing out at Futaki? I'm just doing the same thing Sachi did yesterday. Why did Sachi do such a thing? Even though she could have just ditched me. I really don't get it. It ticks me off." – Koharu about Shiki
  • "You're playing a typical high school girl right now, so don't go bringing reality and sound arguments into this." – Tomoko Kuroki to Hina Nemoto
  • "You've been with me a lot while I've working out lately, Minami, so when I was working out today and you weren't there, it felt just a little bit uncomfortable. I don't mind whether you're there or not, but I think I like it when you are." – Shiki to Koharu
  • "... I'm sorry about this morning. I was too irritated." – Koharu
    • "I'm also sorry for saying you guys weren't getting along when I don't know you all that well." – Shiki
  • "She's always making fun of me for being on my own, so now it's my turn to laugh at her. I've got Futaki and Makocchi now, after all." – Koharu
  • "I often get revenge through video games too." – Shiki to Minami



  1. The second kanji (倉) of his surname (高倉) is censored in the Japanese original.
  2. Shiki actually addresses her as "Minami" without the "san" honorific.
  3. As per their convention, Nico Tanigawa use furigana for what someone says with the kanji to clarify it. Koharu says "you (あんた・anta)," and the kanji (二木) clarifies "Futaki."


Story Navigation
Volume 20 Chapters 185 | 186-1 | 186-2 | 187 | 188 | 188.5 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192-1 | 192-2 | Omake | SE Booklet
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA