Chapter 220-3 | ||
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Volume Number | 25 | |
Chapter Title | Popular, School Festival Day 1 (Part 3) | |
Published | February 47, 2024 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 220-2 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 221 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This chapter continues from the previous and is divided into titled sections.
Use (利用・riyō)[]

Shown: Sachi Stares . . . Shocked!
Faceless Sachi looks away from Mako and confesses, "Ah, yes, yes, anyway because I'm an idiot and only have Koharu-chan's level of intelligence, so just tell me already." She then asks her to just tell her. Mako stammers a bit then informs Sachi that they are brother and sister.
With her face, Sachi stares at her shocked. She then looks away, losing her face[1] as she wonders how she was suppose to know that. She lies to Mako that she suspected that. Inwardly, she rationalizes that it is true that they have the same last name, and there are "hints"[2] that "Tamura, Yoshida, and third-year girls," visited her home, but Sachi protests that one would not think they were siblings.[3]

Shown: "Main Culprit"
With a view of her skirt and left hand holding her coffee cup, Sachi continues her rationalization: "But thanks to you, that guy's reaction to that girl makes sense." She then suspects that Yuri and Masaki only visited Tomoko's room and not his. Still without her face, she imagines a smiling Koharu with the titles of "Principle Offender (主犯・shuhan)" and "The Bullying Mastermind (イジメの黒幕・ijime no kuromaku)" as she wonders, ". . . wait! I didn't bully her, right." She confesses that she has looked down on her from a distance but does not think she did anything directly. Should anything happen, she concludes, she will have to blame "Koharu-chan."
"Mima-san?" Mako interrupts her. With her face, Sachi startles, apologizes and confesses that she was lost in thought. She loses her face as Mako explains that "Yoshida-san" also asked her for advice about "Tomoki-kun." Ever smiling, Mako explains that since she considers them both friends and wants them to be happy, she will support and cheer on them both.
Ever smiling, Mako explains that she does not want to betray either of them, and she wants Sachi[4] to know that. Faced Sachi says "Makocchi," but inwardly she rhetorically asks if just telling her is not betraying Masaki. Without her face, she looks at the smiling Mako and wonders if she says the same things to Masaki: "Because we're not as close as Makocchi says."
With a focus on Mako's Perpetually Smiling Face, Faceless Chibi Sachi inwardly ruminates, "This look . . . you're eyes don't seem to be lying, though. Because Makocchi's face seems sincere and kind, It's hard to tell."
She then adds, "Because of these eyes and freckles, there is/are a boy/boys who has/have been fooled into thinking she's good."[5]

Shown: Sachi-chan Smiles! Slyly!
With her face, Sachi looks away from Mako, who regards her with her Perpetual Smile,™ and observes that Mako is surprisingly friendlier with Masaki than her. She further wonders if Mako only supports her because she does not want Masaki to have a boyfriend. She inwardly confesses that she, to, would want to murder "Koharu-chan" if she somehow got a boyfriend. With a view of their legs, Sachi first thinks to see what she can do with it, then remarks to Mako that she feels less confident that her opponent is Yoshida. This elicits a surprised, "E?!" from Mako. With a view of her slyly smiling face, Sachi starts to claim that "Yoshida-san" is a better match for him than she is, and it would be better if she went with him, but she stops and notices, with the loss of her face,[6] that Mako is looking at her phone.[7]
Without her face, Sachi suggests that she should not say such weak things since "Makocchi" is supporting her. Mako genially replies, "Ah . . . yeah, you've got to be confident."
Sachi inwardly observes that she felt Mako was done with her in an instant, then she marvels, "Do you really hate it when Yoshida has a boyfriend that much?"
Pain and Fear (痛怖・itaikowa)[]

Yuri walks up to Hina chatting with Akane and Yoshinori. Hina greets her with an "A! Yuri-san," but Yuri merely asks about Tomoko. Hina replies that "Katō-san" went with her into the haunted house. Sly Chibi Hina then insists it is "pretty scary," but Nonplussed Chibi Yuri emits a depressed "Fūn." Beaming Chibi Hina asks if they should enter together. Nonplussed Chibi Yuri rejects this, leaving Beaming Chibi Hina silent.[8]
Still beaming, but normal, Hina asks if "Tamura-san" does not like scary things. Still non plussed, but normal, Yuri retorts that while she is not bad with horror scares, she continues as a chibi over an imagination of her walking with Hina in the haunted house: "But being alone in a dark place with Nemoto-san I'm scared." Fustrated and Sweating Chibi Hina demands, "Why!" The imagination shifts to a wide-eyed Hina claiming, "Tamura-san I'll only tell, right . . . . . . I can sometimes see[9]. . . ." Chibi Yuri flatly confesses over this there is the fear of being told something painful in a place where you cannot escape. Chibi Hina protests that she is not like that.[10]
Conbo[11] (・コンボ・konbo)[]

Nevertheless, the two wander inside the haunted house. Hina looks a bit stressed and sweats, then confesses, "It's dark and surprisingly scary, right?" Still rather nonplussed, Yuri only replies that she is not bothered.[12] Suddenly, Hina lets out a scream as she looks down, and even Yuri startles. The next panel shows the "corpse student" grabbed at their legs. Hina emits, "I'm freaked!" She tries to recover a smile as she declares that "Yamura-san" was also pretty freaked out. This elicits an angry "Ha?!" from Yuri.
Yuri contines that it was not the ghost; she was just surprised by "Nemoto-san's" loud voice only to be interrupted by the konnyaku striking her in the face and Hina dramatically extending her right arm to hold her back as she rather dramatically declares, "WAIT!"

Shown: Snicker! Snicker!
On a table before them there is a "bloody" box with various charm papers affixed to it. Serious Chibi Hina insists that there is something definitely wrong with it: "Be careful!!"
Chibi Yuri remains silent with the konnyaku stuck to her face.
Still Dramatically, Hina approaches the box warily with her arms extended to keep back Yuri, who regards her with irriation having freed her face from the konnyaku. Behind a panel behind the box, a "Ghost Student"[13] waits. Said "Ghost Student" appears, and Hina screams as, yes, Yuri looks surprised and emits "ドキィ!"[14] The "Ghost Student," then presses on the box which releases a "jack-in-the-box"-type little ghost which causes Hina to scream again.
With a look that justifies Galleries, Yuri strikes Hina hard on her back, releasing another scream from the surprised Hina.
80% Power[15] (80%の力・hachi pāsento no pawā)[]

Smug Yuri
"She Basks in Your Hatred, Hina-Chan"
Channeling Sachi,[16] Hina emerges from the haunted house rubbing her back with her right arm. Yuri follows with her characteristically bored expression. Miho, with "knife wounds" on her legs, happily, welcomes them back. They are met by both Asuka and Tomoko. Yuri greets her with a "Tomoko!" Tomoko observes, "Nemo and Yuri-chan also went to the haunted house?" Noticing Hina rubbing her back, Chibi Tomoko rhetorically asks if she has taken any damage and was it that scary. Chibi Hina responds that, no, she just got a hard strike to her back. With a close up of Yuri's fist striking her back, Serious Chibi Hina explains that it was too dark for her to tell and "Tamura-san" said she did not do it." Chibi Tomoko asks what type of blow it was. Irritated Chibi Hina responds that she felt a dull thud[17] on her back.
Normal, Tomoko suggests, "It wasn't ghost but the work of Demon Yuri Thump?[18] Power-based B-class upper level yōkai of the demon world."
Hina turns back sweating and looks at Yuri, who smiles smugly, severely. "After all it was Tamura-san. Why do you look smug?"
First Look (初見・shoken)[]
Kiko and Shizuku watch an Anonymous Chan squeal as she rides the coffee cup. Kiko remarks that the high school's Cultural Festival is awesome and that this is the first time she has seen one. Shizuku happily agrees and replies that it is her first as well. Miyazaki and Emiri approach them. Miyazaki chirps that it is two people then directs Emiri to take them to cup "C." Emiri startles and says, "Kuroki's kohai!" Shizuku politely greets her.

With an imagination of the photograph of Hina, Emiri, Akane, Yuri, Tomoko, and Asuka from Totally-Not-for-Trademark-Purposes Disney World, Kiko remarks, "This person . . . appeared in the photo and was in the movie person. . . ." Inwardly, Kiko confesses that Emiri is not a person she cares much about. For her part, Emiri startles, then asks, "Kuroki's blood relative?"[19] Kiko startles but responds if she is asking something about her "sister."[20] Emiri flatly corrects her that she does not sense the blood of a younger brother, but she does sense the concentration, albeit thin. Kiko inwardly marvels that this is the first time she has met a person of this level.
High Level (高いレベル・takaireberu)[]
The trio of Emiri, Kiko, and Shizuku sit in the coffee cup. Kiko remarks to Emiri that she actually came to visit in secret from "Big Sister".[21] Emiri replies with a "fūn." Kiko continues to ask what "Big Sister" is like at school. Emiri starts to respond "キモ (kimo) . . . but stops. She inwardly realizes: "If I say 'gross,' I'll be denigrating Kuroki before her family!"

Not Shown: A River in Egypt . . . goodness no. . . .
Over a view of the Peeping Chicks™, Chibi Emiri replies, "Creepy Cute feeling,"[22] which elicits a shocked, "E?!" from Chibi Kiko. Normal Shizuku sweats and protests, "Senpai is not creepy! She's a kind, bright, and wonderful person!" Somewhat confused, Emiri asks, "Where is the Kuroki element?"[23] Kiko stares into Emiri's face and marvels that "this person" may share her level understanding of "Big Sister" and her level of corrosion.
Brightly, Kiko asks Emiri what is the "creepy" part of "Creepy Cute," and what is the "cute." Emiri startles. Kiko continues, "In the creepy part, there is cute . . . there right?"
Emiri remains startled and thinks, "this girl."[24] The next panel focuses on her eyes and top of her head. She inwardly struggles, "But . . . she stole my pantsu . . . while she saw my pantsu while eating bentō . . . in the bath, from behind, she fondled my breasts," then concludes, "It's too disgusting to say anything!!"

The next panel depicts a sweating but smiling Shizuku and quiet Kiko watching Emiri sitting with her chin resting on her right hand in silence. Finally, Shizuku breaks the silence by offering a story about "Big Sister" from the summer of her first year in high school. Over a montage of Tomoko as "The Queen" holding cards, palming one, and cheating, Kiko explains that "Big Sister" was playing cards with elementary students at a neighborhood play area.[25] Seeing that she was losing, she cheated to win. "Why did Big Sister go to such lengths to want to win?" she asks, "All for the benefit of one girl."
The panel shifts to her younger self standing shocked behind a Faceless Tomoko playing. Younger Kiko blushes deeply with tears welling in her eyes as she stares at Tomoko. Kiko continues: "All because she wanted to show off her cool side to the girl behind her." As a smiling chibi, Kiko asks over this scene what they think of her story. Shizuku beams and cheerfully responds, "There's also such a side to Senpai, right."
Emiri blushes deeply. sweats, shivers, and mutters a long "grossssssssssssssssss."[26] Kiko smiles as she stares into Emiri's very deeply blushing and sweating face as the latter continues to utter her lengthened catch phrase. Inwardly, Kiko marvels that she can perceive the level of this "episode talk."[27]
Emiri recovers and starts tapping on her phone as she explains that because Kiko told that story she has to reciprocate a little. She first explains that this picture has been passed around a lot, then she pulls up the picture of Tomoko in Asuka's makeup. Chibi Emiri explains over the view that this is in her top best shots of Kuroki. Kiko stares at the picture and smiles. Inwardly, Kiko marvels, "Very good! Maybe the track suit is Big Sister's taste, but the makeup probably isn't. Whoever did the makeup has a good sense of style." She continues to muse that she was right to come and marvels what sort of high school do things like this happen. Meanwhile, Shizuku chirps, "Senpai's cute!" Emiri regards her in silence.
Clasping her hands and blushing a bit, Shizuku closes her eyes and enthuses, "Come to think of it, Senpai always compliments me on how cute I am when she sees me." Both Shizuku and Emiri regard her for a panel as she beams. Finally, Emiri tells Kiko her story happened on Valentine's Day.
In the hallway, Emiri tells Kiko that it has been awhile since she has been able to talk on the same level. Kiko replies that this is the first time she has had a deep conversation with someone. Over an imagination that justifies Galleries, where Emiri sits chatting on a sound stage filled with smileys to Yuri, Hina, Asuka, and Kiko, Emiri asks if this time "favorite Kuroki comedienne"[28] will be at the "Gross Talk."[29]
Kiko replies, "she's not a comedienne."
In order of appearance
- Mako Tanaka
- Sachi Mima
- Koharu Minami (Mentioned)
- Tomoki Kuroki (Mentioned)
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Yuri Tamura
- Hina Nemoto
- Akane Okada
- Yoshinori Kiyota
- Miho Narita
- Asuka Katō
- Kiko Satozaki
- Shizuku Hirasawa
- Emiri Uchi
- Miyazaki
- "They Both have the Same Kuroki Surname": Sachi heard from Akari that Tomoki's surname is "Kuroki" in Chapter 213-2.
- House Party: in Chapter 205, Yuri told Sachi how Masaki went to Tomoko's house and that Tomoki saw her naked. In that same chapter, after a conversation with Hina, Sachi discovered that Yuri spent the night at Tomoki's house.
- Smooth Operator: When meeting Tomoki by first time and hearing him remark that third-year girls have been in his home, Sachi assumed he was a playboy. However, having not experienced the expected amorous pursuit from him and after learning that he is Tomoko's little brother which would explain that Yuri and Masaki only went to Tomoko's room to visit with her, her assumption could be crumbling. Stay Tuned!
- "If I Did It": while Sachi has not specifically bullied Tomoko, she is the one Mako overhears sharing Koharu's ridicule of her in the bathroom in Chapter 99. She also walks with Koharu when Koharu laughs over Tomoko tripping in Chapter 117.
- "You're a Heart Breaker! Dream Taker!": Chapter 163 reveals that Mako once had a boyfriend, which she tries to deny. Sachi's thought may suggest that she had more than one.
- "The Oldest and Strongest Emotion is Fear!": With unspeakable compliments to the "Terrible Old Man,"[30] Yuri previously denied being scared of the fast rides in the dark at Totally Not for Trademark Reasons Disneyland in Chapter 130. Similarly, she tries to deny to be scared of entering in the haunted house.
- "Yuri Loves Facials!:" Shame? WataMote Wiki? Has none! All salacious jokes aside, the scene is similar to what happened in Chapter 162 when Yuri tried to hide Tomoko's Tanzaku with her head, only to have it blow forward and then land to rest on her face. No subtext.
- "I Hit Her! It was Fun!": Yuri shows the same smug smile in Chapter 151 after she brags to Hina about having played darts with Tomoko.
- "What is Love?! Kuroki Don't Gross Me!": Work with WataMote Wiki here: Tomoko accidentally acquired Emiri's pantsu in the infamous Hotel Room Incident in Chapter 80; whilst eating rice she nonchalantly peeks at Emiri practicing cheers to see if she wears spats under her short skirt in Chapter 87; and Gropegate II: Electric Boogaloo occurred in the Volume 18 Omake.
- "She's the one from that photo who appeared in the film...": Kiko recogizes Emiri as one of the girls who appeared in the photos from Nezumiland with Tomoko in the Chapter 141, as well as she watched her to play characters for the movie in the chapters 216-1 and 216-2.
- "It's their genes what make it obvious": in Chapter 106, after seeing Tomoko to talk with Tomoki in the hallway, Emiri explains her friends how that boy was Tomoko's little brother. Now, she does something similar with Kiko.
- "Let me tell you about onee-chan during her firt summer of high school...": in Chapter 16, Tomoko took Kiko to a candy store, once there, she played cards with little kids, where she cheated to win a game. Kiko says this story to Emiri and emphatizes Tomoko did that because she wanted to look cool in front of her.
- "Because onee-chan did it all for me": in the night before the school festival on Volume 24 Omake, right after Kiko reveals Shizuku how Tomoko lied to her about she was popular and had boyfriends, Shizuku replies her that maybe Tomoko did it because she didn't want to show her uncool side. This time, after meeting Emiri, Kiko reveals how Tomoko cheated on playing card games with little kids, and argues Tomoko did it because she wanted to look cool in front of her.
- "I Think I'm Turning Japanese!": Well . . . the song is about taking pictures of a girl . . . at first . . . Emiri implies that that picture has been passed around, but she got it from Koharu in Chapter 156 and there is thus far no evidence Koharu passed it to anyone else.
- "Whoever did her makeup must have some good sense": Tomoko decided to try a new style in Chapter 135, where she wore of Tomoki's tracksuits and was made up by Asuka, later in Chapter 156, it's revealed Koharu saved a photo of Tomoko looking like that, which she sent to Emiri. Once having known Kiko, Emiri admits to have that photo in her top 5 of best shots of Kuroki.
- "I'll kill you with my stare": it's been seen Emiri to hold a grudge on Shizuku when it involves Tomoko, as seen in Christmas Special Edition, where Emiri when serving the drink, she looked Shizuku with hatred.
- "A lousy liar or a bad memory?": during the teacup ride, to join in the conversation between Emiri and Kiko, Shizuku mentions how Tomoko kept saying she was cute the first time they met. However, in Chapter 110, when this happened, Tomoko never mentioned that, the closest to Shizuku's mention occurs in Chapter 149, when Tomoko meets up with her to have lunch together.
Cultural References[]
- Blood: reference to Japanese obsession with blood HERE
- "Fancy Groping U Here!": no, WataMote Wiki has no shame. However, this is the first time either Tomoko and Emiri have even thought about Gropegate II: Electric Boogaloo.
Memorable Moments[]
- "My balls are no longer blue": With Mako directly telling Sachi that Tomoko and Tomoki are siblings, Sachi's wisdom check fails has finally come to a close!
- "Woah Woah Here Mako Comes! She's a Man Eater!": Does Sachi imply that Mako has broken a few hearts?
- "I'm an Aura Guardian, Mirai E": Ucchi manages to realise that Kii's a relative of Tomoko despite just meeting her via her "blood".
"Tom?Emiri? You Can Come Out of the Closet!": "But I'm not in the closet! KIMOI!" – Emiri. Not just her deep blushing, Emiri freely discusses her obsession with Tomoko, including confessing she has pictures of her. So . . . close . . . Emiri-chan! Shizuku picks up on Emiri's contradictory euphemism, but does she understand it? Stay tuned!- "I've Got Your Picture! I Want a Million All Around Myself!": Emiri reveals she has more than that picture of Tomoko. Where and when did she get them?
- "Ah, yes, yes, anyway because I'm an idiot and only have Koharu-chan's level of intelligence, so just tell me already." – Sachi Mima to Mako Tanaka
- "But thanks to you, that guy's [Tomoki] reaction to that girl [Tomoko] makes sense." – Sachi inwardly about Mako
- "Because we're not as close as Makocchi says." – Sachi inwardly
- "You don't want Yoshida to have a boyfriend, so you're going to help me or something like that?" – Sachi inwardly
- "She gave off and "okay, we're done here" vibe for just a moment. Does she hate Yoshida getting a boyfriend so much" – Sachi about Mako inwardly
- "But being alone in a dark place with Nemoto-san I'm scared." – Yuri Tamura
- "I'm terrified of you saying something painful in a situation I can't escape from" – Yuri Tamura
- "WHY!" – Hina Nemoto
- "It wasn't ghost but the work of Demon Yuri Thump? Power-based B-class upper level yōkai of the demon world." – Tomoko Kuroki
- "If I say 'gross,' I'll be denigrating Kuroki before her family!" – Emiri Kuroki inwardly
- "Why did Big Sister go to such lengths to want to win?" – Kiko Satozaki retelling story to Emiri and Shizuku Hirasawa
- "Very good! Maybe the track suit is Big Sister's taste, but the makeup probably isn't. Whoever did the makeup has a good sense of style." – Kiko inwardly looking at Tomoko's picture
- ↑ WataMote Wiki remains disappointed that there is no sound when this happens.
- ↑ ヒント (hinto)
- ↑ Translation Note: as is her wont, Sachi will use pronouns over the explanatory kanji. So she will say things like, "that guy and that girl."
- ↑ Mako actually addresses her as "Mima."
- ↑ Translation Notes: この目とそばかすでいい子そうって騙された男子いるし (kono me to sobakasude iiko sōtte damasareta danshi irushi). Hyperliterally, "From these eyes and freckles, a good kid were fooled boy(s) because." Technically 男子 is singular, but Japanese does not always add that. So Sachi could be saying that Mako's eyes and freckles fooled more than one boy.
- ↑ Which WataMote Wiki insists should have a window shade or maybe slide-whistle sound. . . .
- ↑ With her Perpetual Smile®.
- ↑ But still beaming.
- ↑ The furigana of "mi (み)" for 見, as in "see," is over the kanji 霊視 (reishi) for "spirit/ghost vision."
- ↑ Hina says そっち (socchi), "that way," over the hirigana furigana オカルトオタク (okaruto otaku) "occult otaku!"
- ↑ Based on the furigana コンボ over the kanji 連携 (renkei) for "alignment/combination."
- ↑ Using the tried and true betsu ni (別に).
- ↑ Sadly, not a GHOST Pirate.
- ↑ "Dokī," which is onamatopeia for heart pounding used for fear, love, panic, et cetera.
- ↑ Based on the furigana パワー (pawā) over the kanji 力 (chikara) for "power."
- ↑ "Without Her Face!"
- ↑ ドスン (dosun)
- ↑ 妖怪ゆりドン (yōkai Yuri don)
- ↑ 黒木の血縁者 (Kuroki no ketsuensha)
- ↑ Using her nickname for Tomoko: お姉ちゃん (onēchan)
- ↑ お姉ちゃん (Onēchan)
- ↑ キモかわいい感じ (kimokawaii kanji)
- ↑ 黒木の要素どこ (Kuroki no yōso doko)?
- ↑ Translation Note: Emiri uses the tried and true "this one" こいつ – (koitsu) – used by many Fashionable WataGirls. It can be derogatory, but Emiri is probably not thinking, "this bitch" in this context.
- ↑ Translation Point: 遊び場 (asobiba): minor, but while what Kiko says can mean "playground," Tomoko did not play in an actual playground.
- ↑ Translation Note: She does not say the い so perhaps, "disgustiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"?
- ↑ Translation Note: Kiko says in katakana: エピソードトーク(episōdo tōku) or "episode talk" with トーク also referring to "banter," especially by a performer to an audience.
- ↑ 黒木大好き芸人 (Kuroki daisuki geinin): "Kuroki beloved comedienne"
- ↑ キモトーク (kimo tōku)
- ↑ H.P. Lovecraft. Acquire some culture, peasants! What is behind WataMote Wiki? Dragged down the stairs! The Three-Lobed Eye! [Quote from the opening to his seminal study: Supernatural Horror in Literature. – Ed.]
Story Navigation | |
Volume 25 Chapters | 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |