WataMote Chapter 199 | ||
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Volume Number | 21 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm Not Popular, it's Third-Year Fall. | |
Published | November 3, 2021 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 198-2 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 199-2 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This chapter is broken up into titled sections. The title page depicts Hina smiling outside of the school as she takes a picture of the sign created in the windows. Yuri looks up at Hina's phone as she does this while Tomoko looks behind to what Hina is photographing: Students placing cards in the windows that indicate that it is the 28th day.[1] The narration reads, "A Day of Approaching Anxiety."
Morning Time (朝の時間・asa no jikan)[]
Miyazaki looks ahead smiling as she holds onto the strap in the train. She muses that she wonders when it happened. Was it possibly during the later years of elementary school? She admits that she became friends with girls who were pretty much the same as her. She adds, "to put it rudely," those of the same rank. She continues that during middle school in particular, she formed groups with girls who had the same hairstyle and fashion sense. Even after entering high school, she confesses, she felt this would continue.
The scene pulls back to reveal her standing next to Fūka, who stands next to Reina, who stands next to Tomoko. Looking at them, she muses that when she became a third-year student, this world suddenly collapsed. She then corrects herself that perhaps she should say it expanded.
Fūka interrupts her musing to ask her if what she means by a "coffee cup ride," is that it the "one that goes round and round." Miyazaki replies that it is, and she then adds that if they can work out a proper design, they should be able to build a prototype by next week. A normal Miyazaki smiles as she listens to a Chibi Reina ask Fūka what their class will do. Chibi Fūka replies that she does not know, and she asks Reina if she has any ideas. Reina replies with "hookah bar."[2] Fūka eagerly declares that it sounds great and novel. Reina notes that she really is a moron.
The scene shifts first to the outside of a convenience store, then inside where Reina walks holding a basket past Fūka and Tomoko. Both are reading magazines. Fūka's magazine touts the powers of "amino." Irritated, Reina tells them to just buy them, but Tomoko replies that she only plans to read two articles. Outside, Miyazaki dutifully waits as anonymous students pass by. Reina emerges and hands her a can of coffee. Chibi Miyazaki stammers about money, but Chibi Reina dismisses this by claiming that she somehow won the lottery. Miyazaki stammers a "thank you." Reina complains that since the other two are taking too long she is going on ahead. Miyazaki replies with a, "yes! See you later."

Yuri and Emiri appear. Emiri asks "Miya-chan" if she has been waiting. Miyazaki greets both "Ucchī" and "Tamura-san," then adds that she has not. With a view of Tomoko and Fūka reading their magazines through the window, Chibi Miyazaki tells them if they are looking for "Kuroki-san," she is inside. Chibi Emiri quickly replies that she is. As Yuri watches, Emiri presses her hands against the window and emits a long "Kiiiiiiiii."[3] Tomoko looks up, sees Emiri's face at the glass in front of her, and reacts with a shocked "Uoooo?!!" Emiri thinks, "MO?!!" For her part, Fūka's open magazine, seen next to Tomoko, promises that she, too, can be in the know about the latest "SEX" information!
The scene shifts to a view of the midriff of Miyazaki and the back Yuri. Miyazaki inwardly muses that this has all happened since "Ucchī" took an interest in "Kuroki-san." She rhetorically asks Yuri if she went to the Hongō's school festival the day before. Yuri admits she did, then she asks how Miyazaki knows. Miyazaki explains that Tomoko told her. Miyazaki then completes her musing that she has now come to like this morning time.
One of the Four Heavenly Kings (四天王一人・shiten nō hitori)[]

Tomoko, with the Pi'ing Chicks as a background, remarks that it is often said that dirty jokes about women are in bad taste.[4] She asks what, in comparison, is in bad taste for guys. The scene reveals that she is sitting at her desk talking to Yuri. Yuri admits that she does not know, but she guesses it is not about menstruation. Tomoko replies that she sees Yuri's point, then adds that since guys do not have them, they must be talking about blood. Chibi Tomoko continues over a view of two anonymous boys chatting to suggest that men do bleed, "since don't they have wet dreams (夢精・musei)." She then concludes that if that is the case they would be bleeding all the time.
Chibi Yuri asks Chibi Tomoko if she should know something about it since she has a brother. Chibi Tomoko complains that because her brother will not show her anything "related to his nethers" she does not know. Normal Yuri admits that she does not know anything either, then suggests that they ask someone who might know.
A stunned Mako asks Yuri why she thought she would know something like that.
Bad Taste (エグみ・egumi)[]

Shown: "You want to come up to my place?"
Yuri explains that Mako did receive top marks on her health exam, but Mako insists that she never heard of anything like that, so it is probably not a thing. Tomoko quietly tugs at Yuri's sleeve; Yuri looks back at her. With the onomatopoeia of "koso koso (コソ)," Tomoko comes close to her and reminds her that she mentioned that "Mako-san" has something resembling a boyfriend. She then asks if Mako is a virgin (処女・shojo). Yuri responds that she never asked. She then asks if they should ask her.
Tomoko stammers a bit of shock then denial.
As chibi, with the pleasantly smiling face of Mako as a background, Tomoko replies to Yuri that if Mako is not a virgin (非処女・hishojo) then her response would be real, and that would be "nasty (エグい)."
"So best not to ask."
Mako Sensei (真子先生)[]

Questions: Masaki has them!
Masaki approaches Mako from behind. She calls to her, and Mako turns and acknowledges her. Looking serious, Masaki claims that a little while ago, Reina and Anna were talking. "They talked about 'raw,' 'rubbers,' and 'XXXX.'[5] Do you know what those mean?" Mako emits a shocked "E!" Masaki touches her hair, looks away, and sweats a bit in embarrassment as she claims that she certainly knows about such things, but, that time, she did not know and rhetorically asks that Mako knows about it.
Sweating and looking concerned, Mako inwardly wonders what she should do. She does not want Masaki to know about such things since she feels it will be too stimulating for her. She then inwardly concedes that it will be dangerous if Masaki learns the wrong things.
The concluding panels appear without dialogue. Mako draws on the chalkboard a female bunny with the ♀ symbol over her and her paws chastely crossed before her "Road to a Christening." A male bear, with the ♂[6] over him, appears to offer her a large bean with the caption "seed" (たね・tane).

WataMote Wiki is not angry that you imagine a Disney soundtrack in Masaki's head . . . just disappointed. . . .
Continuing, she has drawn a "seed" with an arrow pointing to "raw" (なま・nama), with a seed sprouting in the ground, and an arrow pointing to "rubber" (ゴム・gomu), with the non-sprouting seed wrapped in a bag in the ground.
Masaki watches intently, slightly nodding, while Tomoko and Yuri also watch behind her.

The next panel shows Mako completing her drawing. The part she draws to the far left requires no description nor explanation. With a stern look, she completes the Venerable Japanese for "Not Good! No! Never!" (ダメ・dame) next to the kanji for "absolutely (絶対・zettai)" underneath her cartoon in the middle.
Exactly what Mako intends by drawing the male bear bouncing his "seed" off of the female bunny's head, WataMote Wiki will leave to the chaste and steady Noble Reader to determine.
As she nods, Masaki breaks out into a delighted smile WataMote Wiki cannot possibly describe. Behind her, Tomoko and Yuri watch with concern. Passing by, Koharu appears to notice and inwardly question Masaki's reaction.
In order of appearance:
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Hina Nemoto
- Yuri Tamura
- Miyazaki
- Reina
- Fūka Sasaki
- Emiri Uchi
- Mako Tanaka
- Masaki Yoshida
- Anna Haruna (mentioned)
- Koharu Minami
- "Coffee Cup (コーヒーカップ):" Emiri told Tomoko her class was considering Nagi's suggestion to do this ride in Chapter 192-2. This plan is confirmed in Chapter 197.
- Queen Mako: Mako is one of the four students who achieved a perfect score in the health exam that included human sexuality in Chapter 163.
- Queen has a Consort?: In Chapter 163, Yuri revealed to Tomoko that Mako may have had a boyfriend.
- "Four Girls Riding in the Same Train:" Tomoko, Reina, Miyazaki, and Fūka ride same train to school, as revealed in Chapters 148, 156, and 184-1.
- Emiri X Yuri: with all apologies, Yuri noticed Emiri on her train and unwittingly thwarted her plan to be pressed against Tomoko which would have required her missing her stop in Chapter 117. Later, Tomoko encountered Yuri and Emiri walking together to school in Chapters 144 and 164.
- "Let Me Review Your Credentials!:" In Chapter 43, Tomoko asked her brother to show his "son" to her, which he angrily refused.
- "Like a Virgin! Hey!" whether or not Mako is is, as yet, not revealed. However, she was concerned with Masaki becoming intimate with boys in Chapter 194 when she misunderstood what happened to her in Chapter 173.
- "It looks like more fun to act like Kuroki-san does": In Chapter 172, during the cram school camp, Nagi expressed how she was against associating with different groups, preferring to speak with her usual group, but after seeing how Tomoko did things, she started to change her mind. In this chapter, whether or not it was her desire, Miyazaki is spending time with Tomoko, Reina and Fūka, three girls very different to her.
- "A delinquent who got tanned:" It cannot be seen clearly in the online version, but the tankōbon version of Chapter 192-2 reveals that both Reina and Anna got tanned.
- "Just buy it:" As seen in Chapters 68 and 95, Tomoko has the habit of leafing through the magazines in convenience stores and not buying anything but a coffee.
- "A delinquent who treats drinks:" Similar what Masaki did with Tomoko in Chapter 158, Reina treats Miyazaki to a drink.
- "Fūka Sasaki, a girl cultured in sex:" Fūka has compiled under her desk many books and magazines about sex.
- "You went to Hongō's school festival yesterday, right?:" Tomoko and her friends went together to Yū' school festival in Chapter 198-1.
- "Eh? You got Yoshida's brain or something?:" The Volume 20 Christmas Special reveals that Yuri did not know what a condom is. Embarrassed, she inwardly vows to ask Mako.
Cultural References[]
- Ganguro: the link to the larger article includes the past style of applying fake tans.
- "My Fūka is a Centerfold!": Work with WataMote Wiki here. . . . From The Credit Where Credit is Due Department, reddit user RedCarConspiracy recognized the magazines Fūka poured over:
- "Tell 'em a Hookah Smoking Caterpillar has Given You the Call!": Hookah. "Call Alice, when she was just small."
- Honorifics: Masaki actually uses the tried and true anime "you" (お前・omae), as seen in the title of this manga, when she addresses Mako. This normally would be considered quite rude.
- "Are We Gonna Make Flowers?": a free StarTully's mocha for all who can catch that reference. WataMote Wiki has not found an English reference, but Spanish-reading fans noticed the floral design Mako draws between the female bear and bunny seems similar to a design teachers draw on young Japanese students' papers when they do well. See the Gallery for the
JapaneseSpanish Original. - A Very Special Episode of Sexual Education 101 with Mako-San: In response to questions regarding sexual education in Japan, WataMote Wiki suggests this video on the disturbing problem of chikan or public molestation. In the video, the creator discusses the problem with the lack of detail in sexual education in Japan.
- "Normally girls always act like a hivemind in groups": In Chapter 126 during visit to Not Disneyland, Hina mentioned how girls triy to match the wavelength of their peers when they hang out in groups. Miyazaki seems to have followed a similar philosophy when she chose to spend time with girls who were similar to her. Tomoko makes this observation in Chapters 71, 72, and 73.
- "Reina, a delinquent with awareness for punctuality:" Reina may have a reason for her rush since in Chapter 192-1, Masaki mentioned how Reina and Anna were probably skipping classes, then in Chapter 194, she explains the teacher summoned the both of them. It is possible that Reina wished to avoid being late for school and falling further into trouble.
Memorable Moments[]
- "When You Blow into Her Ear She Says, 'Thanks for the Refill!'": Fūka has the embarrassing habit of pretending she understands what she does not.
- Emiri the Tiger What Immortal Hand or Eye Dare Frame Thy
GrossFearful Symmetry?: What she hopes to accomplish is a Wall of Text WataMote Wiki will spare the Noble Readership from, but it does appear significant that she is becoming more forward towards Tomoko. Go Emiri-chan! That Tomoko does not pick up on this. . . . Birds 'n the BeesBunnies!: And bears!- "I'M SMART! Not Like People Say! Like Dumb!": A running gag about Masaki is she falls into embarrassing situations, but, until now, Masaki has, sometimes violently, avoided anything sexual. Her innocence is noted by other WataGirls™, including Yuri. This is the first time she has been seen asking such questions. Like other WataGirls™, including Tomoko and Fūka, especially, she is embarrassed by her ignorance and tries to feign knowledge.
- "Come to My Window!": as ever WataMote hints without explaining. Thus, Mako's warning to not let the "Male Bear" bounce his seed off of the head, or even face, of the "Female Bunny" can be interpreted in many ways from the obvious simple to something involving Fūka's questions regarding how to chug . . . beer . . . probably. WataMote Wiki is aware of the many "X" parings and speculations done by fans but strives for accuracy when possible. Thus, does Mako fear that if she tells Masaki too much she will want to experiment with boys? Does she imply that just hanging out with girls, as in friends, is enough? Or, as numerous fans speculate, is she advocating a lesbian relationship? To that, WataMote Wiki could suggest that Masaki smiles because Mako just explained condoms will prevent her from getting pregnant! The point is, firm answers are not given, probably to allow speculation as a part of story telling.
- Masaki's Smile: Enough written.
- 28 Days: There are 28 days left before Haramaku school festival begins.
- "I wonder when it was . . . possible the latter years of Elementary school? I ended up becoming friends with girl who were pretty much the same as me. Or to put it rudely, the same rank as me... During middle school in particular, I formed groups with girls who had the same hairstyle, fashion sense and standing as me. . . . Even after entering high school, I thought that things would continue to be like that... But upon becoming a third year student, that world suddenly collapsed... or maybe I should say, expanded. . . ." – Miyazaki
- "Just buy it!" – Reina
- "I'm only gonna read two at the most. . . ." – Tomoko Kuroki
- "Alright, I'm going on ahead. Those guys are taking too long." – Reina
- "Sure, see you later." – Miyazaki
- "I guess all that happened because Ucchī took an interest in Kuroki-san . . . I've now come to like this morning time." – Miyazaki
- "But guys sorta bleed too, don't they? they have wet dreams, after all. If those were the same thing, they'd be bleeding all the time." – Tomoko
- "Surely you'd know something since you have a brother?" – Yuri Tamura
- Nope, he won't show me anything relating to his lower half." – Tomoko
- "Why did you think I would know about something like that" – Mako Tanaka
- "If it turns out that Mako-san isn't a virgin, it'd be nasty how realistic that would be, so it's better not to ask." – Tomoko
- ”A while ago, Rena and Anna were talking. They talked about "raw," "rubbers," and "XXXX." Do you know what those mean?" – Masaki Yoshida to Mako
- "What should I do. . . ? I really don’t want Yoshida-san to know about this kind of stuff, I get the feeling it'd be too stimulating for her. But it'll be dangerous if she ends up learning the wrong things. . . !" – Mako
Note: the kanji is the one for intimate love; thus, that is "Love and Sex" on the title.
- ↑ 28日
- ↑ 水タバコ屋 (mizutobakoya): literally "water tobacco store."
- ↑ WataMote Wiki confesses to the crime of initially thinking the Fanilators mistranslated this as a growl followed by a semi-Japanese "Osu." Emiri emits the long "Kiiii," as shown in the Gallery, which she concludes in her mind with "Mo!" Hence the "Grrrrrrrrrrr . . . OSS!"
- ↑ Tomoko uses the term, in katakana, that is used as the title of the next section: エグ (egu). This term can mean a "harsh" or "bitter" taste or feeling.
- ↑ Censored in the Japanese Original.
- ↑ As shown, Mako actually draws it with the "spear" pointing downward. Make of that what you will.
Story Navigation | |
Volume 21 Chapters | 193 | 194 | 195 | 196 | 197 | 198-1 | 198-2 | 199 | 199-2 | 199-3 | Christmas SE | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |