WataMote Wiki
Chapter 204-1
Cover c204
Volume Number 22
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, It's a Little More Until the Cultural Festival (First Part)
Published May 11, 2022
Previous Chapter Chapter 203
Next Chapter Chapter 204-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This first-part is divided into titled sections. In a classroom, a blushing Tomoko points at the script to an enthusiastic Miho. Behind them, Yuri stands in a corner regarding them with the slightest hint of a smile. The window next to her is open. In the foreground, Fūka reads her script as Asuka applies makeup to her left eyelid. The narration reads, "Finally filming begins."

Rejoice (喜・ki)[]

Yuri Smiles c204-1

"Oh the Yuri has, pretty teeth, Emiri! And she shows them, pearly white!"

With the caption "Smile Practice," Yuri sits at her desk practicing smiling with Mako on her phone. The next panel reads, "Next Day," as Emiri quietly stands holding on to the railing of her train in front of the door. The door opens to reveal Yuri waiting with a smile that shocks Chibi Emiri. Yuri holds on to the hand hold next to Emiri. Emiri asks her what good thing happened this morning. Smiling very brightly, Yuri responds that nothing at all happened. Shocked and Sweating Chibi Emiri demands to know what she means.

Stylist (スタイリスト・sutairisuto)[]

Asuka Kuroki c204-1

Shown: Tomoko Kuroki [Citation Needed – Ed.]

Tomoko smiles as she addresses Yuri, who is smiling, and Mako who both stand in front of the black board. Chibi Asuka asks "Tomo-chan" if she can wait for a moment. She is sitting in front of a portable mirror as she applies makeup on herself. She explains that she has a little more make up to apply. Off-panel, Tomoko tells her they will wait until she is finished. Hina brightly marks a list on the black board that shows "Editing" over "8" and "9" followed by "Reserve" over "10," as she asks if it is a particular point on the schedule. Nearby, Hikari remarks to Kotomi that she has not talked about baseball recently. Kotomi replies that it is fine for this year. Off-panel, Asuka announces that she is finished.

She appears as Tomoko.

Hina squeals approval but suggests that she can add more to her dark circles. Asuka asks her what is wrong.[1] Excited, Hina explains to Tomoko that "Kato-san" looks a little cheerful, and "we"[2] should make adjustments. Tomoko replies that "Nemo" already has an "eroge-like hairstyle," [3] but is always cheerful which is not fine. This elicits an "E?" from Hina. Dark Gloomy Chibi Tomoko addresses Still-Smiling Yuri and remarks that "Yuri-chan" appears as usual so why does not she try a bit. Still-Smiling Yuri asks if she just needs freckles.[4] Behind her, Mako expresses a "Yuri. . . ." but Less-Gloomy Chibi Tomoko replies, "no, hairstyle."

Asuka dutifully goes to work on Yuri.[5]

Yuri Tanaka c204-1

Shown: Mako Tanaka [Citation Needed – Ed.]

The Still-Smiling Yuri emerges with apparently short hair. Shocked Chibi Tomoko feels that it is surprisingly good. Chibi Asuka Kuroki beamingly confesses that she looks a bit like Tanaka-san's image. She then asks Kotomi if she would be good for her also. Kotomi stammers that she is fine.

The next panel reveals a transformed Kotomi with animesque sparkles.

Hikari remarks to her that her ambience is different and rhetorically asks if that is not good. Kotomi stammers a "y-yeah."

Chibi Kotomi then remarks that she needs to use the toilet and asks if thirty minutes is fine. Chibi Tomoko asks her how much she plans to excrete and suggests they are running out of shooting time.[6] Chibi Kotomi replies that she will take about twenty minutes.

As Tomoko stares at her phone, Asuka creates twin tails for the excited Shizuku. Tomoko inwardly grouses that it is already 4:30.

She is interrupted by a beaming Hina celebrating her "cat-ear" hair style. Hina asks her to look and are not her cat ears cute? As she imagines an anime girl with cat ears, Tomoko calmly replies that the hairstyle is not quite the same. Meanwhile, surrounded by animesque strawberries, Shizuku with her new twin tails tied in bows excitedly asks her how she looks. Chibi Tomoko sheepishly insists that she looks great.

Mako next sits in Asuka's chair. She sweats a bit as she insists that she does not have a turn on the screen so does not need a touch up. Asuka insists that while her hair is pretty, it could use a little work. Chibi Tomoko watches in silence. After a view of the sky through the windows to mark the passage of time, all of them, including Tomoko with her hair tied up, emerge from the school. Asuka sheepishly apologizes to Tomoko regarding going over her tight schedule. Sweating, but smiling, Tomoko assures her that it is fine since she still has time.

Stage (舞台・butai)[]

Kotomi walks the hallway reading her phone. Her text states that the writer is in Tomoki's class room for the Cultural Festival practice. Kotomi pauses for a moment as she touches her styled hair. The next panel reveals a class of anonymously drawn students with Tomoki and Akari in the middle holding scripts. Sayaka stands behind Tomoki at the window. An anonymous girl with glasses happily directs that they do "Iguchi-san and Kuroki-kun's scene one more time, right!" Kotomi, with her eyes not seen through her glasses[7], peers through the doorway as probably Akari states that she is pleased that they met again, while probably Tomoki asks if she came all the way to this place. Kotomi interrupts them with her patented "Oi!"

The Now Less-Anonymously-Drawn Girl with Glasses reacts in surprise as both Tomoki and Akari turn towards the now empty doorway. The girl asks if someone shouted from the corridor. Akari steps out and sees and greets Kotomi with a, "It is senpai." She asks her what she is doing, but Kotomi, over her shoulder, insists that that is her line. Without her eyes, Kotomi remarks that she heard that she was in a play, but she did not hear that Tomoki was the lead[8]. Akari responds with an "," while thinking that is because she did not tell her. Kotomi continues that first, whoever chose him for the lead has no sense, since he does not have the face of a prince. Instead, he has a face that belongs in the background.[9] Sheepish Chibi Akari inwardly deems this "harsh," but she understands.

Kotomi Eye c204-1

The next panel focuses on Kotomi's left eye as she rhetorically asks if, then, Tomoki-kun's opposite is "Akari-chan." She adds that she did not think Akari would be such a blatant "pig" to nominate herself for the role. Chibi Akari insists that neither she nor Tomoki chose their roles. With a view of Sayaka pointing out something in the script to Director Glasses-Chan, Akari explains that it is Sayaka's fault. "It's the fault of that bitch. . . ."[10] Kotomi concludes. For her part, Sayaka asks if in this part would it be good if Tomoki and Akari embrace.

Normal, Akari continues that that is why she and Tomoki are reluctant to play these roles. With her eyes, Kotomi retorts that that will not matter to those who watch it. She then rhetorically asks that if it was a "porno"[11] would they believe her when she claims she is doing it reluctantly. To Akari's "E?" and demand to know what she is talking about, Kotomi continues that even if it is just an act, the audience watches her engage in romantic acts with another person: "Same as a porno." Akari repeats her objection, but Kotomi continues that Tomoki can handle it since he always plays public soccer matches, but "aren't you embarrassed, Akari-chan?" since everyone will be watching her. Akari demands to know if her thinking embarrasses her.

Undaunted, Kotomi continues that her "porn debut" is fine since it is a job, but she cannot forgive the romance scene between a boy and a girl. Akari meekly insists that she is not making her "debut." Over an imagined scene of a stage with Director Glasses-Chan, Sayaka, Akari, and Tomoki standing and facing an audience, Kotomi rhetorically asks if she knows how romantic films have the actors come on stage for a behind the scenes talk session. She explains that the costars discuss what happened in private. In her imagination, Tomoki confesses to the audience that what really surprised him was how much Akari would eat. Next to him, Akari protests that she did not. Tomoki happily insists that she kept eating declaring it delicious, which Akari does insist it was. The off-panel director notes that that did liven up the set.

The next panel depicts Kotomi, sitting in the audience next to Hikari, reacting to this discussion. She complains that this murderously boring flirting is being watched by her and others who spent both money and time on it. She thinks that it is the murder of the soul rather than just violence. Akari demands to know what she is talking about. Kotomi concludes that that is why she likes baseball, since no matter how shitty private lives are, only the results matter.

Confused Chibi Akari inwardly complains that it is not understanding what Sayaka and her senpai are talking about which is painful.


In order of appearance


  • "Why so serious, Yuri-chan?": Tomoko instructed Yuri that she had to smile more naturally in Chapter 202-2, after which Mako spent time coaching her. In this chapter, we see the results of training.
  • "Turning into the gross one": Asuka started to practice her makeup so that her appearance resembles Tomoko's in Chapter 202-2.
  • "The cat-ear style": In Chapter 60, Kiko tried to have cat-ear hair for Tomoko during her summer break visit, which ended bad for her.
  • The Megane Doth Protest Too Much: Kotomi obviously lets her imagination run wild when she lectures Akari. She tends to imagine others engaging in all sorts of sexual escapades with Tomoki.

Cultural References[]

  • Baseball: at the time of composition, the Chiba Lotte Marines were in second-place, but fourteen games back in their division.
  • AV: The furigana for ēbui is provided for "AV," but as the linkypoo, and searching WataMote Wiki does not recommend, goodness no, confirm, "AV" is a euphemism for pornography.


  • Time: Tomoko's phone reads 16:30, but Tomoko thinks "4:30." Japan tends to use military time with people also saying and thinking standard time.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "I Put on Some Make Up! Some Anita Baker! I'm Pulling My Wig Down Off the Shelf!": Previously, Asuka's efforts at transformation have been comically disastrous to questionable. In this chapter she succeeds.
  • "An Anonymous Girl Could Serve the Many-Faced God!": Since she rapidly moved from anonymous to having an actual face, WataMote Wiki will for now affectionately dub her "Director Glasses-Chan" and see if she reappears.
  • "The Girl with No Eyes!": Interestingly, after her make over then with her initial confrontation with Akari, Kotomi's eyes cannot be seen. She reacquires them during her discussion. WataMote Wiki will spare the Readership Rampant Speculation™ and only note it in case it becomes a consistent feature.


  • "Did something good happen this morning?" – Emiri Uchi
    • "Not in the slightest" – Yuri Tamura
  • "Right! Let's take a real shot for today." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Ahahahaha! It looks just like her! Could use a few more bags under the eyes, though!" – Hina Nemoto
    • "What's so funny?" – Asuka Katō
  • "Katō-san's the only one who's really standing out, so should we have her mess with our hair too?" – Hina
    • "Hmm... your eroge hairstyle stands out enough already, Nemo, so you're good" – Tomoko
  • "I just need freckles?" – Yuri
    • No. Hairstyle." – Tomoko
  • "Hey look! Aren't my cat ears cute?" – Hina
    • "Ah, cat-ear hair doesn't seem all that cat-earish in real life compared to anime." – Tomoko
  • "... Wait, I'm gonna go to the bathroom for about thirty minutes." – Kotomi
    • "That's too long. How much do you plan to expel? We'll run out of filming time." – Tomoko
    • "Alright, fine. Twenty minutes" – Kotomi
  • "I'm sorry, Tomo-chan, even though we had a tight schedule, we couldn't do anything because of me" – Asuka
    • "Ah, well, it's fine. We've still got plenty of time" – Tomoko
  • "Completely a stage scenery face I tell you." – Kotomi Komiyama to Akari Iguch
  • "And what's more, you're playing as his partner, Akari-chan? I didn't think you were the type of shameless pig who would nominate herself for the role of a bitch" – Kotomi to Akari
  • "It's the fault of that bitch. . . ." – Kotomi referring to Sayaka
  • "So basically, Tomoki-kun and I are both playing these roles against our will..." – Akari
    • "That won't matter to the audience. If this were a porno, would they believe you when you say you're doing this reluctantly?" – Kotomi
  • "Tomoki-kun can handle it just fine since he's always playing in public soccer matches, but aren't you embarrassed, Akari-chan? Everyone will be watching you doing it, you know?" – Kotomi
    • "And you're not embarrassed by your way of thinking, Senpai?!" – Akari
  • "That murderously boring flirting is being watched by us who spent both money and time on this. I think it is more a murder of the soul than violence." – Kotomi
  • "What I'm saying is that I love baseball because no matter how shitty people's private lives are, the results are all that matter." – Kotomi
    • "Not understanding what Sayaka and Senpai are talking about is painful." – Akari in her thoughts



  1. She literally asks, 何がおかしいの (nani ga okashino) with おかしい having meanings such as "strange," "funny," and "improper."
  2. Hina actually does say "we (私達・watashitachi)."
  3. エロゲみたいな髪型 (eroge mitaina kamigata)
  4. そばかす (sobakasu), which is literally "wheat chaff."
  5. Mayhaps WataMote Wiki should rephrase that. . . .
  6. Tomoko rather literally asks her how much she plans to expel.
  7. See Memorable Moments.
  8. Kotomi says "main" in the katakana (メイン) over the explanatory kanji (主役・shuyaku) for "protagonist."
  9. She literally says that he has a "stage scenary face (大道具顔・ōtōgu kao)."
  10. Kotomi provides a new WataMote term for "bitch": あばずれ (abazure) which does mean "bitch."
  11. See Cultural References for explanation of her terminology.


Story Navigation
Volume 22 Chapters 200-1 | 200-2 | 201 | 201-2 | 202-1 | 202-2 | 203 | 204-1 | 204-2 | 204-3 | 205 | Comiket Special | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA