WataMote Wiki
Chapter 216-2
Cover c216-2
Volume Number 24
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Screen the Film (Latter Part)
Published August 30, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 216-1
Next Chapter Special Chapter


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The chapter opens with a view of the "intermission" title card of the film. The next panel depicts Asuka in the film approaching Shizuku who is sitting on the bench around the tree. Asuka offers, "Hey, let's play baseball together," which elicits an "E?" from Shizuku. Shizuku asks if Asuka is in the baseball club, but Asuka corrects her that she is in the literature club. "Why play baseball," Shizuku asks. Asuka explains that they have a "show down"[1] with the Student Council and losing means their club will be closed: "They are terrible people to the cultural department, right."

Shizuku happily cheerfully replies, "I understand, and I will not tolerate the tyranny of the student council.” "Besides," she continues, Asuka looks like her dead mother she misses very much. "So, she was a beautiful person, right," Asuka observes, to which Shizuku remarks on her impressive self-confidence. Shizuku continues that her mother wore glasses, short hair, and often quickly retorted.[2] Asuka responds that she was more like the one who talked to her before.

Yuri approaches and welcomes her to the club then asks her name. Shizuku gives her name as "Hirasawa Shizue (平沢しずえ)." Hina greets her, then suggests that they have a welcoming for "Shizue-chan." As Kotomi rounds out the group, Yuri suggests the place from the day before. The next panels reveal them all back at the rāmen shop from the earlier scene. Hikari and Tomoko sit at the counter, with Tomoko looking away from the table as she eats, and Hikari turned around and looking at them. All of them at the table save Shizuku have empty bowls. Asuka tells that since it is their treat, she can eat as much as she wants. Shizuku replies that while she is happy to be treated, the rest have already finished eating. Yuri explains that they are all fast eaters; Shizuku retorts that she would not call it just fast.[3]

What follows is a panels of the rest watching Shizuku eat. She finally asks, "What is this time?"

Confrontation c216-2

Heard: "Il Triello"

The Sun shines on the baseball field. The two teams meet on either side. Masaki stands next to Emiri, who stands next to Fūka, followed by Miho[4] and then Kaho. With her arms folded, Fūka smiles and claims she is surprised that they did not run away and came. Asuka replies with a simply, "A-yes," to which Kotomi grouses that she could have said a little more.

The teams line up opposite one another at home plate while Hikari, acting as the umpire, stands behind the plate and announces that the match between the Student Council and the Secondary Literature Club will begin. The next panel shows Masaki standing on the mound with Emiri at second base[5] and Mako standing opposite her filming with her phone. Hikari announces off panel that the Literature Club is up first.

Emiri c216-2

Shown: A Good Second Basewoman
[Citation Needed – Ed.]

Standing behind the plate with a smiling Miho acting as the catcher[6] and Shizuku at bat, Hikari commands, "Play ball!"[7] Standing to the side with a view that reveals Fūka plays first and Kaho third base, Yuri remarks that the members of the Student Council are awesome, to which Hina asks, "really?" The next panel focuses on Kaho as Hina narrates, That's the complete running, hitting, and fielding great rookie, Kuki." The next panel focuses on Emiri. Yuri describes her as the well-known second basewoman Echi.[8] She then focuses on Masaki: "The Super High-School Level Yankī Sachida, with the eye of keeping a close eye on a problem child, they put her on the Student Council." She adds, "Rumor has it that she was assaulted by members of the Student Council." Finally, she focuses on both Miho and Fūka. Speaking first about Fūka, she describes the vice-chairwoman as having the intelligence and strength of a gorilla, to which Hina agrees. Yuri describes Miho as having an I.Q. of 150 who is going to Tō(yō) University since she is a "genius," but she could have gone higher, "all due respect to Tōyō." As Masaki raises her leg as part of her pitching motion, Yuri concludes that it will be difficult to beat these members, she thinks.

Smart Shizuku c216-2

Shown: The Power of Math!

Masaki's pitch is a strike which Shizuku reacts to with shock. Behind Miho, Tomoko stands filming. Shizuku stands and brightly remarks, "awesome speed," then explains that she has to calculate angle and the speed. After a quick calculation, she taps a ground ball that goes past Emiri. As she stands at first base, Fūka folds her arms and grouses that she did not expect her to hit Masaki's[9] ball on her first at bat: "Looks like I'm[10] going to have to take you seriously."

"This is the power of math," Shizuku replies.

Kotomi stands at the plate and announces, "I guess I'm next." Returning Umpire Hikari replies asks, "sign?"

Yuri brushes her arm as a sign, Asuka motions with her arms as if holding a bat, but Hina makes it clear: "Bunt!" Kotomi bunts, and the next panel is a repeat of Emiri failing to field a ball.[11] Yuri slams her bat down on a ball which, due to the magic of Shiki's editing, becomes a home run. Yuri flips her bat, and Hikari calls a "home rum." The next panel correctly depicts the scoreboard showing their team with two runs.

Fuck Ball c216-2

Hina steps into the batter's box and announces herself as next. To herself, Miho, happily, rationalizes that since they are doing better they will have to use their secret: "That magic ball[12] only Yoshida Sachida can use: the F●ck[13] Ball!" She raises her right middle finger as a sign. Behind her back, Yoshida grips the ball with her middle finger extended. She throws the ball over some dramatic panels, and the ball hits Hina in the back.

Hina Fucked c216-2

Not Shown: A Serious Injury . . . goodness no!
"Just walk it off, Hina-chan!"

Hina yelps in pain. To collective surprise, Umpire Hikari calls the batter "out." Kotomi loudly protests that it is a "dead ball." Hikari insists that that there is nothing wrong with it in the rule book, which provokes another loud protest from presumably Kotomi. Hikari calmly explains that it is because the Student Council gave her five thousand yen.[14] Probably Kotomi screams, "the umpire's being bribed!!"

Yuri observes that this puts them in a difficult position.[15] Shizuku gives them only a 41% chance. Kotomi wonders if that is too high. Asuka insists that no matter how dirty their opponent is, they can win. Holding a baseball in her hand, Asuka continues that if they all work together they can win. She then adds that if she, herself, can keep them down to zero runs, they will certainly win. Probably Kotomi demands to know which it is.

Emiri stands in the batter's box. Asuka pitches, Emiri swings, and she is out. Kaho and Miho[16] appear to make contact. Wielding nunchaku, Masaki attacks a pitch with a scream. The ball bounces over the scared and screaming Shizuku's head. As catcher, Yuri asks if nunchaku are not a foul. Hikari replies that if one uses bat material it is not against the rule book. "Is that rule book real?"

Fūka at Bat c216-2

Shown: Fūka F●ck Swing!
Probably. . . .

Holding her bat reversed in her left hand, Fūka smiles as she steps into the batter box: "Bases loaded, I . . . have already won!"Yuri asks the "vice chairwoman," if her stance is okay, but Fūka insists that it is her stance. Preparing to throw, Asuka observes, "If I should hold you down here. . . ." Fūka violently swings and makes contact; the next panel shows the ball sailing over the fence with Hikari calling "Home run!" The score board correctly depicts the score at the end of the first inning as 2 - 4. Standing in a semi-circle, the visitors discuss their situation. Asuka laments that between the umpire being bribed and the power of the Student Council, she does not know if it is useless. Shizuku insists that it is too early to give up, and if they combine their strengths, it will still be possible. She then asks them to give her all of their money. "Now, let's make a bribe from this side!"

Bribe c216-2

Shown: Baseball Strategy

Asuka places money in Hikari's hand as Miho looks on, well, happily. The panel focuses to show that Asuka has placed a 5,000 yen bill with a few 100 yen coins.[17] Stuffing the money in her pocket, she raises her hand and declares, "Special Rule, from now on, the Literary Club offense will start with the bases loaded, and Student Council side will ban the F●ck Ball." This elicits a shocked, "WHAT?!" from the still happy Miho. On the side, Emiri and Fūka stand together with their arms folded. Fūka remarks that she sees that it is not so easy. Emiri agrees that victory or defeat depends on from now on.[18]

What follows is a mini-montage of shouts heard from the fences, then Emiri bunting, Kotomi throwing, and Fūka swinging her F●ck swing. The score board reveals it is the top of the fifth inning, with the score 8 - 9.[19] Kotomi hands the bat to Asuka and explains that there are two out with the bases loaded: "If you hit it, we win, if you don't hit, we lose."

"Count on me!" Asuka replies.

On the mound, Masaki glares. Behind her, curiously, Shizuku plays second base whilst Emiri is the runner at second. Asuka takes her position. With a view of the sky, there is a sound of a hit. The scoreboard curiously shows a final score of 10 - 9 with the Student Council not having batted in the bottom of the fifth!

The next panel shows the outside of the high school followed by a view of the sign for the Literature Club. Asuka, Kotomi, and Shizuku sit at the table that has a black-framed picture at the fourth and empty seat. A clearly pregnant Yuri stares out the open window. She muses outloud that it has been a half a year since, it is already graduation, and a lot has happened in a short time. Kotomi addresses her and remarks that after that she became friends with the Student Council's delinquent and became pregnant. She asks Yuri if he was a man, and Yuri responds, "yes, hermaphrodite."[20] She continues, "Glasses, you used your smarts to get into a famous university, right? Tōdai right?" Kotomi responds with an "Aa."

Hina Picture c216-2

Shown: "Not Available for the Sequel"

With a view of Hina's black-framed picture, probably Yuri continues that Hina died as a result of that "dead ball." Probably Kotomi agrees. Sitting at the table, Shizuku remarks to Asuka that since she did not attend enough days, she is a second-year student. "See you next year, right," Asuka replies. With a view of their feet, presumably Kotomi asks what they will eat today. Probably Yuri responds, "rāmen." Probably Asuka corrects, "katsudon." Possibly Yuri retorts that rāmen is good for prenatal care. Probably Shizuku claims she never heard of that. She then notes that she has eaten more rāmen than she has read books for the club.

The next scene is a title card that reads, "This is youth (こういう青春・kōiu seishun)." There is clapping (パチ・pachi) and someone asks, "it's over?" The next scene shows Shizuku standing next to Yuri, who is standing next to Kotomi, who stands next to Asuka holding the black-framed picture of Hina. There is an announcement that the next will be "Stupid Cool Every Day Life"[21] as the clapping continues.

Director Tomoko c216-2

Outside, Hina peeps in the door to the auditorium. She enthusiastically reports that they are getting a lot of applause. Sitting at the bottom of the steps, Tomoko looks back and bitches grouses that the sound of the applause is the same as when there was a serious movie in junior high school. Yuri and Mako approach.

"Why are you outside?" Yuri asks.


In order of appearance


  • "I Wouldn't Call that Merely 'Fast'": presumably, the scene where Shizuku joins the club it was shoot on the same day as the those in Chapter 216-1. Here, Tomoko sits at the bar as an extra character. Previously, Hikari appeared as an extra sitting in the bar next to Tomoko, and now she looks at the cast.
  • "Crazy Lesbian is Out": Mako filmed baseball scenes in Chapter 209-1. In an editing mistake, Mako appears on screen holding the camera.
  • "The gross director-chan makes a cameo": in the batting base, Tomoko was shooting scenes of the pitcher on Chapter 209-1. Just like with Mako's case, when the film was finished and projected, Tomoko appears holding the camera when being stood behind the batting base.
  • "Gorilla of My Eyes": Tomoko first inwardly refers to Fūka with this nickname in Chapter 174.
  • "Because Koto only bunts": on Chapter 150, when the girls were on the softball match from softball tournament, Kotomi bunted the ball to reach the base 5 times in a row, which was bothering her teammates. On the film, Kotomi while playing her character, begins her turn at bat bunting the ball.
  • "Like a new game plus": Tomoko commented Tomoki the possibility of repeating her second year on Chapter 111, and she associated this to start a second match in a video game with her previous knowledge still. In the movie, either or not her intention, Asuka Katō's character, Tomoka Katō, which is inspired on Tomoko, repeats her second year at the end of film.

Cultural References[]

  • "All about that Base": the sexual puns of baseball were not intentional, but they have developed. As the Late Master George Carlin noted that on television, "you can say 'Roberto Clemente's got two balls on him!' but you can't say, 'he got hit in the balls!'" Does Masaki have a slippery mound? Can Emiri really defend second base when Tomoko stole hers so easily? No, WataMote Wiki has no shame, and the generally American practice to describe how far one has advanced in the Game of Love with what base one has reached or stolen or slid into [Get on with it. – Ed.] is not quite the same in Japan. The Japanese practice their "ABCs!" Still, it is not as if the Japanese have not heard of the concept of connecting baseball with sex. So are the puns intentional on the part of the Author? WataMote Wiki will leave that to the Noble Readership to discern but cautions that one should still exercise caution when sliding into home head first. . . .
  • Tōyō University (東洋大学・Tōyō Daigaku): is a university with several branches in Japan, including Hakusan, Asaka, Kawagoe, Itakura, and Akabane.
  • Tōkai University (東海大学・Tōkai Daigaku): is a private non-sectarian higher education institution located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded by Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae.


  • "Lying?! There's No Lying in Baseball!": There are a number of errors. WataMote suspects that Kotomi did not bother to explain these to Tomoko, Tomoko did not care, or Tomoko or the Author may even be making an intentional joke, what with Masaki batting with nunchaku, and Fūka channeling Zatōichi.
    • "Did You Score?": The scoring is reversed. The "home" team, which bats second in the "bottom" of an inning, is the team that may not bat in the bottom of the final inning, which is usually the ninth in full games. In this game, they only play four and a half innings. If the home team has the lead after the "visitor" team bats in the "top" of the final inning, it wins without having to bat. In this case, since the visitors took the lead, the home team would bat in the bottom of the of the fifth inning.
    • Masaki Hitting on Hina: Work with WataMote Wiki here. No, when the pitcher hits a batter, the batter is not "out"; the batter is awarded first base. The only exception is if the batter clearly moves in front of the ball to be hit.
    • Bunt Brigade: WataMote Wiki Private Joke™ in that it is a term for "late night" callers into sports radio by very old men whose favorite player was Tris Speaker, complaining that "the problem with baseball" is professionals do not "play small ball" as in bunt. Bunting a man on first to second in the first inning is rather unheard of. However. according to former professional player, now commentator, who played in Japan, Lou Merloni, Japanese managers would often call for a bunt in the most odd circumstances, such as bases loaded with no one out. To paraphrase, "I'm covering third, the bases are loaded, and my manager screams, 'Lou-san! Bunt!' I'm thinking there is no way, then the batter bunts, I pick up the ball and throw the runner out a home. Then they repeat this for two more outs and we're out of the inning." However, as noted in the Referbacks, Kotomi used the bunt realizing that Not Quite WataGirls could not field it, which may be Tomoko's inspiration. As one more bit of Useless Trivia, the infamous pitcher Cy Young, whose records will probably never be broken, decided to retire because batters started bunting on him, and he did not want to have to run to first base to cover. Oh and it is quite literally impossible for a bunt to bounce past a second basemanwoman.
    • Bat Flips: where to start. There was this "unwritten rule," of which baseball in America has too many, where a batter cannot celebrate a home run. This is not how it is in Japan and other countries who do celebrate such, which has slowly influenced play in America. How this is relevant to WataMote is that Yuri's bat flip is something batters do in a number of countries, and it is gradually being accepted in America. Since, traditionally, pitchers would intentionally throw balls at batter who did this, it would be more likely that Masaki would throw her "Fuck Ball"™ at Yuri at her next at bat, rather than Hina. WataMote Wiki recognizes that this seems unfair given that pitchers for a century would celebrate striking out a batter. There are a few batters who were famous, or infamous, for their ability to "accidentally" let their bats slip on a swing and fly directly at the offending pitcher!
    • Home Run Call: umpires generally do not "call" a home run unless it is questionable. Then they will make a circular gesture with their index fingers indicating "run the bases." While her hand is cut off in the panel, Hikari seems to make the "clenched fist" gesture which means the batter is "out!"
    • Fūka-Chan F●ck Swing!: WataMote kindly requests that the Noble Readership consider how difficult it is to make contact with a pitch holding and swinging a bat in that matter. While she probably did not launch the ball out of the park, Fūka did at least elevate the ball. Respect!
  • Continuity Errors: there are too many to list, but professionals famously have them. Watch William Wallace charge with a claidheamh mór, then an axe, then a claidheamh mór whilst a van drives by. To just list one, Hikari is the umpire, then is replaced by a filming Tomoko on the first pitch. In the top of the fifth inning, Shizuku is curiously playing second base while Emiri is on second base. Let WataMote Wiki rephrase that.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Imitation is the Best Part of Flattery": "That's not dog; that's imitation!" Give this to Tomoko, she includes some of the WataActresses' character flaws charming points into their characters. Give this to said WataActresses, they play them. Asuka does play on her bit of vanity, Shizuku plays on her superficiality, Kotomi played on her, and Tomoko's, acidic cynicism,[22] and even Masaki plays a bit of a delinquent.
  • "What a buildup!": Nemo's death and Yuri's pregnancy as seen in Chapter 212 is revealed this chapter to be caused by complications from a deadball hitting her and hermaphrodite Yoshida respectively.


  • "They are terrible people to the cultural department, right." – Asuka Katō to Shizuku Hirasawa
    • "I understand, and I will not tolerate the tyranny of the student council. Besides . . . Sempai, because you look like my dead mother whom I miss very much." – Shizuku
    • "So, she was a beautiful person, right?" – Asuka
    • "Impressive confidence, hey." – Shizuku
  • "I'm impressed that you didn't run away" – Fūka Sasaki
    • "Ah, yeah" – Asuka
    • "You can give a better response than that" – Kotomi Komiyama
  • "Echi, with a reputation for defending second base" – Yuri Tamura on film
  • "The Super High-School Level Yankī Sachida, with the eye of keeping a close eye on a problem child, they put her on the Student Council." – Yuri
  • "Rumor has it that she was assaulted by members of the Student Council." – Yuri
  • "This is the power of math." – Shizuku to Fūka Sasaki
  • "It looks like you're doing more than you think and we'll have to use our secret. That magic ball only Sachida can use: the F●ck Ball!" – Miho Narita inwardly
  • "Because I got $34.19 5千円 from the Student Council." – Hikari Itō
    • "The umpire's being bribed!!" – Kotomi
  • "Don't worry! No matter what dirty tricks they play, we'll win. If we all combine our strength, we'll win for sure. If I can keep them on 0 points all by myself, we'll win for sure." – Asuka Katō on film
  • "Using nunchuku isn't that a foul?" – Yuri
    • "If it's used as batting material, it's not against the rule book." – Hikari
    • "Is that rule book real?" – Yuri
  • "Bases loaded, I . . . have already won!" – Fūka
    • "Vice Chairwoman, is that stance okay?" – Yuri
    • "This is my stance." – Fūka
  • "Special Rule, from now on, the Literary Club offense will start with the bases loaded, and Student Council side will ban the F●ck Ball." – Hikari acting as the objective umpire . . . probably
  • "Tanaka [Tamura-san's character. – Ed.] after that suddenly became friends with the student council delinquent and became pregnant." – Kotomi



  1. 対決して (taiketsushite)
  2. ツッコミ (shikkomi): "quip," "jibe," "retort."
  3. Translation Note: she says it is not a "fast level," as in "fast" is not enough.
  4. Happily.
  5. "Snicker! Snicker!"
  6. Happily
  7. プレイボール (purei bōru)
  8. Obvious "echi" sexual pun. The kanji combination (越知) is meaningless.
  9. Translation Note: obviously, she uses Masaki's character name in the movie. WataMote Wiki is using their real names to avoid confusion. Interestingly, in keeping with WataMote Tradition, the kanji of the real name is used with the furigana depicting the character name.
  10. Translation Note: Or "we," Fūka-chan need not use pronouns!
  11. See the Trivia. Perhaps, somewhere, it is recorded that a bunted ball bounced through the infield and past a second baseman to go into the outfield. . . .
  12. 魔球 (makyū): quite literally "magic ball."
  13. Censor'd in the Japanese Original™.
  14. 5千円 (5 sen en): or ≅ $34.19 in a real currency at time of publication. You might think that Hikari is cheap; WataMote Wiki could not possibly comment. . . .
  15. Translation Note: rather difficult. こうなると相当寂しいね is, hyperliterally, "When it comes to this/this situation is the same as being alone, right?"
  16. Happily
  17. Which is roughly a few dollars more than the previous bribe.
  18. Translation Note: as always WataMote Wiki tends to the more literal. The Fanilator understanding that "the real game starts from now," works for the meaning.
  19. As per the discussion on baseball, if the visitors do not score, the Student Council wins. This is, of course, CalvinTomoko Ball. . . .
  20. 両性具有 (ryōseguyū)
  21. バカカッコイイ日常 (Baka Kakoii nichijyō)
  22. As opposed to "basic cynicism."


Story Navigation
Volume 24 Chapters 213-1 | 213-2 | 213-3 | 214-1 | 214-2 | 214 | 215 | 216-1 | 216-2 | 216.5 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA