WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Chapter 210-2
Cover c210-2
Volume Number 23
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, School Festival Preparation. Part Two
Published November 47, 2022
Previous Chapter Chapter 210-1
Next Chapter Chapter 210-3


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The chapter continues from the previous and is divided into titled sections.

To be Taken Care of (焼かれる・yakareru)[1][]

Standing with Hina, Yuri looks back and notices Mako leaning against a wall as she looks at her phone. Chibi Yuri thinks that it is unusual for Mako to be alone, and she reminisces a first-year Mako offering her a seat at the table with a Faceless Sachi, then Mako offering her to sit and study with two other girls. "Always, Mako took care of me," she thinks. "Today," she resolves, "she will be taken care of by me."

Yuri Stare c210-2

Shown: Yuri Starring Somewhat Appalled

She pleasantly greets Mako, who looks up with some surprise, and she suggests that they go over and decorate for the festival. Mako does not look up as she pleasantly replies, "Uuuuun . . . Yuri can do it by herself."

Yuri stares somewhat appalled as Mako continues to read her phone. Mako eventually notices, reacts with embarrassment to Yuri's Stare of Somewhat Appalled, then smiles, sweats, apologizes, and agrees. Yuri emits a curt, "Un."

The scene shifts to the two sitting with Tomoko, and Hina. Mako offers Yuri a large magic marker and instructs her to use it.

With a background of the Peeping Chicks, Yuri stares at the magic marker after she removes the cap. The next panel suggests a younger Yuri looking at her magic marker. Returning to normal, Yuri remarks to Mako that, just as she expected, she is dirty.

"What?" Mako asks with surprise.

Interval (間・ma)[]

Yuri Wants Rāmen c210-2

Yuri Wants it!

Shiki holds her phone revealing a scene of Yuri not catching as Kaho does not swing the bat and Hikari watches as the umpire. The next panel reveals that she is sitting at her desk with Hina and Tomoko standing and watching. She flatly remarks that maybe after editing it will be fifteen minutes in duration. This elicits a shocked "E?!" from a shocked Tomoko. Sweating, Tomoko explains that she thought they had over thirty minutes of material and laments that that is nowhere near their allotted thirty minutes. Shiki explains that that happens a lot. Hina adds that they have the gym reserved for an hour's screening, and "A-chan's film" is only thirty minutes long.

The scene shifts to film of Kotomi who asks if anyone wants to stop off somewhere on the way home. What follows is a set of scenes taken in the classroom. Hina, Yuri, Kotomi, and Asuka sit around a desk. Eventually Yuri, dramatically, stands, walks to the open window which allows her clothes to move in the breeze[2], then announces that she wants rāmen. A few stylized panels with animesque light follow as Asuka[3] drinks from a bottle of water and announces that she wants katsudon. Chibi Kotomi demands over the film what it is. Standing with her phone and filming, Tomoko explains that since the tempo was good, she wants to film an interval. Kotomi retorts that the scene is not good for an interval.

Festival Revelry (お祭りさわぎ・omatsurisawagi)[]

Shiki holds her phone asking Tomoko about the involvement of students from other classes. Chibi Tomoko responds that since it is the festival, she thought they could act freely. Shiki appears to stare with surprise[4] as light streams over her head.

Outside, Shiki addresses Kakinuma and the Corpulent Otaku from her Otaku Posse™, with Koharu behind them and a Faceless Sachi standing some distance away. She explains that they will act as filmers in place of them. Akane, standing next to Yoshinori, repeats her words as a question. Shiki explains that since so many were "retired" by the canéle (カヌレ・kanure) incident, they need to do it. As a chibi, she explains over Anna and Reina that she has others to help. Reina gripes, "let's get it over with and go to the arcade."

The next panel reveals Akane turning to see Suzuki standing next to a girl with the narration above her identifying her as Wada.[5] Behind them, Kakkun smiles. She asks if it is okay for another class to help. Suzuki replies that it is in the case of an emergency, and they did have to have Wada play a girl. Yoshinori grabs the Corpulent Otaku by his belly as he laughs that since he was in class with "Hatayan"[6] and "Kakī," it is "OK."

Story Board c210-2

Anna asks Akane what they are doing; Akane responds, "this" as she hands over a script with a story board. Chibi Anna asks if she is sure about doing it that way. The story board depicts a couple walking when a soccer ball appears from over a wall. They bounce it between one another and kick it back. Akane replies, "yes," and tells her to ask "Futaki" for the details.

Wada and Suzuki stand near a wall with Yoshinori and Hirotaka filming them with a phone and tablet respectively. Yoshinori calls out that they are ready; on the other side of the wall Akane holds a soccer ball and shouts back a reply as Shiki watches.

The ball flies over the wall, Suzuki kicks it up, then heels it to Wada who knees it back to him, and Suzuki kicks it back over the wall. Shiki races after it, kicks it, Anna heads it to Reina who nonchalantly heels it into a basket held by the smiling Kakkun. The next panel pulls back to reveal that Koharu and Sachi are standing on a staircase above them with Koharu holding a phone. Behind Shiki, Kakinuma films with his phone. On the other side of the wall, Yoshinori and Wada hear probably Akane scream, "Seriously?!! Success in one shot?!!" She possibly marvels over it after all of the trouble previously. Suzuki calmly asks, "E? Did it in one shot?"

Sachi Observation c210-2

Shown: Sachi Inquires about the Planned Festivities for the Preview of the Film . . . probably.

On top of the staircase, Faceless Sachi leans on the railing as she sips from a bottle. She and Koharu watch and listen to the reactions. Probably Akane screams, "It's done, it's done, everyone come here!!" Another shouts, "Seriously?! We're getting it?" Sachi asks "Koharu-chan" about what "crap"[7] she is involved with. Still a bit surprised, Koharu holds her phone as she replies that "Futaki" asked her, and she could not refuse. As the Otaku Posse compares their shots on their phone and tablet, Chibi Faceless Sachi smiles and muses if they were pulled in like "Koharu-chan." Quizzical Chibi Koharu regards them but remains silent.

Back to normal, but without her face, Sachi smiles and suggests: "Won't those guys'll fap[8] to that video? Creeps." Koharu starts to question but changes to a "yup."

The rest raise and "clink" bottles and cans in celebration. Yoshinori admits that he wondered what would happen with that scene, and probably Akane adds that all that is left is the editing. She turns to Koharu and thanks her for helping. Koharu sheepishly stammers an acknowledgment. She looks down with a confused expression as Chibi Akane thanks the Faceless Chibi Sachi when she is from another class. Sachi politely protests that she did nothing but inwardly gripes, "seriously."

Minami Question c210-2

Shown: Mistress Minami Also Inquires about the Wrap Party Festivities . . . probably.

Kohoru brightly, innocently, nay "happily," turns and stammers the question: "Well . . . bu . . . no . . . let me see . . . what is 'fap?'" Faced Sachi startles in horror to her question. Akane turns confused and asks her if she means the stamp of a Sumo wrestler.[9] Reina calmly corrects her that it is "wanking": (センズリ)[10]. Not understanding that term, Koharu repeats it as a question.

Educating Koharu c210-2

Shown: A Beer Soda Can . . . it is a Soda Can . . . a Soda Can

Reina helpfully explains by repeating the more known word (オナニー・onanī) as she shakes her beer soda can up and down.[11]

Koharu sweats and blushes deeply. She stammers the protest that it was not her but "Sachi, right," who suggested that the otaku [posse – Ed.] would "fap" to the video.

Sachi Reacts c210-2

With her face, Sachi reacts to Koharu's revelation by revealing her sclera and responding, "E–? I said – ? Something like that – ?" then inwardly raging "Bitch[12] . . . !! PIG!!!" For his part, Enraged Chibi Kakinuma protests that he would not do that

Smiling, Reina teases him by asking, "Hey, whom do you fap to? Of course Futaki?" Kakinuma screams that he already told her that he would not. Anna giggles towards the sweating Hirotaka and teases that she thinks it is this one, indicating Wada, and Wada happily replies that it is okay. Sweating Yoshinori screams back, "It's okay?!"

Kakinuma turns on Sachi who keeps a smile while looking away from him. "It's because you[13] say perverted things!!" Inwardly, Sachi demands, "Don't talk to me, piece of shit.[14] Don't you call me 'you.'" Kakinuma continues his rage: "Don't ignore me!"

Shiki Laughs c210-2

Shiki starts to laugh.

Koharu and Akane turn and look at her with shock and fear: "SHE LAUGHED?!!"

Anna asks, "why are you surprised?"


In order of appearance


  • "Just Say 'No!'": In previous chapter, when Mako invited Koharo to join in making decorations, she rejected her offer. In this chapter, Mako was about to do the same thing to Yuri.
  • The Canelé of Death[™ – Ed.]: Many of the students from Class 3-5 who tried Mike's snacks fell sick and unable to help with the completion of the film.
  • Fake Bake: When Reina last appeared, she sported a fake tan along with Anna. They have returned to normal.
  • "With Friends Like These": Kiyota seemed to get along with Hatayan after losing a soccer game. This chapter reveals they shared a class and neither of them are members of Class 3-5.
  • "If First You Don't Succeed . . . Give Up!": In Chapter 205, they failed to get this take after 86 attempts. This time, they get it at the first take.
  • "Roped into the same work as you": As usual from Sachi who looks down to otaku boys, she made fun of Koharu in Chapter 189 before idea of her associating with Kakinuma and Hatayan. Now, Sachi makes fun of Koharu for working with the same boys in the movie.
  • "Bad-mouthing distanced us, but obliviousness and innocense joined us": The relationship between Akane and Koharu has been complicate since beginning, with the first finding annoying the behavior of the latter in Chapter 129 and replying her back in toughway, causing Minami ditched angry. Later in Chapter 157, during Tomoko and Masaki's suspension, Koharu left the classroom after Akane set next to her because she was sitting on Masaki's desk. Now, after all this time, it's strange to see Akane thanking Kohari for helping out with the movie, considering the awkward atmosphere between those two.
  • "Not helping is my trademark": In Chapter 203, whereas the other students from class 3-4 were helping with raising the teacup ride, Sachi was only sitting without doing anything. Now, even when she was asked to help with class 3-5 movie, she still doesn't help at all.
  • "You Bitch!! Pig!!": The first time Sachi used that word to describe Koharu was in Chapter 200-2.
  • "She laughed?!!":The first time Shiki was seen to laugh was in Chapter 181 when Anna explains how, when she was a child, she wanted her family to visit the castle-style love hotel since she thought it was a real castle. However, since she was a chibi wearing sunglasses the only change was for her ▵ mouth to invert.
  • Filming Baseball Chapter
  • '“My Dress-Up Darling”:' Wada crossdresses again, after talking about his crossdressing experience during the first year.

Cultural References[]

  • Katsudon: explains the tradition of eating it before an exam or match due to a pun.
  • The Wisdom of Reina: センズリ and オナニー. One can also find the "Wisdom of Sachi" listed there.
  • Shiko (四股): here is one of many links that explain the sumo exercise.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Like Virgin! Hey!": WataMote Wiki is not angry you wonder if her ignorance also applies to . . . um . . . er . . . "double-clicking her mouse," . . . just . . . disappointed.
  • "Sweet Emotion!": Shiki laughs, smiles, then probably takes a bite out of Sachi [Citation Needed. – Ed.]. As many fans, and the Cultural References have noted, this is the first time a non-chibi Shiki has been seen laughing. While Koharu and Akane's Terrified Reaction™ is played for comedy, Anna's playful objection suggests that she, and perhaps Reina, know more about Shiki than others do. Apparently, Koharu never made her laugh, though WataMote Wiki insists that Sachi being flung from the "coffee cup" ride is the height of comedy. In both cases Shiki laughs at a story about sexual innocence; however, exactly what she laughs at is not certain: Shiki does not start when Koharu asks her question; when Reina teases Koharu then her Otaku Posse by asking if they j[CENSORED – Ed.]ff to Shiki; or when Anna teases that they do to a cross-dressing Wada. She laughs after Kakinuma explodes at Sachi. While her Otaku Posse do take spectacular interest when she shakes her Superior Posterior® in the arcade dancing game, there is currently no suggestion that any interest between any of them exists. Stay tuned!
  • "A Corpulent Otaku Boy has a Name . . . and a Nickname!": Yoshinori uses a nickname, but the kanji reveals his actual name. Based on the nickname, it appears to be pronounced "Hirotaka."
  • "The Other Otaku Boy has a Nickname": Kiyota calls Kakinuma "Kakkī."


  • "Today, she'll be taken care of by me." – Yuri Tamura about Mako Tanaka
  • "As expected, Mako's dirty." – Yuri
  • "Let's make some festival decorations together over there" – Yuri
    • "Nah, do them yourself, Yuri" – Mako Tanaka
  • "You're so underhanded, Mako" – Yuri
  • "Well, it's moving along a little too quickly, so I figured we could add some pauses..." – Tomoko Kuroki about the movie
    • "This is totally a filler scene, isn't it?" – Kotomi Komiyama
  • "Koharu-chan, what kind of crap are you participating in?" – Sachi Mima to Koharu Minami
  • "Those guys'll fap to that video. Creeps." – Sachi to Koharu
  • "E–? I said – ? Something like that – ? Bitch . . . !! PIG!!!" – Sachi to Koharu then inwardly raging about her
  • "Hey, whom do you fap to? Of course Futaki?" - Reina to Kakinuma
    • "I TOLD YOU I WOULDN'T!" - Kakinuma
    • "I think it's this one." - Anna Haruna indicating Wada
    • "E? Well, it's fine." - Wada
    • "It's fine?!" - Yoshinori Kiyota
  • "It's because you say perverted things!!" – Kakinuma
    • "Don't talk to me, piece of shit. Don't you call me 'you.'" – Sachi inwardly
  • "SHE LAUGHED?!!" – Koharu and Akane



  1. While 焼かれ literally means "to be burned," in context, it can mean "to be taken care of," but much of the connotations are negative, such as "be jealous." Thus, kudos to the Fanilators who suggest a negative interpretation with "meddle."
  2. WataMote Wiki is not angry that you would think this "fan service," just not surprised.
  3. Without any subtext, goodness no!
  4. Or as much of emotion Shiki can currently convey.
  5. WataMote Wiki does not judge. . . .
  6. "A Corpulent Otaku has a Name!": as usual in WataMote, the furigana is what Yoshinori says (はたやん) over the kanji of his actual name (廣畑).
  7. くだらない (kudaranai): "insignificant," "stupid," "silly," or to use Sachi's Exquisite Vernacular: "crap!" [Citation Needed. – Ed.]
  8. シコる (shikoru): though conjugated as "シコって," Koharu will soon inquire as to the meaning of the infinitive! It is a slang for "masturbate," and the Fanilator choice of "fap" is as good as any.
  9. As recognized by the Fanilators, Akane asks if she means the homonym 四股 (shiko). Difficult to render the pun in English. "Jack?" "Jerk?"
  10. With the term ever censored in the Japanese Original.™
  11. "Censored in the Japanese Original™" and WataMote Wiki deems it inappropriate to speculate about Reina's apparent lack of concern that the shaken beer soda could explode in her face.
  12. てめ (teme): Sachi uses the Tried and True "You"™ read in the Most Fashionable Manga and heard in Genteel Anime but not to be used in actual Japanese. Hence its frequent translation into "bastard" and other less-than-lauditory appellations.
  13. Using the rude お前 (omae)."
  14. カス (kasu)


Story Navigation
Volume 23 Chapters 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA