Chapter 211.5 | ||
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Volume Number | 23 | |
Chapter Title | Special Edition | |
Published | Januray 5, 2023 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 211 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 212 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This chapter takes place on New Year's Eve of the current year and is divided into titled sections, each depicting the New Year’s Dream of one of the characters.
Tomoko Kuroki's Dream (黒木智子の夢・Kuroki Tomoko no Yume)[]
Tomoko is fast asleep. In her dream, she stands in a blank space dressed in her school uniform. While she wonders, "here," Kiko appears behind her and addresses her as "Big Sis."[1] Nonplused Chibi Tomoko replies, "Kī-chan." In her pajamas, Kiko brightly notes that Tomoko does not seem surprised. Normal, Tomoko replies that she somehow felt Kiko would show up. Kiko admits that this is not the first time she has entered her dreams, and this is the second time she has been in Tomoko's "first dream."[2]
Tomoko intimates that she has the feeling that Kiko did something horrible in her last year's dream.

Shown: Kiko's Delivery Service
"I put an eggplant in Big Sis' ass," Kiko chirps in reply.
"I was truly fucked. . . ." Tomoko responds.[3]
Over a view of an eggplant on its side supported by sticks like legs and arms over the shadow of Tomoko similarly positioned with an impressive eggplant protruding from her hindquarters, Kiko explains that it is a very important ceremony, and by performing it, she brings "Big Sis" good fortune for the year. She rhetorically asks her if she knows about the eggplants with attached legs in the Obon,[4] then explains that she thought it would be something like that. Tomoko replies that she feels Kiko's explanation has the power to persuade, while feeling they do not.
With a focus on her eye, she continues that this may be the last time she will get to be a part of the first dream of "Big Sis."
"E?!" Tomoko emits, "why?"
Kiko explains that apparently her power to interfere with her has weakened, and her just talking with her is pretty difficult. Tomoko remarks that her lines are pretty cool, particularly a line from a cousin who shoved an eggplant into her.

Shown: WataMote Wiki does not even. . . .
Surrounded by animesque light and breeze, Kiko suspends an eggplant between her hands as she declares that therefore this is her last power to do into her. The eggplant lengthens as Tomoko exclaims, "A long eggplant?!" On her knees, Kiko holds up the impressively long eggplant as she tells "Big Sis" to use it. "USE?!!" Tomoko exclaims again. Kiko continues, "Because I don't have the strength to insert it in Big Sis' ass anymore. . . ." Sweating, Tomoko holds the eggplant and replies, "No, this is pretty thick."[5]
Chibi Kiko insists that she does before her dream world[6] is extinguished. Chibi Tomoko sarcastically notes that this is the "climax" to Kiko's first dream, but Chibi Kiko insists that she hurry. Chibi Tomoko notes that she is not giving her the chance to evaluate.
Tomoko bends over . . . positioning the eggplant . . .
Kiko looks up smiling with excitement as a bunny sits next to her. Off-panel, Tomoko exclaims, "No, I can't, I'll never get it in . . . Hey?! It's entering a little?! Scary!!"
"Because it's a dream, or because it was expanded last year?!"
Yoshida's First Dream (吉田の初夢・Yoshida no Hatsuyume)[]

Shown: Awwwww!
Dressed as a [Not for Trademark Purposes – Ed.] Disney Princess, Masaki sleeps in a field of flowers cuddling bunnies. Large versions of her stuffed bunny and cat stand near her. She opens her eyes and smiles and blushes.
Asleep underneath her kotatsu, whose covers depict the "kitty" character Masaki loves, Masaki slightly smiles with her stuffed bunny and open soda cans near her head. On the kotatsu table, there is an open container with chopsticks in it as well as buns and other food.
The next panel reveal that Shiki, Anna, and Reina sit at her kotatsu looking at her television. While Shiki consumes instant rāmen, Anna smiles and remarks that it is the three comedians, and Reina asks who they are. They are interrupted by the sleeping Masaki muttering, "Usara . . . U-tan usako. . . ." She falls back asleep, and an arrow helpfully reveals that her large stuffed bunny is named "Usara." Shiki looks with Shikian surprise, but Anna giggles. Reina notes that Masaki has the "same naming sense," as the Censored in the Japanese Original "Ushi●ma-kun."
Yuri Tamura's First Dream (田村ゆりの初夢・Tamura Yuri no Hatsuyume)[]
Yuri sleeps. In her dream, she stands in her school uniform in a world with various warning streets signs helpfully translated by the Fanilators to include in the Gallery. A cartoon version of Emiri tops a bunch of "Watch Out for Traffic" signs. Yuri stands between two groups walking away from her in opposite directions: Masaki and Tomoko walk away from her front; Asuka, Akane, and Hina walk away from her back. With her back to that group, Mako looks at Yuri from behind with concern.
Yuri steps down from two steps, but her left ankle seems to twist. She maintains her balance as she remarks "close."[7]
She wakes up with a startle and stares upward from her futon in shock. Recovering after a moment, she inwardly laments, "I think I had a flashy but tasteless dream."
Uchi's First Dream (内の初夢・Uchi no Hatsuyume)[]
Emiri sleeps.

She finds herself standing in conventional, but stylish, clothes. A line of fish appear to swim behind her. Behind her, she hears, "Uchi-san."
She turns to see Yuri dressing in a kimono, with a box or plank with a ☺︎ on it peaking over her left shoulder. The translucent fish appear to swim between them.
Emiri flips backward and flies away from Yuri as she thinks Yuri is "not whom I expected."
Sleepy, Emiri opens a left eye that appears between normal to her River in Egypt eye[8], and thinks that it is a different dream than she thought, and she has to sleep again.
In her uniform, Emiri finds herself in an upside-down world. Behind her, she hears, "Ucchī." She turns to see, to her surprise, Kawamoto. "WHO?!" Emiri inwardly marvels, then repeats it as she flips back and flies into a vortex.
With both eyes closed, Emiri rationalizes that she woke up again because she was having a dream she did not imagine. She notes that she is already sleepy, and the next is her "Last Chance First Dream (Third Time),"[9] with "that person."[10]
Wrapped in her hoodie, she stands in a blank world, Someone calls out, "Ucchī" behind her. She turns to find herself standing before Tomoko in an upside-down Chiba. Tomoko wears her track suit, smiles, and repeats, "Ucchī."
"HERE?!!" inwardly marvels then adds as a whisper "she is."[11] Focusing on Tomoko's smiling face, Emiri inwardly panics, "Uaaaa- Disgusting-!! In people's dreams, she even shows up, so disgusting, so disgusting!!"
Tomoko repeats her greeting as Emiri inwardly whispers an ". . . . E" followed by, "a dream?"
As she starts to fly away into a spiral vortex, whilst Tomoko repeats her greeting, she inwardly screams, "Oh shit!! I just realized I'm dreaming!!" She continues to lament, "Uaaa– I just met you in a dream – !!"
Emiri sits up and clutches her covers. "First Dream . . . " she thinks.
"First appearance of Disgusting. . . ."
Kotomi Komiyama's First Dream (小宮山琴美の初夢・Komiyama Kotomi no Hatsuyume)[]

Shown: Kotomi reacts to her dream regarding the Chiba Lotte recent player draft . . . probably.
Kotomi sleeps but suddenly murmurs as she twitches. The next panel depicts the Sun rising over the Chiba horizon.
She sits up sweaty, with a deep blush, clutching her covers in a fashion not at all suggestive, goodness no.
"I saw the most amazing dream as a First Dream. . . ."
Changed into a t-shirt, sweatpants, and a small robe,[12] Kotomi eagerly speaks into her phone: "And then, right, Tomoki-kun XX my eye, right, and then I also XX'd, after that, right, Tomoki-kun with his feet my. . . ."
The voice on the phone demands to know why she is talking about that on New Year's Day. Kotomi quickly apologizes but continues that she could not keep such an embarrassing dream to herself. The voice reveals herself by responding, "Wow, even Senpai has a concept of shame." "Ahaha," Kotomi responds, "Akari-chan mean. . . ."

Also Shown: Awwwwww!
"Still," Kotomi continues, "it's good I can talk to Akari-chan. If I told this sort of thing to my friends they would pull away!"
"But I'm also pulling away," Akari's voice retorts.
Kotomi laughs and continues that "Akari-chan" makes it laughable. Akari emits laughter.
Surrounded by gingerbread men, Akari struggles to maintain her composure as she delivered her replies previously shown. Kotomi laughs as she did. Akari disconnects their call, then grabs her head and starts screaming, "Uwaaa – !! That is so disgusting!!" She continues to rant that she is not interested in talking about dreams, so she should at least not talk about uninteresting and disgusting ones. "This isn't the kind of thing you talk about on New Year's Day!!"
As this happens, her phone rings, and she answers to have a Chibi Sayaka greet her on New Year's Day then start to suggest that they go together for New Years to, but Akari interrupts her to scream, "BECAUSE NOTHING IS JOYOUS!! THERE'S NOTHING TO WISH FOR!!"
Stunned Chibi Sayaka can only stammer, "W-what's wrong?"
In order of appearance
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Kiko Satozaki
- Masaki Yoshida
- Reina
- Anna Haruna
- Shiki Futaki
- Yuri Tamura
- Mako Tanaka
- Hina Nemoto
- Akane Okada
- Asuka Katō
- Emiri Uchi
- Kawamoto
- Kotomi Komiyama
- Tomoki Kuroki (mentioned)
- Akari Iguchi
- Sayaka Yoda
- Kiko's Delivery Service: Seeking good fortune during the previous New Year's celebration, Tomoko searched online images of eggplants, Mt Fuji, and a hawk in the hope they would appear in her dream. A message from Kiko created an unexpected nightmare.
- Kitty: The character is the same as her stuffed toy and on her pantsu.
- "Don't Hold it Like That!": Masaki sleeps next to the plushy bunny that Reina and Anna gave her as an apology in Chapter 130.
- "Who's That Girl?": Kawamoto has been mentioned mainly by Tomoko as a schoolmate that hung around with her, Yū, and Kotomi in middle school: Chapters 46, 78, and 198-2. However, until now, she has not appeared nor has anyone other than Tomoko mentioned her. Since Emiri did not attend Tomoko's middle school, how she would know of her to have her in her dream remains unknown.
- "Pajamas . . . of . . . DESTiny": Emiri dreams herself and Tomoko wearing the same clothes that they change into during their night together in the hotel room on the last night of the school trip to Kyōto trip.
Cultural References[]
- Obon (お盆) Festival: linkypoo explanation.
- "And if You Go Chasing Rabbits": Year of the Rabbit!
- Kotatsu (炬燵 ・ こたつ): the famous Japanese warming table.
- "I'm a Victim of Soicumstance!": "A wiseguy, hey?!" Are the Delinquent Posse watching The Three Stooges?
- Put Guy Here
Memorable Moments[]
- "A Very Special New Year Episode of WataMote": WataMote has devoted regular chapters to New Year's Eve, for example Chapters 33, 103 and 104. This is the first time that a New Year's chapter occurs out of chronology and becomes a Special Chapter.
- "A Rabbit has a Name!": Masaki named the plush bunny Reina gave her by way of an apology, "Usara (ウサラ)."
- "Would a Disney Princess Do That?": Masaki wants to know.
Rampant Speculation[]
New section since this is all it can be at this point.
- Tomoko and Analysis: Anal . . . ysis . . . analysis . . . it is "analysis." Why Tomoko has such a dream could be due to her fascination and ignorance of sexual practices, along with her mistrust of Kiko born from her realizing that she is growing up and does not buy her boasts and lies. Or Tomoko really likes [Eggplant. – Ed.].
- Princess Masaki: the reasons for Masaki's devotion to childish things remains just speculation beyond the obvious natural teen worries about growing up. Does she actually want to be a [Not – Ed.] Disney Princess? There is no Prince Charming in her dream, but he could be playing [Soccer – Ed.] with Lionel Messi.
- Yuri's Logical Dream: breakfast in America for those who catch the reference. Yuri appears in a world with all sorts of directions. She makes the choice to follow Tomoko and Masaki, rather than Mako, Asuka, Akane, and Hina, but makes a misstep. Why she sees a separation between these WataGirls™, and why she fears making a mistake, and what mistake it is, remains speculation.
- "Come to My Window, Emiri-Chan": sparing the Noble Readership reams of bandwidth of speculation on where, exactly, Emiri is on her Journey of Sexual Discovery – though WataMote Wiki suspects she is in Swansea – a few things:
- Emiri X Yuri: "Make it Happen!" Curious she should dream of Yuri dressed in that fashion and carrying the ☺︎ but it is not what she wants. WataMote Wiki has wondered why she has shown no interest in any other WataGirl. Outside her Emoji Posse and now Tomoko, Emiri seems to interact most with Yuri in that they share a train and walk to school together which may explain why it is Yuri. She also dreams Yuri as traditionally beautiful in a manner Yuri does not dress. All "Fanboy Fantasy Pairings" aside, perhaps Emiri knows she is not attracted to even a classically "beautiful" Yuri. Finally, Emiri does not understand the "Emoji" remark. This has been played for comedy, but Ever the Trend-Setter Miho publicly refers to it with her own pet nickname for Emiri. Other WataGirls seem to share this impression. So, in her dreams, is Emiri unconsciously responding to how others see her? Or does WataMote Wiki need to get outside more often?
- Emiri X Wait . . . What?: "Don't Make it Happen!" Why, and in particular how she could dream of Kawamoto remains unknown. Her depiction matches Tomoko's somewhat inexact recollection of her.
- Emiri X キモい! キモい!: She sticks her toe in a bit, and withdraws as she always does. However, it is clear from her lament that she has wanted to dream of Tomoko, and she wanted the dream to continue. With Credit to Where Credit is Due to fans who recognized that Emiri and Tomoko are wearing the clothes they wore during That Night in the Hotel Room™, given that Emiri previously became . . . "flustered" . . . when imagining the same things could happen at the Study Camp, does Emiri wish Tomoko had seduced her that first night? Her final thought is also interesting. On the surface, she appears to lament the "first appearance" of Tomoko; however, she wanted the dream to continue. Does she really remark on the "first appearance" of her feelings for the New Year?
- "I feel like Kī-chan" did something horrible in last year's dream to me." – Tomoko Kuroki
- "I put an eggplant in Big Sis' ass." – Kiko Satozaki
- "I was truly fucked. . . ." – Tomoko
- "Because I don't have the strength to insert it in Big Sis' ass anymore. . . ." – Kiko
- "No, I can't, I'll never get it in . . . Hey?! It's entering a little?! Scary!!" – Tomoko
- "I think I had a flashy but tasteless dream." – Yuri Tamura
- "Oh shit!! I just realized I'm dreaming!!" – Emiri Uchi
- "And then, right, Tomoki-kun XX my eye, right, and then I also XX'd, after that, right, Tomoki-kun with his feet my. . . ." – Kotomi Komiyama discussing the Chiba Lotte draft [Citation Needed – Ed.]
- "Wow, even Senpai has a concept of shame." – Akari Iguchi
- ↑ お姉ちゃん (onēchan)
- ↑ 初夢 (hatsuyume)
- ↑ 本当に犯られてた (hontō ni yarareteta)
- ↑ See Cultural References
- ↑ 太いよこれ (futoiyokore): literally "fat horizontal," which means Tomoko is not concerned by the length. [Citation Needed – Ed.]
- ↑ Kiko says the kanji for "world" (世界・sekai) but the furigana is ゆめ (yume), which is "dream."
- ↑ あぶな (abuna): from 危ない (abunai) "dangerous."
- ↑ See her Character Page,
- ↑ ラストチャンス初夢(三回目): rasuto chansu hatsuyume (sankaime)
- ↑ あいつ
- ↑ No disrespect to the Fanilators. It is でっ?!! (de) with the diminutive っ implying that something follows with a tiny た. "SHE'S?!!" with a whispered "here" also works.
- ↑ For reasons WataMote Wiki will not speculate. . . .
Story Navigation | |
Volume 23 Chapters | 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |