WataMote Wiki
Chapter 210-1
Cover c210-1
Volume Number 23
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, School Festival Preparation. Part One
Published October 26, 2022
Previous Chapter Chapter 209-2
Next Chapter Chapter 210-2

{Under Construction}


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The chapter is divided into titled sections. The cover depicts Tomoko walking down a school corridor reviewing her phone. Hina smiles as she watches over her shoulder. A more pensive Yuri follows a pace behind. Anonymous students work on festival projects around them. Nagi smiles as she approaches from the other direction. In an adjacent room, Emiri startles to see them pass by while a kneeling Miyazaki works.

The narration below them reads, "How to spend time during preparation."

Destination (目的地・もくてきち)[]

With a view of the sign for Class 3 - 5, a teacher's voice is heard explaining that from today until the Festival, hours 5 to 6 will be used for self-study, "so please use them to prepare for the Festival, right."

Sachi X Kotomi c210-1

Shown: Sachi X Kotomi
Probably. . . .

Inside, anonymous boys exit, and Irritated Chibi Tomoko asks where the boys are going. Chibi Hina explains that they are going to a supermarket or somewhere to bring back cardboard. Normal and sitting next to Tomoko, she explains that the boys who are not in the films will be doing the decorations, according to "A-chan and Yocchan." Tomoko confesses that she has not thought of anything else. Over a view of Koharu looking at her phone and Mako addressing her, Over them, Chibi Tomoko claims that if not for "those two"[1] they would be finished. She then adds the complaint that Hina is surprisingly unreliable. Upset Chibi Hina protests that she got Hatsushiba to design the brochures.

Meanwhile, Mako addresses Koharu who does not look up from her phone. Mako suggests that since they are there, they can decorate the for the festival together; however, Koharu reads a text from Sachi that asks her if she wishes to go outside for a bit and she declines Mako. The next panel depicts her walking with a Faced Sachi. With a smile, Koharu teases her about being not busy and suggests she is lonely.[2] Sachi brushes her tease aside. With a view of their legs, Koharu is heard asking what Sachi wants to do and stating that it is fine to go outside. Sachi replies that since that is dull they should wander about the school. As they walk down a corridor, with the Faced Sachi smiling, Koharu asks if the second-year class is here: "It's been a while."

Kotomi is seen standing at the entrance to a classroom and looking inside. Chibi Koharu recognizes "Glasses (メガネ・megane)" from her class and wonders why she is there. Faceless Chibi Sachi remains silent. Without her face, she stands next to Kotomi while Koharu remarks as she continues walking, "Ah! A play." Somewhat slyly, Koharu asks Sachi if she smells something, then she adds that she thinks she smells something ahead. With her face, but not looking back at her, Sachi deems this "lame,"[3] and claims that what is happening in the class is interesting so could they wait a bit.

Koharu emits an "E?"

Coinage (投げ銭・nagesen)[]

Prince Tomoki c210-1

Tomoki and Akari stand together in their costumes. Over them, Chibi Director Glasses-Chan compliments Akari's look but shows concern for Tomoki. Chibi Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan agrees that he does not really look like a prince. Over a view of Kotomi and and a Faced Sachi looking in through the door, with a perplexed Koharu behind them, Chibi Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan suggests that if they mess with his hair, then calls out to off-panel boys if they have hairspray.

Tomoki sits in a chair facing the two. Director Glasses-Chan recommends bringing up his bangs as Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan sprays hair spray and agrees. Over the revelation of his Tomoki's new look, Chibi Director Glasses-Chan agrees he looks good but is concerned with his eyes, which do glare at her.

She is interrupted by an anonymous girl with a ponytail who addresses her as "Director-chan."[4] who explains that, "that 3rd years student" gave her these as she shows a 100, 50, and 10 yen coin in the palm of her hand. In the background, both Sachi and Kotomi stare in through the doorway with their arms folded. "Scary!" declares Director Glasses-Chan, who demands that she return them.

Influential Person (実力者・jitsuryokusha)[]

Sachi Eye c210-1

"You know the thing about Sachi . . . she's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye."

Koharu complains that what they are watching is boring and asks if they can go. Faced Sachi agrees, but appears irritated by the request. As they start to walk, they are passed in the opposite direction by Fūka and Miho. Miho[5] announces, "Ah! You're here, Glasses-chan! Amusing!" Sachi and Koharu are then approached by Masaki followed by Emiri. Over this, Happy Chibi Miho happily declares, "That's Kuro-chan's little brother! He's different than I imagined." Chibi Fūka confesses that she sees the resemblance but also does not see it.

Over a view of Sachi's eye, Miho is heard greeting "Yankī-chan" and "Ecchan"[6] and asking if they have come to see the "little brother." Both repeat their nicknames as questions. Chibi Kotomi scolds them that since "Tomoki-kun" is acting they should be quiet.

Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan looks over her shoulders as she remarks to Director Glasses-Chan that, day by day, more people are watching. Over a view of the WataGirls® standing gathered outside the classroom door and looking in. Chibi Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan grouses that it is unsettling to be watched a bunch of senior people.[7] Chibi Director Glasses-Chan agrees that the WataGirls® are more intense then they are.

In the back, Emiri muses, "Insufficiently disgusting."[8]

Cardboard (ダンボール・danbōru)[]

In the corridor, Asuka asks Tomoko if they could resume shooting. Tomoko replies that she would like to but everyone is in class, so perhaps after school. Further down the corridor, Yoshinori talks on his phone while Akane waits. Akane walks up to Asuka and tells her that he could not find cardboard since all of the other classes took it. She asks if she knows of any good places. Asuka replies that since they are not busy they can look for some.

Tomoko 11 c210-1

Tomoko, Yuri, and Asuka walk outside. They are passed by an anonymous group of students happily chatting as they carry a few tons[9] of cardboard. Asuka remarks that she heard that the supermarkets and convenience stores have been cleaned out. Yuri suggests restaurants which Asuka considers a good idea. Behind one Chibi Tomoko marvels at boxes full of cardboard left next to the dumpster. Asuka asks them to wait while she asks inside for permission. Tomoko tells her that if she was not there, neither she nor Yuri could talk to the store clerk and would have had to steal it. Yuri protests that she could at least talk to them about it.

The next panel reveals them carrying cardboard. Yuri carries a few panels under each of her arms while Tomoko and Asuka carry a stack together. Yuri notes it is heavy, Tomoko looks back at her with some irritation, but Asuka beams and confesses that she may have gotten a little greedy. With a view of the treetops, Chibi Tomoko suggests that they call for help since they have so much cardboard. Chibi Yuri emits an "E?"

Akane and Hina look out at the reader with surprise. The next panel depicts Asuka elegantly, Tomoko embarrassingly, and Yuri sheepishly sitting upon a pile of cardboard. Either Akane or Hina warn them that they are pressing their luck.[10]

Used Footage (使用映像・shiyōeizō)[]

Yuri, Hina, and Tomoko sit with Hina holding cardboard steady for Tomoko to cut while Yuri cuts her own. Tomoko tells Hina (ネモさー・Nemosa-), "don't ever die." "Why this all of a sudden," Hina asks. The next panel shows Tomoko watching a news program on the television. She explains that on the news this morning, she saw a report on a high school girl who died. The next panel shows video of an anonymous girl with the caption "Ms. Mayo (18)." Tomoko continues that her friends showed video of her before she died. Back to the present, Tomoko advises that if Hina were to die now, "the scene where Nemo is fellating[11] in my movie will be played in the living room," and she would feel bad for the bereaved.

After a slight pause, Hina assures her that she will make sure she does not die. Yuri assures her that since the scene that will be shown on TV will probably be different, it is okay if she dies. "What do you mean 'it'll be okay?'" Hina demands.


In order of appearance


  • "It's Not 'Sudden!' . . . 'Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!'": £10 to those who catch that reference, but WataMote Wiki only has a £20. The cover harkens back to Chapter 20, where Tomoko walks the school hallway alone and gloomy whilst her schoolmates make preparations for 1st year school festival. In this chapter, she walks the same hallway but with Yuri and Hina . The background characters are the same; however, Emiri notices Tomoko passing by.
  • "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold": In Chapter 190, Koharu tells Shiki that she plans to take revenge on Sachi for making fun of her for being a loner, which Sachi suspect she is doing in Chapter 191. This time she does directly.
  • "What's She doing Here?": As seen in Chapter 204-1, Kotomi watches Tomoki rehearse with his classmates. At one point, she even interrupts them with suggestions. Sachi discovers his involvement in Chapter 205.
  • "Prince Charming Emo": This is not the first time Tomoki has been deemed less-than-princely. In Chapter 204-3, the Director Glasses-Chan told him how he acted rather like a punk, and now, after being seen with his costume on, the Track Suit Twin Tales-Chan also notes that he does not look like a prince and suggests that he comb his hair.
  • "Money! It's a Gas!": In Chapter 170, Tomoko intended to pay both Asuka and Yū for helping with dying her hair. Kotomi does it to thank Director Glasses-Chan for combing Tomoki's hair.
  • "He's Different from What I Expected": Yuri had the same perception about Tomoki in Chapter 123, questioning if he was really Tomoko's brother. A similar thing happened to Masaki in Chapter 169, and now Fūka and Miho join this list of WataGirls who question if Tomoko and Tomoki are really siblings.
  • "YOU are Not Important Disgusting!": Kayo asks Emiri if a boy can make her "heart pound" in Chapter 163. She points out Tomoki, and Emiri does take a moment to consider him. However, she deems that he lacks "disgustingness." Her opinion has not changed.
  • "I Can to Talk to Them Just Fine if it's This Much": As seen in Chapter 151, Yuri finds it easier than Tomoko does to talk to strangers, and Tomoko relies on her.

Cultural References[]

  • ぼっち (bocchi): as the linkypoo reveals, the term means "to be isolated/always alone."


  • Stealing Cardboard: is apparently a thing.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Girls have Nicknames!": the subtle part is that Miho picks up on Tomoko's reference to Masaki as a "delinquent" and Kotomi calling Emiri "Emoji" in the previous chapter. She clearly sees the respective resemblances. She also continues to refer to Kotomi as "Glasses-chan." She does not appear to have any malice. When Tomoko enters their hotel room they share in the Study Camp, she starts to address Tomoko as "Boob-Lover," but quickly corrects herself. It is a running part of Masaki's character that she dresses and acts like she is a delinquent while bristling to becoming hurt when others treat her as such. It appears from this and the previous chapter, as well as during her "audition," that other WataGirls™ see the resemblance between Emiri's expressions and emoji.
  • Kotomi X Sachi: No, WataMote Wiki has not shame; however, it is interesting that the two stand together with similar postures. Both cross their arms. Neither seem bothered by the presence of the other. Kotomi usually at least inwardly denounces any girl in the same time zone with Tomoki, but she does not in this case. Reason? Stay tuned! Probably.
  • "It's Okay, Tom Emiri, You Can Come Out of the Closet!": Emiri is not attracted to boys, not attracted to a boy that resembles Tomoko, so she is attracted to something else in Tomoko. Her long-term wireless plan . . . probably.


  • "You're surprisingly unreliable without after all, Nemo" – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "What is it, Sachi? Nothing to do? Feeling lonely" – Koharu Minami
    • "You already know" – Sachi Mima
  • "The second-year class is over here? It's been a while." – Koharu
  • "Whatever it is it's lame. This is amusing, so how about we watch a little longer? Koharu-chan." – Sachi to Koharu about Tomoki's rehearsal.
  • "Yes, Iguchi-san looks good, but Kuroki-san not really. . . ." – Director Glasses-Chan
    • "Not prince-like, right!" – Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan
  • "E...?! Sca . . . give those back." – Director Glasses-Chan
  • "That's Kuro-chan's little brother?! He's different than I expected!!" – Miho Narita
    • "I see the resemblance, but I also don't see it." – Fūka Sasaki
  • "Aa, Yankī-chan and Ecchan! You here to see the little brother?" – Miho Narita
    • "Who's a yankī?" – Masaki Yoshida
    • "'Ecchan?'" – Emiri Uchi
  • "Nemo, don't ever die, okay?" – Tomoko
    • "Why this all of a sudden?" Hina Nemoto
  • "If you were to die now, Nemo, the scene where Nemo is fellating in my movie will be played in the living room. I'd feel bad for the bereaved." –Tomoko
    • ". . . I'll definitely try not to die." – Hina
    • "Maybe the scene that will be shown on TV will be different, so it'll be okay if you die." – Yuri
    • "What do you mean 'it'll be okay?'" – Hina Nemoto



  1. あの二人 (ano futari)
  2. ぼっち (bocchi): see Cultural References for an explanation.
  3. ダサ (dasa)
  4. 監督ちゃん (kantoku-chan)
  5. Happily
  6. As shown in the picture, Miho uses the first kanji of emoji (絵文字) for the "e" sound.
  7. 能力者集団 (nōryokusha shūdan): hyperliterally: "ability power person group." The term 能力者 can mean "person of ability." "Psychic person," is acceptable, but 超 is usually prefixed to give "transcend/super" and mean "psychic." Basically, a bunch of senior WataGirls™ are staring at her. Anyone would be disturbed.
  8. キモさが足りないんです (kimosa ga tarinai)
  9. Citation Needed – Ed.
  10. Kudos to the Fanilators.
  11. フ●ラしてる (fe●rashiteru): censored in the Japanese Original.


Story Navigation
Volume 23 Chapters 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA