WataMote Wiki
Chapter 216-1
Cover c216
Volume Number 24
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Screen the Film
Published July 26, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 215
Next Chapter Chapter 216-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter continues directly after the previous. The cover is broken into four panels. The first depicts Tomoko sitting somewhat dejectedly outside on the steps before two large doors. Nearby, Hina stands quietly regarding her with some visible concern. The second depicts Akane, Shiki, and Yoshinori sitting at a table with the projector staring ahead. The third depicts a nervous Shizuku sitting with a smiling Kii in the audience. The fourth shows, in English, "3 – 5 Presents."

The side narration reads: "Director and Screenwriter, Kuroki Tomoko presents."

The first scene of the film shows a blackboard with "This Kind of Youth"[1] written across it. The scene moves down a sunlit hallway, to a room sign with the sign "Second Literature Club" taped over it. Inside, Asuka, Kotomi, and Hina sit around a desk. Asuka looks at her phone, Hina listens to hers with ear at their phones while Kotomi reads a manga. Hina starts to hum, and Kotomi remarks that there is strange noise leaking out, and she asks her what she is listening to. Hina cheerfully explains that it is an assignment from her training school to voice three roles in a threesome scene.[2] She adds that she is listening to a Censor'd in the Japanese Original "Fa●za" sample. Kotomi demands to know what type of training school she is attending since it sound "disgusting." Meanwhile, Asuka, playing with her phone, announces, "T-That's it – I got MATSU." Kotomi demands to know how old her game is, "EXILE's[3] overly beautiful game?" She then complains that "MATSU" is the "guy with claws," and she is not very happy with it.[4]

Yuri Basks c216

Shown: Yuri Tamura
She Basks in Your Hatred

With a view from outside of the room, a girl with a skirt dramatically opens the door to review the quartet inside. Yuri happily announces, "Haahaa Please wait. I was late when I was chatting with my classmates. Unlike everyone else, I have many friends." Kotomi demands to know why the sudden "diss."[5]

When Yuri sits, Hina reminds her that she had something important to say today, then asks what it is. Kotomi reminds Asuka, "what about you, chairwoman?" Still staring at her phone, Asuka tells her to wait a moment since she is in the middle of a battle on the censored Kaitō R●yale. Kotomi remarks that that one has also ended its service. Asuka announces, "yes, good, finished," then asks why everyone is there. Kotomi snaps back that Asuka was the one who called them, thought they would have gathered anyway since they had nothing else to do.

Asuka sheepishly confesses that she feels that she has something to say: "What was it? I feel like it was an important story." Kotomi flatly observes that while it may not be a big deal that she has forgotten, she is hungry, and she asks Asuka where she is going to stop on the way home today.

There is a view of Yuri's posterior[6] as she stands from the desk. There is another view of it as she stands at the window, and Hina watches.

The next panel pulls back to a fuller view of them all. Yuri looks out the window. The curtains move with the wind. Kotomi and Hina return to their phones. With a focus on Hina's face, she turns to the camera, and declares, "Rāmen."

Asuka-Film c216

The next panel depicts the netting of the field outside, then there is a close up on Asuka's mouth sucking drinking from a water bottle. Yuri looks back at them. Then, with a focus on Asuka's smiling face, Asuka declares, "For me, katsudōn is good." Yuri continues to look at them from the perspective of Asuka.

She smiles.

She then repeats, "Rāmen." Probably Asuka responds, "Surprisingly, your opinion doesn't change?" With a focus on her face, Asuka declares, "okay." Off-panel, Kotomi remarks that Asuka's opinion has changed and wonders why it took so long.[7] Asuka slightly stammers that they will probably look back on these uneventful moments as an important time; Kotomi reports that they probably will not.

There is a pause as they all stare ahead in silence. After this beat, Yuri remarks that the student council has a new recruit with a strong shoulder who can run, hit, and play defense. Kotomi counters, "No, she should join the baseball team." Looking down slightly as she struggles to remember, Asuka remarks, "Student Council. That's right, Student Council said something about it I think. . . ." only to be interrupted by Hina making noises of a particular sucking sound. This is followed by scenes of the city and country side with the sounds loudly playing.

Die Hina Die c216

Not Shown: Love for Hina

Kotomi looks up from her manga and scolds Hina against suddenly making obscene noises in the club room. Hina emits an "E?" then apologizes and explains that she is practicing for her next audition. Brightly, she continues that there is a test of the "sucking sound"[8] on the audition. Kotomi snaps back demanding to know what type of audition that is, then condemns Hina, "truly creepy so just die!" Yuri turns to Hina and pleasantly agrees that she truly wants her to die. Asuka adds her agreement.

The scene pauses, and a narration, presumably from Asuka, explains, "That time, even though it was a joke, we said some heartless words to Nemoto. We later came to regret it after Nemoto's death."

The scene pauses again.

Asuka then brightly remarks that she remember something earlier about the Student Council and Nemoto's perverted behavior: this Secondary Literature Club has been abolished. This elicits a shocked "E?!" from someone off-panel. With a view of the chalk tray of the black board, one of the others demands, "Why?" Asuka explains that it is because the club has four second-years, does not do any activities, "because Nemoto is 18 restricted, Tanaka is normal, Glasses does nothing but retort[9], and I'm gloomy, they said." An off-panel voice confesses, "While it's true, it's a bit harsh." The next panel depicts the Cinematic WataGirls™; Yuri remarks that they have to do what the Student Council says. Hina agrees that it is their own fault so they cannot blame them, and Asuka concurs that they should not bother their superiors. For her part, Kotomi observes that this is a rare case where they are all weak before power.

Madam Pres and VP c216

Shown: "Narita-Sasaki 2024! Make Manga Great Again!"

Outside the classroom, Fūka and Miho stand at the doorway. Viewed from inside, Fūka dramatically opens the door and announces, "I am Vice-President[10] of the Student Council Sasayama![11] Excuse me." Miho, happily, adds, "President Nariyama, right." Fūka genially asks if they have cleaned up their club room, then she genially reminds them that as she told them the other day, a club with no reason to exist must leave. The trio of Hine, Asuka, and Yuri state that they understand, but Kotomi sarcastically asks them, "Good answer, no lingering regrets?"

Fūka, happily dramatically, turns raising her left index finger, and continues, "But if you insist, I can withdraw the abolition of the club." Kotomi happily sarcastically reminds that they did not say anything, are willing to end their club, but she is so sweet. Fūka continues her lecture by indicating that their first condition is to sign up five members who include new students. They have one week to solicit and sign them up. Asuka notes that she is kind enough to allow their club to continue even though it does not meet those requirements. Fūka happily genially continues her proclamation by declaring that in a week the five will meet "on the ground,"[12] and if they can beat them at baseball, they will rescind the decision.

One of the members, possibly Kotomi, off panel complains that their club, and the Student Council for that matter, have nothing to do with baseball. Miho[13] apologizes and explains that, "Vice-President Meathead[14] wants to settle things with sports for the time being." Hina protests that baseball uses nine players: "you've been so nice, but suddenly became desolate." Undaunted, Fūka insists that it is fine since the Student Council has only five members also. An off-panel voice insists that that is not baseball and to chose something with five people. Fūka insists that since she has recently been watching a baseball anime which has moved her, it must be baseball. Kotomi deems that a weak reason.

Raising her hand, Yuri asks if they can wait a bit, then asks if an eating contest would be go. Fūka shuts that down, which Yuri accepts. Kotomi scolds her for making a proposal that she would quickly withdraw since she is not good at eating. Hina raises her hand and suggests an "Erotic Spoken Line Championship"[15] to determine the winner. Fūka ignores her suggestion and genially sarcastically declares that next week will be fun if they do not run away. In unison, Asuka, Hina, and Yuri declare that they understand and they will come without running away. Kotomi observes, "no independence."

Alfred Tomoko Hitchcock c216

Shown: A Very Significant Interlude which totally advances the plot.
Also Shown: Selfie Stick!

Sitting back down at their desks, Asuka confesses that they face a difficult problem, Yuri insists that they have to do something for their club, Kotomi laments that she tried to stop them, and Hina complains that they all naturally ignored her.

With a view of the outside of the school, probably Hina's voice declares that, anyways, she is still hungry, so they should go somewhere to eat then go home. Probably Yuri's voice demands, "Rāmen."

What follows is a mini-montage of panels showing filming in the rāmen restaurant. In the midst of this, Hina remarks. "There's a slight chance," to which Yuri agrees. After panels of further eating, which includes Hikari blowing steam over Tomoko's head as she films, Kotomi remarks that it is delicious, to which Yuri agrees.

The next panel depicts them walking a corridor. The narration states that from the next day they scrambled to recruit new members. The next panel depicts Mako in front of a library shelf, clutching a book, apologizes for being busy with school work.

Emiri c216

Next, Emiri with a New Asuka Hair Style™ complains that she always hears perverted sounds from their club room, and she hates it since it is disgusting. Next, Hikari states that she is not interested in literature and "Glasses" is quick to retort. Then Emiri, stylized like a delinquent with impressive hair, claims that since the director is a loner and not charismatic, she hates it.

The next panel shows the quartet sitting on the grass on the school grounds. Asuka remarks that it does not seem like anyone will join them, and Hina agrees. Kotomi laments that their request was something simple, but hated. Yuri claims that she did not even bring it up.

Before them, Shizuku sits on the bench around the tree reading a manga. With a focus on Shizuku reading, a voice off-panel identifies her as the first year then asks if they should call out to her. Another, probably Yuri, tells her to wait since she has seen "that kid" before: "she won the Mathematics Competitions. She's a genius girl!" "Mathematics Competition?" another off-panel voice, probably Kotomi, asks.

QTπ c216

Shown: QTπ

Standing next to Kotomi, Yuri explains that it is a competition where the winner is determined by running fast and solving mental arithmetic. Kotomi remarks that the contents of the competition are definitely not scientific.

Smiling, Shizuku begins reading the digits for a minor mathematical ratio that rarely, if ever, appears in any formulae.[16] "Look, she's reciting π[17]," one of the voices exclaims. Probably Kotomi complains that that portrayal of genius is old.

Sitting on the ground next to Hina, Asuka remarks to Kotomi, who is standing up, that someone good at math and sports can be a force in baseball. She then asks "Komikawa" to ask the girl to join them since she looks smart. Kotomi asks if the idea of "glasses = smart" is some director's idea.

Kotomi approaches Shizuku and asks her if she is interested in the Literature Club, but without looking up, Shizuku replies, "Sorry, but people with glasses are a little. . . ." Kotomi demands to know what is with that kind of prejudice. She walks back to Asuka and tells her that she cannot do it so the "head" must. Asuka agrees that she has no choice.

Shizuku notices Asuka's shoes in front of her. She looks up to see Asuka's smiling face.

"Heh, why don't we play baseball together?" Asuka rhetorically asks. This elicits an "E?" from Shizuku.

The film shows a sign announcing a five-minute intermission. In the audience, Kotomi complains that a fifteen minute film does not need an intermission, and they are stalling too much. Sitting next to her Hikari looks at her and thinks that Kotomi is doing the same "dark" poking and prodding as in the movie.


In order of appearance

Referbacks and Forwards[]

  • "Exuent!": In Chapter 213-3, Yuri suggested to Tomoko that they leave the seats in case the audience does not react to the movie positively, which Tomoko considered. In this chapter, Tomoko ditches the stage at the very beginning.
  • "Who's that Girl!": Shizuku has been talking on the phone to another girl since Chapter 192-1. While it appears this friend is Kiko, in Chapter 210-3 Shizuku tells Tomoko that she made a female friend during the summer break, but Kiko and Shizuku apparently first meet during Golden Week in Chapter 142.
  • "I'm Practically a Haramaku Schoolgirl too": The OVA Episode 13 depicts Tomoko, Yū and Kiko all wearing the Makuhari Shūei High School uniform. In this chapter, Kiko appears in the audience sitting next to Shizuku and wearing the uniform.
  • "To Katsudon or to Rāmen, that is the Question": After realizing there was not enough material in Chapter 210-2, Tomoko chose to add a scene of the girls deciding what to eat, then eating, which Kotomi deemed to be filler.
  • "Suck, Snap, Edit!": In Chapter 211 Ogino and Mitsuyama reviewed Tomoko's movie. Ogino took a "less than charitable" view of it, exploding and yelling at Tomoko over the scene of Hina . . . drinking beer . . . beer . . . she was sucking . . . beer. For this reason, Tomoko shifts to scenes of landscapes as Hina is heard sucking beer . . . no . . . wait. . . .
  • "'No Spoilers!' I said!": After a debate on how to finish the movie in Chapter 211, Tomoko chooses to make the last scene reveal that Hina is dead. [And Tamura-san is pregnant. – Ed.] Shhh! Asuka's character, "Tomoka Katō," foreshadows this in her narration.

Cultural References[]

  • Seisen Cerberus: (聖戦ケルベロス・Seisen Keruberosu・"Holy War Cerberus"): is a Japanese role-playing mobile game released by GREE. The Fanilator helpfully notes: "Seisen Cerberus, a social card game which ran between 2011 and 2018 and had a collaboration with Japanese band EXILE."
  • EXILE: a Japanese band!


  • "We were Promised Punch and Π!": though usually written in the minuscule π. On that note, Shizuku is a piphilogist.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Kotomi Kurosomething: While Kotomi-chan has her own level of sarcastic judgment, she does seem to voice criticisms Tomoko would voice regarding manga, anime, and other media that seem to just follow tropes. It seems that Tomoko uses Kotomi to voice her own view of such tropes in her film. The two do think alike when it does not involve baseball and Tomoki.
  • キモい = Sexual: Bear with WataMote Wiki here a bit. Emiri has long called Tomoko "gross/disgusting," which Tomoko has come to accept. She even invites her to use that term. See the relevant character pages for the details. Yet Tomoko seems oblivious to Emiri's crush on her. She has Emiri describe what are sexual sounds – Hina practicing drinking beer . . . beer . . . it is just beer . . . beer – with her catch phrase. This appears to mean that Tomoko interprets Emiri's description of her as how she fears Asuka will view her: a "colossal pervert" = "disgusting." To be fair, the few times Emiri explodes . . . let WataMote Wiki rephrase that . . . loses her temper, she suggests that Tomoko engages in some really extreme fetishes and is a "huge lesbian." Yet, after all of this, Emiri calls her a close friend and sticks by her. Yet, Tomoko does not make the connection?


  • "There's some questionable audio leaking, what are you listening to?" – Kotomi Komiyama to Hina Nemoto on film
  • "Haahaa Please wait. I was late when I was chatting with my classmates. Unlike everyone else, I have many friends." – Yuri Tamura on film
    • "Why the sudden diss?" – Kotomi on film
  • "So, why are all of you here?" – Asuka Katō on film
    • "You're the one who called us here. Of course, we had nothing better to do, so we would've gathered here either way "– Kotomi on film
  • "Th-these uneventful moments, when I look back on them later, it was an important time we'll realize maybe, right?" – Asuka on film
    • "It was nothing, so we won't look back on it, probably." – Kotomi on film
  • "Because there is a sucking sound test in the screening process.." – Hina on film
    • "What kind of audition is that? You're truly creepy so just die" – Kotomi on film
    • "I really wish you were dead." – Yuri on film
    • "Really." – Asuka on film
  • "That time, even though it was a joke, we said some heartless words to Nemoto. We later came to regret it after Nemoto's death."– Asuka on film
  • "Sorry, right? Vice President Meathead wants to settle things with sports for the time being." – Miho Narita on film . . . happily
  • "From the club room, I always hear perverted voices, and since its gross, I don't like it." – Emiri Uchi on film
  • "Sorry, but people with glasses are a little. . . ." – Shizuku Hirasawa on film to Kotomi



  1. こういう青春 (kōio seishun)
  2. The Japanese Original of "ménage à trois" is "3P シーン (3P shīn)." Because WataMote Wiki cares.
  3. Cens●r'd in the Japanese Original.
  4. See Cultural References
  5. ディス (deisu)
  6. Is it as superior as Shiki's?
  7. Translation Note: Kotomi basically asks, "That opinion immediately changed. What was that time [for]?"
  8. チュパ音 (chupaon): with "chupa" meaning "sucking."
  9. Translation Note: シッコミ (tsukkomi) which refers to butting in and retorting. See this reference.
  10. 副会長 (fukukaishõ)
  11. 佐々山: she uses the first two kanji of her surname with the standard for "mountain," (yama). Miho similarly substitutes the yama kanji (山) for her final kanji.
  12. グラウンド (guraundo)
  13. Happily
  14. 副会長脳筋 (fukukaichō nōkin): with "nōkin" meaning, "muscle-brain; meathead; hot-blooded idiot; person who charges in before thinking."
  15. Hなセリフ選手権 (Ecchina serifu ): with "H" meaning sexual. Transliteration based on its furigana (エッチ).
  16. [Citation Needed – Ed.]
  17. 円周率 (enshūritsu)


Story Navigation
Volume 24 Chapters 213-1 | 213-2 | 213-3 | 214-1 | 214-2 | 214 | 215 | 216-1 | 216-2 | 216.5 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA