WataMote Wiki
Special 15 Year Anniversary Chapter
Cover c217.1
Volume Number 25
Chapter Title Special Chapter
Published October 4, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 217-1
Next Chapter Chapter 217-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This is a special chapter for the 15th Anniversary of Square Enix.

The cover shows the outside of the entrance to the Kuroki home. From inside and viewed from behind, Tomoko sits on the agari-kamachi.[1] A woman's legs in a skirt are behind her in the foreground. The woman asks her where she is going, and Tomoko responds that she is just taking a walk in the area. The next panel shows her walking down the street, and the next focuses on her with the caption: "Kuroki Tomoko (32)." She walks past the convenience store and muses that it has closed.

At the park, Yuri leans against a bike railing as she reads. She startles as she sees Tomoko approach. With a view of the trees, Yuri's voice marvels that Tomoko has really returned. Tomoko's voice replies that the rent in Tōkyō is too high and she can work at home. Yuri remarks that Tomoko's short novel was cancelled; Tomoko replies that she is doing part-time work as she works on her new one.

As they walk together, Yuri asks her what kind of work it is. Tomoko explains that she listens to celebrities on the radio, and when they say something scandelous, she writes an article: "Writing online articles is the dream job of all NEETs." "Sounds easy and fun," Yuri observes. With a view of their feet, Tomoko asks "Yuri-chan" what she is doing. Yuri replies that she works at the library. Tomoko agrees that that is also good, and then she adds that she went because she is free. Yuri replies that she has free time from work.

Breaking Bad Masaki c217

Shown: Waiting for a call from her husband, Tomoki . . . probably.

As they continue to stroll, Tomoko asks if it is really true that "Yoshida-san" was arrested. Yuri affirms this, then over a view of Masaki staring at a phone[2] intently while a number of others lay charging in front of her on a glass table, she explains that she is not really sure, but apparently Masaki was arrested for selling "vegetables"[3] on an app[4]. Tomoko asks if the vegetables are with "those."[5] The next panel depicts a page from a newspaper with the portraits of Masaki and a long-haired[6] Mako with their names underneath with the title "suspect"[7] next to each name. The headline reads: "A Pair of Women in Their 30's Arrested." The next line reads: "Cannabis[8] Cultivation and Sale." Over this, Yuri's voice explains that Mako seemed to have planned a lot for "Yoshida-san," but halfway through she could not bear the weight of her conscience and turned herself in, which led to Masaki as well. "I see," Tomoko responds.

Mature Hina c217

Shown: A Very Mature Hina
WataMote Wiki will prepare the ice flow upon which to set her adrift.

They are interrupted by Hina calling out to them. A Not Utterly Uninterested Chibi Yuri repeats Hina's exclamation, while Chibi Tomoko says, "Nemo." Tomoko dryly observes, "Over thirty you do it, you in school?"[9] Beaming, Hina retorts, "Because, unlike you two, I'm a celebrity," which elicits a Death Stare™ from Yuri. "Are unpopular voice actresses celebrities?" Tomoko curly asks. "No!" Hina rages as she insists that her material is selling well so she gets a lot of work. Unfazed, Tomoko replies that "It's not the name Hina Nemoto, it's the name N・E・M・O of eroge and dōjin work."

Tomoko continues her rebuke: "When you appeared on the late-night anime, it seemed like it would sell well. . . . but the anime that came out, the anime that came out bombed."[10] Somewhat shocked, Hina replies, "Kuro also had two novel series canceled in a row and hasn't done anything, . . ." which elicits a scream[11] from Tomoko.

Yuri Death Stare c217

Shown: Death Stare™

Nonplussed, Yuri helpfully suggests, "Obscure low-income tax payers should get along." Off-panel probably Hina retorts, "You trying to provoke me, right? It's flying low, but it's flying!"

Over a view of the skyline, Tomoko's voice notes that it seems that Hina is also local. Hina's voice replies that she returned last year, but can go up to Tõkyō for work. Viewed from behind, Hina asks Tomoko where she is going on a weekday afternoon. Tomoko explains that it has been a little while since she has been to a place she wants to see.

The next panel shows the three looking up at something with a bit of surprise. The next, viewing them from behind, reveals that they are standing at the gate of their old high school. Hina remarks that it is their high school while Yuri that it has been about ten years. The next panel focuses on the front gate which is not fully closed. One of them, probably Hina,[12] observes that the gate is a little open, probably Tomoko suggests they enter for a little while, while probably Yuri asks if it is okay, then asks if it is okay since it is a week day and they would normally have classes. Tomoko ignores this as she starts to walk towards the gap. With a view of the windows, she muses, "Having class, right," then continues that in the past they did the same there. With a view of Tomoko looking up, she confesses that during high school, she did not want to go to school, but now she sort of wants to return. She explains that it is because things are not going well, and everyone seems to be unhappy. She then adds that "Komi-san"[13] died in a traffic accident." Yuri adds that "Naruse-san" and "Katō-san" got married. Tomoko replies that because of them taking separate paths, it is sad.

With a view of their faces, Tomoko explains to Hina and Yuri that, "Even when you grow up and look older, your spirit remains that of a child."[14] She continues that when she was a child she always had a future and dreams. "Now,"[15] she concludes, is coming to an end somehow. Yuri turns to her and corrects that, "It hasn't started yet." This elicits an "E?!" from Tomoko. Tomoko asks why she says that so suddenly. Yuri explains that she felt it was the appropriate time to quote a movie.[16]

Asuka-chan c217

Not Shown: Fan Service . . . goodness no!

With a view of the track field, one of them, probably Yuri continuing, remarks that even if the appearances change, the insides remain the same so start again. "Start what?" probably Tomoko asks. Probably Yuri replies, "You have infinite time to find it compared to when you were in high school." She continues that "Mako and Yoshida-san" will be coming out in six months so they will all be together again. Tomoko insists that she will not start with a crime.

There is a view of the bench around the tree with fallen leaves on it. Then Asuka surprises them all as she greets them standing in front of her utterly embarrassingly cheap, used, and lemon jallopy [Citation Needed. – Ed.].

The next scene depicts them riding in her embarrassingly cheap car. Sitting next to Asuka, Tomoko sweats as she rhetorically asks why they were all at school. Yuri sits behind her, while Hina sits behind Asuka. Asuka explains that "Nemoto-san" contacted her. She continues to lament that it is because "Tomo-chan" does not contact her much anymore. Tomoko replies that since Asuka is married, it would be annoying to talk to her like before. Asuka[17] notes, "Well, I'm already divorced, so it's okay," which provokes exclamations from Tomoko and Hina. Asuka explains that about a year ago they were both, "busy with work, right." Asuka then asks them if there is anywhere they want to go. Yuri replies that anyplace is fine provided it accepts four people. Asuka suggests they go a bit further away.

Asuka Charm 217

"What's the ossifer problem?"

As they travel, there is the sound of a siren. Unfazed, Chbi Asuka views the rear view mirror which shows reveals a police car behind them. There is an announcement: "The car in front stop immediately!" Chibi Asuka calmly insists that she has not committed any infractions.

The next panel shows the sky with the onomatopoeia of a door slamming.[18]

Asuka smiles as she roles down the window as a figure stands at her door. The figure is revealed to be Officer Emiri Uchi adorn with a ☺︎ insignias. She declares, "Passenger disgustingness exceeding restrictions becomes a violation!" Stunned Chibi Tomoko demands, "What's that crime?!" She then asks if she can stop for a moment.

The next panel reveals that high school-age Tomoko is leaning on the balcony outside of the classroom. She looks back at Emiri, who is standing to her right and behind, and Yuri and Mako, who stand together next to and in front of Emiri, and complains that they were talking about how they imagined where they would be in fifteen years, but "Uchi-san" interrupted and it suddenly became unrealistic. Emiri replies it was because it would take forever for her story to come out. Mako pleasantly asks Yuri what she thinks about her.

Asuka appears to Tomoko's left while Kotomi and Hikari appear at the window. Kotomi demands to know why she died to soon. "Because it's reality," Tomoko replies. Masaki opens the door to the balcony and demands to know why they are talking about what will happen in fifteen years. As a chibi, she remarks that ten years would have been fine.

"For some reason or another," Tomoko replies.


In order of appearance


  • "If I was a NEET...": In Chapter 63, Tomoko imagined becoming a NEET at 25, where she was maintained by Tomoki. Here, she appears to live with at least her mother.
  • "You're free to wish whatever you want": In Chapter 162, during tanabata, both Tomoko and Hina hung up strips of paper with their wishes written, the first wishing to become a light novel author, and the latter wishing to voice someone in the anime adaptation of Kuro's light novel.

Cultural References[]

  • Japanese Home Entrances: with pictures that compare well with the depictions of Casa del Kuroki. Oh and the Agari-Kamachi.
  • "Drugs are Bad! M'kay?": Japanese law on drugs are harsh, as that humorous linkypoo demonstrates. This more serious treatment reveals that Tomoko & Co. have an unrealistic view of these laws. Distribution of marijuana would put Masaki and Mako for years to decades in a woman's prison, where they bathe one another with soapy [Get on with it! – Ed.]. Drugs are bad! Don't do drugs in Japan!
    Tmyk by CoffeeStainedStudio
  • "It has Not Even Begun Yet": a lot of films and shows use a similar line. A copy of Hina-chan's latest eroge to those who can figure out where, "The funnin's just begunnin'!!" comes from.
  • Japanese Policewomen Uniforms: Because WataMote Wiki cares.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Never Ask a Lady": interestingly, in Tomoko's mind she appears as she appears as a teen. Her friends appear similarly. She does not appear older, let alone thirty two.


  • "Writing online articles is the dream job of all NEETs." – Tomoko Kuroki to Yuri Tamura
  • "By the way, is it true that Yoshida-san was arrested?" – Tomoko to Yuri
    • "Yes. I don't know for sure, but apparently she was charged with a crime for selling vegetables on some app." – Yuri
    • "Vegetables are those, right? Those. . . ." – Tomoko
  • "Mako seems to have planned a lot for Yoshida-san, but halfway through she couldn't bear the remorse of her conscience and turned herself in, which led to Yoshida-san as well." – Yuri
  • "Over thirty you do it, you in school?" – Tomoko to Hina Nemoto
  • "It's not the name Hina Nemoto, it's the name N・E・M・O of eroge and dōjin work." – Tomoko to Hina
  • "Obscure low-income tax payers should get along." – Yuri
    • "You trying to provoke me, right? It's flying low, but it's flying!" – Hina probably
  • "Komi-san died in a traffic accident." – Tomoko explaining why Kotomi Komiyama cannot communicate.
  • "Even when you grow up and look older, your spirit remains that of a child. When I was a child, I always had a future and dreams." – Tomoko to Yuri and Hina
  • "Because Tomo-chan does not contact me much anymore." – Asuka Something nee Katō [Stop that! – Ed.] to Tomoko
    • No, your married, so I guess it's annoying to talk to you like before." – Tomoko
  • "Passenger disgustingness exceeding restrictions becomes a violation!" – Emiri Uchi
    • "What kind of crime is that!?" – Tomoko
  • "Yuri, just what do you think of me" – Mako Tanaka
  • "Why did I die so soon?" – Kotomi Komiyama
    • "Because it's reality. . . ." – Tomoko
  • "I mean, why are you suddenly talking about 15 years from now. Even 10 years from now would be fine." – Masaki Yoshida
    • "For some reason or another." – Tomoko



  1. Step in Japanese homes before which you place your shoes and upon which you may sit for removing them and putting them on. See Cultural References.
  2. Which, fortunately, has not changed in fourteen years.
  3. 野菜 (yasai)
  4. アプル (apuru)
  5. She speaks "that/those" (あれ・are) in the katakana: アレ.
  6. Hippy! [Stop that. – Ed.]
  7. 容疑者 (yōgisha)
  8. 大麻 (taima)
  9. Translation Note: 30過ぎがする 学校か? (30 sugi ga suru kakō?). Hyperliteral: Over 30 you do [it], school? WataMote Wiki probably does not have to explain Tomoko's criticism.
  10. Translation Note 出るアニメ出るアニメ爆死だったからな (deru anime deru anime bakushidatta kara na): Tomoko repeats "coming out anime" then uses 爆死 (bakushi), which is "death by bombing," and is used in slang for "bombed" as in sales failed as with the English slang.
  11. おおん!! (ōn!!)
  12. Based on the position of the speech bubbles matching where they are standing.
  13. Which explains why she cannot communicate in this chapter. WataMote Wiki has no shame, no.
  14. Tomoko says the furigana for "child" over the kanji for "high school student."
  15. Furigana of "now (いま・ima)" over the kanji for "adult (大人・otona)."
  16. Translation Note: She, hyperliterally, says, "Movie selfie (映画のセルフ・eiga no serufu) to be possible to say timing if that is the case I would say." Putting it into better "Engrish": "If it's time to say it, I would say a movie selfie." Have to agree with the Fanilators who interpret "movie selfie" as a line from a film.
  17. It does appear that the speech bubble is pointing to the Chibi Tomoko who floats above Asuka.
  18. バタン (batan)


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA