WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Special Chapter
Cover c223-5
Volume Number 25
Chapter Title Special Chapter
Published June 12, 2024
Previous Chapter Chapter 223
Next Chapter Chapter 224-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter is titled Special Chapter (特別編・tokubetsuhen).

Tomoko and Yuri lean on the balcony outside of the classroom. Tomoko muses that recently people getting plastic surgery are increasing. Yuri agrees. Tomoko further muses that if there are people around you who are getting plastic surgery, it is hard to stop them. She suspects that "now you're already cute," and "your parents will be sad," is all one can say. Yuri turns to her and insists that she can stop them, then asks Tomoko to act like someone getting plastic surgery. Tomoko retorts that they have entered a comic duo act. Tomoko points to her nose and declares that since it is small she thinks she wants it longer.

Tomoko Nose c223-5

Not Shown: A Cultural Stereotype . . . goodness no.

Yuri smiles as she imagines Tomoko behind her with a large nose and replies that that would be good. Upset Chibi Tomoko grouses that she did not stop her. Yuri turns back to look out over the balcony as she insists that because it would be a little funny, she would not stop her. Tomoko insists that if she thinks it is funny, then stop it; Yuri promises that next time she will.

Tomoko then imagines herself with comically enlarged おっぱい[1] as she plays majong. She remarks that since her breasts[2] are small, she is thinking of getting breast augmentation surgery to make them bigger. Still looking out, Yuri protests that because that is "funny," she cannot stop her. Tomoko insists that she does not intend to be "funny," but she does currently have a "complex."[3]

Yuri Tongue c223-5

In a fashion that WataMote Wiki could not possibly describe, Yuri sticks out a split tongue. She playfully suggests that if she got a "split tongue (スプリットタン・supuritto tan)," Tomoko would then be unable to stop her. Angry Chibi Tomoko insists that she would, "with all my might," since that would not be plastic surgery but "body modification (人体改造だ・jintaikaizō)."

Emiri enters the balcony saying, "Plastic surgery is absolutely forbidden." Tomoko reacts with shock and sweat: "OO?! You could stop it?" Emiri matter-of-factly responds that plastic surgery will only result in giving "Kuroki" a "plastic surgery face (整形顔・seikeigao)": "Both gross and gross, they are Kuroki's personality."[4] Tomoko retorts that the ways she says it, it is just "キモい." In a view for which Gallerys exist, Chibi Tomoko observes a post-plastic surgery Emiri with indicators pointing to her modifications. Tomoko asks if they modify "Uchi-san" is she not still the "original Uchi-san?"

Yuri turns to her Tomoko and asks, "So, if Tomoko's face becomes popular, I get Tomoko's face, would you be able to stop me?" "You've started saying weird things," Tomoko responds. With a focus on Emiri's face, Emiri claims that what Yuri said is an "insult to Kuroki," and even if she acquires Kuroki's face, she cannot imitate her "grossness."[5]

A view of the early evening sky marks a transition. Emiri sleeps and begins to dream Yuri, with Tomoko's Patented Eyes with Bags, walking with Tomoko. They are joined by Asuka and Hina, both with Tomoko's eyes.

Emiri's sleeping face blushes deeply and sweats. She grits her teeth as she thinks, "G . . . g . . . rooo. . . ."


In order of appearance


  • The Good, the Bad, the キモい: Emiri first tries to explain her different meanings of her catch phrase to include both "good" and "bad" to Asuka and Hina in Chapter 161.
  • Meanwhile . . . Plastic Surgery . . . in Japan!: in 175.5, after Kaho used glue in Hikari's eyelids to raise them and Kotomi saw her, this latter asked her if she had gotten cosmetic surgery on her eyes.
  • "A gross girl with complex about her chest": it's a new thing for Tomoko to desire to have bigger breasts, such as she fantasized in Chapter 6, or the complex this aspect brings to her, being an example in Chapter 42, where she searched sneakly into infirmary room's laptop the health examination results to find girls with a flatter chest than her. However, it's not common to see Tomoko to say someone else about how she has a complex about it.

Cultural References[]


  • Living in an Emiri World!: Life in Plastic! It's キモい!キモい! – Emiri-chan's imagined surgeries:
    • Light Brown-Colored Contacts
    • Hyaluronic Acid to lengthen the nose
    • Botox for shoulder slimming
    • M-Shaped Mouth: "for great justice cuteness!"
    • HIFU for the chin

Memorable Moments[]

  • "Dream a Little Dream of Me!": Need to fix!


  • "Since I've got small breasts, I'm thinking of getting breast augmentation surgery to make them bigger." – Tomoko Kuroki
  • "Well, if I say I want a split tongue, you can't stop me, right?" – Yuri Tamura
    • "With all my might, I will stop it. It's not plastic surgery, it's body modification, and I'm put off by the sensibility of finding that funny." – Tomoko
  • "Both gross and gross, they are Kuroki's personality." – Emiri Uchi
  • "So, if Tomoko's face becomes popular, I get Tomoko's face, would you be able to stop me?" – Yuri to Tomoko



  1. "Boobs!"
  2. Tomoko uses mune (胸).
  3. コンプレックス (konpurekkusu)
  4. Translation Note: WataMote uses kanji to clarify what a character says in the furigana. Emiri says, "悪いところも良いところも" with 悪い for "bad," as famously part of the series title, and 良い for "good." Both of the kanji have the furigana of Emiri's patented expression "キモ" over them to demonstrate that she repeats "キモい." See Gallery.
  5. With the furigana for "grossness" (キモさ) over the kanji for "substance"


Story Navigation
Volume 25 Chapters 217-1 | 217.1 | 217-2 | 217-3 | 218 | 219 | 220-1 | 220-2 | 220-3 | 221 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA