WataMote Wiki
Chapter 211
Cover c211
Volume Number 23
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, Betrayal.
Published December 14, 2022
Previous Chapter Chapter 210-3
Next Chapter Chapter 211.5


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter continues from the previous. The cover depicts Hina on film sucking on her hand. In front of the big screen, Ogino and the Male Teacher with Glasses sit watching scene on individual monitors. Ogino has a serious look and her arms folded. Behind them, Yuri, Hina, and Tomoko observe sheepishly.

Calm Ogino c211

Shown: Ogino notes the similarities to Kurosawa's early work . . . probably.

The sound of Hina slurping resonates through the room.

Calm and supportive,[1] Ogino explodes: "Just because it's the Cultural Festival doesn't mean you can screen something like this!! All of the students and parents will come to watch!!"

Animesque lightning flashes behind the stunned trio, and Tomoko inwardly marvels that she is more pissed off than she imagined. Blushing and fidgeting, she turns to Hina and stammers to "Nemoto-san" that she knew they could not do that and suggests they reshoot. Hina screams a "HA?" Before a stern Ogino, Angry Chibi Hina protests that she did as "Kuro" directed her; Blushing Chibi Tomoko stammers that she did not think Hina would go so far. "SCUM!"[2] Angry Chibi Hina retorts.

Yuri matter-of-factly interrupts to suggest that they should shoot something serious. Stunned Chibi Tomoko marvel that "This bitch[3]," who is the most upright, will turn on them the moment someone becomes angry at her.

The trio and a calmer Ogino observe over the male teachers shoulder as he views his screen. Ogino asks that, "this, this, and this also require revision, right?" Tomoko inwardly remarks that the Censored in the Japanese Original "fuck" and "rape" have to be revised. On the screen, Masaki holds up her middle finger in the "Fuck Ball" scene, and the male teacher looks back at the sheepish Tomoko.

Over a view of the trio's legs walking down a hallway, the male teacher's voice suggests that the first part needs revision but, since it is the Cultural Festival, they can ignore the rest. Ogino's voice responds, "If Mitsuyama Sensei says so." Tomoko remarks that she is glad the only revision is of "Nemo's part." Still angry, Hina remarks that "Kuro" put the blame on her. Tomoko smiles but admit that she forgot how vulnerable she is to power and violence. She suggests that had she been seriously yelled at, she would have sold out her friends to save herself. "I'm not scum!" Hina retorts.

Tomoko turns to Yuri and notes that she betrayed them out of nowhere. With a view of a smiling Mako, Yuri replies that it was "Mako in my heart." Tomoko scoffs, "like Mako-san is the symbol of betrayal." Yuri flatly explains that she thought it would be better to pretend to submit and not waste time in opposition and then show Hina's scene in the screening. Chibi Tomoko inwardly grouses, "Since this bitch doesn't have any sense of responsibility, she can make bad suggestions."

Tomoko tells Hina that perhaps they can weaken her scene a bit. Hina asks her how, then over a scene of flowers on a television with a caption asking the viewer to please wait, as a chibi, she asks if it is something like that. Tomoko responds that it is funny because they have to be replaced at the last minute due to an incident or some other unavoidable circumstances, but she feels that she could not make it funny. Over a view of Hina sitting with her knees drawn up and her eyes pixelated, Chibi Yuri suggests they could erase Hina's face, or pixelate it, or erase her voice, but Chibi Tomoko fears that would appear even more erotic. Chibi Hina rhetorically asks that it is not about her face.

Slurp c211

Shown: Hina-chan drinks from a beer can . . . a beer can . . . it is a beer can . . . probably.

In the classroom, Tomoko asks Shiki if she can pixelate and erase some voice. Shiki works her table at her desk while Tomoko, Yuri, and Hina watch over her shoulders. Tomoko asks her to do a little more right there. On the screen, Hina dutifully sucks on [her – Ed.] pixelated beer can hand.

Angry Chibi Hina spats that she knew she would do that.

As Yuri genially smiles, Tomoko genially explains that if she saw something like that sitting in the audience, she would get a massive erection:[4] "Not a standing ovation but a start of masturbation, right?[5] Like Bocchi the Rock, right?"[6]

"That's bullshit!"[7]

With concern, Hina gently apologizes to "Futaki-san" since she is busy helping out friends. Shiki assures her that since her friend's filming is already finished, it is fine: "Okada also asked me." Tomoko opines that it is a great way for friends to cooperate with each other to create something like this: "It's like a cultural festival." Yuri continues here smug smile, but Hina, still with concern, retorts that the two who betrayed her are putting on good faces.

Shiki moves the band of pixels up to cover Hina's eyes on the screen. Chibi Hina protests that it is not her face but the sound and asks if she could just mute it. Chibi Tomoko insists that since it is her best performance, she does not want to alter the sound as much as possible. She explains that she still wants people to watch her as a voice actress[8] and hear her uncensored. Hina insists that something about the way Tomoko says "uncensored" sounds like it means something else.

Akane approaches her from behind and asks her how the "check" went. Over a view of students carrying various parts of a festival display, Chibi Hina explains that they were very angry. Chibi Akane claims she knew they would be, but she adds that they did not say anything when her group met with them. Over Shiki adjusting her tablet, Chibi Hina happily states that she asked Shiki to fix it now. "Futaki's majorly awesome!" Chibi Akane agrees and says that she made their film look easy.

Shiki explains that their video was one cut and easy to edit, but since this is a movie, it is time consuming. Over a view of the school's window show three days until the festival, Chibi Shiki continues that since she also has to check with everyone, she will need until the day after tomorrow. Off the panel, Hina screams that that will be the day before the festival. Sweating, she admits that they have not finished shooting.

Angry Akane c211

Shown: Angry Akane
Also Shown: Stylized Shock

Behind her, Akane repeats this then explodes at Tomoko, Hina, and Yuri who collectively stare in stylized-shock whilst thinking "again someone's pissed!" Akane demands to know what they were doing and if they are just lazy that they cannot be finished. She ends with, "All three of you are even members of the Festival Committee!!"

Sweating, Hina turns to Tomoko and notes that since it is hard to start shooting the last scene they should start that day. Tomoko stammers that, "today is a little. . . ." Over Yuri watching wordlessly, Shocked Chibi Hina screams back an "E?!" then protests about tomorrow and asks if she is just drawing it out. Sheepish Chibi Tomoko stammers that, "probably," the next day will be good. Hina deems her response vague.

Yuri turns and flatly suggests that, ". . . probably Tomoko has an idea. I believe in Tomoko and in Tomoko the director." "Yuri-chan," Tomoko replies then quietly mutters, "though previously you betrayed me." Tomoko places her hand on the window and adds that "about this film's last scene. . . ."

At home, Tomoko sits at her desk but turn back towards her television. She muses that previously there was a documentary about Hayao Miyazaki[9] on television. Turning back to her computer, she continues that he stated he would begin to make anime without an ending in mind. That ending, neither he nor his staff know. Since the ending is not set, it allows the free flow of ideas and thrills which creates an interesting anime.

In class the next day, Tomoko explains to Yuri, Hina, and Akane that she also saw that professional episode on the Censored in the Japanese Original™ Hideaki Anno. Akane thinks, "you only watch TV!" Tomoko lectures that after many years of production, he changed the script of an anime prior to its completion. She believed that he also did not settle on the last scene of his productions either.

Yuri, Hina, and Akane stare back at her. Akane begins, "E? In that case," and Yuri completes her thought: "The ending wasn't established even though we were filming?" Tomoko brightly replies, "Yeah, while I shooting I was wondering what I could come up with. Only two more days to go."

Yuri stares back at her.

Akane collapses while Hina stares back in shock. Sitting behind Yuri, Kakkun appears to playfully tease Mike[10], behind them Hatsushiba stands, across the room Hikari stares back at them as if alerted while Kotomi stares at her phone, and furtherest back, Suzuki chats with Asuka while Yoshinori enters greeting them.

"Drawn out as expected,"[11] Yuri observes.


In order of appearance


  • "Enjoy Your Thirty Pieces of Silver, Mako!": Yuri still thinks Mako betrayed her for accepting Koharu's group's invitation rather than hers in Chapter 69.
  • "My Spidey Hikari Sense is Tingling Again": First depicted in Chapter 123, Hikari believes she has some sort of psychic ability, with the results varying.

Cultural References[]

  • Mitsuyama: the Chiba Lotte Marines did have a Hidekazu Mitsuyama as a catcher in 2001.
  • "Nice Boat": the anime series School Days infamously had such a scene, involving a cruise ship, after a very public case of murder.
  • Bocchi the Rock!: (ぼっちきざろっく!) anime.
  • Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿) Japanese animator, director, producer, screenwriter, author, and manga artist
  • Hideaki Anno (庵野 秀明) Japanese animator, filmmaker, and actor.


  • Honorifics: WataMote Wiki has previously pontificated upon their use by various WataGirls. Tomoko tends to be formal and bristles when people address her without an honorific. Hina and Yuri still refer to one another by their last names with "san." Interestingly, like her fellow Emoji-Chan [™ – Ed.] Emiri, Shiki also uses last names and drops the "san."

Memorable Moments[]

  • "A Man is Honored to be Called 'Mitsuyama'": The name of the male teacher with glasses is revealed.


  • "Just because it's the Cultural Festival doesn't mean you can screen something like this!! All of the students and parents will come to watch!!" – Ogino
  • "I just thought it would be better to pretend to submit and not waste time in rebellion, and then show Nemoto-san's scene in the show." – Yuri Tamura
    • "Since this bitch doesn't have any sense of responsibility, she can make bad suggestions." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Seeing something like that would give me a massive erection. Not a standing ovation but a start of masturbation, right? Like Bocchi the Rock, right?" – Tomoko
    • "That's bullshit!" – Hina Nemoto
  • "Futaki's majorly awesome!" – Akane Okada
  • "Yeah, while I shooting I was wondering what I could come up with. Only two more days to go." – Tomoko



  1. Citation Needed – Ed.
  2. クズ (kuzu)
  3. こいつ (koitsu): derogatory way to refer to someone else. Often used by WataGirls.
  4. 総勃ち (sōdachi): because WataMote Wiki cares.
  5. Censored in the Japanese Original™ of course. Tomoko makes the obvious pun by speaking the "Engrish" terms スタンダィングオベーション (standaingu obēshon) and マスターベーション (masutābēshon).
  6. Censored in . . . yadda . . . yadda: ぼっちきざろっく (bocchikiza rokku). See Cultural References.
  7. くだらな (kudarana): Shortened くだらな〜い, a standard word for "worthless," "trivial," "trash," et cetera, but WataMote Wiki likes this understanding.
  8. Tomoko uses the odd pun where she says what sounds like "seiyū" as indicated in the furigana, but uses a different first kanji that sounds the same (生) but is used for "unprotected" and "raw" as in "sex." So it sounds like she is saying "voice actress" to Hina, but she is really saying, "sex actress."
  9. Censored in the Japanese Original.™
  10. Or Mike is asking why he wants her to wear handcuffs.
  11. さすがに引く (sasuga ni hiku)


Story Navigation
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