WataMote Wiki
Chapter 219
Cover c219
Volume Number 25
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, Each One After the Kiss.
Published December 27, 2023
Previous Chapter Chapter 218
Next Chapter Chapter 220-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter occurs prior to the previous as an aftermath of "the kiss" for various WataGirls.™ These appear as untitled vignettes.

On the cover Tomoki walks towards the wings of the stage which a face best described by looking at the picture.[1] Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan and Director Glasses-Chan both clap with the latter congratulating,[2] the performers along with an Anonymous Boy. Behind Tomoki, Akari looks at him with concern. Behind her, Sayaka is faceless and looking downward while facing away from all of them. Track Suit Twin Tail-Chan cheerfully admits to Director Glasses-Chan that while it was a "mess" it was a "hit" anyway, and she adds that next time they will do it properly. The former stammers agreement.

As he walks away, Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan reminds him that the next performance is in 45 minutes, then adds for him to come back on time. Akari wordlessly watches him leave the back stage. Off-panel, Sayaka calls out to her, "Akari. . . ."

Akari turns to see a truly sad Sayaka who apologizes for how things turned out. The next panel pulls back to show them facing one another, without their faces, with a bit of animesque light as Sayaka asks, "My fault . . . isn't it?" Somewhat stunned, Akari marvels on "isn't it,"[3] then inwardly rants that nine times out of ten it is, With tears in her eyes, Sayaka continues that it is her fault and Akari and the others probably agree. Inwardly, Akari rants her agreement.

Sayaka Blush Cry c219

Shown: "Awwwww!"

Sayaka blushes and the tears start to flow.[4] She covers her face, apologizes again, then asks the stunned Akari what she should do since her emotions are a mess. She then touches her lips with her fingers as she confesses that that it is because it was her "first."[5]

Akari is Unimpressed c219

Akari wordlessly stares back at her. Inwardly, she continues her rant demanding, "Sayaka, showing your stupidity's okay . . . don't show your womanhood!" Viewed from behind Akari as Sayaka still weeps, she inwardly demands that if Sayaka is an idiot, be a true idiot so she can take out her stress on her. With a focus on her right hand clutching the bow of her dress, Akari continues her inward rant that she wants bring her fist down on her head as soon as possible, but if she did do that while Sayaka is crying, it would make her the villainess. She then adds that she would lose to Sayaka "as a girl"[6] and that would end her existence as a human being.

Sayaka wipes her checks with the back of her hand and apologizes again: "The only people who are really suffering more than me are Akari and Kuroki-kun." Akari quietly thinks, "that's right, Sayaka." Sayaka then specifically apologizes for snatching away Tomoki's "first"[7] before Akari. Akari stares back stunned for a panel. She then inwardly screams, "An idiot I can forgive, a woman I hate I can't, Sayaka!!" She inwardly marvels at how one kissed changed her so much, then demands, "Idiots are easily influenced, go back to being the usual idiot." They are interrupted by Track Suit Twin-Tails-Chan who congratulates them and offers each a bottle of refreshment, then adds that things got really exciting because of them.

WataMote Physics c218

Shown: WataMote Physics

Akari stares at the bottle in her hand. The next panel shows her crushing the bottle in her hand[8] as she continues her inward rage: "Don't offer me something like this now!! I've been holding back for so long, this is like asking me to smash it in Sayaka's face!" Somewhat recovered, Sayaka sheepishly asks Track Suit Twin-Tails-Chan, repeating her description, if it was really exciting and did she not mess it up. Smiling and giving a "thumbs up," Track Suit Twin-Tails-Chan assures her that since it was a "hit"[9] it was "OK." Sayaka smiles a bit, then recovers to triumphantly declare that she cannot keep moping[10] and being cheerful is the only thing good about her. Still crushing the bottle in her hand,[11] Akari inwardly rages over how Sayaka can just recover and how her cheerfulness is a defect.[12]

Smiling, Sayaka turns stating that she will wash her face and redo her make up, then she turns back to Akari. Bathed in the animesque light, she teases that it is Akari's turn next, but if she takes it too slowly, she just might steal Tomoki from her.

Shocked Akari c219

Akari stares wide-eyed, then degenerates into a fragmented rage: "Bitch[13] . . . Sayaka . . . though you're an idiot why are you giving off the vibe of a good feminine rival?! Major. Bitch. . . . Sayaka. I'll truly seriously kil[14]. . . . "

Behind her, Director Glasses-Chan chats with Track Suit Twin-Tails-Chan. She remarks that "Yoda-san" had a good mood going on. The other agrees and adds that she gives off a different mood of a princess than "Akari-chan." She continues that it feels like Akari is the "noble princess," and Sayaka is the "stupid and cute princess." Clasping her hands, Director Glasses-Chan agrees that Sayaka does not appear the mean princess, but she does look "kind of cute."

With her eyes obscured, Akari violently tosses the crushed-yet-intact bottle to the floor as she departs, startling both Chans.

Beaming, Miho walks between Kaho and Fūka with her arms around both.[15] In front of them, Hikari walks behind Kotomi with a concerned expression. For her part, Kotomi appears to storm wordlessly. When they reach a corridor, Kotomi grouses that she will submit a written opinion to the student council. Hikari repeats the phrase, "written opinion," with surprise. Kotomi explains that, basically in professional baseball, it is something one submits to protest or request improvements to a decision one does not agree with. "Because at this time," she continues, "I can't personally agree with that performance."[16] She contends, "Because things like kissing and sexual things[17] to lure in the audience is unhealthy. Someone needs to speak up about this kind of thing."

Hikari inwardly marvels at what Kotomi, whose existence is unhealthy, is saying: "Koto's daily life and our movie are much more unhealthy." As they continue their walk down the corridor, Hikari inwardly sighs that it is fine. Kotomi resumes her discourse confessing that she knows that even if she submits her written opinion, nothing will change, but she has to express her feelings.

Reina & Masaki c219

The next panel reveals that behind Fūka's group walks a dejected Masaki with her hands in her skirt pockets, Mako strolls just behind her with her bright smile, and slightly further behind Masaki saunters a slyly smiling Reina. Further behind Mako, Yuri walks regarding Reina. Reina puts her left arm around Masaki's neck and shoulder. Masaki regards this but does not change her expression. Reina loudly teases, "Hey! That punk[18] was sucking[19] with all his might, hey!!" Playfully shaking Masaki, Reina continues, "That definitely had a tongue in it! I guess half of it was in there, too?!" Behind them, Anna laughs that she does not think that was the case.

Chibi Tomoko & Masaki

Both Masaki and Reina pause for a panel. Masaki continues to stare slightly downward with her hands in her pockets. Reina silently[20] regards her. In the next panel, she swiftly withdraws her arm as she grouses, "What? No response? Boring." Viewed from behind, as Masaki resume her walk,[21] Reina turns to Tomoko and declares, "Hey. Kuroki. Now, to this bitch[22], whatever you do is okay!" Tomoko imagines chibi versions of herself and Masaki best described with an embedded pickie.[23] Tomoko inwardly considers that she has been beaten for committing "sexual harassment" in "this pattern,"[24] and she sagely concludes, "The point is, sexual harassment is unpleasant, so she hits you."[25]

With a focus on her left eye, Tomoko continues to rationalize that, "On the other hand, if it's pleasant, you won't get beaten or sued. By making the other feel good, get her to agree to sexual harassment." The next panel focuses on her left hand, surrounded by floating feathers, as she concludes, "'Feather Touch':[26] a technique I learned from a sex book I read recently. First, raise you're partner's sensitivity to the limit!"

Feather Touch Sexual Harassment c219

Shown: Successful セクハラ!!

What follows is a montage of Tomoko lightly touching the surprised Masaki's arms, back, and legs. When Tomoko reaches her inner thigh, Masaki blushes and explodes, "THAT FEELS GROSS, DAMN IT!!"[27] as she pounds her downward upon her head.

The scene shifts to outside where Anonymous Students work a takoyaki stand. Sitting at a table with Yuri and Maskai, Mako remarks to Masaki that, "Tomoko-san's younger brother is very popular[28] right." Looking down at the table, Masaki emits an interrogatory "A?" Beaming, Mako continues, "But I'm rooting for Yoshida–san." Masaki looks at her, pauses, then dismisses her remarks,[29] and adds, "It's not like that." They are interrupted by an Anonymous Student serving their takoyaki, apologizing for the wait and announcing it is "sauced."[30] Yuri watches the dish as it is laid on the table. As she takes one, Mako asks "Yuri" if it is okay that she is not with "Tomoko-san." Yuri replies that since she recently has not spent much time with "Mako," she feels like hanging out with her. She then adds that she is also worried about "Yoshida-san." Still smiling, Mako advises Yuri not to push herself so hard and, if she is tired, she can rest in the Nurse's Office. Yuri ignores this and asks her what has happened since yesterday.

Mako turns to Masaki and asks, "I was surprised about the stage performance earlier, but Yoshida-san and Kuroki-san's younger brother had something like that[31] happen, right?" Masaki repeats her phrase and asks her what she means by it. As a Beaming Chibi, Mako asks, "Look, Yoshida-san said she was seen naked. It was just like before, it was an accident, right? Therefore, there's nothing to worry about!” Chibi Masaki regards this in silence.

Yuri offers that she ate dinner with Tomoko's younger brother at their house, so, "Mako's the only one with nothing, right?" Maintaining her "beam," Mako inwardly grouses, "Yuri, now we're not talking about such things." However, looking away, after a pause, Masaki responds, ". . . being seen naked and kissing is not the same." Mako continues to beam as she thinks how cute it is that she thinks kissing is so special. However, Yuri interrupts to add, "It's okay I think Mako did it as a first year so it's normal." Maintaining her beaming smile, Mako inwardly protests, "Yuri . . . !!" Masaki looks at Mako and confesses that "unlike Tanaka," she does not know about such things. Still smiling, Mako tries to insist that, despite what Yuri said, she also does not have any experience with it either. Yuri helpfully insists that she always helps everyone with love-making advice.[32] Mako snaps that she helps without that.[33] Masaki warily insists, "Well, Tanaka knew a lot about men, like how to use konnyaku." Still Beaming Chibi Mako responds that she does not want "that" and love to go together.

Tsundere Masaki c219

"It's not like I like him or anything . . . baka!"

Yuri notes that if "Yoshida-san" and "Tomoko's younger brother" get together, then she will be at Tomoko's house when she comes over, which will be fun, so Mako should cooperate. Still Beaming Chibi Mako asks, "Is Yuri an elementary school student?" Masaki sheepishly looks down and, after a pause, insists, "It's not that I like him[34] or anything, but it pisses me off to see him hanging out with other women." Still pleasantly smiling, Mako rhetorically asks, "Maybe that means you like him?" then confesses, "I've had something like that happen too." Surprised, Masaki stammers "R-really?"[35]

Blushing, sweating, and turning over her shoulder with irritation, Masaki confesses, "Since I'm not use to talking like this, I can't talk to them,[36] so I don't know how to talk about it." As Yuri pleasantly smiles, Beaming Mako assures Masaki that since she and Yuri are on her side, she can talk to them. Yuri helpfully adds that since they will all go to Tomoko's house, she thinks a kiss is okay.

Mako is startled by her phone beeping for a message, she looks at it, and thinks of a Faceless Chibi Sachi. As she takes one of the takoyaki, Masaki replies, "No, that one[37] will also come to the Kuroki house, damn it."

The final two panels depict Mako's messages from Sachi and her replies:

  • Sachi: "After the performance is over, I'm going to invite that guy."[38]
  • Sachi: "Draw away Glasses and Tamura."
  • Mako: "Yuri's okay, but Komiyama-san's a little. . . ."
  • Sachi: "Where are you now?"
  • Sachi: "Can we talk? Leave out Tamura, right."
  • Mako: "Right now?"
  • Sachi: "About that guy, something's bothering me."
  • Mako: "Since I'm with Yoshida-san and Yuri now, if after we separate is it okay?"



  • "Be Kind Rewind": similar to what happened in Koharu Minami's arc in Chapter 187, this chapter comes back in the time to what other characters were doing.
  • "I . . . because that was My First. . . .": because Tomoki intentionally injured her left leg during the performance, Sayaka tripped and fell on Tomoki kissing him in Chapter 217-3.
  • "Lean on Me! If You're . . . Got . . . No Eyes!": work with WataMote Wiki here. Ironically, Masaki put her arm around Tomoki's neck in Chapter 133 and received a similar response.
  • "The heck? No reaction? Boring": Masaki was shocked and disturbed to see Sayaka kiss Tomoki in [WataMote Chapter 217-3|Chapter 217-3]].
  • Reading is Fundamental: Since their rapprochement over a beer can . . . a beer can . . . it was a beer can . . . beer can, Tomoko and Fūka have been conducting utterly pure and wholesome scientific research together consulting adult magazines in a shop.
  • "Kuroki-san's little brother sure is popular, huh?": Akari gave the same assessment about Tomoki in Chapter 217-3.
  • "Seriously what's been your deal since yesterday?": when at first glance, it seems justified Mako's suggestion of Yuri going to nurse's office to rest, since she spent big seem sleepless at the spa, the truth is that Yuri possibly resents Mako for having left her to sleep alone and outside from her friends having fun on chapter Chapter 214-3, which is not totally incorrect from Yuri's part, given fact that Mako impeded her to awaken on Chapter 214-2 with such of being alone with Masaki.
  • "Yuri now's not the time for that": Similar to the done toward Yū in Chapter 124, or toward Hina in chapters 133, 134, 197 and 205, Yuri seeks the chance to act smug about how close she's to Tomoko. The novilty here, it's that she does this time toward Mako, someone who's supposed to be Yuri's friend.
  • "I believe Mako did it during the first year too": in Chapter 163, Yuri mentioned to Tomoko how Mako supossedly had a boyfriend in fisrt year.
  • "You really knew your stuff about boys and how to use konnyaku": when the girls were discussing about the konnyaku stuff in Chapter 213-3, Masaki asked Mako what exactly did that mean, thing which Mako initially denied to explain, but before insistence of both Masaki and Yuri, Mako had no choice but to do it, however, Masaki was still unable to understand until Reina and Anna had to be more detailed about it.
  • "Beware of the Sayaka": When discussing about being able to go to Tomoko's house, Yoshida brings up that Sayaka would also be present at the Kuroki household if Yuri wants to visit. She remembers.
  • "There's something about that guy I'm curious about...": putting aside the uncertainness of the reason for which Sachi wants to see Mako, there's a big chance that she wants to know the connection between Tomoki and Tomoko, since she now assumes the latter was Tomoki's first kiss, as seen on previous chapter.

Cultural References[]

  • Public Displays of Affection: are not a thing in . . . Japan
  • Pocari Sweat: basis of the drinks given to Akari and Sayaka.


  • Title: Hyperliterally, it reads in English: "After each kiss," implying the individual reactions.
  • Japanese Kiss: a thirteen year-old linkypoo, but it fits.
  • Honorifics: WataMote Wiki frequently pontificates on the presence and absence of honorifics. Tomoko bristles when she feels she is addressed improperly, and some major points involve WataGirls using them, dropping them, and even adopting nicknames. In this chapter, Mako, who appears a close friend to Masaki, addresses her as "Yoshida-san." She then immediately addresses Yuri as just "Yuri" without any honorific. Similarly, Yuri addresses her as "Mako," and Masaki as "Yoshida-san."
  • Even with all the sex humour?: Despite the constant stream of sexual humour from Anna and Reina, relationship issues are NOT something they'd discuss with Yoshida!

Memorable Moments[]

  • "I Know it was YOU, Fredo Sayaka! You Broke My Heart! You Broke My Heart": This sort of applies to all of the WataGirls and Tomoki.[39] WataGirls with ExperienceWataMote Wiki is looking at you Mako-chan! – do not find The Kiss® a major event. Akari's reaction to Sayaka does not make her look good; it makes her look rather selfish. She has no concern about how sincerely embarrassed Sayaka is. On that point, only they, Kotomi, Masaki, and as previously seen, Sachi, seems to consider it a major event. WataMote Wiki does not imply Every Other WataGirl is "experienced" – since that would include Tomoko! – but even Tomoko does not view it as a major event. She does not even wallow in self-pity that her younger brother kissed someone before her.
  • "The Touch of Tomoko": We get a new "Tomoko touches Yoshida and gets punched in return" moment after at least 3 years!
  • "THERE'S NO SUCH CRUSH!": to quote another editor who swims in De Nile regarding Ms. Yoshida's crush on Mr. Kuroki. More seriously, while it is clear she does, this does not mean she wants to get "hot and sweaty," or stroll out on the veranda, with Tomoki like, well, Kotomi and Sachi do. She is, however, jealous, or perhaps just a bit hurt, that Tomoki pays her no attention.
  • Failed Wingwomen: Nagi remains the Official Best WataMote Wingwoman.[40]
    • Sayaka: While Sayaka receives a lot of criticism, she not only did not cause the accident, she is legitimately sorry, and still tries to encourage Akari.
    • Anna and Reina: Neither are "there" to help Masaki nor, it appears, have they had "Girl Talk" much around her. Or if they have, they have not talked about "the basics" and just fantasize about the more advanced and sticky bits. Either way, Masaki does not feel comfortable talking about her crush with either, and they are not helpful.
    • Mako: she also receives a lot of criticism, but her motivations seem less clear. WataMote Wiki is aware of "Fanboy" [™ – Ed.] insistence that Mako wants to double-study date . . . study . . . just . . . study with Tomoko and Emiri at a Love Hotel, but thus far, frankly, Mako has not moved in that direction. She has been very concerned with Masaki losing control if she exists in the same time zone as a boy. WataMote Wiki speculates that this is because Mako is afraid Masaki will either be hurt or become pregnant. The irony is if Mako really knew Tomoki, she would realize Masaki is quite safe. In this chapter, she seems to on the one hand encourage Masaki, but on the other appears to have no actual concern for her feelings.


  • "Sorry . . . about what happened. . . ." – Sayaka Yoda to Akari Iguchi
  • "I . . . because that was my first. . . ." – Sayaka to Akari
    • "Sayaka, showing your stupidity's okay . . . don't show your womanhood!" – Akari inwardly
  • "If you're a girl, then act like one and stresss me out with your stupid existence, Sayaka. truth be told, I want to drive my fist into Sayaka's face as soon as possible, but if I dad that to her while she's crying, it'd make me to look like the bad guy. It would feel like I've lost to Sayaka as a woman. That would end my life as a human being" – Akari inwardly
  • "Don't offer me something like this now!! I've been holding back for so long, this is like asking me to smash it in Sayaka's face!" – Akari inwardly responding to Track Suit Twin-Tails-Chan's gift
    • "An idiot I can forgive, a woman I hate I can't, Sayaka!!" – Akari inwardly
  • "As a girl, to Sayaka, I feel like I lost." – Akari inwardly
  • "Cheerfulness is my only good point, right!" – Sayaka
    • "What are you automatically getting back on your feet?! IT'S A DEFECT YOU KNOW!!" – Akari
  • "It's Akari's turn next, so if you're too slow, I'll take him!" – Sayaka teasing Akari
    • "Bitch . . . Sayaka . . . though you're an idiot why are you giving off the vibe of a good feminine rival?! Major. Bitch. . . . Sayaka. I'll truly seriously kil. . . . " – Akari inwardly
  • ”Akari-chan is a royal princess, and Yoda is a silly and cute princess, right." – Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan
    • "She doesn't look like a mean princess, but she does look kind of cute." – Director Glasses-Chan
  • "I will submit a written opinion to the student council regarding this stage performance." – Kotomi Komiyama to Hikari Itō
  • "Because at this time, I can't personally agree with that performance. Because things like kissing and sexual things to lure in the audience is unhealthy. Someone needs to speak up about this kind of thing." – Kotomi
    • "Unhealthy existence Koto, what are you saying?! Koto's daily life and our movies are much more unhealthy." – Hikari inwardly
  • "Hey! That punk was sucking with all his might, hey!! That definitely had a tongue in it! I guess half of it was in there, too?!" – Reina commenting upon Mr. Kuroki's lingual thespian skills to Ms. Yoshida
  • "Hey. Kuroki. Now, to this bitch, whatever you do is okay!"– Reina
  • "The point is, sexual harassment is unpleasant, so she hits you." – Tomoko Kuroki about Masaki Yoshida
  • "'Feather Touch': a technique I learned from a sex book I read recently. First, raise you're partner's sensitivity to the limit!" – Tomoko inwardly
  • "THAT FEELS GROSS, DAMN IT!!" – Masaki to Tomoko
  • "Tomoko-san's younger brother is very popular, right!" – Mako Tanaka to Masaki
  • "I was surprised about the stage performance earlier, but Yoshida-san and Kuroki-san's younger brother had something like that happen, right?" – Mako to Masaki
    • "What do you mean 'something like that?'" – Masaki
  • "Well, Tanaka knew a lot about men, like how to use konnyaku." – Masaki
  • "It's not that I like him or anything, but it pisses me off to see him hanging out with other women." – Masaki
    • "Maybe that means you like him?" – Mako



  1. WataMote Wiki contemplates the creation of "Black Hole Face?"
  2. Using the classic おつかれ (otsukare), or "good job" Bosses tell Salarimen when they release them from their cells [Citation Needed. – Ed.].
  3. なのかな?:nano kana?
  4. With make the sound "boro (ボロ)."
  5. 初めてだったから (hajimetedatta kara): "because it was my first."
  6. 女子 (jōshi)
  7. 初めて (hajimete)
  8. Which, due to WataMote Physics, does not burst.
  9. Using katakana for "to receive," as often used for receiving a blow, amongst other things: ウケ (uke).
  10. クヨクヨ (kuyokuyo): onomatopoeia for "fret," "mope," et cetera.
  11. Which still does not burst or leak because . . . WataMote Physics!
  12. Translation Note: Akari sort of puns on Sayaka's term. Sayaka says "私のいいだしね (watashi no ii tokorodashi ne!)!": "it's my good point, right!" Akari inwardly spits, "短よ (tanshoyo)!!": "It's a defect you know!!"
  13. Using the rude term from the manga title for you: お前(omae). Given Akari's emotional state, "bitch" appears a reasonable meaning.
  14. Akari emphasizes 殺す (korosu) by thinking in katakana, but she does not complete it: コロ (koro).
  15. "Happily," of course.
  16. Translation Note: Kotomi uses the word for "stage," as in a stage in a theater: 舞台 (butai).
  17. 性的なもの (seiteki na mono)
  18. Using the term Masaki called Tomoki (小僧・kozō) which may mean "brat," "punk," "kid," "Rocket Surgeon," et cetera. . . .
  19. Translation Note: Reina says "ちゅーして(chūūūshite)," which is onomatopoeia for kissing. She also adds "violent emphasis" to this phrase, so simply translating it as "kissing" does not convey her sagacious intent.
  20. And eyelessly.
  21. With her hand curiously no longer in her skirt pockets. WataMote Wiki adds this detail for educational purposes.
  22. Translation Note: WataMote Wiki tends to the more literal to preserve the sequence in Japanese. "Now you can do whatever you want to this bitch" is better English. Reina uses the closer derogatory こいつ (koitsu) to refer to Masaki. While literally "this one," WataGirls and other Japanese Originals use variations when referring to someone they are denigrating.
  23. With the sound of her groping Masaki being "motsu (モツ)," unless WataMote Wiki is mixing up the ツ and シ again 😭, and Masaki's punch making the sound "goshi (ゴシ)" . . . unless WataMote Wiki is mixing up the ツ and シ again 😭,
  24. このパターンでセクハラして (kono patān de seku harashite)
  25. Translation Note: since the pronouns are absent, and Tomoko does not specify herself as the object of Masaki's violent verb, went with the general understanding. Would expect her to use "yankī" and something like "watashi" if she intended the specific, "The point is that my sexual harassment is offensive, so the delinquent hits me."
  26. フェザータッチ (fezātacchi)
  27. 気持ち悪りーんだよ!! (kimochiwarīn dayo): with the expletive implied by the emphatic dayo.
  28. モテモテ (motemote): which the Noble Readership should recognize from the title.
  29. With the traditional 別に (betsu ni), " which is "not particularly," "not especially," in the dictionaries, but tends to mean "don't care" as in "it is not something important to me/I particularly care about/stop sending me these mixed signals, Mako!" [Citation Needed – Ed.]
  30. Which usually means Worcestershire sauce.
  31. そーゆーこと (sōyūkoto)
  32. 恋愛相談 (renaisōdan)
  33. Translation Note: Yuri uses the phrase 乗ってた (notteta) to convey giving the advice, and Mako snaps back なくでも乗れるから (naku demo norerukara) which means she gives other things aside from what Yuri specified.
  34. As per usual, Masaki says the furigana あいつ over the explanatory kanji for Tomoki.
  35. そ . . . そうか (so . . . sōka)?
  36. Furigana for あいつら (aitsura) over the kanji for "AnnaReina" (杏奈籭奈).
  37. With the furigana katakana (アレ・are) over the explanatory Chibi Sayaka!
  38. あいつ
  39. And WataMote Wiki recommends that, in the future, Ms. Yoda never accept an offer to go fishing alone with a "close friend" of Ms. Iguchi.
  40. Pure speculation on WataMote Wiki's part, but if Emiri actually talked with her about her crush on Tomoko, Nagi would probably listen and at least be supportive.


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA