WataMote Wiki
Chapter 215
Cover c215
Volume Number 24
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, the Cultural Festival begins
Published June 28, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 214-4
Next Chapter Chapter 216-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The chapter opens in a school hallway with Tomoko standing with Hina and facing Yuri and Mako. Tomoko tells Yuri and Mako, "Well, we're counting on you, Yuri-chan and Mako-san, right." Yuri gives a simple "yes" in response. As Yuri and Mako walk away down the decorated hallway, Hina remarks, "So we're really going with your first idea. That." Tomoko responds that she knew definitely after editing that they could not do an hour. Hina then asks if she really does not have to tell everyone, and Tomoko concedes that maybe the "members" from yesterday since she wants to keep the "Ad-Lib"[1] feeling.

Akane passes and tells them that they need to go to the auditorium.

The cover page consists of panels that shows the outside, then inside of the school, and then the auditorium. There are decorations and various students. The narration reads, "Finally begins."

Inside the auditorium, the two stand behind a gathered crowd with a smiling Asuka behind them. Over a view of seated and chatting Chans, Horrified Chibi Tomoko begins to weakly babble, "To this many people your going to show an independent film?" She asks about replacing it with the Censored in the Japanese Original [™ – Ed.] film Totoro or Commando: "If that's the case, won't everyone have a good time?"

Hina Objects c215

Shown: Mistress Hina objects to the implication that she drinks beer . . . it is beer . . . beer. . . .

A voice interrupts by repeating her phraseology: "If that's the case, we could view them every year, if not today." The voice comes from Kotomi who stands next to Tomoko. As a chibi she continues that the filming was fun for everyone, and they did get some good shots. Chibi Tomoko mutters, "Komisomething," while Chibi Asuka agrees. Over a backdrop of bubbles, Chibi Shiki adds that she, too, had fun. Chibi Akane cheerfully admits that she found the content surprisingly interesting. Chibi Tomoko darkly teases that placing "Nemo's blow-job"[2] in the "Director's Cut Edition" was correct which elicits angry denial from Angry Chibi Hina.

On the stage, a gaggle of WataGirls and WataGuys[3] stand in silhouette. The lights come up, and they start to dance. In the audience, a horrified and sweating Tomoko sits between the happy Hina and Asuka. Behind her sits Kotomi with Hikari. Tomoko weakly marvels at their level and the excitement, then wonders if the festival from two years ago was like this. Hina cheerfully replies, "It's a lot more exciting than the first year, right!"

Be Megumi c215

Shown: Mistress Reina encourages Mistress Wakui to seek the example of Mistress Imae . . . probably.

An anonymously-drawn girl walks on the stage with a microphone and addresses the audience. "Yes! The Firefly Sparkle Festival has started!" She introduces herself as the Festival Committee Chairwoman, Mitsuki Wakui (涌井美月・Wakui Mitsuki). She continues to enthusiastically encourage all to enjoy the two days they have been preparing for, but Reina promptly interrupts her from the audience by screaming, "Just strip! The previous chairwoman did it!!"[4] Sitting next to her, Anna tells her, "No, she didn't. Cut the shit."[5] Reina's shouting surprises Fūka in front of her, and, happily, surprises Miho. Fūka eagerly joins in by shouting, "That's right! Take it off!" Miho[6] tells her not to be influenced while Rise, sitting next to Anna, joins in encouraging Ms. Wakui to fully express herself without restriction or, well, clothes.

To the disappointment of all[7], Madam Chairwoman ignores this kind and enthusiastic career advice and enthusiastically announced the next performances which include a band and a movie. Chibi Miho, happily, reminds Chibi Fūka that she is in the band and needs to go. Akane addresses the seated Hina from behind and alerts her that they need to be on standby. The next panel shows Akane seated at a table next to Shiki, who is behind the projector, while Yoshinori works the cables. Meanwhile, backstage the band member with the long twin tails calls out to her band mate that she is becoming extremely nervous. Her mate replies that it is crazy. For her part, Fūka regards them over her shoulder with her arms folded and a smile of confidence. Hina and Tomoko approach, and Fūka greets them with, "Kuroki and Nemoto, right, the movie."

Tomoko stares with stunned realization. Her legs begin to vibrate, and she whispers as she sits in a chair that she is going to sit for a bit. Hina reacts that it is almost time. Tomoko grips her knees trying to keep her legs from shaking. She inwardly realizes that she is becoming very nervous. With the sound of the applause from the audience, Fūka announces that she and the band are next. Hina gives the Traditional Japanese "Break a Leg" Encouragement.[8] As she enters the stage, Fūka turns to be bathed in a bit of animesque light, smile, then says, "Aa, I'm looking forward to that movie, too."

Tomoko looks back at her in stunned silence. Inwardly, she panics: "Oh no . . . when the band is over and it's my turn. What am I going to do?!"

Band c215

"You are welcome!" – WataMote Wiki

Fūka and her band mates take the stage. As Fūka sings, Hina remarks from the wings on how cool she looks. Tomoko pays no attention. She remains stunned thinking, "The only people who get on that stage are the top people in this school. . . . Dick cheese[9] like me. . . . No, since I'm a girl, not "dick" but "cun,"[10] . . . No, let's not, it's too vulgar, and anyway, it's not a place for me to stand like cheese."

Sweating and blushing profusely, Tomoko meekly whispers to Hina if she will do it alone, which elicits a shocked, "E?!" from Hina. As an angry chibi, Hina explodes, demanding to know what Tomoko is taking about, reminding her that it was her plan, then asking what it means for her to be the only one doing it. Chastened Chibi Tomoko whispers back that it is not normal for her to speak there. Normal, and sitting with her legs violently shaking, Tomoko explains that no one wants some gloomy person. When she thinks of the mood she will create when she starts talking, she cannot stop shaking.

Hina stares at her in silence for a beat, then demands, ”Kuro, can you stand?"

Tomoko emits an "E?!" but starts to stand as she replies, "I can stand for a while, but. . . ." Hina takes her hand to Tomoko's surprise. Holding it with both her hands and smiling, Hina continues, "Me too, my hands are shaking, aren't they? I'm really nervous too." Looking down, she recalls when she introduced herself at the beginning of their third year: "That time also our hearts pounded and we were nervous, right?" She looks up[11] and says, "Because of Kuro's courage at that time, we are standing on stage together like this now. Everyone followed Kuro's suggestion, so don't worry!"

Super Hina c215

Tomoko stares at her with shocked awe. Inwardly, she marvels, "What is it? You sound like you're saying nice things. It doesn't resonate with me!" She then adds to herself, "because it sounds scripted?" She then gazes into Hina's face which is bathed in light. She smiles, with a blush, with big eyes, and just put the picture in the text why not? As a Stunned Chibi, Tomoko marvels, "Besides, isn't this girl[12] feeling a little better with her own words and the current situation?"

Normal but Stunned, She then imagines Hina in pajamas holding a DVD or Blue Ray[13] of her with the title, "Cannabis Man Koroki."[14] In Tomoko's imagination, Hina declares, "Today I'll go with Kuro." Tomoko accuses her: "Your using my distress as masturbation material to get off, right?!"[15] She continues, "Give me words to relieve my tension, not your self-satisfaction!"

She then imagines a Scene for Which We have a Gallery where she is a semi-chibi with Asuka. Asuka rubs her shoulders from behind as she reaches up and strokes Asuka's hair.[16] She inwardly complains that if someone else besides "this debauched Pink masterbatrix,"[17] "like trustworthy and dependable Asuka." Next is her sitting next to Yuri with both shaking uncontrollably. She continues to inwardly rant, "Or together freaking out with Yuri-chan. MAJOR!"

Back to normal, the sound of applause is heard. Hina looks over her shoulder as she announces that it appears they are done. For her part, Tomoko rages about it being so soon. Hina turns to her and dramatically extends her hand: "Let's go, Kuro. Kuro and I and do it!" For her part, Chibi Tomoko continues to inwardly rage, "Hey! Another last-minute masturbation?!" and wonders how much she wants to expel with the "Cultural Festival stuff."

Tomoko Eye c215

Shown: And Everyone in the Audience Died!

Hina and Tomoko do walk on the stage. With her microphone, Hina addresses the audience that regarding the next scheduled movie, there is a little bit of trouble. Blushing and sweating, Tomoko stammers about the screening.[18] She stammers that the "data" is "necessary." Hina explains that the person with the data seems to be outside of the school, repeating, "seems to be," and Tomoko resumes her stammering that they can show it as soon as the person with the data arrives so, "ju . . . ju . . . just wait a little."

Tomoko stares out at the silent audience. The next panel focuses on her wide-open eye.

Sweating and blushing she shows an apparent USB stick to Hina as she stammers that she had "poc- pocket data." This elicits a shocked "E?!" from Hina. As Tomoko walks off, Hina protests off mic to her. Whilst walking off, Tomoko stammers an explanation to the audience that she is going to take it backstage so wait a little bit please.

As the audience murmurs bits of confusion, with perhaps Emiri being the one to utter her trademark "キモい," backstage, Hina is heard demanding, "Why?! What are you going to do?!" Tomoko explains that she did not get a reaction. When Hina then asks about the duration, Tomoko assures her that if it is over early it will be fine.

Meanwhile, sitting on the beach outside the stadium, Yuri notes that she is not contacting them. Standing in front of Yuri and filming her on her camera, Mako pleasantly suggests that the pressure got to her.


In order of appearance

Referbacks and Forwards[]

  • "So We're Really Going with Your First Idea": The first time Tomoko presented her introduction for the movie project, she came up with idea to recreate that feeling of previous problems before a school festival by setting up the filming of someone holding the data while running to the school before the time to project the movie runs out at the same time the rest of students buy time by ad-libing in Chapter 186-1.
  • The Director's Cut is Extra: In Chapter 202-2, Hina had to perform making the sound of fellatio sucking; however, when Ogino checked the film in Chapter 211 the scene had to be cut.
  • "All Join Together with the Band": one of the anonymous players was first seen in Chapter 192-2, and it was revealed that she and her friend would play with Fūka during the Cultural Festival in Chapter 213-3.
  • "You have Only One Chance to Make a First Introduction": in Chapter 122 Tomoko made a particularly embarrassing introduction which encouraged Hina to present herself honestly to her classmates.
  • Think Pink! (Inran Pinku): Tomoko describes Hina's Mount Pleasant as "pink" (ピンク・pinku) to Hina's violent irritation in a previous chapter. In this Chapter 148, Tomoko says, and Yuri ponders, 淫乱ピンク (いんらんピンク・inran pinku) or "lewd/lascivious pink." A subsequent chapter demonstrates that Hina is profoundly embarrassed by Tomoko viewing, and telling Katō about seeing, her Road to a Christening. To further the pun, pink-colored hair on anime girls is also called "inran pinku" and some fans think this means they are promiscuous. This becomes a reference Tomoko can use when she wishes to irritate Hina or respond to Hina's competitiveness. Chapter 178 reveals that Tomoko saw Hina's said Road to a Christening when she stood and left the onsen in Chapter 73.
  • "A Cultural Festival Chairwoman has a Name!": the name of an anonymous character, who will be utterly unimportant in chapters to come Arg! Spoilers There be! is revealed. Arg.

Cultural References[]

Memorable Moments[]

  • Affable Rivals: Despite their consistent rivalry, Komiyama also understands Tomoko's pressure enough to be nice to her and take the initiative to support Tomoko and relieve some of that pressure.


  • "Moving Nemo's blowjob scene to the Director's Cut Edition was the right decision, huh!" – Tomoko Kuroki
    • "There's no such thing!" – Hina Nemoto
  • ”The cultural festival that all the students have been preparing for this day has started. Let's enjoy the rest of the festival as much as we can for the next two days starting today!” – Mitsuki Wakui
  • "Just strip! The previous chairwoman did it!!" – Reina
    • "No, she didn't. Cut the shit." – Anna Haruna
    • "That's right! Take it off!" – Fūka Sasaki
    • "Don't be influenced!" – Miho Narita happily
    • "Take it off!" – Rise
  • "Aa, I'm looking forward to that movie, too." – Fūka to Hina and Tomoko
  • "Oh no . . . when the band is over and it's my turn. What am I going to do?!" – Tomoko
  • "The only people who get on that stage are the top people in this school. . . . Dick cheese like me. . . . No, since I'm a girl, not 'dick' but 'cun,' . . . No, let's not, it's too vulgar, and anyway, it's not a place for me to stand like cheese." – Tomoko
  • "Me too, my hands are shaking, aren't they? I'm really nervous too." – Hina to Tomoko
  • Because of Kuro's courage at that time, we are standing on stage together like this now. Everyone followed Kuro's suggestion, so don't worry!" – Hina to Tomoko
  • "Your using my distress as masturbation material to get off, right?!" – Tomoko inwardly accusing Hina
  • "If someone else besides this debauched Pink masturbatrix, like trustworthy dependable Asuka." – Tomoko inwardly ranting about Hina.
  • "Gross." - Emiri Ucchi probably



  1. アドリブ (adoribu)
  2. フェラ (fera): Censored in the Japanese Original
  3. Perfectly cromulent word.
  4. Citation Needed
  5. 最低のヤジやめろ (saite no yaji yamero): Hyperliterally: "Stop the worse heckling/jeering"
  6. Happily
  7. But certainly not WataMote Wiki, no, "measur'd in manner and speech."
  8. がんばってね (gambatte ne)
  9. チンカス (chinkasu): As ever Cens●red in the Japanese Original this is a combination of "dick" and . . . well . . . sediment or smegma . . . for which "dick cheese" is an eminently adequate rendering.
  10. Tomoko says "マン (man)" and stops, which is the start of THE insult/vulgar term guaranteed to offend Japanese, not just WataGirls: manko. "C●nt" is a good English approximation.
  11. Which apparently makes the sound " (ワー)" according to the onomatopoeia over her head.
  12. Using the semi-derogatory こいつ (koitsu), which could be rendered a "this bitch," but that might be a bit too harsh for Tomoko's intention.
  13. WataMote Wiki will not rule out VHS or Betamax. . . .
  14. 大麻人クロキ (taimanin Kuroki): with 大麻 used for "cannabis, marijuana, pot."
  15. Translation Note: オカズ (okazu) is "masturbation/wank material," while the Cens●red in the Japanese Original オンニー (onnī) is the phrase made famous by Reina for "double-clicking your mouse."
  16. On Asuka's head. What were you thinking?! Are you Fūka-chan?!
  17. Work with WataMote Wiki here. こんな淫乱オンニービンク (konna inran onnī pinku): with "onnī" Censored in the Japanese Original. "Inran Piku" is a term Tomoko has used to think of Hina, particularly when talking about her . . . um . . . er . . . um . . . Road to a Christening. See Referbacks.
  18. Interestingly, she first stammers the word for "screening" in hiragana (じょうえい・jōei) then "speaks" the kanji (上映).


Story Navigation
Volume 24 Chapters 213-1 | 213-2 | 213-3 | 214-1 | 214-2 | 214 | 215 | 216-1 | 216-2 | 216.5 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA