WataMote Wiki
Chapter 217-2
Cover c217-2
Volume Number 25
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, It's the Cultural Festival's Stage (Middle Part)
Published October 26, 2023
Previous Chapter Special 15 Year Anniversary Chapter
Next Chapter Chapter 217-3


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This is the second part of Chapter 217 and follows the previous part. The anonymous blond-chan in the wheel chair on stage addresses the anonymous boy standing in front of her. He demands that she not give up since she does not know yet. The girl angry demands that he not say things he knows nothing about. She continues to rant that there is no point to rehabilitation and demands that he leave. He yells back that there is no way he can leave her.

In the audience, Hina smiles and thinks that this might be a good story. She continues to muse that it is a common touching story, but the average person might be moved. Sitting next to her, Yuri regards her and wonders what someone like Tomoko thinks about it. She looks where Tomoko is sitting between Hina and Asuka. To Yuri's shock, Tomoko's sits transfixed with tears, snot, and drool streaming down her face. Inwardly, Tomoko wonders about her reaction given that the story is not much: ". . . but maybe it's because my heart is weak? I'm going to cry!!"

Tomoko Blows c217-2

Whilst semi-stylized Yuri and Hina stare at Tomoko, Asuka places a hanky under Tomoko's nose.[1] Inwardly, Tomoko curses, "Shit. . . .! Up until now, I would have looked down on people who cry like this, but now that I'm the one doing it, does this mean I've become a creator?!"

With a view of the ceiling, a voice is heard announcing that that was the Drama Club's, "That Time's Promise." The voice then announces that next is a "skit" from Class 2-2 and asks them to wait. In the back, Yuri, Tomoko, Hina, and Asuka stand together. Beaming, Hina teases "Kuro" for crying so hard. Sheepish, Tomoko admits that there were various things. Yuri announces that she is a little disappointed[2] in Tomoko. Chibi Tomoko angrily protests, but Yuri continues her criticism by noting that Tomoko cried over a script designed to do that with overacting, and she doubts that ordinary people would act that way. "Why are you surprisingly harsh when it comes to creativity?" Tomoko demands.

Acting c217-2

Shown: "Art"

The group stops and watches the anonymous actress and actor remove the wheelchair and table. Yuri resumes, ". . . Mako said," Tomoko sternly continues, "I doubt your humanity."[3] The next panel reveals a student wearing a full horse mask raising his left hand as he sits next to another who wears a full cat mask. The next panel reveal they are part of a class scene taking place on stage. In the audience, Tomoko stares blankly and thinks that she thought it would bomb,[4] and since it has, she cannot help but watch. With a view of the full stage, Tomoko wonders about how heavy the atmosphere is, then inwardly confesses that she thought people would laugh at something like this even if it is boring, then wonders if this was the reaction to her movie.

Blushing and forcing a smile, Tomoko rationalizes that she will be the only one laughing. She forces a small laugh which surprises Hina and Yuri. "Why are you laughing?" Yuri asks. She insists that Tomoko does not laugh at something like this, but Tomoko asks if she is being too harsh. Smiling and sweating, Tomoko rhetorically asks that one cries because a story is sad and laughs because a story is funny: "Humans aren't that simple. Without a human heart, Yuri-chan doesn't understand."

"A human . . . heart, . ." Yuri repeats,[5] but Tomoko scolds her that that is a "monster's responds," then adds that it is something she has done before. With a focus on the cat mask on the student's head, Chibi Yuri complains by feeding back Tomoko's words[6] to suggest that if this is "human," she can cease being a human. Chibi Tomoko retrots that she is exaggerating, but Concerned and Sweating Mako scolds Yuri with a "Yuri. . . ." from behind. Mako sits next to Masaki. Yuri turns back and emits an "E?!" Mako insists that she has truly gone to far.

The WataGirls™ of Tomoko, Hina, Yuri, with Mako, Masaki, Kotomi, and Hikari seated behind them stare forward. Tomoko continues to blush and force a laugh; Yuri, with her eyebrows furrowed, similarly forces a laugh. Behind her, Mako happily beams with animesque flowers surrounding her. Mako inwardly marvels that, "That Yuri is making a smile, . . ." then adds that she is living off of her acting experience.

With fanfare and banners, Mitsuki Wakui appears on stage to announces that with the content from Class 2-2, the first day of the Cultural Festival has ended. From now on, she explains, for today and tomorrow, it will be open to the public, and she encourages everyone to do their best. Various audience members raise their fist and shout agreement.

Wallflower c217-2

The next panel shows the outside of Class 3 - 5. Someone says, "Anyway, great work on the movie!" A number shout "great work" as well. Inside, Wada, dressed as a girl as in their film, chats with Suzuki. Suzuki asks, "still, you're doing it." Wada pleasantly replies that "Kiyota" suggested that he enter a cross-dressing contest.[7] Suzuki concedes that if it is him, he will win easily. Next to them, Akane, Hina, and Yoshinori "clink" paper cups. Behind them is a partially obscured Oka with another obscured girl.[8] Yoshinori declared that tomorrow they will have a proper wrap party but will now settle with juice.

In the next panel two anonymous boys chat with Mako and Yuri. Mako appears pleasant, but Yuri has her forced smile with her brows furrowed and her free hand clenched. Next, two boys chat with Asuka. One remarks that it is the first time he has seen her in that mood.[9] The next panel shows that Yuri is standing next to Asuka. Asuka asks if it was amusing, to which the other repeats that it was. Between and behind them, near a wall, Tomoko stands alone with her cup of juice. She inwardly complains that her movie is just an excuse for playboys. Kotomi interrupts her by telling her that she heard from her friends[10] that she did well.

Tomoko watches Kotomi walk away. Hikari stops her to ask her where she is going. Kotomi replies, "2 - 2's play." When Hikari asks if it is too early, Kotomi explains that she wants to get the first seat. With a view of the window, Irritated Chibi Yuri remarks that her appearance in Tomoko's film has increased her trouble. Chibi Tomoko replies that as the director, it has caused her none. Asuka approaches and remarks that since the class screening is tomorrow, they are free and asks what to do. The perspective changes to from behind Tomoko and Asuka to reveal a Faceless Sachi looking around[11] Tomoko replies that for now she will concentrate on those who cooperated on her film. Asuka agrees and suggests that they go to classes 3 - 4 and 3 - 6.

Tomoko & Yuri Unimpressed c217-2

A bored-looking Koharu approaches the Faceless Sachi and greets her. Sachi asks her where to go since she is free. Koharu confirms she is and asks to where. Faced Sachi starts to say that anywhere is fine, but she then suggests seeing the play they watched the practice of: "That's so lame[12] it's laughable." With a view of their skirts, Koharu complains that she is fine with theater, since she saw two in the gymnasium, then that it is lunch and she has not eaten anything. Smiling Faceless Chibi Sachi appears over the view and insists that she can eat later and Koharu is "truly a fatty."[13] A Semi-Chibi Koharu sarcastically asks if Sachi is going alone. A Semi-Chibi Faceless Sachi quickly apologizes and insists that she can eat while watching the play. Over Semi-Chibi but Unimpressed Yuri and Tomoko, a Full-Chibi Facless Sachi insists that she will buy her whatever she likes so, "let's go! Let's go!" Irritated Full-Chibi Koharu retorts, "Okay, french fries, crepes, and donutes." Faced Chibi Sachi smiles but inwardly grouses, "Fatty!"

Normal, Yuri turns to Tomoko and asks her if she wants to see her younger brother's play. Tomoko says, "no," and explains that she cannot watch her relative's performance. They are interrupted by a loud "Oi!"

Masaki Crush c217-2

Not Shown: A Girl with a Crush . . . goodness no!

Masaki appears with her hands in her pocket. she sternly asks, "Are you going? Tomoki's classroom." This elicits an "E?" from Tomoko. Tomoko explains that they were talking about that, "about not going," only for Masaki to explode, "AA?! WHAT!" She continues to demand to know why Tomoko does not want to see "little brother's" big moment.[14] Irritated Chibi Tomoko replies that he is not "little brother" but her brother.[15]

Asuka interjects to say that she also wants to see, "the boy who came yesterday." Tomoko sheepishly admits, "if you say so," then admits that she is interested in the "love scene," Sayaka mentioned, with a Chibi Sayaka replacing her name. Meanwhile Reina calls out to Masaki, "Ōi, Masaki's boy's having public sex![16] Let's go watch!" "I'LL KILL YOU!!" Masaki screams back as she advances on her. Next to Reina, Anna smiles.

Chibi Tomoko laments, "Something more than my brother's love scene or NTR is going to be destroyed."


In order of appearance


  • "It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again.": Tomoko probably refers to Chapter 136, where the WataGirls™, save Yuri, cry after reading a manga. Yuri denies having such feelings and inwardly worries about being like Koharu. After Yuri borrows it again, Tomoko notices that she has been crying, which Yuri denies.
  • Cats!"Midnight! Not a sound from the pavement!": Nico Tanigawa, suffering from shyness,[17] decided to wear large cat masks when meeting fans, as they confess in Volume 8 Omake. They further confess that they felt it was a bad idea.
  • "There's No 'Waiha!' This Time": Mako and Tomoko have scolded Yuri on "going too far." In Chapter 124, Mako takes her aside when she tries to embarrass Tomoko in front of Yū. In Chapter 127, Tomoko notices Yuri's own social anxiety and convinces her to join in clapping and cheering during a show so she will not be singled out and embarrassed.

Cultural References[]


  • Hair Up There: Work with WataMote Wiki here. Koharu replaces her usual hair clasps with two ribbons then adds two heart barrets on each side.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Komipassion, or, You have friends other than Itou?: When Tomoko is thinking about the boys in her class using the film to hit on girls, Komiyama comes over and compliments that her friends liked it. Though one shall wonder who these non-Itou friends are.
  • "Tell Me Lies! Tell Me Sweet Little Lies!": As an indication of their friendship, Sachi cannot confess to Koharu that she has a crush or even passing interest in Tomoki. She hides it by claiming they will enjoy watching a "lame" play.
  • "Even Judas showed regret": it's pretty curious how even today, Yuri still resents Mako for betraying her by not grouping her during the Kyoto trip, and who know for what other reasons. However, Yuri has no hesitation to toss others under bus with such of saving herself when things don't end up in her favor, as seen on Volume 16 Omake, chapters 165 and 211.
  • "CONFESSION!!": Masaki openly referring to Tomoki as her "little brother" in the sense of a younger male peer and friend is significant, and the screaming you hear is from Fans unable to accept her crush on Tomoki. She further does not deny Re[i – Ed.]na's teasing. She seems to accept that her friends know she has a crush. That written, WataMote Wiki will remind that that does not mean, unlike Sachi-chan, she wants, expects, or even understands Tomoki "shagging her on the veranda!"[18]


  • "Shit. . . .! Up until now, I would have looked down on people who cry like this, but now that I'm the one doing it, does this mean I've become a creator?!" – Tomoko Kuroki inwardly
  • "I'm kinda disappointed in you, Tomoko" – Yuri Tamura
  • "You actually cried over something that used loud voices and grounded acting to make people cry. You've got the sensitivity of an average person. I can't trust your human nature" – Yuri Tamura
    • "Why are you surprisingly harsh when it comes to creativity?" – Tomoko to Yuri Tamura
  • "Maybe my movie created this atmosphere?" – Tomoko inwardly
  • "Why are you laughing? Tomoko doesn't laugh at something like this." – Yuri to Tomoko
    • "Aren't you being too harsh?" – Tomoko
  • "Humans aren't that simple. Without a human heart, Yuri-chan doesn't understand." – Tomoko
    • "A human . . . heart. . . ." – Yuri
    • "No, that's a monster's response! You did something like that before." – Tomoko
  • "If this is what humans laugh at, I'll just quit being human." – Yuri
  • "Yuri is actually forcing a smile... the experience she got from acting lives on" – Mako Tanaka
  • "Kiyota said I should take part in the cross-dressing contest" – Wada
    • "If it's you you'd win easily" – Suzuki
  • "The movie I made is just as a playboy platform." – Tomoko
  • "That's so lame it's laughable." – Sachi Mima on the 2nd year's play to Koharu Minami
  • "Then I want fries and crepes and donuts." – Koharu Minami
    • "Fatty." – Sachi inwardly
  • "Are you going? Tomoki's classroom." – Masaki Yoshida who totally has no crush on Tomoki
    • "Not your 'little brother,' he's my actual little brother." – Tomoko
  • "Ōi, Masaki's boy's having public s●x! Let's go watch!" – Reina
    • "I'LL KILL YOU!!" – Masaki
  • "Something more than my brother's love scene or NTR is going to be destroyed." – Tomoko



  1. The sound of Tomoko blowing her nose is "Subĩ."
  2. 失望した (shitsubōshita): "Not angry . . . just . . . disappointed."
  3. Translation Note: Tomoko uses the same kanji for "humanity" (疑う・utagau) that Yuri uses for "ordinary people" (人間性疑う・ningensei utagau).
  4. Literally "slide down."
  5. In katakana.
  6. Translation Note: Tomoko's aside is このくだり前もあったな (kono kudari mae mo attana), which is hyperliterally "this descent also happened before, right!" "We've seen this/your crap before," perhaps more matches Tomoko's eloquence. Yuri repeats her phrase.
  7. 装コンテスト (josō contesuto)
  8. Whose hair looks like Oka's style when Oka was drawn without hair color. WataMote Wiki is composing a "stern letter."
  9. Translational Note: (あーゆーノリ初めて見たわ・āyū nori hajimete mitawa) ノリ is the critical word. It can mean "(getting into) the mood; spirit; enthusiasm," all the way to "flirting," but WataMote Wiki prefers the translation: "It's the first time I've seen you as that kind of edible seaweed."
  10. Translation Note: Since there be discussion amongst fans, Kotomi says 身内 (miuchi) which can mean "close relatives" as well as "friends."
  11. Which makes the sound "kyoro (キョロ)."
  12. ダサ (dasa)
  13. WataMote Wiki wouldn't go so far to call a Sister "fat." The term Sachi uses is でぶ (debu). WataMote Wiki further insists that Koharu-chan is just "big boned."
  14. 晴れ舞台 (harebutai): "big moment," as in performance.
  15. Translation Note: without pronouns, it can sometimes appear confusing to whom someone is referring. Masaki says 弟分 (otōto bun), which means more of a younger brother in spirit, like a "junior male peer (in a club)." Tomoko corrects her by saying he is not Masaki's "bun" (分じゃなくて・bun jyanakute) but is her "true little brother (実の弟・jitsu no otōto) ."
  16. 公開セックス (kōkai sekkusu): with the "ク" CENS●R'D in the Japanese Original.
  17. Still a fatal condition in many areas of the galaxy. . . .
  18. A three-day pass to Paris for those who catch that reference, "Darling."


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA