Chapter 202-2 | ||
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Volume Number | 22 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Start Shooting a Movie (Part 2) | |
Published | April 6, 2022 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 202-1 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 203 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This chapter is the second installment that starts where the previous concluded. Asuka, Kotomi, and Hina sit around the arranged desks with both Asuka and Hina pleasantly looking at their phones whilst Kotomi reads her manga. Hina wears earphones. Kotomi looks up from her manga and notes that many times strange voices leak out and asks Hina what she is listening to. Hina smiles as she removes the earphones and responds that her voice training school is to voice three roles in a threesome scene, so she is watching a "FA●ZA"[1] sample to study for it. Chibi Kotomi wonders what type of training center it is, since it seems "creepy."[2]
Hina forces a smile as she replaces her ear phones, but she thinks that the script seems a bit intense and it hurts a little. Both Asuka and Kotomi seem to react with a bit of surprise.
Yuri says the line ”Haha, sorry for making you wait."[3] Chibi Tomoko asks her to wait. Yuri asks her if this was not just a trial run, but Tomoko insists that she did not expect Yuri's monotone: "It's like a sports player's monotone reading!" Setting aside Yuri's monotone, Chibi Tomoko suggests that she could at least smile while she performs.
"I wasn't smiling?"
Chibi Tomoko replies that she had no emotions. They try again. Tomoko stands in the classroom to film her entrance with Itō standing calmly some distance behind her. This time, Yuri repeats the line with slightly more emotion in that part of it is in katakana. She then emits a "Fū." Chibi Tomoko asks her why she laughed through her nose. Yuri protests that she acted with a smile. Normal Tomoko retorts that one laughs not through the nose but through the mouth. Whilst this exchange goes on, Hina and Asuka watch from their seats. Irritated Chibi Tomoko calls over "Mako-san" to help; Mako dutifully presses up the corners of Yuri's mouth.

"Oh the shark Yuri has, pretty teeth, dear!"
Her expression thus chang'd, Yuri delivers her line. Still Irritated Chibi Tomoko muses that it is okay.
The scene shifts to a view through Tomoko's phone looking downward on Yuri who has taken her place with Asuka, Kotomi, and Hina at the desks. Yuri explains that she was detained a bit chatting with her classmates, "Unlike all of you, I have lots of friends." Without looking up from her manga, Kotomi asks why she is suddenly "dissing" them.
Yuri struggles to continue her lines. She stammers the remark to Asuka that she said that she had something important to tell them. At the doorway, a watching and sweating Mako thinks that Yuri is confused from having so much dialogue. Kotomi looks up to Asuka and asks the "president" what it is about since she earlier talked about it. Asuka, however, continues to stare at her phone as she ask to her to wait a moment since she has almost completed her "daily quests."

The scene shifts to facing Tomoko as she films, Behind her, Shizuku clasps her hands in delight as she watches. Next to her, Itō dutifully observes. Chibi Asuka declares that she is done and then asks why they are all there. Chibi Kotomi insists that she was the one who told them all to come, and since they were free they gathered there.
The scene shifts to a view through Tomoko's phone. Hina appears to offer in response that she heard that there is a big new rookie with a strong throwing arm who has joined the student council. Another, possibly Kotomi, responds that he should join the baseball team.
With an apparent break, with a background of flowers, Hina and Asuka look over Tomoko's shoulders to view what she filmed. Hina is pleased at how well it looks given they just filmed normally. Asuka notes that their voices are a bit quiet, and they will have to speak a little louder. Hina then turns towards the seated Kotomi, who is accepting a bottle of water from Itō, and asks her why she can act, and has she performed before. Chibi Asuka gleefully agrees and declares her skilled. Kotomi demurs and insists that she just did it naturally. Tomoko compliments Yuri's performance as being just like the baseball player who appeared in a Censored in the Japanese Original™ company commercial. Chibi Kotomi flatly asks her if she is talking about a specific Censored in the Japanese Original™ player.

Not Shown: Anything Disturbing
Mako offers Yuri a bottle of water as she brightly notes that Yuri's character is based on her, and she offers to help her, but Yuri demurs. Excited, Mako insists that she knows that Yuri can do it if she tries her best. Sheepish Chibi Yuri wonders "something's on fire?"
Hina looks through her script as Tomoko stands in front of her and announces that they will film her scenes and change locations. Hina asks if she really has to do this. The scene shifts to focus on a blushing Shizuku offering Asuka a bottle of water as Asuka thanks her. While this happens, Chibi Tomoko admits to the Sweating Chibi Hina that she only included it because she thought it was funny, but since she does not want to do it, the scene will be fine without it.
Sweating Chibi Hina thinks for a moment, then Normal and Serious Hina declares that it is fine and she will do it.

"You are Welcome!" – WataMote Wiki
Tomoko crouches near the desks to resume filming. Shizuku, ever dutiful, stands with a blush a few feet behind her. At the desk, Yuri looks ahead, while on either side of her Asuka and Hina seem to be looking ahead off-panel. The next panel focuses on Kotomi who looks to her right with some surprise as she hears a repeated "chū" noise. Kotomi sternly demands that she not make such obscene (卑猥・hiwai) noises since they echo through the room. Hina apologizes and explains that she was practicing for her next audition. She brightly continues that they will judge her on her sucking sounds. Irritated Chibi Kotomi demands to know what type of audition that is.
Blushing deeply, Hina looks down and lets out a sigh as Yuri looks at her. Tomoko, holding her phone, announces that is enough for the club room scenes for now. The scene shifts to her standing befoere the standing Hina. She asks if they should cut out that scene. Hina asks why, then she tries to add that she does not mind. With next panel focusing on Tomoko's face, Tomoko flatly suggests that she does not think Hina takes it seriously, and if her heart is not in it, then she does not need to do it. Angry Chibi Hina demands to know if Tomoko does not like her acting.

Shown: "Presence and Aura"
Yuri-chan has them!
Tomoko retorts by asking her about her "cute chū chū," then explains that they are not "sucking (チュパ・chupa)" sounds. She insists that sucking sounds are oral as she points to her own mouth, then she asks her if she cannot make more "guppoguppo!! jururururupa!!" sounds. Angry, Hina retorts that since she does not know that she will not make those sounds. With a view of their legs, Tomoko acidly insists that if Hina just wants to play around she can just return home. Hina demands to know why Tomoko is getting so upset over a scene that she admitted was pointless. She then demands to she is the only one receiving such harsh treatment, given that "Tamura-san" is phoning it in. A Chibi Tomoko insists over the standing Yuri that Yuri makes up for her acting with her "presence and aura (存在感とオーラ・sonzaikan to ōra)." Off-panel Hina asks why she is being treated like a character in an anime movie.
With a haughty look, Tomoko asks if she has to give direct acting guidance: "Tonight, come to my room." Hina spats back that Tomoko does not have to act the "sexual harassment director (セクハラ監督・sekuharakandoku)" because she could not teach her even if she went, since "there isn't one!"[4]
The scene changes to Shizuku sitting on the bench that encircles the tree reading a manga. She is surrounded in animesque light with lens flair which carry on into Tomoko's phone's screen as she films.
Two legs appear before Shizuku's sitting legs.

Shown: "Want to see my basement?" [Citation Needed – Ed.]
Shizuku starts to look up with surprise.
Asuka smiles upon her.
The scene pans back to depict the both. Asuka happily asks, "Hey, want to play baseball together?" Shizuku emits a surprised "E?"
"Yeah! That's finished for today." Tomoko happily announces as she looks through her phone. From the other side, Hikari politely claps but Kotomi wonders what kind of subject it is. Tomoko explains that youth (青春・seishun) anime involving baseball are said to be "masterpieces (名作・meisaku)," and she thought she foreshadowed (伏線・fukusen) it in the dialogue. Kotomi asks if that unnatural dialogue was foreshadowing and is that what foreshadowing is.
Undaunted, Tomoko turns to all of them to announce that she will check the footage from the day with everyone and make improvements before they start filming for real. Asuka, with her hand placed on Shizuku's upper back, announces that she will need to think about makeup and uniform arrangement.

With her phone set in its holder on her desk, Yuri practices smiling like Mako demonstrates to her on its screen.

Reading her script while kneeling on her cushion, and her cutely appointed dog patting at her thigh for attention, Shizuku remarks with surprise, "E? I'm a short-stop?"
A sweaty Tomoko from the Totally Not-Disney World trip with her Totally Not-Mouse Ears appears on a phone in its holder on a table. In front of it, Asuka smiles as she arranges her hair like Tomoko's in the picture. She successfully creates Tomoko's signature right cowlick and brings her longer hair to hang down the right side of her face.

A screen topped with stuffed figures is clearly "pixelated" as in censored. There is a game narration that reads, "My tongue moves like wild. His d*ck (チ●ポ) lets out a sound as I suck it all the way inside my throat." From her earphones, Hina hears, "'Gehōtsu Ogoooo BoBuchuUUU."[5]
With her eyes closed intently, but blushing deeply, Hina continues to listen.
"Jubobubobubōtsu BoburuUUjubanbachuru"
In order of appearance:
- Hina Nemoto
- Asuka Katō
- Kotomi Komiyama
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Yuri Tamura
- Hikari Itō
- Mako Tanaka
- Shizuku Hirasawa
Referbacks and Forwards[]
- For SCIENCE!: It is revealed that Hina played and enjoyed the eroge game she bought.
- "Photograph! I Don't Want You!": Asuka joins Tomoko's group in Totally Not Disney Land for Copyright Purposes™ in Chapter 129. Presumably, she took a picture of Tomoko.
- "I know you can do it if you really try": In Chapter 42, Ogino gave similar encouragement to Tomoko.
- "Hina Nemoto, a lecherous girl": When Tomoko and Yuri were together during typhoon In Volume 19 Omake, Hina dialed Tomoko to inform her that she was practicing how to do licking noises, to her subsequent embarrassment.
Cultural References[]
- Fanza (ファンザ): appears to be a Japanese pornography site.
- Cultural Exchange: The English slang "dis," from "disrespect," has apparently crossed over to the Japanese All of the Fashionable Kids Speak: ディス (disu).
- "A Crazy Lesbo has a Name!": WataMote Wiki perhaps obsesses over Tomoko's shifting use of honorifics; however, it is interesting that she publicly refers to Mako with her first name, "Mako," but adds the honorific.
- "And Now a Word from Our Sponsors!": The advertisement of Murata Shuu*chi that Tomoko and Kotomi discuss seems to correspond to certain TV commercial.
- Shūichi Murata: is the probable censored baseball player Kotomi references. He has not played for the Chiba Lottes.
Memorable Moments[]
- Asuka X Shizuku: while WataMote Wiki hath no shame, the depiction of their scenes appears to match the stylized manner in which Tomoko and Shizuku's relationship is often comically depicted. Tomoko, herself, confesses to comparisons to manga and anime relationships. However, some of this perspective seems to also come from Shizuku. Has she found a new senpai? Stay tuned!
- Mako X Yuri: Though Mako is her friend, this chapter seems to affirm that Mako become excited about the opportunity to help someone. Masaki is jealous [Citation Needed – Ed.]
- Hina X [CENSORED – Ed.]: despite all of her pretense to being an adult – and believing she can shock an "innocent" like Akane – Hina finds such matters embarrassing. Granted, Tomoko being Tomoko, she has introduced Hina to rather more extreme material. Why? Stay tuned!
- Kotomi X Tomoko: it is interesting that usually the two would dissolve into personal insult usually initiated by Tomoko. Currently, Tomoko has accepted Kotomi's constructive, though sometimes harsh, criticism without reciprocating.
- "You have a Beautiful Instrument between Your Legs, Nemo, but All You Can Do is Scratch it!": As attributed to Maestro Toscanini. Tomoko exercises some harsh direction towards Hina that she does not to Asuka or even Kotomi. Reason? Stay tuned!
- "All Right,
Mr. DeMilleMs. Kuroki, I'm Ready for My Close-Up": give this to Asuka, she takes her role seriously.
- "Even if it's just a script, their lines are pretty cringey, aren't they? I feel strangely hurt by them" – Hina Nemoto
- "I wasn't expecting that monotone... You sounded like some kind of sports player. Putting the monotone aside, you could at least smile while you're performing" – Tomoko Kuroki
- "I wasn't smiling (笑顔じゃなかった・engao jyanakatta)?" – Yuri Tamura
- "Why are you laughing out your nose?" – Tomoko to Yuri
- "I was chatting with the people in my class and lost track of time. I have lots of friends after all, unlike you lot" – Yuri as Mari Tanaka
- "Okay! All done. So why are all of you here" – Asuka Katō as Tomoka Katō
- "You're the one who called us here. Of course, we had nothing better to do, so we would've gathered here either way" – Kotomi Komiyama (?)
- "Why are you dissing us all of a sudden?" – Kotomi (?)
- "Actually, why are you so good at acting, Komiyama-san? Have you performed before?" – Hina
- "No, I was just acting naturally" – Kotomi
- "You were good too, Yuri-chan, your performance was just like that baseball player who appeared in that Ayat*ka commercial" – Tomoko
- "You talking about Murata Shuu*chi?" – Kotomi
- "I know you can do it if you really try, Yuri. Do your best" – Mako
- "Did something light a fire in her...?" – Yuri thinking
- "I really have to do this?" – Hina Nemoto
- "... Do I really have to do this?" – Hina
- "Ah, well... I put the gag in since it seemed funny, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to. The scene will still be good without it" – Tomoko
- "... No, it's fine, I'll do it" – Hina
- "Chū Chū Chū" – Hina
- "Don't make such obscene noises. It's echoing throughout the entire room" – Kotomi
- "Eh? Ah, sorry, I was practicing for my next audition. They'll be judging me on my sucking sounds, after all" – Hina
- "What kind of audition is that?" – Kotomi
- "It just didn't feel like you were taking it seriously, Nemo. If your heart itn't into it, then you don't need to do it" – Tomoko
- "You got a problem with my acting?" – Hina
- "What was with those cute kissing sounds? Those aren't the sounds of sucking. They're just kissing noises. Sucking sounds are all about oral, right? Can't you make more 'guppoguppo!! jururururupa!!' sounds?" – Tomoko
- "I dunno what that means, but I'm not making those sounds" – Hina
- "Looks like you'll need some personal coaching... Come to my room tonight" – Tomoko
- "You don't need to play the sexually harassing director. Or rather, you wouldn't be able to "coach" me even if I did go. Because there isn't!" – Hina
- "Youth anime with baseball games tend to be hailed as masterpieces, after all. I've been lightly foreshadowing it in the dialogue, haven't I?" – Tomoko
- "That forced dialogue was foreshadowing? Is that what foreshadowing is supposed to be?" – Kotomi
- ↑ Censored in the Japanese Original.
- ↑ Using the famous キモチ悪いな (kimochiwaruina), though the furigana strangely reads the kanji 悪 as wari (わり)
- ↑ She speaks in hiragana: ハアハアオマタセ (hāhā omatase).
- ↑ Hyperliteral translation. The Fanilator suggested interpretation that Hina is reminding Tomoko that she does not have a boyfriend so cannot teach her anything about . . . um . . . er . . . "sucking sounds" is valid.
- ↑ Transliterated from the Japanese Original™.
Story Navigation | |
Volume 22 Chapters | 200-1 | 200-2 | 201 | 201-2 | 202-1 | 202-2 | 203 | 204-1 | 204-2 | 204-3 | 205 | Comiket Special | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |