WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Chapter 213-2
Cover 213-2
Volume Number 24
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, it's the Day Before the Cultural Festival (Second Part)
Published February 15, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 213-1
Next Chapter Chapter 213-3


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This is the second part of Chapter 213. The cover depicts Tomoki and Sachi sitting together with Kotomi confronting Sachi. Hikari keeps her right armed outstretched to restrain Akari and Sayaka. Despite Hikari's desperate arm waving, Sayaka steps forward, punches her out of the way, points, and eagerly proclaims that it is the one who was flirting with "Tomoki-kun" who looks like her. Without her face, Sachi inwardly complains, "Still the weird ones increase," as she notes it is the girl from the play. For his part, Tomoki stares darkly. With her face, Sachi continues to complain inwardly that she and Sayaka do not look alike, "ugly,"[1] but she then concedes that their hairstyles are similar. She looks towards Tomoki with some concern.

As he stares ahead with intent, Faced-Chibi Sachi silently exclaims a question. Perspective shifts to Sachi's such that she notices that Tomoki appears to be glaring at Sayaka. Akari pulls down her hand as she gently tells her not to point. With her face, she sweetly asks him if he is after her too: "You want to do[2] her, I'm thinking."

Korashiya Tomoki c213-2

Shown: Koroshiya Tomoki

Tomoki growls back that, someday, he would like to "do"[3] her. Shocked, Sachi inwardly screams, "He seriously wants to do her?!! How badly does he want to?!"

Recovering without her face, she smiles and asks him why he does not ask her over to Class 3-4: "You can ride the cup together." Surprised, Tomoki asks if she means making "doing" her look like an accident.

Over Upset Sayaka declaring that Patient Akari should look because Tomoki and Sachi are close friends, Faceless Chibi Sachi replies, "I don't know about making it look like an accident, but if you get to know each other, you can do[4] it." Still Glaring but Confused Chibi Tomoki asks, "'Do?' What is that?"

With her face, she replies, ". . . hold hands, or kissing . . . . . . or sex."[5]

Emo Tomoki c213-2

With a look that WataMote Wiki will not attempt to describe but possibly justifies some of the less-than-laudatory opinions of him from fans, Tomoki clarifies, "I'm not going to 'do' her, right, I'm going to kill her."[6] Faceless, Sachi reminds him that he is the one who said he would "do" her. Over a view of their legs, he stresses that he wants to kill her not "do" her.[7]

"Is that what you meant by looking like an accident? Crazy." she responds.

With her face, Sachi observes him as she thinks that with his lack of expression but with evil eyes she does not know what he is thinking. "He says he's trying to kill a classmate. Crazy." She muses further, "Well, having murderous intent towards a woman other than me is a high point." As Kotomi approaches, Sachi continues to muse that she is a bit relieved that Tomoki will not just go with any woman.

Sound of Sachi Face c213-2

Shown: When it reappears, Sachi's face makes the sound "Zo" . . . probably.

Picturing an Excited Chibi Sayaka, Kotomi thinks that because of Sayaka's appearance, the two have completely forgotten about her. She muses as she stares at the Faceless Sachi and Tomoki that, "Since this (female) pig[8] decided to sit with[9] Tomoki-kun, I went without a plan." She continues that since "Tomoki-kun" does not seem to be in that much trouble, there is no point for her to continue standing there. As she methodically approaches the space between Sachi and the corner, Kotomi thinks, "Let's erase our presence in a natural way as if nothing happened here." They do notice her. Kotomi sits next to the Faceless Sachi with a sigh. She then remarks, "Tomorrow, the Cultural Festival. . . ."

Reacquiring her face, Sachi looks at Kotomi who stares ahead. Tomoki also looks in her direction. The viewpoint shift to behind Hikari. In front of her Sayaka excitedly[10] encourages Akari to also sit next to Tomoki. Hikari thinks "As expected of Koto," she reestablished her presence while appearing natural; however, "Koto's natural abnormality makes both of them feel like they're on a train with a crazy guy next to them."

Smug Chibi Sachi-chan c213-2

Shown: Smug Chibi Sachi-Chan!11!!!11!

Kotomi continues to look ahead as she thinks , "Well, every time I'm in front of Tomoki-kun, I'm in a fight with another woman. I should improve my image a little." For their part, Tomoki and Sachi look away from Kotomi. Sachi, who is looking in his direction, muses that he must be popular given the crowd. With a bit of lens flare, Kotomi brightly asks for Sachi's LINE[11] address. This elicits a shocked, "E?!" from Sachi. She explodes inwardly, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" but with her face and a pleasant smile she feigns not to know what LINE is. She then turns to Tomoki and rhetorically asks, "I bet you two traded [contact information], right?" to Kotomi's visible surprise. Inwardly, a startled Tomoki demands that she not swing it his way. With a view of now Akari barring a surprised Sayaka as Hikari stands behind them, Angry Chibi Kotomi explodes, "WE DIDN'T!! DON'T EMBARRASS TOMOKI-KUN!!" Smug Chibi Sachi smugly replies, Kotomi screams back that she entered his room without permission and slept in his bed without permission. Somewhat shocked, Sachi marvels, "So not a sex friend[12] but a stalker[13]!? She's seriously crazy!"

Haters Gonna Hate c213-2

"Hate the Game, Not the Player!"

Sachi turns back to the sweating Tomoki. She inwardly rages, "He's also accepting stalkers? This guy is bad!!" Sachi imagines a scene WataMote Wiki can only attempt to describe and which will send various Fanboys [Tm. – Ed.] screaming into the night. Tomoki sits upon a chair that has some cloth covering the seat and draping over the legs. His shirt is open, his tie undone, and he stares at the viewer with a look of satisfaction that generates impotent curses from Fandom. Yuri sits leaning on his right thigh, staring quizzically in the direction of his . . . Cyprian Scepter . . . no . . . it is his right hand![14] Smiling, Masaki leans with her right elbow on Tomoki's left shoulder. Some distance behind them, Kotomi stands staring. A bit to their right, Sayaka smiles in excitement with her right hand in a Fist of Encouragement. Over this, Sachi muses, "Crazy, but Delinquent[15]・Shady[16]・Stalker. He accepts all women, that's who he is! He's only trying to kill one of them, though."

With lens flare, she recalls herself, faceless, laughing in a school corridor with Koharu, Nori, and Maki as Anonymously Drawn Girls pass them by. She thinks that he is not like they were who got together with others like them and got rid of those who did not fit in: "Maybe that's why I and other women come to this guy."

Catfight c213-2

Shown: "MEOW!" "Ffffft! Ffffft!"

With a view of her, Tomoki, and Kotomi's laps, Sachi asks Tomoki, "Hey, I didn't hear your earlier reply. . . ." This elicits an "E?" from Tomoki. She clarifies, "The Cultural Festival . . . to my class. . . ." but she is interrupted by Akari calling out, "Kuroki-kun."[17] She pleasantly tells him that they have to get back soon since they have a lot of practice. He accepts this. As he starts to rise, Akari and Faced Sachi stare at one another.

Tomoki turns back and tells Sachi, "If I have time, I'll definitely come and see."[18] For her part, Akari cheerfully invites Sachi: "Please come and see our play also, right." Inwardly, Akari notes that she is the first person involved with "Tomoki-kun" that she has spoken with in a long time. Faceless Sachi replies with "Yeah, do your best, right," and then thinks "The timing before . . . I didn't pay attention to her because she's so normal, but this one, too."

Kotomi-Sachi Catfight c213-2

Also Shown: "MEOW!" "Ffffft! Ffffft!" "PIG!" "MEOW!"

Hikari approaches the sitting Kotomi and reminds her that they, too, have to return to class since they have to prepare for the movie. Looking in the direction of a Faceless Sachi with a Tiny Smile, Kotomi emits a "yeah."

Still faceless and smiling a bit more broadly, Sachi tells Kotomi, "We'll meet at his house sometime."

"OI PIG! OI!!" an enraged Kotomi screams inwardly.


In order of appearance


  • The Other Boleyn Yoda Girl: In Chapter 192-2, Sayaka refers to Sachi as a third year that looks like her, hair-wise, at least.
  • "Sayaka's Inquisitor Finger": As with Tomoko in Chapter 88, Sayaka does not seem to understand it is considered bad manners to point at people, which she did in Chapter 173.
  • Murder Incorporated: "The Kuroki Assassin Siblings": In Chapter 93, after Yū joked about the possibility of Kotomi getting married to Tomoki and therefore becoming her sister-in-law, Tomoko threatened to kill her.
  • "The Failure of Invisible Gloomer": Tomoko tried unsuccessfully to pass unnoticed in Chapter 23. She attempted to "erase her presence," only to be noticed and scolded by the Math Teacher. Kotomi demonstrates a similar inability to render herself invisible.
  • "Girl Fight Avoidance 101": Kotomi is aware of the kind of bad image she could leave onto Tomoki due to her raging behavior whenever other girls approach him, outstanding in that regard the Chapter 134.
  • "The Magic Night in Tomoki-kun's Bed": Kotomi was let into Tomoki's room and slept in his bed without his knowledge or permission as a reward from Tomoko in Chapter 89.
  • "Friends with Benefits": Sachi introduced the term "sex friend" (セフレ・sefure) to the eager minds of WataMote readers in the previous chapter.

Cultural References[]

  • Flying Fickle Finger of Fate: pointing a finger at others is considered rude in a number of cultures, as it is in Japan.


  • If Looks Could FucKill: WataMote often has characters vocalize something as represented in the furigana over clarifying kanji.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Where's the Mojo?": this is one of the few chapters where Tomoko does not make an appearance.
  • "The Dethroner": With Tomoki's thoughts to kill Sayaka, she has dethroned Tomoko as the main target of his ire.
  • "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Sweaty and Sticky Fantasies": With no intention to beat up Frustrated Sachi-chan, at this point she believes that Masaki and Yuri have slept with Tomoki. Masaki seems confident and aggressive; Yuri seems more timid and curious. Tomoki is, of course, the "playboy" who conquered both. Merely a "stalker," Kotomi can only stand a distant away disappointed. Does she represent Sachi, in a way? She seems to recognize that Sayaka is a bit of a "cheerleader" in this, but she seems to interpret her as encouraging more girls to "step out on the Veranda" to use WataMote Wiki's euphemism. More seriously, this begs a question: is Sachi "hot to trot" and all of that, or is her vanity wounded that Tomoki has, in her mind, pursued a number of girls but not her?
  • "A Playboy Assassin Man has a Name!": if Sachi did not know Tomoki's last name, Akari revealed it to her.


  • "Th-there! Akari!! The one who was flirting with Tomoki, who looks like me that you mentioned before." – Sayaka Yoda
    • "Still the weird ones increase." – Sachi Mima
  • "Also, we look nothing alike, ugly. I guess our hairstyle." – Sachi
  • "I don't know about making it look like an accident, but if you get to know each other, you can do it." – Sachi to Tomoki Kuroki about Sayaka
  • "Well, having murderous intent towards a woman other than me is a high point." – Sachi
  • "Since this (female) pig decided to sit with Tomoki-kun, I went without a plan." – Kotomi Komiyama thinking
  • "Let's erase our presence in a natural way as if nothing happened here" – Kotomi thinking
  • "Koto's natural abnormality makes both of them feel like they're on a train with a crazy guy next to them." – Hikari Itō
  • "Well, every time I'm in front of Tomoki-kun I'm in a fight with another woman. I should improve my image a little." – Kotomi thinking
  • "Without notice, without permission I entered his room, and without permission I slept in his bed!!" – Kotomi
    • "So not a sex friend but a stalker!? She's seriously crazy!" – Sachi thinking
  • "Crazy, but Delinquent・Shady・Stalker. He accepts all women, that's who he is! He's only trying to kill one of them, though." – Sachi about Tomoki Kuroki
  • "If I have time, I'll definitely come and see." – Tomoki to Sachi
  • "It's been a while since there's been someone involved with Tomoki-kun I could actually talk to, but..." – Akari Iguchi about Sachi Mima
  • "The timing before . . . I didn't pay attention to her because she's so normal, but this one, too." – Sachi about Akari
  • "We'll meet at his house sometime." – Sachi to Kotomi
    • "OI PIG OI!!" – Kotomi inwardly about Sachi



  1. ブス (busu)
  2. やりたい (yaritai): From やる (yaru), "to do," the English euphemism, or double entendre, works in Japanese, though Sachi becomes rather obvious.
  3. Again, the use of "do" in this meaning works in both English and Japanese. To clarify, Tomoki speaks the kanji for "kill" (殺), but he vocalizes "do."
  4. Sachi uses a different verb (できんじゃない・dekinjanai) which is what triggers Tomoki's question.
  5. "H" with the furigana エイチ (eichi).
  6. やるわけねーだろ殺すぞ (yaruwakenēdaro korosuzo): WataMote Wiki does not agree with Fanilators that he says, "I'm going to kill you" to Sachi. He is clarifying that he did not mean やる as in "do" as in [CENSORED – Ed.]; he meant "kill" (殺す).
  7. 殺すほうの殺りたい (korosu hō no yaritai): his first "kill" (殺) has the proper furigana over it (ころ・koro) while his second has や (ya) over it, which means he vocalizes what is transcribed.
  8. (メス)ブタ (mesu) buta: interestingly, Kotomi actually thinks "female." メス is not furigana above ブタ.
  9. Literally: "share a table with."
  10. But not happily; she is not Miho after all.
  11. As ever cens●r'd in the Japanese Original.™
  12. セフレ (sefure)
  13. ストーカ (sutōka)
  14. WataMote Wiki will not speculate on why his hand is there, goodness no!
  15. ヤンキー (yankī)
  16. 陰キャ (inkya): there are a number of meanings, including "shady person," and "anti-social," which, to be fair, applies to Yuri-chan.
  17. See Memorable Moments.
  18. 時間できたら見に行きますよ (jikan de kitara mi ni ikimasuyo): WataMote Wiki leaves this ambiguous since he probably means "come and see your class' ride" given her question, but he could mean, to Sachi, to see her specifically.


Story Navigation
Volume 23 Chapters 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA