WataMote Wiki
WataMote Chapter 196
Cover 196
Volume Number 21
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, Movie Making Does Not Progress.
Published September 1, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 195
Next Chapter Chapter 197


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


Surrounded by animesque stars, Hina asks Tomoko about her movie. Tomoko looks down with an ashamed but smiling expression as she stares ahead. Hina asks her why "this face," then asks if it is because she wants to avoid the subject. The scene pulls back to reveal that Tomoko is at her desk, with Kotomi next to her looking at her phone, and Yuri in front of Kotomi and looking back at Hina's conversation with Tomoko. Hina adds that Akane has a friend who gave her the data which includes a movie the third-years shot for their festival.[1] She suggest that they look at if after school. Tomoko continue to stare ahead with her smiling and blushing face, which Hina claims is really pissing her off.[2]

The scene shifts to the outside of a class building. Inside, Tomoko walks with Hina, Yuri, and Emiri. Tomoko confesses that she has seen the building from outside many times, but this is the first time she has been inside it. Emiri remarks that she has been inside many times. Hina explains that many Haramaku students go there to study for exams, and she adds that it has many tables and chairs. As they take their chairs, Hina continues that the tables are far enough apart that they will not disturb others. Tomoko asks Yuri if she wants some water, but Yuri responds that she will have juice. Emiri announces that she will have a cafė latte (カフェラッテ・kafe ratte). With a view of the drinks to mark the passage of time, they sit with a phone propped in front of them, and Hina starts the video.

Movie Title c196

Not Shown: Yamamura Sadako . . . but check back in seven days. . . .

There is a view of mountains with the title "HA LA LAND" in English with katakana below it. Chibi Yuri asks what kind of film it is, and Chibi Hina cheerfully responds that she does not know since she has not seen it yet. An anonymous boy stands with his arms folded. There is a narration that begins "it seems to be." There is no further sound. Chibi Emiri complains that she cannot hear it very well; Chibi Hina replies that the volume is on maximum. The movie scene shifts to two anonymous girls who stand silently. One speaks to state that they need ten more "members." Chibi Tomoko notes that there seems to be a weird pause whenever a scene changes. Hina suggests that the students did not have a clapper board like the professionals, so they did not know when a scene started.

Back to the film, an anonymous girl stands in front of bathroom stalls and calls for the inhabitants to emerge and lend her their strength. She continues that now is the time for them to bring out their courage. One of the [Wata – Ed.] girls, possibly Emiri, asks if it is some sort of musical. Four anonymous girls emerge from the stalls and, in succession, announce that they want to sing with her. Chibi Emiri asks if it is a "comedy musical?" The scene shifts to them all watching the phone, with Hina sipping her drink, as the narration declares that thus the Haramaku 3-9 Glee Club was born. It concludes that they went on to send Chiba into a frenzy, "but that is another story." Tomoko comments about the sudden narration. As the credits role, Chibi Hina is surprised that it was so short. Chibi Tomoko replies that the ending seemed forced.

Hina asks them what they think of it. Yuri replies that she found the scene where they sang and danced in the bathroom to be "kind of funny."[3] Emiri suggests that it was funny because they had their friends and acquaintances in the movie. Tomoko remains silent as Hina agrees that it is essential that the participants find it funny.

Tomoko smiles as she declares that after seeing this movie she thinks her movie will work out.

Tomoko Epiphany c196

Presumably Hina reacts in surprise. With a focus on the both of them, Tomoko explains that she thought she would to do a more proper job making the movie. She explains that now that she looked at the movie, fifteen minutes is short, but the ending seems appropriate. She adds that she thinks they did an abrupt ending since they were not going to finish on time. Hina listens with some surprise. Chibi Tomoko continues that she thinks they can make something like it on time even if they start from the beginning. Chibi Hina reacts in shock. Back to normal, a concerned Hina asks about the idea Tomoko presented. Tomoko replies it was merely something she thought up when she assumed the film had to be an hour long. She then explains that she had believed that only long movies were good.

Chibi Yuri asks if a single fifteen minute film will be enough, since it will be over in fifteen minutes. Chibi Emiri suggests that they could have alternating screenings in the classroom. Chibi Yuri understands and agrees that they can play the same film over and over. Back to normal, Tomoko happily notes that in the worst-case scenario, they can put a five-minute film on heavy rotation. Emiri smiles, but Hina inwardly complains that if their class is presenting it in the gymnasium how will that work. Tomoko happily suggests to them that they start from scratch and think about it all together this time. Yuri protests that she liked Tomoko's idea. Chibi Tomoko notes that they just watched a parody of a musical, then asks what other genres exist. Emiri replies, "chick flick, romance, love story, romcom, love affair."[4] Tomoko replies that those are all basically the same genre.

Yuri Films c196

Shown: "Yakuza film!"

Yuri suggests "Yakuza film." Chibi Tomoko marvels why that would first come to Yuri's mind. Yuri then suggests a "delinquent (ヤンキー・yankii) film." Tomoko replies than only Yoshida-san could star in it. Chibi Yuri then suggests horror, suspense, mystery, war, and documentary. Chibi Tomoko concedes that a documentary could work. Yuri then suggests as a question a documentary about Masaki. Chibi Tomoko angrily retorts that they would just be a delinquent film. Chibi Hina confesses that she is not sure what she means by a documentary, but she then notes that it is a trend to film things in a "professionalish (プロフェッショナル風・purofesshonaru fu) way." Emiri listens intently as Tomoko asks if Hina is suggesting a parody of that.

There is a shift to a title page of a film. It reads "Progrossional:[5] The Kuroki Way." Tomoko, on film, steps out in her school uniform into a light breeze as a voice narrates that "dashingly walking while spreading her grossness all over the place is the figure of a girl." The narrator continues that they begin their coverage in September, when the Summer heat still lingers. Tomoko smiles into the camera and says "Good morning." The narrator explains that "Kuroki starts her day early."

Filming her from behind, the narrator continues that "Kuroki is thorough in her grossness wherever she goes."

Take it Off c196

"Then could you take it off?"

The narrator asks how she can be so stoic (ストイック・sutoikku) when it comes to her grossness. Without turning, Tomoko responds to the narrator that, to be honest, she never considered herself to be "gross," and adds the kanji for laughter (笑). As she turns towards the camera, Tomoko hears the narrator ask, "Then could you take it off?" Tomoko flatly asks if it is that type of program.

With brilliant beams shining from behind her head, Emiri demands that they leave the filming of the documentary to her. One of the others, possibly Tomoko, retorts that she is not even in their class, "Uchi-san." The scene shifts to a view from above them. Hina eagerly shows a video posted of an opening of a school festival's movie which is a "zombie" video. Tomoko bends down to look at it. She initially confesses that she thinks a zombie movie for a school festival sounds crazy, but as she watches she seems to accept the idea. Yuri watches Hina while Uchi, next to Tomoko, does not peer in at the video.

Chibi Hina's phone beeps, and she announces she has a Line message. She wonders if it is from "A-chan." Chibi Tomoko suggests that it is always the most fun before the start. Chibi Yuri responds with an "Eh?" Normal Tomko, with some animesque lens flair, explains that it is a bunch of friends having pointless meetings such as this one, and nothing comes to end unless one actually starts. One could spend an eternity doing trivial things.

Now serious, Hina slides her phone towards Tomoko. She sheepishly tells "Kuro" that it is "from A-chan."

Tomoko reads a text where Akane rhetorically asks her that they applied for the stage since they discussed with everyone that they would film there instead of in the classroom. She demands, "How could you forget?!!" She adds that they have the stage from 1 to 1:30 P.M., "got it?!"

Tomoko takes on the blushing smile she had in the beginning that irritated Hina. The narration declares that we have started towards the end.


In order of appearance:


  • "Let's Put on a Show!": Tomoko proposed her movie to her class in Chapter 186-1
  • "What about the idea you presented?": Tomoko's initial concept, presented in Chapter 186-1, was quite different.
  • "Emiri Uchi, a practically 3-5 member": Since Chapter 186-1, Emiri seems a part of class 3-5.

Cultural References[]

  • D●utor: is a café.
  • La La Land: a tedious musical that the class justly destroyed [Citation Needed – Ed.].
  • Yakuza: Yuri-chan would totally be a "Big Sister." [Citation Needed – Ed.]
  • Yakuza Movies: a popular Japanese film genre.


Memorable Moments[]

  • "Face the Music": Tomoko's expression when faced with responsibility is new.
  • "Come to My Window!": Whilst reading and translating, WataMote Wiki was going to note that Emiri seems more comfortable talking to Tomoko . . . then she had her fantasy documentary. Her imagined narration is, thus far, the closest depicted that she has come to admitting to herself that she does not merely have some sort of Platonic crush on Tomoko. For too many reasons to link to but contained on her character page, Emiri believes Tomoko is a lesbian. It is interesting that she wonders how Tomoko can be so "stoic" about being a lesbian while imagining that Tomoko would tell her that she never saw herself as "disgusting." It would be utterly inappropriate for WataMote Wiki to speculate that when Tomoko peers in to view Hina's phone, Emiri is thinking about the next scene in her . . . um . . . documentary.


  • "Hey Kuro, about the movie... why the long face? Do you really want to about the subject to badly?" – Hina Nemoto
  • "Huh? It's over already? that was short..." – Hina
    • "I get the feeling it was a forced ending..." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "The scene where they were singing and dancing in the bathroom was kind of funny." – Yuri Tamura
  • "I mean, I thought I had to do a more proper job with making a movie, but now that I look at this, 15 minutes is short and the ending seems appropriate... heck they even did an abrupt ending cos they weren't gonna make it on time, right?" – Tomoko to Hina
  • "What about the idea you presented" – Hina
    • "That was something I thought of when I assumed it had to do over and hour long. I had in my head that movies were only good if they were long, after all" – Tomoko
  • "Yakuza movie!" – Yuri
    • "Why is that the first thing that sprung to mind" – Tomoko
  • "Chick flick, romance, love story, romcom, love affair" – Emiri Uchi
    • "Aren't those basically the same thing?" – Tomoko
  • "Dashingly walking while spreading her grossness all over the place is the figure of a girl." – Emiri Uchi in her imagined narration
  • "I have never thought of myself as disgusting, right? (laugh)" – Tomoko in Emiri's imagination
    • "Then could you take it off?" - Emiri in her imagined narration
    • "Eh? It's that kind of program?" – Tomoko in Emiri's imagination
  • "Just leave filming the documentary to me!" – Emiri
    • "Eh!? You're not filming it... You're not even in our class, Uchi-san!" – Tomoko (?)
  • "It's always the most fun before the start, huh?... Y'know, because it's a bunch of friends having pointless meetings like this with each other. Nothing comes to an end unless you actually start, so you can just spend eternity doing trivial things" – Tomoko
  • "We've started ending towards the end..." – Tomoko



  1. Quite a number of readers remarked about the time-line and the initial Fanilation that rendered Hina describing a cultural festival that occurred the previous year. See this discussion on the matter by, from the Credit Where Credit is Due Department, reddit user KuroRead.
  2. Hina literally says it "irritates" her in the katakana (イラットする・irattosuru). She also does say "OK" as shown in the cover.
  3. ちょっと面白いかった (chotto omoshiroikatta): literally, "was a little interesting." 面白い does stand for "funny."
  4. 恋愛ロマンスラプストーリーラプコメ情事 (renai romansu rabusutōrī rabukomi jōji): "Love romance love story romantic comedy affair." 恋愛 (renai ・love, love-making, passion) is translated as "chick" for the English idiom "chick flick." WataMote Wiki has no official opinion on whether or not "chicks dig" such movies, though Komiyama-san has argued that they do "dig the long ball." [Citation Needed – Ed.]
  5. Kudos to the Fanilators. Emiri combines her "gross/disgusting (キモい)" with Hina's term to create キモフェッシナル (Kimofesshonaru). Emiri is able to imagine a new Japanese consonant-vowel combination (kmo) that WataMote Wiki cannot render correctly in the katakana, but it is depicted in the Japanese Original™ pickie.


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