WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Chapter 207
Cover 207
Volume Number 23
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, Pet Food for the First Time in a Year
Published August 24, 2022
Previous Chapter Chapter 206
Next Chapter Chapter 208


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The window sign reads nine days until the festival. Various students work on a scaffold outside. In the next panel, the Oka walks next to a boy who kicks at a ball that lands at his left foot. An anonymous boy behind them shouts out that the timing is fast and to delay it one beat. Shiki films from a crouch. In front of her Akane also films while Yoshinori shouts back acknowledgement. Oka's two unnamed friends Girl with Left Ponytail and Not Sachi-Chan also film from a tablet.

Hina approaches Wada, who is holding a pen and board, with Tomoko and Yuri following her. Hina asks him what scene is next, and Wada replies that it is Take 86 from the day before. While the anonymous boy kicks the ball, Chibi Hina reveals that she heard it would be the last time they film it so they came to watch. Chibi Wada replies that some things succeeded on the first time, but as the boy kicks and a voice shouts, "this time, too late!" Wada laments that they failed again. Tomoko turns to Yuri and remarks that for a movie, it seems kind of fun, which elicits an "E?" from Yuri. Tomoko explains over the imagination of Yuri violently tossing a can at a receptacle, "Even if Yuri-chan throws it with her usual strength, you can always turn it into success with cutaways." Tomoko imagines the can sailing successfully into the proper hole.

Yuri-Stunt c207

She then imagines Yuri standing next to a "Yuri" Fūkā as she suggests that if they use a "Yuri-chan stunt,"[1] then, in her imagination, Fūka executes a back flip, then the next panel shows Yuri sticking the landing with the caption "successful back flip." "And impossible actions become possible," Tomoko concludes.

Continuing in Tomoko's imagination, Yuri becomes a sketched manga heroine looking back wistfully. Next to her, the narration reads: "Tamura Yuri, the most beautiful girl in the school, with a combination of talent, beauty, and good conduct." Tomoko continues her discourse, "Even Yuri-chan, a sullen, gloomy, violent woman . . . . . . if you put in that type of monologue, you can make that kind of character at once." Sheepish Chibi Yuri demands to know what she is talking about.

In front of them, Yoshinori turns to Akane and states that he is starting to lose focus and needs a break. Akane readily agrees. She turns to the crouching Shiki and asks if, after the break, she would like to try performing since she is sure she will have a much better chance at success. Mike arrives to eagerly offer something to everyone. The next panel depicts her surrounded by animesque flowers and ginger bread men as she offers her Tray of Death!™ tray of sweats. "I just made these in the kitchen," she chirps, "everyone die eat!" Yoshinori eagerly announces, "Handmade by Mike-san!!!" as students gather in excitement. He concludes with the hiragana (さしいれだー・sashiireda) "Refreshments!" Mike bubbles it is since she has not been much help with the film, and "Tsugu-chan"[2] from another class also helped them.

In inward shock, Tomoko puns on Yoshinori's exclamation (差死入れ・sashiire)[3]: "It's redeathments!" She watches in fear behind the beaming Kakkun, who stands next to his homicidal girlfriend. The Killer Chef bubbles that Kakkun was also consulted on the offering. Tomoko inwardly marvels, "Kakkun[4] what are you doing!! Stop it!! If you're not careful, they won't just take a break, they'll die[5]!!" With a focus on his perpetually smiling face, Chibi Tomoko continues, "Or are you trying to ruin the movie!! Because the slit-eyed male character[6] definitely betrays us!!"

As the rest gather about Mike, innocently unaware of their impending gastrointestinal and psychological eschaton, Yuri turns to Tomoko and asks if they should take one. Tomoko whispers "no," since she is full and fine. Unsuspecting, Yoshinori regards the Treat of Death™ and utters sort of a "yum," while Akane assures him it must be truly delicious with the ending of "delicious" trailing off into a question. Stunned, Tomoko inwardly screams, "LIE?! THAT's delicious? It's the kind of thing you wouldn't know whether to eat or not if it were served during a famine!!" A voice weakly repeats, "Yum . . . m?!"

With a focus on Mike's sadistic face, Tomoko starts to recall the "Meat and Potatoes Incident"[7] from the year previously. Mike chirps to remind Kakkun not to eat it all and leave some for everyone! Calmer, Tomoko inwardly rationalizes that since she was a loner a year ago and now is making a movie with everyone, it is possible that Mike's cooking has improved. Yuri takes one from the tray while Tomoko meekly asks if it is okay to take one. Mike eagerly insists that "Kuroki-san" take one.

Bon Appetite c207

Bon appétit!

With a look of concern, Tomoko munches. Inwardly, Tomoko wonders that she does not know what it is: "It's kind of sweet and crunchy. It's kind of sticky on the inside, what the fuck is it SHIT?!" She becomes flushed as her eyes swirl. Next to her, Yuri similarly munches with effort. Regarding the "treat" [Citation Needed – Ed.], Tomoko inwardly rages, "I've been tricked!!" with just the first bite. In her imagination, Mike's Offering [of Doom. – Ed.] has a sweet outer covering, but inside is "shit (糞)." "Not your cooking, your poisoning has improved, right!!"

Akane and Yoshinori struggle to chew. Tomoko notes that if one looks closely, they have stopped chewing after the second or third. Shiki stares ahead with swirling eyes and her mouth transfixed in an "ω." Tomoko declares that "Emoji Mark 2" looks like a stressed cat.

The collection of students stand in a circle with their heads down before Mike and Kakkun. Tomoko marvels that none of them are moving and wonders if time has stopped. More concerned, she inwardly declares, "You've already turned a cheerful atmosphere into a wake in a blink of an eye, and now you're either a wizard (black) or a cook of despair!!"

With her Tray of Death™ now empty, Mike chastises her boyfriend for taking them. Kakkun apologizes as he struggles to chew. Tomoko continues to marvel that either he is a self-sacrificing spirit/god as a shitty meal[8] girlfriend's boyfriend, or he is just her boyfriend and has a poison tolerance. She watches Akane struggle and swallow: "She gulped?!!" With tears in her eyes, Hina nervously watches Akane. Also with tears, Akane struggles mightily to brightly announce that it appears that it will be difficult to continue today, so they will continue tomorrow. Sweating, Yoshinori immediately agrees.

"Yeah, let's go home," Yuri sheepishly agrees as she crushes something under her right foot. Tomoko inwardly screams that "this bitch[9] spit it out on the ground in the confusion! She didn't hesitate to do what all of us wanted to do but didn't!"

Survivors c207

Light incense for those who have passed. . . .

The window calendar now indicates that there are eight days until the festival, which the narration confirms with "The Next Day." Someone utters a "good morning," and the next panel reveals Asuka walking through an empty classroom with Tomoko. Asuka notes that a lot are absent today. There is an imagined image of classmate pictures[10].

Tomoko merely thinks that all but a few of the tough ones could handle the poison.

Akane buries her head in her hands and laments that they were suppose to finish shooting today. Hina tries to cheer her up by reminding her that they still have another week. She then adds that "Kuro's movie" will not be finished until the day before the festival. Akane explodes that, unlike Hina's people, they are taking their work seriously. A Shocked Chibi Hina emits an "E?!!" Crestfallen, Akane meekly apologizes for taking it out on her. Hina accepts this, and Tomoko marvels that a single candy could cause discord in the class.


In order of appearance


  • "Let's Put on a Show!": In Chapter 197, Shiki and Akane start making their film.
  • "Meat and Potatoes!": Tomoko experienced Mike's cooking, and its emetic aftermath, in Chapter 42.
  • "Even if you threw a can at your usual strength...": The Volume 12 Omake demonstrated that Yuri has poor control over her strength.
  • "That Face!": Shiki makes a similar mouth shape when she enjoys her focaccia in Chapter 154. This is the first time her eyes have been more than dots.
  • "Evil Eye": When Tomoko was a middle schooler, she tried to play the slit-eyed character in TomoMote Chapter 22.

Cultural References[]

  • "MOAR Meat and Potatoes! (肉じゃが・nikujaga)": From The Credit Where Credit is Due Department since WataMote Wiki could not think of a Cultural Reference, reddit user SehrMogen5164 provides this explanation of the dish in Japan:
    • Japanese-style "meat and potatoes" is surprisingly difficult to make tasty, and if you can make it well, you will be recognized as a full-fledged home cook. Japanese people who are used to being able to eat delicious food anywhere and anytime often complain about the tastelessness of food in the U.K. and the U.S. It may just be that they are not used to the foreign culture, but if you come to Japan, it is worth asking a Japanese person to introduce "meat and potatoes" to you. Because they think that it is a simple and commonplace dish.

This linkypoo provides a nice history with recipes for the dish. Those who read through it may wonder how Mike can so fatally f[CENSORED – Ed.]d this up.


  • "Are You Going to Bark All Day, Little Dog?": The kanji means "feed" as in feed you give to animals. It also can mean "bait." In other words, it is something you give to an animal. WataMote Wiki does not condone feeding Mike's confectionery to pets, even Megumi's mutt.
  • Battle Royale: the unfortunates grayed out are:
    • Oka
    • Not-Sachi
    • Girl with Left Ponytail
    • Three Anonymous Boys

Memorable Moments[]

  • Detente: Tomoko appears to have some appreciation for Fūka. Interestingly, in her mind, she identifies her as "Fūka (ふうか)" rather than "Gorilla."
  • "A Man for All – Deadly – Seasonings!": there is the suggestion that Kakkun ate a number of the "sweets" [Citation Needed – Ed.] to save the others. The pair certainly act as a satire of the "boyfriend and girlfriend" who are eternally devoted with the girlfriend preparing lunches; however, it is also clear that Kakkun knows exactly how horrid a cook she is. Nevertheless, he remains devoted and supportive.


  • "Even Yuri-chan, a sullen, gloomy, violent woman . . ." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Or are you trying to ruin the movie!! Because the slit-eyed male character definitely betrays us!!" – Tomoko about Kakkun
  • "LIE?! THAT's delicious? It's the kind of thing you wouldn't know whether to eat or not if it were served during a famine!!" – Tomoko
  • "I was a loner a year ago, and now I'm making movies with everyone, so it's not surprising that her cooking skills have at least grown." – Tomoko rationalizing her way to gastronomic disaster
  • "You've already turned a cheerful atmosphere into a wake in a blink of an eye, and now you're either a wizard (black) or a cook of despair!!" – Tomoko
  • "I mean, I don't know what this food is, but what is it? It's kind of sweet and crunchy. It's kind of sticky on the inside, what the fuck is it SHIT?!" – Tomoko
  • "Not your cooking, your poisoning has improved, right!!" – Tomoko
  • "Even Emoji Mk 2 looks like a stressed cat!!" – Tomoko
  • "Seems like only the tougher kids managed to resist the poison, huh..." – Tomoko
  • "A single candy created discord in the class . . ." – Tomoko



  1. ゆりちゃんのスタント (Yuri-chan no sutanto)
  2. WataMote Wiki cannot make out the kanji attached to "of Tsugu-chan" and must defer to the Honourable Fanilators. ☹️
  3. The furigana is the same: さしいれ
  4. This is the furigana over the kanji for "boyfriend": 彼氏
  5. Tomoko uses the Japanese euphemism of "going to sleep" (永眠・eimin) for "death."
  6. 糸目の男キャラ (itome no otoko kyara)
  7. From the furigana.
  8. クソメシ (kusomeshi)
  9. こいつ (koitsu)
  10. It is not clear in the clean "Fanilation" that some of the pictures are greyed out.


Story Navigation
Volume 23 Chapters 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA