WataMote Wiki
WataMote Chapter 199-3
Cover c199-3
Volume Number 21
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, it's Third-Year Fall (Third Part).
Published December 2, 2021
Previous Chapter Chapter 199-2
Next Chapter Christmas Special Edition


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter is broken up into titled sections. The cover page reveals that this is a "third part."

Land Mine Style[1] (地雷系・jiraikei)[]

Asuka approaches Tomoko and Hina with her patented pleasant look that generates shivers. "Tomo-chan," she rhetorically asks, "a little make-up would be good?" When Tomoko turns back to her, Asuka continues that since Tomoko looked good with make-up, "want to give a try?"

With a look of horror, Hina inwardly screams, "Katō-san . . . ! Kuro . . . . . .! Make-Up . . . !!"

"Done!" Asuka declares with satisfaction in the next panel the has a view behind Tomoko. Still with concern, Hina looks at Tomoko and asks, "that?" The next panel reveals Tomoko with her eyes made-up. Hina happily declares Asuka's results "cute!" and asks if it is "land mine make-up." Asuka confirms it is and explains that since Tomoko is fair-skinned she figured that it would suit her more than colorful make-up. With a focus on her left eye, Tomoko asks if this "land mine make-up" will make her appear sick. She continues that she thinks the "land mine" look is a bit far away from what she is.

Asuka and Tomoko c199-3

Chibi Hina happily insists that she looks authentic. "Seriously?" Tomoko asks. Imitating the style, Tomoko declares that she wants to cut her wrists. A Sheepish Chibi Hina corrects her tone. She insists over a view of Asuka's many open make-up products that Tomoko sounds like a guy or even "a middle-school student!" Chibi Tomoko confesses that whilst she does not have a history of being the "land mine" style, she had a long history of "middle-school sickness," then adds that she still does.

Over a view the top of a head of a bunny which WataMote Wiki insists for trademark purposes does not at all, in anyway, resemble a character from another franchise with extensive legal representation, Chibi Tomoko asks what is "land mine style," and if they like the censored in the Japanese Original™ "My Melody (マ●メロ)." Chibi Hina agrees that they have that image. Back to reality, Tomoko tries again to imitate the style by declaring, "Nezumi[2], I want to kill you. . . ." Concerned Chibi Hina insists that she does not think they are hostile to "Nezumi" just because they like Sanrio[3].

Back to normal, Hina looks at her phone and reads out the basic characteristics of "land mine" style: "nocturnal, withdrawn, and thin." Chibi Tomoko replies that they are almost the same as her. Hina continues that they are reliant on others and naïve. As Asuka happily brushes her hair, Tomoko replies that she wonders about that. Hina then reads, "Emotionally unstable and negative type." Tomoko admits that there was a time she was like that, then admits that perhaps she does have the "land mine" characteristics.

English Text c199-3

Hina continues to read that they tend to use a lot of crying emoji. Looking at her phone as Asuka continues to brush her hair, Tomoko admits that she does that a bit. She shows her text to . As shown, it contains both typed sad and crying emoticons as well as emoji. It concludes with Tomoko cautioning Yū not to play around too much, study hard, and be careful to not catch a cold. Hina claims she sounds like an old man.

Mass-Production Machine and Private Machine (量産機と専用機・ryōsanki to senyōki)[]

Emiri c199-3

Tomoko sits with a her font bangs wrapped around a curler with Asuka attending her hair. Hina happily proclaims that along with the "land mine style" there is the "mass-produced model (量産型・ryōsangata) make-up." Asuka quickly agrees, but a confused Tomoko repeats Hina's term as she imagines a number of views of "Uchi" with the term as a title.

Hina shows a picture of an idol girl with the title "Mass-Produced Make-Up." Tomoko confesses that she does not see the difference between it and "Land Mine Make-Up." A Chibi Tomoko with the curler suggests that if "mass-produced" types exist, then perhaps there exists two censored in the Japanese Original™ types: シ●ア (shia) and ヤ●ン(yan), A Questioning Chibi Hina repeats the second term as a question. Normal, Tomoko explains it is the "dick (チンチン・chinchin)-type" make-up. Hina asks her what she means. Tomoko explains "dick-san" or "make-up for guys." Hina asks why should could not have just said "make-up for boys."

Violence Style (暴力[4]系・Baūkei)[]

Bad Yuri

In class and sitting at her desk, Yuri turns to the transformed Tomoko and bluntly remarks that hers is not a good face, and the ”usual Tomoko”[5] is good. Tomoko asks her why it is not a good face. Yuri flatly replies that unlike the usual Tomoko, it would look bad if she hit her like that. Tomoko insists that Yuri is actually bad. Over a background of strawberries, Chibi Yuri explains that with the usual Tomoko, it is just a retort, but with the "current Tomoko"[6] it appears like violence. Irritated Chibi Tomoko insists that it is violence even with the "usual herself."

Unfazed, Yuri replies that she only does that to Tomoko when she is bad: "because it's violence I'm doing for Tomoko's sake." Tomoko angrily notes that that is something an abuser would say. She then concedes that "land mines" do look like they go out with the domestically violent types. Yuri then asks if it is okay to hit her if it is for love. Tomoko angrily insists that it is not, then she rhetorically asks if Yuri is not a "land mine."

One Side (一面・ichimen)[]

Sayaka FAIL c199-3

Not Shown: "Effective Advocacy"

In Class 2 - 4 an anonymously drawn boy and girl stand before the class room. The boy happily review that they previously agreed to put on a play, so today they need to determine the roles. Sayaka jumps up, slams her right palm on her desk as she raises her left hand, and dramatically proclaims that she believes "Kuroki-kun" should play the lead and Iguchi-san the heroine. There is a pause as her classmates and the boy stare at her in silence. Shocked, Sayaka inwardly pleads, "No . . . Sayaka . . . seriously . . . what are you doing? . . . Seriously?" She continues her inward pleas as Sayaka looks back at her and Tomoki with a smile then raises her right thumb. She insists that Tomoki can clearly see her thumbs up she is giving which also means half the class can as well. She then adds that, more importantly, a thumbs up is lame.

Tomoko informs the boy that he has club practice which means he will not be able to part all that much. The boy assures him that they can work around that. He then asks if anyone else wants to play one of the roles or suggest another. Akari looks ahead and thinks that no one other than Sayaka will raise his hand. She meekly raises hers as she rationalizes that, at the very least, she can put up a vain fight. She suggests that they put the roles to an anonymous vote since it is something that involves the entire class.

Shocked, Akari looks back at her. As a Smug Chibi, Akari thinks that she can guess that Sayaka is thinking, "what are you doing, Akari?!!!" She continues to inwardly beg Sayaka to leave the theatrics to the middle-schoolers while reminding her that everyone can see what she is doing.

The black board records a vote with both Tomoki and Akari receiving all of the votes for lead and heroine respectively. Both stand in front of the blackboard staring at the results. Akari muses to herself that she should have expected as much, since it was a process of elimination, "or rather, there was no reason to oppose the decision." She turns to Tomoki and apologizes for having him involved in all of this. She then suggests that they can still pull out of it if he wishes. Without looking at her, he replies rhetorically asks that it has been decided, then tells her not to worry about it.

Adult Tomoki c199-3

Heard: "the death scream of four hundred Tomoki-Hating Fan minds crying out!"

Akari focuses on him. In her mind, he is a stylized manga hero. She rationalizes that while he must hate this, he does not show it at all. She declares that Tomoki really is an adult.

Her musings are interrupted by the excited Sayaka grabbing her by her shoulders and congratulating her for being picked with Tomoki. She adds that she also got picked for a role. Akari continues her musing that Tomoki appears an adult even when compared to Sayaka, who possesses the brain of a middle-school student. Acting demur, Sayaka coyly reveals that her role apparently bullies Akari's, and she wonders if she can pull it off. While she maintains a smile, Akari thinks that her stomach is already a wreck because of Sayaka's bullying.

John Wayne Tomoki c199-3

Not Shown: a rival to Asuka Katō for Future Serial Killer, goodness no!

Sayaka then turns to Tomoki and eagerly encourages him to do his best so they can all make it a great play.

With an expression WataMote Wiki cannot possibly describe adequately, Tomoki smiles, with his eyes closed to slits, as he emits "Aa."

He walks away and the two girls watch. An Excited Chibi Sayaka declares that she has never seen him smile like that before and asks Akari if that is not great. For her part, Akari is in full blush and sweating as she thinks that she is sure his smile was aimed at Sayaka. The next panel focuses on Akari's legs which shake. She continues to think inwardly that she believes that she has seen on television how animals look like they are smiling when they are really angry or trying to intimidate. As Sayaka congratulates Akari over how Tomoki seems excited, the Blushing and Sweating Akari inwardly marvels on how Sayaka does not seem to get that she is probably the first peerson who has ever made Tomoki make that expression: "Now's not the time to be worrying about me!"

Sob Style (ぴえん系・pienkei)[]

Students change the signs in the windows that indicate that it is now 27 days until the festival. Outside, Tomoko looks down sadly as she walks with Yuri and Hina. Hina notes that it is getting closer and closer. Tomoko looks at her phone as Hina continues to ask if they should go with the idea she suggested the day before. Yuri retorts that it would be better to film one of the stray cats.

Yuri and Hina continue walking together, but Tomoko has stopped holding her phone. Both of the girls' phones beep that they have received a message. With a view of one of their phones, Tomoko has sent a sad emoji.

Chibi Hina demands that she not give them the "sobbing emoji!"


In order of appearance:


  • "A Little Make-Up?": Since Chapter 106, Asuka has applied make-up on Tomoko. In that chapter, she did her eyes. Her second and more extensive attempt in Chapter 135 proved a bit disastrous. With this third try, Asuka does achieve a look for Tomoko that others might find cute.
  • "You say chūni stuff sometimes": In Chapter 135, Tomoko hinted to Hina she could be a chūnibyō. This time, it is Tomoko who admits to have been one.
  • "Sayaka, a girl with awareness for the mood": Sayaka frequently fails to read the mood and say things in public she should not, such as when she shouted about a certain body part of Tomoki's in Chapter 195, or yelled at Akari openly in her classroom with everybody listening about how Akari wanted to see said body part of Tomoki, or during the rainy day depicted in Chapters 168 and 169 when she tried to make Tomoki play Twister with Akari in his room.
  • "Hit Me with Your Best Shot!": Tomoko mentioned Hina about how she is used to Yuri and Masaki's "domestic violence" against in Volume 15 Special Edition.

Cultural References[]

  • Land Mine Make-Up (地雷メイク): and this is a video of a girl applying it. Here is a Fandom article. From the Credit Where Credit is Due Department, the Fanilator adds that "girls who look cute but become annoying once you are involved with them are jirai-onna or literally 'landmine girls'." Urban Dictionary supports this.
  • Middle School Sickness (中二病・chūnibyō): used frequently in WataMote, often towards Hina, from which we get chūni.
  • My Melody (マイメロ・mai mero): friend of some minor and relatively unknown Japanese character . . . probably. On that note the uncensored "Nezumi" is possibly a reference to the "bratty" character from the same series, but see the note. Finally, Sanrio.


  • "I Read the News Today, Oh Boy!": the last three parts have taken one day.
  • "You Don't Do Your Picture Justice!": The appearance that Tomoko got after Asuka's makeup resembles to the one of Tidy-Moko, an alternate version of her in Special Edition Booklets from Volumes 18 and 20.'
  • "No Class!": In his first year, Tomoki attended class 1-10. This chapter reveals he attends in class 2-4, which were the same classes Tomoko attended in her 1st and 2nd year respectively.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Land Mine Tomoko: no further words necessary.
  • "Oh the Shark has . . . Pretty Teeth Dear! And He Shows them . . . Pearly White!": Tomoki smiles. In the distance, a dog barks.
  • "Is this her ultimate level of beauty": Despise how gloomy and unappealing others have considered Tomoko along the series, she is an objectively cute girl, which both Yū and Asuka insist in Chapter 170 while conceding that she is not stylish. Tomoko has made attempts during the series to improve her appearance with among the first and most remarkable from Chapter 1, which only scared Tomoki. She also changed her look for Christmas Party in 1st year but her classmates did not notice; Asuka helped her with makeup in two previous occasions which both led to disastrous results in Chapters 106 and 135; her first real stylish outfit she wore for her tour of Aogaku University, with Asuka; and finally this attempt of her which even Hina had to admit looked cute and forced Yuri to create excuses to prefer Tomoko's old style because she would look bad if she hit her her with that look.
  • "Is this his ultimate level of wrath?": With all of the nuisance that Tomoki has viewed his sister to represent since beginning of the series, leading him to prefer to attend a different high school and avoid conversation, he never expressed such a constrained smile filled with so much anger.


  • "Tomo-chan, do you mind if I give you a quick makeover? There's some makeup I wanna add that I think would look good on you." – Asuka Katō
  • "Katō-san . . .! Kuro . . . . . . . ! Make-Up. . . !!" – Hina Nemoto
  • "Isn't it landmine makeup what yanderes tend to have? I wouldn't say I'm all that much like a landmine." – Tomoko Kuroki to Hina and Asuka
  • "You sound like a boy, or rather . . . like a middle schooler." – Hina
    • "I have no experience of being a landmine, but I've got a long history of middle-school sickness. Even to this day." – Tomoko
  • "I wanna kill D●sney/Nezumi." – Tomoko
    • "Just because they like S●nrio doesn't necessarily mean they're hostile towards D●sney/Nezumi. . . ." – Hina
  • "You sound like an old man." – Hina to Tomoko
  • "Unlike the usual Tomoko, it'd look bad if I hit you like that." – Yuri Tamura
  • "But I only do it as discipline whenever you do something bad. It's violence for your sake, Tomoko." – Yuri
    • "That sounds like something and abuser would say." – Tomoko
  • "So it's okay to hit you if it's with love?" – Yuri
    • "No, it isn't... aren't you the landmine here, Yuri-chan?" – Tomoko
  • "I think Kuroki-kun should play the lead and Iguchi-san should play the heroine!" – Sayaka
  • "Why you . . . Sayaka . . . Seriously. . . ." – Akari
  • "Tomoki-kun can clearly see the thumbs up you're giving me from here . . . which means pretty much half of the entire class can see it. More importantly, giving a thumbs up is really lame. . . ." – Akari about Sayaka
  • "I'm guessing you're saying, "What are you doing, Akari!!?" or something? I'm begging you. Leave the obvious theatrics to the middle schoolers! Also, everyone can see you!!" – Akari in her head at Sayaka
  • "It seems like my role involves bullying you, Akari, I wonder if I can pull it off?" – Sayaka
    • "My stomach's already a total wreck because of your bullying, Sayaka" – Akari in her head
  • "I've never seen Tomoki-kun smile like that before! Isn't that great, Akari? Good for you, Akari. Tomoki-kun seems excited about it too" – Sayaka
    • "I'm pretty sure that smile was aimed at you, Sayaka . . . I think I saw on TV that when animals look like they're smiling, they're actually really angry or trying to intimidate. Don't you get it, Sayaka? You're probably the first person who has ever made Tomoki-kun make that expression. . . . Now's not the time to be worrying about me." – Akari in her head



  1. The first two kanji are for "land mine" which would suggest something of a "verbal landmine." However, as noted, when Hina looks at the results of Asuka's efforts, she declares "land mine make-up (地雷メイク・jirai meiku). See Cultural References for a link.
  2. WataMote Wiki confesses to thinking this was a reference to a bratty character from the series as described in the Cultural References. However – Credit Where Credit is Due Department – the Fanilator suggests that this is a reference to "Disney," as in "mouse."
  3. Censored in the Japanese Original.™
  4. The first two kanji read bōryoku for "violence" and "mayhem." The furigana is what it is shown as the actual pronunciation with this meaning.
  5. いつもの智子
  6. 今の智子


Story Navigation
Volume 21 Chapters 193 | 194 | 195 | 196 | 197 | 198-1 | 198-2 | 199 | 199-2 | 199-3 | Christmas SE | Omake
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TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
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