WataMote Wiki
Chapter 221
Cover c221
Volume Number 25
Chapter Title Because I'm not popular, I'll be made welcome.
Published March 6, 2024
Previous Chapter Chapter 220-3
Next Chapter Omake


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter continues from the previous.

As Kiko and Emiri make their silent goodbyes, Shizuku is alerted by her phone. She remarks that "Senpai" has messaged her stating that she is coming to her class. Kiko replies that they should return at once. The enter the classroom filled with primarily Anonymous Chans, with some dressed in various uniforms[1] and taking orders. Kiko asks if it is a maid café,[2] and Shizuku explains that it is apparently a Korean Idol-Style Maid Café. Over a view of the outside with a sign in Korean with hiragana[3] below it, Beaming Chibi Shizuku enthuses that they used the ideas "Senpai" gave her. Chibi Kiko comments that "Big Sister's" prejudice against high school girls is showing.[4] Normal, Kiko rhetorically asks if Shizuku should not be helping out. Shizuku startles with a sweat and replies that she is not entrusted with anything. Still beaming, Shizuku explains that since her "Senpai" is coming, she wanted to serve customers, but she is not liked by the girls in her class.

Kiko listens in silence with a smile, then she immediately turns and addresses two of the Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chans. While Shizuku watches from a distance with some embarrassment, Kiko politely asks Shorter-Haired Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan if it would be okay if "Hirasawa-san" helped with serving customers for a bit. The Shorter-Haired Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan evades by claiming that she is not the one to be asked. As a chibi, Kiko presses the point by pleasantly asking whom she should ask. Chibi Shorter-HairedAnonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan tells her to ask someone else. Inwardly, Chibi Kiko concludes that the girls really do not like Shizuku.

Shizuku Maid c221

With a bow,[5] Kiko explains to both Shorter-Haired Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan and Longer-Haired Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan that this will be the last chance Shizuku will have to see her third-year senpai at the Festival, and she then very politely asks them to grant her this. Sweating, Shizuku also bows a bit and sheepishly, but equally politely, asks if for just a little while. The listening Shorter-Haired Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan sweats in silence, but in the next panel, Shizuku appears as an Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chan. Ever Beaming, she declares to Kiko that it is okay if she[6] also helps. Kiko offers her congratulations.

As they observe the Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chans walk away, Kiko explains that even if they hate her, they do not want to look bad, so it is hard for them to refuse someone below them asking. Shizuku seriously asks if they really do hate her, but then she brightens to thank "Kiko-chan." This elicits an "E?" from Kiko, but Shizuku explains that she wanted to take part since "Senpai" came up with the idea, and now, thanks to her, she can. Kiko insists that she is indebted to her.

Behind Kiko and at the entrance, an Anonymous Pony Tale Korean-Style Maid Chan greets "young ladies."[7] The next panel reveals Tomoko with Asuka at the entrance. Chibi Kiko remarks that "Big Sister" and her friends have come so "do your best please!" She then adds that she will go outside for a bit. Beaming Chibi Shizuka acknowledges this. The next panel reveals that Yuri is with Tomoko and Asuka. Behind them, Miho, happily, and dressed in her "bloody" costume shirt, hangs, happily, on to Fūka. Shizuku formally thanks "Senpai" for coming; Tomoko sheepishly replies with an exclamation "O!," while Asuka declares Shizuku cute.

As Shizuku directs the party, from across the room an Anonymous Twin Tale Korean-Style Maid Chan excitedly exclaims, "That' Sasaki Senpai!" Anonymous Long Haired Korean-Style Maid Chan asks who that is, and the former replies that she did the vocals recently. The latter marvels, "Hirasawa-san's an acquaintance. . . ."

The party sits at a table with Tomoko sitting next to Asuka. Yuri sits directly across from Tomoko, Miho sits next to her across from Asuka, and Fūka sits on the end. Standing at the head of the table Shizuku asks what they would like. Miho, well happily, declares that there is a lot. Tomoko sheepishly asks, "cheese corn dog[8]?" Over a view of such, Happy Chibi Miho[9] explains that it is battered cheese fried on a stick, and it was recently very popular. Unimpressed Chibi Tomoko asks if it is a snack for the corpulent and is it a ripoff of America's fried butter.

Yuri seriously explains to Tomoko: "I definitely don't want to eat the whole thing, but I want to try just one bite, so I ask Tomoko."[10] Tomoko sarcastically compliments her courage for making such a request. Fūka brightly asks that if they want to eat something delicious, they should head to the convenience store. Miho, happily, says that that is the last thing she should say[11]. Yuri looks to Shizuku and asks, "Recommendation?" Shizuku happily brightly replies, "Pancakes seem recommended."

"Right, coffee," Yuri immediately replies.[12] Tomoko retorts, "if that is a silly cliche or the real thing, I don't know."

Fūka Compliment c221

Shown: Fūka-chan Compliments Shizuku-chan on Her Skill at Pouring Beer.

Shizuku dutifully records an order for two coffees, two colas, one milk tea, one cheese corn dog, and one pancake. For a beat, Tomoko stares at her with an inward "?" Next to her, Asuka observes her with a smile. She then whispers in Tomoko's ear "Tomo-chan?" Taking the hint, blushing and sweating profusely, Tomoko stammers recognition then tells Shizuku that her outfit looks cute.Shizuku blushes deeply then thanks her formally. Also blushing and sweating, Tomoko stammers. This Wholesome Family Mood is broken by Fūka eagerly adding that if she . . . opened . . . a . . . beer can whilst dressed in that outfit, the guy beer would not last stay fresh long.[13][14] In a moment worthy of record, Miho stares at her with an expression that may not merit the adverb "happily." For her part, Asuka informs her that while she has no idea what she is talking about, "shut up."

Miho, happily, breaks the tension by playing her hands on the table and declaring that a lot has happened: the movie, the haunted house, and "Kuro-chan's" little brother's play. She then turn to Tomoko and enthuses[15] that her movie seems very popular with her class. A shocked Tomoko emits an "E?!" and asks if this is serious. Miho replies, "To mainly boys." Over a view of the legs of Anonymous Korean-Style Maid Chans, Happy Chibi Miho explains, "Including me, because there's a lot of pretty girls, right!" Chibi Tomoko replies, "Aa . . . that kind of popularity. . . ."

Intense Yuri-chan c221

Shown: Intense Yuri-chan is Intense!

Serious, Yuri suggests that the ability to gather and film pretty girls is the power of directors. Tomoko sarcastically replies that she sounds like Akimoto Yasushi.[16] Undaunted, Yuri continues with "writing an original story . . . gather pretty girls . . . shoot video." Tomoko repeats the director's name. Yuri persists, "In the future, write a novel . . . drop out of university . . . create lyrics, . ." to which Tomoko sarcastically observes that in her second half, she turns into that director.

As Shizuku serves Tomoko, an Awed Anonymous Twin Tale Korean-Style Maid Chan serves Fūka her pancakes to the thanks of her and Asuka,[17] while Miho[18] takes a picture of it with her phone. Shizuku serves Tomoko and Yuri their cola and coffee. Beaming Happily, Miho tells "Kuro-chan" that her "little brother's play" was pretty great. Tomoko smiles, sweats, and stammers agreement. Fūka agrees that the kiss scene was amazing, and she did not believe they would actually do it. Miho admits that she feels sorry for "Glasses-chan."[19] As Yuri starts to bite on the cheese dog, Miho proclaims that they[20] are routing for "Glasses-chan." Irritated Chibi Tomoko objects that without pressing her, she wants to crush and compress "all glasses."[21]

Yuri Cheese Dog c221

Yuri pulls the cheese dog from her mouth in a manner that WataMote Wiki insists has no subtext but must appear in the body of this synopsis. It makes the sound "Nyu (にゅ)." She returns it to the plate and declares to Tomoko that one bite was enough, she cannot take a second, and she gives the rest to Tomoko. Tomoko wonders how she can use the word "give." Nevertheless, while Tomoko sheepishly nibbles at it, Yuri turns to Miho and suggests that Tomoko's "little brother" should be with "Yoshida-san."[22] Miho repeats "Yoshida–san," then corrects to her own nickname for Masaki: "Yankī-chan." Over the panel of Asuka meekly asking Tomoko for a bite, Chibi Miho, well, happily, exclaims, "Yankī-chan also I see . . . was there at the time of the play, right." She then adds, "Kuro-chan's little brother's popular, right."

Asuka remarks, "I was watching Tomoki-kun yesterday and today, but I thought that maybe Tomoki-kun isn't interested in such things yet." Miho emits an "E- Yes?" Asuka turns to Tomoko and suggests that he is more interested in her than other girls, and since they are siblings, he's embarrassed. Tomoko sweats and admits that she also finds talking about her brother pretty difficult. Behind her, Shizuku declares, "But if I had a sister like Senpai, I wouldn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend,[23] I'd want to watch over her all the time like Kiko-chan." Sweating, Tomoko replies, "Suddenly a disturbing name appears."

The Masaki Cometh c221

The scene shifts to the outside of Class 2 – 4, with applause heard. On stage, while Sayaka happily raises her hands and Akari politely bows to the applause while Tomoki looks away irritated.

In the hallway, Masaki walks approaching Hikari and Kotomi. A happy Kotomi discourses that the kissing scene was removed, changes were made in a nice way, and the students need to be healthy, after all. A shocked Hikari inwardly marvels that "Koto" is talking.

Masaki dramatically opens the door to the surprise of Sayaka and Akari. Tomoki sits on the stage behind them. Director Glasses-Chan stands near him with her head buried in papers. In the foreground, Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan looks towards Masaki with concern.

Masaki walks up to the sitting Tomoki and calmly demand, "give me a little."[24]

"A?" Tomoki responds.


In order of appearance


  • "Everybody Ought to have a Maid!": Chapter 192-1 where Tomoko makes the suggestion.
  • "Pride and Prejudice": in a grand example of cognitive dissonance, in her first year, Tomoko would inwardly denigrate other girls as sluts.
  • "But... I'm not very liked by the girls in my class": in Chapter 202-1, Shizuku informed Tomoko how all girls in her class were involved in preparations for Korean cafe, leaving her outside from it, fact that was mentioned again in Chapter 210-3. Now, during school festival, it's revealed how the female classmates excluded Shizuku from serving as a maid.
  • "So they really do hate me…": when Shizuku re-met with Tomoko at the courtad in Chapter 132, she mentioned how she had not female friends, and in view she didn't want to eat alone, she began to hang out with her male classmates, which just did girls from her class hated her more.
  • "I'm gonna step out for a bit": in Volume 24 Omake, once Kiko went to stay over at Shizuku's house, she explained her that she intented to go the school festival without being noticed with the purpose of knowing what kind of person Tomoko is when she's no present, thing that would be impossible for her if Tomoko knew about her presence.
  • "Don't Give a Damn About My Reputation!": while Fūka, embarrassed by her innocence and ignorance of Matters Warm and Sticky, tried to cultivate a reputation otherwise Chapter 184-2, to some success and the Wrath of Asuka™, it seems she is still quite admired by the lower classes. Fūka sang in the auditorium WataMote Chapter 215.
  • Beer Can . . . it was a Beer Can . . . Beer Can:: WataMote Chapter 184-2 where Shizuku . . . opens . . . a beer can . . . it was a beer can. Fūka castrated crushed the beer can . . . beer can.
  • "Specially the boys": it was seen in WataMote Chapter 217-2 how in the brief celebration party for the movie from class 3-5, boys were approaching to Yuri and Asuka to flirt with them. It seems the same thing is happening again with presumably Fūka and Miho.
  • "You Fucked Up! You Trusted Us!": work with WataMote Wiki here. Miho offered to help Kotomi, and gave her her personal nickname, in Chapter 209-2. She also give Masaki her nickname in Chapter 210-1.
  • "Your Kiss is on My Lips!": Sayaka kissed Tomoki in WataMote Chapter 217-3.
  • "Don't pair my brother up with that insect!": in Chapter 209-2, after Miho suggested to help Kotomi with hanging out Tomoki during school festival, Tomoko had no subtleties to show her opposition to it.
  • "Whatever it takes for a free pass to Tomoko's house": after Masaki began arguing with Mako about the possibility she likes Tomoki in Chapter 219, Yuri started supporting that relationship without hiding the real reason for that was to go Tomoko's house whenever she wants.
  • "A popular boy only for being told so": in WataMote Chapter 217-3, when the first show of the play from class 2-4 was about to begin, many students went to watch, which Akari thought Tomoki is popular; in Chapter 219, after watching the play, Mako said to a still shocked Yoshida how Tomoki surely is popular. Now, Miho is added to the list of girls with that mindset.

Cultural References[]

  • Korean Idol Style: "Korean Maid Cafe" does not appear to be a thing . . . in Japan, nor in Korea. That linkypoo discusses the at this time of publication of the chapter, only maid café in South Korea, and it is based on Japanese maid cafés, and thus "controversial!" This is a video to it, and it seems standard Japanese-style. So what about "Korean Idol Style? This linkypoo will teach you how to dress like a K-Pop Idol! Does it fit what is depicted? It may be more a case of attempting to do a "maid café" that is exotic and different than the standard type.
  • JK: because WataMote Wiki cares. . . .
  • "It's Just a Formality": WataMote Wiki obsesses over the levels of politeness and honorifics so you, Noble Readership, do not have to. Kiko addresses Shizuku formally: "Hirasawa-san" while referring to Tomoko as "Big Sister."
  • Cheese Corn Dog: linkypoo to recipe for what is a Korean snack.
  • Fried Butter
  • Akimoto Yasushi: directs idols, which requires a steady supply of "pretty girls."


  • Entitled Punishment: WataMote Wiki confesses to initially thinking Fanilators mistranslated the title based on Google considering モテなされる is the same as 持て成す (もてなす) for "to treat (a guest); to receive; to entertain; to be hospitable to; to make welcome." Both are "mote-" with the first is the "mote" we all know and love: "popular" (モテ), and not 持て成す (motenasu) as in "to be welcomed." This would give: "because I'm not popular, I'll be made popular/I'll become popular" or, better since it is passive," "I'll be made popular." However, after discussion with a professional translator, it seems the second モテ could be intentional and ironic wordplay on 持て. In the context of the events of the chapter, Tomoko is not "made popular"; her status does not really change. Shizuku does wish to serve her, which would fit 持て成す. This will all be clarified when the English volume that contains this chapter is published in 2037. . . .
  • "Take My Wife . . . Please": Yuri appears to make the old joke insult of asking someone what they recommend, then immediately deciding something different to ridicule the suggestion. Why does she pick on poor Shizuku-chan?

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Class Mom has it Going On!": Asuka prods Tomoko to compliment Shizuku.
  • "Not . . . that There's Anything Wrong with it!": to take it serious, Asuka observed the obvious: Tomoki does not seem to be interested in girls "yet." Stay tuned!
  • "I'm a Bitch!": One of the more "one-hit" of the "one-hit wonders." Still, Masaki makes her move!


  • "Onēsan's prejudice against female high school students shows." – Kiko Satozaki.
  • "Because Senpai is coming, I wanted to serve customers, but I'm not really liked by the girls in my class." - Shizuku Hirasawa
  • "Even if they hate Hirasawa-san, because they don't want to be bad girls, right, they won't refuse someone lower politely asking, I think." – Kiko
    • "So they really do hate me…" – Shizuku
  • "I want Big Sister's group to come, right, so please do your best." – Kiko
  • "I definitely don't want to eat the whole thing, but I want to try just one bite, so I ask Tomoko." – Yuri Tamura about a cheese dog . . . definitely.
  • "Recommendation?" – Yuri to Shizuku
    • "Pancakes seem recommended."
    • "Right, coffee," – Yuri
    • "if that is a silly cliche or the real thing, I don't know." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "If you wore that outfit when previously you jacked-off a guy, he couldn't last!" – Fūka Shizuku not talking about a beer can
    • "What you're saying I don't understand so Fūka shut up." – Asuka Katō also not talking about a beer can
  • "Kuro-chan's movie was fairly well received in my class." – Miho Narita happily
    • "E?! Seriously?" – Tomoko shocked
    • "To mainly men." – Miho
    • "Including me, because there's a lot of pretty girls, right!" – Miho
    • "Aa . . . that kind of popularity. . . ." – Tomoko
  • "Gathering beautiful girls and filming beautiful girls is also a director's power in a sense." – Yuri



  1. See Cultural References.
  2. メイド喫茶 (meido kissa)
  3. めいどりむ (meidorimu)
  4. Translation Note: oddly enough, Kiko says the formal kanji for joshi kōsei (女子高生), "female high school student," over the explanatory abbreviation "JK." See Cultural References.
  5. Which makes the sound "peko (ペコ)."
  6. Referring to herself, not Kiko.
  7. お嬢様ー (ojōsamā)
  8. チーズハットグ (chīzuhattogu): a cheese-filled corn dog. From the dictionary: "Korean corn dog (from Korean: hasdogeu)"
  9. Happily.
  10. Translation and Cultural Note: Despite mangago – "manga speak" – work with WataMote Wiki here – and English Japanese language textbooks, the Japanese do not address one another with the second personal pronoun "you." It is considered rather rude. See earlier when Yuri and Tomoko had minor spats over how they addressed one another. This comes out stilted in English, which is why most will replace names with pronouns.
  11. Translation Note: それ言ったらおしまいだろ (sore ittara oshimaidaro). Literally: "That if you say/uttered it's over" which gives the Google translated Fanilator translation. "That's the last thing you need to say" makes more sense in context.
  12. Without a "please."
  13. Probably. . . .
  14. Translation Notes: See the pickie: その格好でこの前みたくシゴかれたら男はたまらないだろうな (sono kakkō de kono mae mitaku shigokaretara otaku wa tamaranaidarōna). ゴかれたら, from シゴく (shigoku) "to masturbate," and たまらない "intolerable; unbearable; unendurable; irresistible, et cetera." Basically, Fūka suggested that if Shizuku wore that outfit when she started to open the beer can . . . it was a beer can . . . a beer can . . . it would immediately explode in her face. Probably.
  15. "Happily," seriously.
  16. Cens●r'd in the Japanese Original.
  17. Asuka says the proper ありがとう (arigatō), while Fūka says "thank you (サンキュ・sankyu)."
  18. Shown from behind does she photograph happily?
  19. With the furigana for "glasses" (メガネ) over the explanatory kanji for "Komiyama."
  20. Miho says "we."
  21. Translation Note: Tomoko seems to want to convey that she wants to "crush" Kotomi without actually physically crushing her. Thus 押さないでメガネごと圧縮して粉砕したい (osanaide meganegoto asshukushite funsaishitai): "Without pressing, all glasses compress and crush I want."
  22. And certain fans and contributors start screaming. . . .
  23. Since Fans ask, as shown in the Gallery, yes, she does say that: 彼氏や彼女 (kareshi ya kanojo).
  24. Literally, "a little face restrained," as in she wants his attention for a moment.


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA