WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Chapter 200-1
C200 Cover
Volume Number 22
Chapter Title Since I'm Not Popular and It's the 200th Chapter, We'll Have Stories About the Top 5 Best Pairings From the 10th Anniversary Surveys (Part 1)
Published December 25, 2021
Previous Chapter Omake
Next Chapter Chapter 200-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter is a two-parter divided into titled sections based the most popular pairings from the 10th Anniversary Survey.

The cover consists of panels as if taken from a camera then from possible imagination. Hina smiles into it holding up two "cat" finger whilst Yuri stands behind her looking back towards the camera. This is followed by a view of the back of Tomoko's head with a right hand holding a small packet. The next panel pulls back to reveal Tomoko and Yuri walking with a laughing Hina through the school's corridor whilst Emiri follows them from behind filming with her phone in her right hand.

The next panel depicts a giggling Koharu offering a bite of food to the wary Sachi as they sit in the usual spot having lunch. The final cover panel is a sketch of Tomoko standing and looking at something in front and above her.[1]

Tomoko and Yuri (智子とゆり)[]

Yuri Hammers Tomoko c200

Tomoko explains to Yuri that when she washed television the previous day she thought of her. With the image of a preliminary sketch model having grounded and commenced pounding another model, Tomoko explains a mixed martial arts match where on finishes his opponent thusly with a move called the "hammer (鉄槌・tettsui)."

Over a view of Yuri executing said move upon Tomoko, Tomoko pleasantly declares that Yuri would be good at that, to which Yuri denies that she would. With a view of the back of Yuri's skirt, Yuri protests that Tomoko always has this image that she is a violent persons, but she really has not hit anyone besides her.

"Really?" Tomoko asks.

Yuri confesses that she hit Mako once for warning her about her bad habits. She then adds that she pinched Uchi "a little" to vent her anger. Chibi Tomoko roughly responds that both cases were unreasonable, but Emiri's was particularly cruel. "Now," Tomoko continues, violence is not really trendy. Violent heroines are unpopular with weak otaku, and violence has been banned from comedy. She suggests that Yuri get with the times and give up on violence. Yuri retorts that she does not do it because it is trendy. Tomoko suggests that she would give it up if she knew the pain of having it done to her. Yuri emphatically repeats the words "the pain being suffered" as a question. Irritated, Tomoko replies that she responds like a "monster."

Do Not Hit Yuri-Chan c200

Smiling, Tomoko puts up her fists and declares she will hit Yuri lightly so she will know how it feels. She throws a left jab at Yuri's left cheek. Yuri closes her eyes and flinched, but Tomoko does not connect. With a smile, Tomoko declares that she stopped in time. Yuri responds by raising her left fist like a hammer strike. Sweating, Tomoko quickly reminds her that she told Yuri not to be violent. Yuri calmly replies that she will stop in time too. Tomoko continues her protest that there is no way that "bow system" with an "E" in precise movement could stop in time.[2]

Calmer, Tomoko suggests that normal people hesitate to strike others, then asks how she and "Yoshida-san" are able to do it. She asks if she and Masaki are beings from another planet that can swing a metal bat into someone's head at full force. Yuri notes that neither she nor Masaki would hit anyone but her: "So maybe it's Tomoko's fault?"

The scene pulls back to contain the both of them. Yuri sheepishly crosses her arms in front of her lower belly and notes that while Tomoko has been criticizing her all this time, Tomoko's sexual harassment is also vulgar, and she should stop it. This surprises Tomoko, and she stammers that her sexual harassment has "warmth (あったかさ・attakasa)" to it. She then insists that since she does not harass Yuri as much as she does , there is no reason for Yuri to say that.

Tomoko Peeps c200

Shown: A Bad Idea

Yuri does not answer. She turns as she notes that class is about to start and they should head back. She turns back to Tomoko as she starts to add, "That's right . . . after school," only to find Tomoko gone.

Tomoko crouches below Yuri looking up under her skirt. She smiles with a wild look and thinks that since Yuri is wearing black shorts over them it is not that amusing. Out loud, she notes that her panties are thinker than usual and asks if she is on her period.

Yuri's response is as expected: with her own wild look, she repeatedly pounds Tomoko on her head. Tomoko tries to block the blows with her crossed fists in vain as she complains for Yuri to stop since she is breaking through her guard.

Yuri does not stop.

Kuro Nemo (クロ ネモ)[]

Tomoko and Hina sit at a table in what eventually becomes clear is the WataMote version of McDonalds. Concerned, Hina asks if they are not going to talk about the Festival. Tomoko, staring at her phone, insists that she has to complete her daily missions first. She then dismissively adds that there are still 27 days until the deadline and insists that it will all work out somehow.

Hina stares at her.

Happy Hina c200

Her stare causes Tomoko to sweat. Inwardly, she knows that Hina is upset and wonders how she can get her eyes to turn pitch black: "is it the acting ability of a voice actress?" Attempting to change the subject, the sheepish Tomoko notes that she saw the rerun of the anime Hina said she liked. To Hina's questioning "E?" Tomoko explains that it is the one about camping. With a look of concern, Hina asks how it was. Tomoko confesses that while she does not like moe anime it was pretty interesting, and she thinks she will end up watching the rest of it.

Now happy and smiling, Hina responds "right!" She quickly asks Tomoko how many episodes she has seen. Tomoko replies that it is just three thus far. Hina asks whom she likes, and Tomoko guesses it is the one with the blue hair. Meanwhile, inwardly, Tomoko notes that it is really helpful that Hina is so easily cheered up by just talking about anime.

As they sip their drinks, Tomoko admits that she is a bit late to ask Hina why, if she wants to talk about otaku stuff, could she not just make some otaku friends. With a slight smile, Hina replies that it is not that she wants to talk about anime, she just wants to talk about such things with her. Looking straight ahead, Hina confesses that even when she talks with other otaku girls, their tastes do not often match. Tomoko reminds her that her tastes do not really match hers either. Hina insists that they do not have to match.

With a view of the pavement, Chibi Tomoko reminds her that she lent her Persona 5 Royal[3] a while back and asks her if she has finished it yet. Hina's voice replies that she has reached the third semester, and it is just a little further to the end. The scene shifts to sitting in her hoodie sweatshirt with a stuffed character propping her hands as she plays. Her voice-over explains that, for some reason, when one knows when one is almost at the end of a long role playing game, one does not feel like playing it anymore. Tomoko's voice agrees that she understands. She suggests that since one is pretty much done at the last stages, a game becomes boring at that point; however, Hina disagrees. With a view of their drinks on the ground, she explains that it is more that the thought that, "this is the end of the story," that makes one not want to do it. Tomoko asks if she empathizes with it a bit too much. With a view of their backs, Hina confesses that she just hates when things start towards the end. She rhetorically asks that time does not really pass in a slice-of-life anime.

Tomoko does not answer.

Kuroki Tomoo c200

Shown: "Coming Soon to a Dōjin Near You!"

Focusing on Tomoko's face, Tomoko states that she has meant to ask her, as a girl who empathizes with games and anime, what is her mental state when she plays a game as a male protagonist. Chibi Hina emits an "E?" Over a depiction of a male Tomoko ("Tomoo"), Tomoko explains that she grows a "dick" in her heart and becomes a man, then she asks Hina what about her.

Sheepishly, Hina replies that she just plays from the female perspective. Tomoko ask her how many girlfriends she has made in Persona, and Hina confesses just one. Tomoko contends that her "heart dick[4]" went wild and she made ten. Hina demands to know what she is talking about. Over a view that WataMote Wiki cannot adequately describe and will place in the Gallery, Chibi Tomoko asks her if she also plays eroge from a female perspective also. She explains that tentacles are "impossible," but she can go with being an ork or a horny old man. "Go?" Shocked Chibi Hina exclaims.

Hina Eyes c200

The thing about Hina, she's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.

Over a pixelated view of a screen with "UUuu!" in a box and the helpful message of "three clicks before ejaculation" Tomoko's voice continues that eroge, not counting otome games, are all from the male perspective. She adds that they have such things as "ejaculation countdowns"[5] so one can completely synchronize oneself[6] with the male protagonist. Smiling, she continues to rhetorically ask that if one is a girl, it is better to have the female perspective: "The heroine of the eroge that Nemo bought is 4000 times more sensitive, so it's impossible for a man to do it."

Hina stares at her with a sullen expression.

Sheepishly, Tomoko complains that they are talking about otaku stuff, yet her eyes have returned to pitch black.

Kuroki and Uchi (黒木と内)[]

As she walks the corridor, Tomoko thinks that it has been sometime since she has returned home alone. Usually, she is with Yuri, Nemo, Asuka, or someone else. She encounters Emiri with Nagi. Emiri asks if she is by herself, and when Tomoko replies that she is, Emiri asks if she wants to go home together. Tomoko responds "sure," and a smiling Nagi indicates that she will go on ahead while Emiri quickly declares that they will go home together. Tomoko notes that they seemed quick.[7]

Tomoko X Emiri c200

They walk together in silence for a panel. At the station, an Upset Chibi Emiri complains, "We've arrived at the station early! Gross!" When Sweating Chibi Tomoko asks her what is wrong, Upset Chibi Emiri asks, "Stop overs?!" Tomoko initially demurs that they have exam study, but a calmer Emiri suggests that they can study at Starbucks[8]. Tomoko asks her if she would not focus better at home alone, but Emiri emphatically insists that two can study the same subject more efficiently in the same place. Tomoko muses that Emiri sounds like the training mode in Uma Masume[9].

Tomoko sits alone at a round table in the café.

Emiri's hand places a large drink with chocolate syrup-covered whipped cream on the table as she voices her apologies for the wait. Sweating, Tomoko declares it huge and reminds that she asked for a normal-sized one. She then asks "Uchi-san" where her drink is. Emiri replies that it is hers as well. In response to Tomoko's surprised "ha?!" Emiri inserts two straws and explains that they will drink it together. Confused, Tomoko asks her what she means and asks if it is not something one does with a boyfriend. Emiri insists that she often does it with friends, then adds that she has done it with Nagi and Miyazaki.

Over a depiction of the menu showing the prices of each sized drink, Chibi Emiri explains that if they drink the same thing, it is cheaper that way and is "common sense for girls." Sheepish Chibi Tomoko inwardly admits that she did not know that. As she takes a sip from her straw, she muses that the volume is enough for two people, so she guesses it makes sense.

While Tomoko drinks, Emiri recalls a conversation with Nagi. Nagi happily tells her that Tomoko seems like an "airhead"[10] so Emiri can pull off her plan. In wonderment, Emiri inwardly exclaims, "No way, she believed it . . . like Nagi says!"

Tomoko silently watches as Emiri leans down to take a sip from her straw. Inwardly, Emiri thinks, "because she's childish, because she's disgusting, because she's small, someday she's going to be deceived by someone."

Emiri Reacts c200

Not Shown: "Subtext" . . . goodness no!

Tomoko takes a sip from her straw as Emiri sips from hers. She looks directly at Emiri . . .

. . . and Emiri blushes deeply as she sweats and blows into her straw causing the drink to spray out of the glass into Tomoko's face. Upset but Blushing Chibi Emiri complains, "Disgusting?! Why did you drink at the same time!!" Wet-Haired Chibi Tomoko retorts that it was her idea. Emiri spats back that she never told her that she could look her in the eyes while she drank!

The next panel shows a passage of time. Both are composed, clean, and dutifully studying. With a view of their drink, Emiri asks Tomoko what she wants to do at university. The next panel depicts Tomoko's imagination. She sits at a table smoking and playing mahjong with Anna, Reina, Shiki, and Masaki.

"I want to have fun," she replies over this imagination. Emiri asks her to define "fun," and Tomoko replies that like college students, playing mahjong. Emiri insists that college students do not do that. Her imagination contains a flier from a Love Hotel[11] that advertises "Girls' Night." She rhetorically asks if college girls have girl's nights at Love Hotels. Tomoko agrees that she heard of it.

Indecent Proposal c200

Emiri remarks that study sessions at Love Hotels are popular with exam takers now. Sweating and Shocked Chibi Tomoko exclaims surprise at the idea of study sessions at a Love Hotel. Over a view of a Love Hotel with an advertisement of the prices, [12] Chibi Emiri explains that since Love Hotels have fixed times and no outside interference, they are idea for study. She then adds that stimulating places like Love Hotels can stimulate the brain too. Shocked Chibi Tomoko admits she sees Emiri's point.

Emiri directly asks her if she want to do it: "Love Hotel Study Session!" Tomoko emits an "E?!"

Sweating, Tomoko first stammers her rejection that since at a Love Hotel it is expected, then she notes that even though they are both girls, then she trails off. "Study!" Emiri sharply replies. She insists it will just be studying, and Tomoko is disgusting for being conscious about it.

Three panels in a line follow where Emiri calmly talks to Tomoko. She first brings up video games, rhetorically asks if Tomoko likes them, then explains that Tomoko can rent games there. Tomoko asks her, "about studying?" In the next, Emiri notes that the baths and beds are huge which are perfect for breaks between study.

Tomoko considers this.

In the third panel, Emiri insists that she will be studying. "Just studying."

Tomoko brightens and agrees that they can go since it is just studying.

Blushing deeply, Emiri takes on her River in Egypt Face[13] and angrily declares that since that was so easy she does not want to do it. Shocked Sweating Chibi Tomoko asks why not.


In order of appearance:

Referbacks and Forwards[]

  • Yuri and Mako: Chapter 124. Yuri started to bad-mouth Tomoko in front of Yū. Mako takes her aside and reminds her that she is behaving like Koharu.
  • Yuri and Emiri: Yuri pinches Emiri's arm in Chapter 126 when Emiri makes everyone ride a roller coaster again only to be disappointed when she does not get to sit next to Tomoko again.
  • "Do You Like Eroge, Hina-chan?": Hina demonstrates that she really does not know what eroge is in Chapter 139. Embarrassed, she purchases a game which Chapter 144 reveals she played.
  • "Stop! Hammer Yuri Time!": Yuri reveales her lack of skill in sports like in table tennis in Chapter 150 and throwing darts in Chapter 151.
  • The Darkness Underneath: Tomoko's curiosity regarding what other girls wear underneath is well established. She carries this over to Yuri starting in Chapter 146. Despite vowing to stop doing this after wearing a short skirt in Chapter 148, she continues the practice in the Volume 21 Christmas Special Edition which occurs in the future. Finally in Chapter 148, Yuri admits to wearing an additional garment covering her underwear.
  • "Is Your Auntie Flow Visiting?": Tomoko infamously accuses Yuri of being on her period in Chapter 144, which naturally results in the latter hitting her.
  • Persona 5 Royal: Chapter 135 contains the first reference to the series.
  • "Let Me Drink from Your キモい!": the "Reality" of the "Expectation versus Reality" pictures on the back of the released Volume 21 has Emiri sticking her straw in Tomoko's drink as she demands a sip. Go Emiri-chan!

Cultural References[]

  • Girls Night . . . at a . . . Love Hotel? Study?: WataMote Wiki confesses laughter at Emiri's suggestion, but as this informative and entertaining linkypoo suggests, some have expanded their services to include such things as, ". . . birthday parties, beauty retreats for groups of women, bachelorette party packages, . . ." so it is perhaps possible. However, since as the article notes, some women use them simply as a hotel for the privacy and convenience, and there is no actual reason to not use the room to bathe and sleep study together, despite Emiri's Love Hotel Plan™, Tomoko probably figures that is all it is. Now how will Emiri react when Tomoko suggests that they also invite Yuri, Asuka, Yū, Shizuku, et cetera?
    • Meanwhile, coincidentally this Japanese YouTube contributor published his video on the history and modern uses of Love Hotels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E_kK2VXuWI
    • Then another with help from yet another visit a Love Hotel. WataMote Wiki includes this for SCIENCE, and not because the female Youtube contributrix [Stop that! – Ed.] agrees to wear the school girl cosplay costume rentable at the hotel they visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dtOu8FAKtM
    • For reasons WataMote Wiki cannot discern, none of them discuss girls' study nights.
  • Yuru Camp (ゆるキャン△): the probable anime about camping Tomoko mentions.
  • Persona 5 Royal: the game referenced.
  • Squid Game?: In her eroge imagination, Tomoko's shirt contains the three symbols (△▢◯) from the Korean series.
  • Uma Musume: WataMote Wiki does not even. . . .


  • Hit Girls: Yuri admits to having hit Mako in Chapter 124, and she witnessed Masaki hit Reina in Chapter 130, and Kotomi in Chapter 134.
  • "How Long before She Says 'Asuka?'": While Tomoko still has difficultly addressing Asuka by first name, at least she can do it naturally in her head.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Tomoko X Emiri: "First Date?" WataMote Wiki will try to unpack this concisely:
    • Emiri is More Open: in that, despite all of her subterfuge, she is willing to approach and talk to Tomoko.
    • Nagi the Wingwoman: She clearly helped Emiri set up an excuse to be alone with Tomoko. Did she also know about or suggest Emiri's Love Hotel Plan™? Stay tuned!
    • "Tom Emiri? You Can Come Out of the Closet!": At this stage, Nagi probably knows that Emiri wants a relationship with a girl, and she helps her in this pursuit. Has Emiri figured out that her friend, and perhaps her other friends, have figured her out? Stay tuned!
    • "But I'm Not in the Closet!": Emiri thinks herself clever easing Tomoko into a sort of "date," then into "study," at the Love Hotel. After mentioning the beds and baths for "breaks," she repeatedly insists that she will just be studying. She retracts further when Tomoko agrees. This, along with her reaction when Tomoko looks into eyes, suggests that she still cannot admit to herself what her feelings mean.
    • Clueless: Tomoko consistently lets her imagination run beyond wild. She fantasized and feared that a boy in a cot next to her in the infirmary might rape her. When Mako, feeling guilty and also trying to prevent her from hearing demeaning comments, grabs her in the bathroom, Tomoko wonders if Mako is making a pass at her and begins inwardly referring to her as the "Crazy Lesbo." Yet, despite her noting exactly what Love Hotels are for, and noting that she and Emiri are girls, she does not "connect the dots" to understand what Emiri is doing.
  • "This is the End": despite her pretense to becoming an adult, Hina does not want her current high school life to end.


  • "Something I saw on TV yesterday reminded me of you, Yuri-chan. They were doing martial arts and the fighter finished off their opponent by hitting them with this part of their hand. . . . They call it the hammer. That sounds like your specialty." – Tomoko Kuroki
    • "It's not my specialty" – Yuri Tamura
  • "I hit Mako once for warning me about my bad habits, and I pinched Uchi-san a little to vent my anger" – Yuri
    • Both of these were irrational, especially in Uchi-san's case. . . .  – Tomoko
  • "Violence is not really trendy right now. Violent heroines are unpopular with weak otaku, and violence has been banned from comedy. You should get with the times and give up on violence" –  Tomoko
    • "I'm not doing it because it's trendy" – Yuri
  • "You always have it in your head that I'm the violent type, but I really haven't hit anyone besides you, Tomoko." – Yuri to Tomoko
    • "You should get with the times and give up on violence." – Tomoko to Yuri
  • "Neither I nor Yoshida-san would hit anyone but you, Tomoko. So maybe it's Tomoko's fault?" – Yuri
  • "It's so obvious she's displeased; how does she get her eyes to turn pitch black like that? Is it the acting ability of a voice actress?" – Tomoko about Hina Nemoto
  • "I'm a bit late in asking this, but if you wanna talk about otaku stuff, couldn't you just make some otaku friends?" – Tomoko
    • It's not that I wanna talk about anime. I just wanna talk about that kinda thing with you, Kuro" – Hina
  • "I guess I just hate it when things start to head towards the end. Time doesn't really pass in slice-of-life moe anime, does it?" – Hina to Tomoko
  • "I grow a dick in my heart and become a man." – Tomoko
  • "I mean, eroge, not counting otome games, are all about male-perspective, right? They have stuff like climax countdowns so you can completely synchronize yourself with the male protagonist. But if you're a girl, it's better to have a female perspective, right? Heroines like in that game you bought have 4000 times the sensitivity, right? Guys can't climax at just the slightest breeze, after all." – Tomoko to Hina
  • "We're talking about otaku stuff, and yet your eyes are back to being pitch black. . . ." – Tomoko to Hina
  • "She's sounding like the training mode in Uma Musume." – Tomoko Kuroki about Emiri Uchi
  • "Kuroki-san seems like an airhead, so I'm sure you can pull it off, Ucchī" – Nagi Ōtonari to Emiri
  • "She's childish, small, gross, and likely to be deceived by someone someday." – Emiri about Tomoko
  • "Gross!! Why did you start drinking it at the same time as me!?" – Emiri
    • "Hey, it was your idea..." – Tomoko
    • "I never said you could look me in the eyes while you drank it!!" – Emiri
  • "Study sessions at love hotels are popular among exam takers right now." – Emiri to Tomoko
  • "N-No, a love hotel is a bit... And even if we're girls, the two of us are..." – Tomoko
    • "Studying! It'd just be studying! You're gross for being conscious about it." – Emiri
  • "Alright, I guess we can go. It's just studying, after all" – Tomoko
    • "That was so easy that I don't wanna do it now!!" – Emiri



  1. Possibly the sign other students change outside of the school announcing the days left until the Festival.
  2. Hyperliteral translation. Tomoko basically complains that there is no way Yuri can exert sufficient control to stop before she hits her with that technique.
  3. Censored in the Japanese Original.™
  4. 心のチンチン (kokoro no chinchin) with the later censored in the Japanese Original.™
  5. 射精カウントダウン (shasei kaunto daun), because WataMote Wiki cares.
  6. Tomoko means she can plan when to get up and search for and obtain a glass of water . . . probably.
  7. Tomoko literally says, "fast tempo."
  8. Emiri actually says "S(u)taba (スタバ)" which is not censored. The label on the cup reveals they go to the "Star Turrys" as usual.
  9. As ever censored in the Japanese Original.™
  10. The same term used for Fūka: 天然 (tennen).
  11. ラプホ (rapuho).
  12. The video linked gives a good explanation of "Rest," and "Stay" prices.
  13. See the discussion of her many faces on her character page.


Story Navigation
Volume 22 Chapters 200-1 | 200-2 | 201 | 201-2 | 202-1 | 202-2 | 203 | 204-1 | 204-2 | 204-3 | 205 | Comiket Special | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA