WataMote Wiki
Chapter 223
Cover c223
Volume Number 26
Chapter Title Because I'm not popular, I get close.
Published May 22, 2024
Previous Chapter Chapter 222-3
Next Chapter Special Chapter


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter continues directly from the previous. Tomoki sits on the bench with his head in his hands. Hina sits warily next to him whilst Masaki and Kotomi stand looking at him. In the foreground Yuri and Sachi regard the scene. Sachi inwardly declares, "Seriously, they're siblings." The next panel focuses one them from the front and reveals that Akari and Ever-Smiling Mako stand between them with Sayaka[1] standing behind them all. Faced Sachi warily wonders, "Thanks to the Glasses, or maybe because of her nothing has changed after all." Yuri looks back in the direction of Sachi. Akari thinks, "Senpai. . . ."

Mako inwardly concludes that now is her opportunity to escape and she then calls out to Yuri. When Yuri turns to her and asks her "what," Mako cryptically replies that she just wanted to call her name. With a sly look, Sachi looks to Akari triumphantly declares, "Great, right? Yoshida-san and Tomoki aren't getting along well." Akari emits an "E?!" then politely agrees. She then starts to pleasantly note to the Now Faceless Sachi[2] based on her question, then stops to give the polite indication that she does not know her name. "Mima," Faceless Sachi offers. and Akari continues that "Mima-senpai" is also. The two pretend to share a giggle while Sayaka looks back and forth between them. Excited, she then declares loudly to a Faced Sachi[3] that, come to think of it, "Senpai" was with "Tomoki-kun" before: "Senpai is also, right?" Sachi maintains her smile but inwardly notes that Sayaka is annoyingly loud.

Sayaka Face c223

She loses her face[4] as Sayaka enthusiastically declares that if there is anything she can do to help "senpai," to please tell her. Observing in the foreground, Akari inwardly screams her name. The next panel shifts to Akari with Excited Sayaka™ in the foreground. Akari maintains a smile as she marvels that Sayaka is declaring her betrayal right in front of her. Sayaka emits an "A!" then declares that she cannot do anything to disadvantage Akari. Akari inwardly retorts that everything Sayaki does puts her at a disadvantage. Sayaka renews her enthusiasm by vowing that if there is anything else besides that, since she has known Tomoki since Middle School, to please leave it to her. Sayaka suddenly startles. As animesque light bathes her, she inwardly wonders why her breast[5] hurts when she wants to support Tomoki and "senpai." Behind her, with her smile now at Mako-Level,[6] Akari inwardly demands that Sayaka stop with the shōjo manga moves[7] and trying to act like a heroine who suddenly realizes she is in love.

Mima Army c223

Shown: Mima Corps!

Faceless Sachi folds her arms and regards the Smiling Sayaka. Inwardly, she notes that she somehow feels attracted to the "small fry."[8] She then imagines a chart of "Mima Corps (軍団・gundan)" with chibiesque versions of Mako, Koharu, and Sayaka. Mako is marked "Same Tribe (同族・dōzoku)," while Koharu and Sayaka are numbered "Small Fry 1" and "Small Fry 2" respectively. Below, in a box marked "Expelled (除名・jomei)," Mako and Nori have "X" across their chibi faces with the titles "Trash (ゴミ・gomi)" and "Dregs (カス・kasu)" underneath respectively. She concedes that having one more lower than her will not cause any problems. With her face, she takes Sayaka's hand in hers, thanks her, and asks if she may also call her "Sayaka-chan." Sayaka-chan blushes deeply. Sachi continues that she does not have any younger girls she gets along with, then adds that Sayaka is really cute. Blushing and sweating, Sayaka emits an "E?" and tries to deny it.[9]

Behind the Blushing-Delighted Sayaka, Akari maintains her smile as she considers that while she does not know what it is, she finds it a little irritating: "In front of me, Sayaka, you don't make that kind of face." The next panel takes her perspective as she continues to watch the Faceless Sachi and Blushing 'n Beaming Sayaka chat. She inwardly rages, "Aren't you my best friend? Though imperfect, you lived for me! Why are you so fond of another?!"

Akari Startle c223

Shown: Akari Suddenly Startling with an "A?!"

Akari suddenly startles with an "A?!" She observes the Still Blushing-Delighted Sayaka chatting with a Faced Sachi who has a smile that should not cause any concern, goodness no. Inwardly, she admits that recently she has been treating Sayaka harshly and not praising her like "this person (あの人・ano hito)." Sayaka turns back towards her, smiles, and holds her thumb up. Inwardly, Akari admits that because Sayaka has been her friend, she has been taking things from her, but she then adds that she gives her situations that are not sweet.

The scene shift to reveal Yuri and Mako next to the trio of Sachi, Sayaka, and Akari. Yuri warily asks, "Why Mako, did you call to stop me?" With her Perpetual Smile, Mako beams and insists she wanted to be together with Yuri. Yuri does not respond. Looking towards the pair, Sayaka remarks, that she was wondering if those two "also." With her face and her not at all concerning smile, Sachi replies, "I don't think the one with freckles[10] is the same, but the one that looks gloomy[11] might be suspicious. "Freckles, . . ." Sayaka chirps, "A! That's true! She has them, right! Yeeeaaah, that one's Gloomy Senpai, right!" to Mako and Yuri's consternation.

Losing her face,[12] Sachi thinks, "For speaking out loud, isn't this an idiot. . . ?" She then speaks, "Yeah, freckles are cute!" Meanwhile, Yuri ruminates on "gloomy." Sayaka emits an "E?" then agrees with Sachi. She then eagerly asks Faceless Sachi what "that senpai" likes about "Tomoki-kun." Faceless Sachi similarly emits an "E?" stammers, then replies that she is too embarrassed to say. She then asks, "you two," but Sweating Aggitated Sayaka-Chan insists that that was not what she was asking. Behind her, Akari stands in silence. Over a background of strawberries, Chibi Sayaka chirps that Akari's reason, "is a little hard to say." Chibi Akari-Chan stammers a polite protest, but Chibi Faceless Sachi-Chan insists, "What, what is she curious about?"

Dick Sisters c223

Normal, Sayaka responds, "Akari, she likes Tomoki-kun's d●ck,[13] right?" Akari fakes a "Haha," while Faceless Sachi places her hand in front of her mouth as she emits an "Ahahaha."

There is a pause as they stare at one another in silence with animesque light in the background. With her face,[14] Sachi inwardly wonders, "I don't follow; is it a gag?" As Sayaka continues to smile in a halo of animesque light, marvels how there can be a girl whose favorite part of the guy she likes is his dick as in a pornography,[15] then wonders why "this woman" does not deny it.

Shocked Chibi Sachi-Chan c223

Chibi Faceless Sachi-Chan reacts with shock as she regards the Still-Smiling Akari. ". . . this look!" she marvels, "After years of being treated like a fool, she looks like she's lost the will to push herself." Shifting her attention to Sayaka, she notes that "this one" does not notice the expression on her friend's face next to her. As she focuses on Sayaka blushing and excited expression, Sachi inwardly screams, "It's an idiot's face! Honest and pure that can only be fooled eyes!!"

She imagines Koharu standing next to Sayaka and muses that she has "Koharu-chan" as a representative of the same idiot, this one is different. She then recalls walking with Koharu as first years. She inwardly recalls: "Since Koharu-chan was more innocent idiot than evil, I raised her with my evil spirit and she became a decent idiot who could read the mood just a little bit. . . ." Faceless First-Year Sachi-Chan tells First-Year Koharu-Chan, "Before, right, Maki said bad things about Koharu-chan and I really don't like it. . . ." Returning to Sayaka, who still has her eager smile but a "?" over her head, Sachi muses, "Since this one is a good idiot,[16] there's no room for evil to enter, and she is impossible to correct." Staring at Sayaka closely, but without her face, Sachi concludes, "In a woman's world[17], bad idiots can be helped, but good idiots can only harm you. The corps does not need this bitch!"[18]

She is interrupted by her phone.[19] She turns away to read, "Sachi, where?" Sachi thinks, "Since it's the Evil[20] Idiot. . . ." Faceless Sachi turns back to the duae[21] and apologizes that a friend has called her and she has to go for a bit.

Sayaka Chan! c223

In her mind, she pictures a Chibi Sayaka with a hat that reads "Sa (さ)" standing behind a minature train. A large set of signs at the top of the panel reads "30 squares until Tomoki: 3rd year," with "Mima Company President" and "sa (サ)" below. There is a sign at the bottom that reads "Makuhari (幕張)." The train moves forward, and Chibi Sayaka dutifully follows. The train appears to run over another train and pass it. Chibi Sayaka continues to walk to the past train as the signs change. The first now reads, "28 squares until Tomoki: 2nd year," and the second, "Akari Company President" and "sa." In her imagination, more "toy" details are added, including dancing peanuts, trees, a baseball stadium, ocean, buildings, and factories.[22] Over it Akari persists with her polite smile, and Sayaka with her eager smile.



In order of appearance


  • "Seriously, They're Siblings": despite all evidence presented to Sachi, Mako had to reveal to her that Tomoko and Tomoki are siblings in Chapter 220-3.
  • "Dishonor to House Kuroki!": in previous chapter, after Tomoko defended Tomoki from Kotomi, he accidentally called her nē-chan which is why he holds his head in shame.
  • Middle School: Sayaka and Akari visit House Kuroki™ to deliver Tomoki his homework and other class materials in Chapter 25, depicted in Episode 3. It is clear in both that the then unnamed Akari has a crush on him, and Sayaka is trying to encourage her.
  • "A betrayer with too mixed signals": it's been seen Mako to look for excuses to get rid of Yuri with such of watching over Masaki, as seen in chapters 219 and 220-2. Now, for some unexpected reason, she tries to keep Yuri with her while this one only wants to leave.
  • D●ck Sisters: in Chapter 91, Akari accidentally confessed to Tomoko that she, to, wants to see Tomoki's d*ck. When Tomoko torments her with this, Sayaka demands to know why Tomoko thinks it is odd that boyfriends and girlfriends would want to look at their . . . um . . . Unmentionables. Tomoko will come to call both of them the "Dick Sisters (ちんちん妹・chinchin imōto/shisotā)" to Akari's irritation.
  • "You are My Clay . . . Let Me Twist You!": The Volume 20 Omake reveals that while first-year Mako tried to correct Koharu's habit of making fun of others, Sachi encouraged it by laughing along.

Cultural References[]

  • Shōjo Manga (少女漫画): Because WataMote Wiki cares.
  • "Your Preferred Pronouns are "Bitch" and "C[CENSORED – Ed.]t!": this linkypoo discusses the use of such by some WataGirls. Tomoki similarly uses them.


  • "Come to My Arms, My Beamish Girl!": The title follows the standard, "Because I'm not popular," then ends with 懐く (なつく・natsuku). This is "to become attached (to); to take (to); to become affectionate (with); to be tamed; to get close (e.g. to someone emotionally); to become intimate (with)." O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
  • "Who's That Girl?": the title refers not to Tomoko, but Sachi.
  • "You and What Army?!": WataMote Wiki finds it interesting that Sachi does not include or consider Shiki-chan.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "What's the Name of the Game?": Sachi discovers Sayaka's influence, deems her an "idiot," but a "good idiot," but then fears that due to Sayaka, Akari and her have moved past her? Does this make Sachi a bashful child beginning to grow?


  • "Seriously, they're siblings." – Sachi Mima about Tomoki and Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Great, right? Yoshida-san and Tomoki aren't getting along well." – Sachi
    • "Ee?! Aa . . . that's right." – Akari Iguchi
  • "What, in front of me you're brazenly declaring your betrayal?!" – Akari about Sayaka Yoda
  • "That’s right, Sayaka! You always do things that are disadvantageous to me. though." – Akari
  • "Why does my breast hurt?! I want to support Tomoki-kun and Senpai. . . ." – Sayaka
  • "Sayaka . . . stop making shōjō manga moves! Don't act like a heroine who suddenly realizes she's in love!" – Akari
  • "Somehow I felt attracted to the Small Fry. Well, I guess there's no harm in having a few down there." – Sachi about Sayaka
  • ”I don't know what it is, but it's a little irritating. In front of me, Sayaka, you don't make that kind of face." – Akari inwardly
  • "Freckles . . . A! That's true! She has them, right! Yeeeaaah, that one's Gloomy Senpai, right!" – Sayaka responding to Sachi's descriptions of Mako Tanaka and Yuri Tamura
  • "What, what is she curious about?" Sachi about Akari
    • "Akari, she likes Tomoki-kun's dick, right?" – Sayaka
  • "Since Koharu-chan was more innocent idiot than evil, I raised her with my evil spirit and she became a decent idiot who could read the mood just a little bit. . . ." – Sachi
  • "Since this one is a good idiot, there's no room for evil to enter, and she is impossible to correct." – Sachi regarding Sayaka



  1. Also smiling.
  2. "Zeeep!"
  3. "Zeem!"
  4. "Zeep!"
  5. 胸 (mune).
  6. Patent Pending.
  7. 少女漫画ムーブ (shōjō manga mūbu)
  8. ザコ (zako)
  9. そんなこと. . . (sonnakoto . . .): the elipsis suggests she is trying to say そんなことないよ (sonnakotonaiyo), or "that's not true" rather than, "that sort of thing." Sayaka is clearly touched to be told that by an upperclasswoman.
  10. そばかす (sobakasu)
  11. ネクラ (nekura): dark-natured; gloomy; dour; moody; insular; glum; pessimistic
  12. "Zooop!"
  13. Ever [C●nsored – Ed.] in the Japanese Original™: ちんちん (ち●ち●).
  14. "Zoop!"
  15. AV = "adult video."
  16. 善のバカ (zen no baka)
  17. 女の世界 (onna no sekai)
  18. Translation Note: a rare moment of license on WataMote Wiki's part. Sachi generally uses the rude demonstrative pronouns: こいつ、そいつ、あいつ (koitsu, soitsu, aitsu), "this one, that one, that one over there," for people she despises. Masaki and other characters will do similarly. It can be understood as "this/that bitch," "THOT," "Municipal Bicycle," "Public Toilet," [Stop that! – Ed.] Given Sachi's anger, seems to apply.
  19. ピロン (piron)
  20. WataMote Wiki wouldn't go so far as to call a sister "evil," . . .
  21. Which is the feminine of "duo!" You are welcome!
  22. Which perhaps suggests Sachi-Chan would benefit from therapy. WataMote Wiki does not judge.


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA