Chapter 224-3 | ||
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Volume Number | 26 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm not popular, the Cultural Festival First Day Ends (Last Part). | |
Published | August 14, 2024 | |
Previous Chapter | Summer Special | |
Next Chapter | Summer Special |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
In the restaurant, Kiko sits with Tomoki at a small table. Koharu sits at the table behind him. Kiko confesses that she does not want "Onēchan" to discover her and asks if they can sit there. Tomoki warily observes the restaurant and surmises that "she"[1] is also there. He then asks Kiko if she arrived today. She corrects him that she came last night. He remarks that neither he nor his sister[2] were home, and Kiko explains that she stayed over a friend's house. With a wider view of the restaurant, with various Anonymous Chatting Chans 'n Kuns, Chibi Kiko asks if he stayed with his sister the previous night. Somewhat Irritated Chibi Tomoki answers that a lot happened.
Normal, Kiko explains that she thought that since Tomoko entered high school, he and Tomoko have not been good, and she expresses gratification that this is not the case. Tomoki insists that they still are not that close. At another table, Akari sits with Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan[3]. Without a Tracksuit Twin Tail-Chan languidly takes a french fry and asks if he[4] is coming. Akari looks at her phone and responds that he said he would come if he feels like it. Over this, Kiko asks "Onīchan" if he came to the restaurant to meet "Onēchan." He insists he was just called by his classmates.
They are interrupted by the "robocat," who thanks them for waiting with a "nyan (ニャン)." When Tomoki pauses, the cat robot asks him to take the foot, then demands to know if he is ignoring him, "nyan." Kiko explains that in this place a "kitty" (猫ちゃん・nekochan) brings the food. She pets (なで・nade) the machine, whose "face" turns cute, and it responds that it is happy she is petting it. Kiko continues, and the "face" turns "normal" as it asks her to stop touching it, "nyan." Kiko continues, and the "face" turns angry as it threatens to punch her. Kiko relents, and the cat robot leaves with a "I'm busy, so stop wasting my time, nyan." As Tomoki watches it leave with Tomokiesque Irritation, Kiko explans that she prefers dogs, but cats are cute too, especially on how they act unpredictably.

Shown: 可愛いいいいいいいい!
Over a view of the flan desert, Chibi Kiko remarks that it is probably the first time they have talked. Irritated Chibi Tomoki asks if she thinks so. The next panel depicts the three as children playing video games together. Kiko explains that when she played with him, it usually involved all three of them: "But that was when I was little." Back to normal, Kiko starts to spoon her treat as she observes that when he got into middle school, he stopped playing with her. Less-Irritated Normal Tomoki regards this in silence.
The next panel reveals that Koharu is sitting behind Tomoki with a Faceless Sachi across from her. With her face,[5] Sachi pleasantly smiles but thinks, "Hmmm . . . another woman, right . . . yes, yes, yes." Koharu, who has been looking at her phone, is startled to receive a text from Sachi. Without her face,[6] Sachi smiles and types and Koharu reads out loud her request that she try to eavesdrop on the conversation behind her.
The next panel focuses on Kiko and Tomoki behind Koharu. Kiko states that she is glad that he seems to be having fun at school, Tomoki contradicts her that it is not fun. Kiko continues, "You were surrounded by girls, and you were kissed by a cute girl. Tomoki exhibits his "I'm in PAIN Face," which leads to Kiko to inwardly note that this is the first time she has seen this expression of his. She adds that he gets to be with "Onēchan" at both home and school. He insists that it is just ten minutes at home. She then wistfully laments that if she was one year earlier she would be together with them. Chibi Tomoki regards this in silence.
Tomoki asks her if she will spend the night at his house, but Kiko insists that since she does not want Tomoko to know she is there, she will again stay with her friend. Over a view of Akari and Without Track Suit Et Cetera now joined by Director Glasses-Chan, Chibi Kiko reminds him that they are expecting him, and he should not mind her and can go. As he stands, Tomoki offers that if she wants anything else to just bring the check over to him. Kiko thanks him for his generosity then, over a reminiscence of Tomoko and her dressed in their respective high school and middle-school uniforms while in a convenience store, laments, "Onēchan, if I made her pay more than 200 yen for 10 umaibō[7] sticks, it would be obvious on her face." In her recollection, Tomoko sheepishly advises, "Only the ignorant would buy that, if there's a price difference of 60 yen or more, buy it where it's cheaper."[8] "How cheap is she, . . ." Actually Slightly-Suprised Chibi Tomoki inwardly questions.

Suffering from an apparent VIth nerve palsy.[9]
Koharu cups her hands to her ears as Sachi asks what Tomoki and Kiko are saying. Impatient and without her face, Sachi emits a "Nē!" as Koharu startles as she realizes that ”the guy behind me" is the one Sachi is into. Picturing him with his I'm in PAIN Face as he recommends that beating her face would be obvious so beat her body, Koharu inwardly screams that he is the "shitty guy" who, with "Yoshida," wanted to beat her up in the courtyard. Off-panel, Sachi snaps, "You have ears, right? Can you understand what they're saying?" Koharu proclaims that he got the girl to call him "onīchan," and get her to stay over so "they could do it," which Koharu finds "majorly disgusting." Without her face, Sachi inwardly demands what is with this "erotic relationship." Koharu then complains that the girl is always treated to more than 10 umaibō and 200円, which is just too damn luxurious! Faceless Sachi deems this "brat (ガキ・gaki) economics."

Shown: Go Emiri-chan!

"What She Lacks in Age, She Makes Up for in Madness!"
The next panel reveals that behind Sachi sits the group of Mako, Yuri, Tomoko, and Emiri,[10] with Hina, Asuka, Shizuku across from them. Hina is standing and announces that she has a good idea for tomorrow. Excited, Hina suggests that they should all provide an audio commentary for the movie.
Yuri looks up from her phone in actual concerned surprise, while Tomoko and Emiri stare at Hina. Undaunted, Hina paints a verbal picture of the screening with Yuri, herself, and Tomoko at a table with microphones. Tomoko sheepishly suggests that they subtely improvised the scene. Happy Hina[-chan – Ed.] enthuses that there were a lot of pauses, but Nonplussed Yuri[-chan – Ed.] flatly remarks that she forgot her lines. "You just forgot!" Hina demands. Over this, Real-Time Hina explains that while everyone watches the movie, they will talk and add comments in real time.
Back in the restaurant, Hina suggests it is like DVD[11] extras where the voice actors seem to enjoy themselves. However, Yuri still stares at her with concern. Tomoko blushes deeply, sweats, and emits an "Oooh." Next to her, Emiri similarly blushes and reacts with concern. Asuka, as well, seems uncomfortable, and Shizuka seems subdued.
Blushing and sweating, Emiri claims that she would feel bad if "Kuroki" was put through any more shame. Angry Chibi Hina repeats "shame?!! (恥・haji)" Deeply blushing and sweating and with her eyes swirling, Tomoko continues to perseverate her "Oh." Blushing Chibi Hina is shocked by her lose of words.
For her part, Yuri recovers to appearing condescending as she suggests that it might work if Hina changed her name to the "World's Most Uninteresting Nemoto."[12] Angry Chibi Hina screams that she is not "uninteresting": "I'm interesting!!"[13] More calm, Hina sheepishly tries to suggest that it is not a bad idea as Mako smiles at her. Next to them is the table with now Tomoki, Akari, and Director Glasses-Chan and Without Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan. She and the Director clink their glasses as Tomoki and Akari vaguely place theirs in the general area. Without Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan credits Tomoki and Akari for the success of their performance.[14] Nevertheless, Concerned Chibi Without Track Suit Et Cetera apologizes for the "weird"[15]and asks them to cheer up. Tomoki's takes on his GHOST Face[16] while Akari pleasantly, but blankly, stares ahead as she insists they are not upset. Concerned Chibi Without Track Suit Et Cetera asks if they both have completely black eyes.[17] Normal, Without Trak Suit Et Cetera notes that it was "Yoda's idea," but it certainly was a hit. Director Glasses-Chan concedes that the first performance was much more exciting than the second and subsequent performances that followed the script.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
A woman girl's legs approach. Her skirt reveals she is a student. She uses a crutch to support her left leg which is wrapped in a bandage from her ankle to above her knee. Over this, Chibi Akari asks if Sayaka was called. Chibi Without Track Suit Et Cetera replies that she thought she would come with "Akari-chan," and did she not know. With an animesque background, Sayaka is revealed. She apologizes for being late. Off-panel, one voice[18] screams, "Sayaka?!" and another screams, "what happened?"
Without Track Suit Et Cetera helps Sayaka into a chair. Both Akari and Tomoki stare darkly at her. Still brightly,[19] Sayaka explains that she suddenly felt something in her knee, so she went to the nurse's office. She states that the doctor diagnosed that she had a soleus muscle injury.[20] Tomoki inwardly rants, "You're a pro sports player!" Sayaka turns to Tomoki, who maintains his GHOST Face, and tells him not to worry about it. He inwardly insists that he does not. She, brightly, adds, that it was an inevitable consequence of the fray.[21] Tomoki inwardly repeats his pro sports player rant.

Concerned Chibi Without Track Suit Et Cetera asks if she is okay and will she be tomorrow. Concerned Chibi Director Glasses-Chan asks if they should use a substitute. Sayaka, brightly, slaps her leg insisting that she is totally fi . . . only to turn away and emit a scream. Shaking, with tears in her eyes, she forces her bright expression and whimpers her insistence, ". . . ne, fine! Completely okay!" Inwardly, Akari bitches objects, "Sayaka, stop the heroine moves, Also, your way of covering up injuries is old and stinky, so stop it."[22]
The next panel reveals that Tomoko's table is located next to them. Hina over hears probably Director Glasses-Chan asks, "What about Yoda's scene tomorrow?" Hina remarks that maybe that is what happened, the trouble was not staged. Looking at her phone, Yuri suggests that if "Nemoto-san" were to have an accident now, they would not have to cut it. Suspicious Chibi Hina emits an "n." The next panel reveals a title card of the sky with the statement, "This film is dedicated to Nemoto Hina." Chibi Yuri explains that if they do that in the beginning of the film, it will be moving. Angry Chibi Hina retorts, "I'm dead. . . ."
She changes into Happy Chibi Hina as she asks, "Anyway, what you've been watching all this time?" Without looking up from her phone, Yuri replies that the Student Council uploaded their film. Tomoko looks at her phone asking, "Seriously? It's already up?" Yuri admits an "Un." The phone screen shows a view of Mako with the caption, "Harumaki High School Festival Movie (ムービー) ① 226 Views After 15 Minutes." Ever-Nonplussed Chibi Yuri admits that, looking at it that way, it looks good. Chibi Tomoko haltingly asks, "really?"
With a view of Shiki's face, Sheepish Chibi Yuri admits that the "editing skills are strong." Chibi Asuka agrees, "It's all thanks to Futaki-san, right!" Normal, Yuri scolds Tomoko to not do anything stupid and just view it normally tomorrow. Hina looks at her severely, while Tomoko just responds with, "Oh . . . Oh Oh!" As Yuri returns to her phone, Angry Hina inwardly rages over Yuri's statement. Meanwhile, Mako turns to hear behind her, "Can you do it with the crutches?" The next panel reveals Sayaka assuring Without Track Suit Et Cetera and Director Glasses-Chan that she can.

A voice interrupts them. Hina pleasantly asks them if they could borrow the wheelchair the Drama Club used that day. Addressing Akari and a surprised Director Glasses-Chan, with Mako smiling next to her, Hina apologizes for suddenly blurting that out since she was a bit worried. Suspicious Akari responds, "Aa no."
Director Glasses-Chan brightens and deems that the idea might be good and if Sayaka is in the wheelchair, she will be seen as infirm. Without Track Suit Et Cetera agrees that she would be a character that stands out. Smiling her Cheerful Mako Smile™, Mako adds that if, "In this setting, if a kiss from the Prince cured the Princess [Evil Step Sister – Ed.] of her illness and she was able to stand up that would be awesome."
In a moment for which Galleries exist: Sayaka blushes and sweats as she keeps her smile; Without Track Suit Et Cetera straightens up to look at Mako with surprise; Director Glasses-Chan looks concerned; Tomoki, Akari, Hina, and Asuka are seen from behind; Yuri looks in the direction of Director Glasses-Chan; while behind her Faceless Sachi stares in the direction of Mako.

Shown: "Those Freckles!"
Not Shown: "Bitch"
Also Shown Faceless Mako! 怖い!
With her face,[23] Sachi regards a Faceless Mako as she inwardly rages, "This Freckles as expected betrayed me!"[24] In close up-panels, though she maintains her resting smile, Sayaka turns deep red whilst Akari looks towards Mako; and Tomoki glares whilst thinking, "Again an unknown third-year woman. . . ." He stares into her smiling face and wonders, "One after another New enemies keep appearing. Is this a battle manga?" With the next panel focusing on Mako with animesque sparkles, Chibi Tomoko continues his inward rant that while they may look normal, but in a delinquent (ヤンキー・yankī) manga he read recently, the ones with sparkling eyes were depicted as really dangerous.
Without Track Suit Et Cetera pleasantly tells Director Glasses-Chan that it is a little interesting, as Akari has a pleasant face, but they are interrupted by Sayaka stammering for them to wait. Blushing, with tears in her eyes and sweat on her cheeks, Sayaka insists that they it is not good, and if they do that, they will make Akari elevate her. "Every time . . . Sayaka!!" Akari inwardly screams back.
While Yuri regards her suspiciously, Mako beams as she continues to apologize that she just loved their performance and blurted it out, so do not pay her any mind.

Not Shown: A Bored Chibi Kayo! This is Absolutely Excited to See Students Kiss on Stage Pass the Tissues Chibi Kayo! Probably.
At another table, an apparently bored Kayo observes and asks, "What are they saying?" Holding a slice of pizza, Nagi explains that it is about 2-4's play in which there was a real kiss on stage. This causes Miyazaki to emit a happy "kyā" squeal. Over a view of Mako with a simple smile next to Yuri looking with concern at a somewhat stunned Tomoko, and Emiri looking at her with concern, Chibi Nagi happily[25] enthuses that she thinks it was the brother of "Kuroki-san." Still Looking Bored but as a Chibi Kayo responds that she will definitely attend a performance tomorrow. Still Overwhelmed by the 可愛い Chibi Miyazaki squeals, "Little brother's popular, right!" Over Mako's head is the sound of the Robocat mewing.
Without Track Suit Et Cetera turns seriously to Director Glasses-Chan and asks, if for tomorrow, the hurldle seems higher. Director Glasses-Chan agrees and wonders what the should do. The next panel reveals Akari staring ahead, Tomoki glaring ahead, and Sayaka looking towards them with her Resting Smiling Face.™ Chibi Without Track Suit Et Cetera [–Chan – Ed.] guesses that it depends on the three people. Seeing Tomoki's face, she concedes, "scary. . . ."
Kiko sits in at the table behind Koharu and a Faceless Sachi, observing.
A bill sits in its container on a table. Mako holds a bill and announces that she will pay. Asuka thanks her. As Tomoko, Hina, Yuri, and Shizuku walk, Shizuku startles and looks back. Tomoko notices this, and in the next panel she has turned and started walking in the other direction. Yuri regards this, whilst Shizuku sweats and emits an "Aa."
Tomoko walks to Kiko's table where Kiko sits with her head down looking at the phone. With a nervous smile, Tomoko stammers, "Ki . . . Ki . . . Kī-chan?"
Kiko puts down her phone, looks up at Tomoko, and smiles as she asks, "since when did you notice?" Tomoko replies, "Ah, well, a little while ago?" Blushing and sweating, Tomoko continues inwardly, "Just now, Shizuku's gaze. . . ." Blushing and sweating, Tomoko continues to first ask if they should go home together, then ask when she came. Kiko maintains her smile as she looks down and thinks that this is not entertaining at all. As Tomoko stands in nervous silence, Asuka and Shizuku approach from behind. Smiling Chibi Kiko regards them. Kiko assures "Onēchan" that can return since she is okay. This elicits an "E?!" from Tomoko. Shizuku pleasantly interrupts Kiko with an "A" as Yuri joins them looking at a Robocat. Kiko turns to Yuri and asks if it is okay to stay with her tonight. This elicits the "E?!" from Yuri and Shocked Chibi Tomoko and Shizuku.
"I hate it!" Yuri replies flatly but firmly. Still Smiling Chibi Kiko thinks, "All Really interesting people," while Chibi Tomoko emits, "Yuri-chan. . . ."
In order of appearance
- Kiko Satozaki
- Tomoki Kuroki
- Koharu Minami
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Shizuku Hirasawa
- Akari Iguchi
- Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan
- Sachi Mima
- Sayaka Yoda
- Director Glasses-Chan
- Masaki Yoshida (mentioned)
- Hina Nemoto
- Yuri Tamura
- Mako Tanaka
- Asuka Katō
- Emiri Uchi
- Shiki Futaki
- Nagi Ōtonari
- Miyazaki
- Kayo
- "I Don't Want Onē-chan to Spot Me": Chapter 216-1 shows that Kiko camouflaged herself by wearing a Haramaku school uniform and a cap while watching the Class 3-5's movie with Shizuku. Volume 24 Omake reveals that Kiko slept over in Shizuku's house, and she asked her for help to pass unnoticed in Tomoko's school so that she could know what kind of person Tomoko is when she's not around.
- "So She's Here Too, Huh...": In the previous chapter when the first day of school festival concluded, Tomoko went with her friends to a restaurant to hold an after-party and discuss how to present their movie. It appears other classes chose the same place, hence Tomoki's decision to go to it.
- "The Lights are On! But You're Not Home!": Tomoko and her classmates involved in her film spent the night prior to the festival in Chapters 214-1, 214-2 and 214-3 in a spa as Shiki edited the film. Tomoki's Mom directed him to go there in 214-1 to act as a sort of caperone.
- "Who Da Masta?!": part of the break in Tomoki and Tomoko's relationship is explained in Volume 5 Omake which depicts her ridiculing him when she wins in a game.
- "D'yalike Dags?!": Kiko loves dogs. In Chapter 60, she explains to Tomoko she had one who died, and she tries to make Tomoko a sort of "pet dog." In Chapter 220-1 when she teases and tempts Sayaka with the idea that Tomoki could like her, she imagines Sayaka as a dog excited by a treat. Finally, she stands up to Masaki when the latter expresses violent exception to Megume's dog
lickringing the doorbell to the entrance to her Jade Pavilion in Chapter 142. - Wheelchair Access: Tomoko and the rest watch a student play that involved a girl in a wheelchair in Chapter 217-1.
- "It's been 84 Years, Onii-Chan": Though they are cousins, Kiko and Tomoki have only one conversation shown before this chapter, which was little more than a mere greeting in New Year.
- Harem Scarem: although Sachi has reasons to find girls like Masaki in Chapter 194, and Kotomi and Akari in Chapter 213-2 as romantic rivals, possibly due to her assumption that Tomoki is a playboy in Chapter 192-2, she has mistakenly imagined other girls as rivals, like Yuri in Chapter 205, Fūka and Miho in the Volume 23 Omake, Sayaka in Chapter 213-2, and even Tomoko in Chapter 214-3. Now in this chapter, Sachi sees Kiko as a potential rival.
- "It's the Kiss of DEATH . . . from Mr. Goldfinger!": No, Mr. Bond! WataMote Wiki expects you to DIE! Despite Tomoki desire to forget his accidental kiss given by Sayaka in Chapter 217-3, Kiko raises it, then Hina suggests a kiss as a way to conclude his play.
- Smile: WataMote Wiki recommends the movie, which has only one degree of Kevin Bacon. WataMote Wiki digresses. In Chapter 199-3 Tomoki smiles in a manner that can only be deemed "creepily," in response to Sayaka volunteering him and Akari as the lead in their class' play. By mentioning his kiss[26] during the play, Kiko sees an expression she admits she never saw from him before.
- "If I were only born a year earlier": when Kiko expressed her desire of studying with Tomoko at same high school in Chapter 141, this one gave thanks for being born earlier.
- "So Cheap, She Tried to Bargain with a Vending Machine!": it's been shown in past how stingy Tomoko is when treating Kiko for snacks, as seen in Chapter 16 during first year, when she offered 10 U*I sticks to Kiko for the princely sum of 100 円 [Yen – Ed.]. In the same store during first year in Chapter 142, Tomoko splurges by increasing her largess to 200-300 円.
- "Masaki Yoshida – Chiropractrix!": Work with WataMote Wiki here . . . Koharu incurred the wrath of Masaki in Chapter 222-1 which resulted in her A-O Dislocation with subsequent VI nerve palsy secondary to Masaki throttling her.[27]
- "Glitch in the Matrix": in Chapter 224-2.5, when Yū mentioned how Asuka was watching in her studying, Tomoko could notice how her eyes turned pie-graph-like. Now Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan could notice how both Tomoki's and Akari's eyes were completely black.
- "Yet Another Third-Year Girl I Don't Know...": Not actually true since Tomoki met Mako in Chapter 204-3, when both of them and Yuri crossed paths in the bookstore.
- The Emoji Gang® Squee: when Tomoki went to class 3-4 with Sachi in Chapter 218, Miyazaki, Nagi, and Kayo recognized him as Kuroki's little brother. Now they are interested in his performance. On stage. What did you think WataMote Wiki meant?
Cultural References[]
- うまい棒 (umaibō): a delicious stick!
- Soleus Muscle: WataMote Wiki promises not to lose continence over this. Yes, Tomoki could have, possibly, injured that muscle on Sayaka rather than the larger gastrocnemius muscle which might actually affect the knee, but, no, it would not cause knee pain! Do better Nico Tanigawa!
- "Fifteen will get You Twenty-Five!": Kiko laments that if she was a year older, then she would be in high school with Tomoko. Tomoko is in her final third year, Tomoki is in his second year, which makes Kiko between one to two years younger than him. Sachi is two years older than him. So it all works out and is not, in any way, disturbing.
- "Two Standard Deviants": a professional translator who works for corporations in . . . Japan [! – Ed.] suggested: So, for the first part: それ買うの情弱だから, 情弱 appears to be a contraction for 情報弱者, literally "an information weakling," or simply an ignorant person (although I don't think it was originally meant as a pejorative). "Only the ignorant would buy that." As for the second part 偏差値60以上は安いとこで買うから I think it simply means if there's a price difference of 60 yen or more, I'll buy it where it's cheaper. Using the word 偏差値 is probably an example of お姉さん trying to sound sophisticated by using a fancy word. It probably just means "value difference" here. "Standard deviation" would be 標準偏差値 so 偏差値 could just be deviation or even difference.
Memorable Moments[]
- "Do You Want to Hold Me?": Emiri rather naturally sits against Tomoko. Go Emiri-chan!
- "Fangs for the Memories": when Koharu pictures Tomoki from the incident at courtyard, where Masaki almost hit her in Chapter 222-1, she imagines Tomoki joining Masaki in her desire to pummel her and suggesting to hit her in the body so as not to leave marks on her face. This appears to be just her imagination. Now that Sachi uses Koharu as a communicator to know what Tomoki and Kiko were talking about, Koharu mistakenly conveys how Tomoki was getting Kiko to call him "onii-chan" and ask her to stay over with him to do it, as well as Kiko always getting treated to more than 10 10 U*I sticks and 200 yen, which albeit being a mishearing (or Koharu's machination), Sachi believes as the real word.
- "Reading the mood is not one of Nemo's best points": Whether Hina can have good intentions to help, that or just her desire to live out chūnibyō fantasies, she fails greatly when it comes to noticing that her fantasies don't align with other people's feelings when she wants them to come true. The main example comes from her desire to make Tomoko comes out of her shell, either by introducing her idea of the movie to the entire class in Chapter 186-2, or making her to get up on stage to present the movie in the gym in Chapter 215; by ignoring how intimidated and awkward a girl like Tomoko can feel when being pushed into that kind of settings, the performance only bombs. And it's not something limited only Tomoko, when Hina want to play the matchmaker between Tomoki and Masaki's interaction in Chapter 222-2, Hina is almost punched by the delinquent girl and later Kotomi sought for fight to her in Chapter 222-3. Hina still doesn't learn, because when she proposed to make an audiocomentary for the movie, all girls sitting there looked her silently and with big surprise, like they knew that throging Tomoko in such a stage would be a bad idea.
- A Special Episode of WataMote: We've had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, but what isn't funny is domestic violence! While played for comedy, Tomoki does injure Sayaka. Indeed, it may be argued he intended a lot worse given he tried to punch her in the face and knock her out. There is a comedy to violence, as the venerable scholar Mel Brooks observed, "Tragedy is when I fall down, comedy is when you fall down and die," and the tradition runs from dropping anvils on woodland creatures to Inuyasha receiving repeated cranial trauma. However, this is less that, and it says something about Tomoki, and Akari, that they really do not care that Sayaka is injured. Both go as far as to try to pretend she is acting. Will they realize their fault? Stay tuned. Nevertheless, WataMote Wiki insists that throttling Koharu to the point she suffers bilateral VI nerve palsies is "funny."
- "The siblings didn't fall that far from each other from the black tree": when Tomoki makes his assumption about Mako's kind of person, he bases his prejudices on otaku tropes, like the one of battle manga to describe the setting and the other of delinquent manga to describe her person; which is basically the kind of thing you'd expect from Tomoko.
- "Pat pat you give me make me happy, meow!" – Robocat to Kiko Satozaki
- "Don't touch me anymore, meow." – Robocat
- "Persistent, meow! I'll punch you, meow." – Robocat
- "You were surrounded by girls, and you were kissed by a cute girl." – Kiko to Tomoki Kuroki
- "Onēchan, if I made her pay more than 200 yen for 10 umaibō sticks, it would be obvious on her face." Kiko regarding Tomoko Kuroki
- "There were huge pauses, right." – Hina Nemoto
- "I forgot my lines." – Yuri Tamura
- "You just forgot!" – Hina
- "If you changed your name to 'The World's Most Uninteresting Nemoto.'" – Yuri
- "I'm not boring, because I'm interesting!!" – Hina
- Tomoki-kun, you don't have to worry about it, right!" – Sayaka Yoda
- " I don't care at all!" – Tomoki inwardly
- "I'm okay, completely fi. . . KI?!! . . . ne, fine! Completely okay!" – Sayaka Yoda
- "Sayaka, stop the heroine moves, Also, your way of covering up injuries is old and stinky, so stop it." – Akari Iguchi
- "In this setting, if a kiss from the Prince cured the Princess [Evil Step Sister – Ed.] of her illness and she was able to stand up that would be awesome." – Mako Tanaka
- This Freckles as expected betrayed me!" – Sachi Mima inwardly about Mako
- "One after another New enemies keep appearing. Is this a battle manga?"– Tomoki Kuroki inwardly about Mako
- "Since when did you notice?" – Kiko Satozaki
- "Ah, well, a little while ago?" – Tomoko
- "Just now, Shizuku's gaze. . . ." – Tomoko inwardly
- ↑ Using his derogatory term あいつ (aitsu), or "that one."
- ↑ Translation Note: Tomoki says the derogatory あいつ in furigana over the explanatory kanji for "sister," (姉).
- ↑ Sans tracksuit.
- ↑ Also uses あいつ.
- ↑ "Zeeeem!"
- ↑ "Zoop!"
- ↑ [CENS●RED – Ed.] in the Japanese Original™.
- ↑ Translation Note: WataMote Wiki chortles not at the Fanilators. This is rather cumbersome, and, hyperliterally: "This buying of since uninformed, as for a standard deviation of 60 or more a cheaper place to buy therefore." WataMote Wiki will consult a professional translator. ☹ See the Trivia – since we need Trivia – for the results. ☺︎
- ↑ Really, she should not be able to do that!
- ↑ Who is practically lounging up against Tomoko. Go Emiri-chan!
- ↑ These were a thing, kids. Happened after VHS but before Blue-Ray. Sort of like when Oasis was relevant.
- ↑ 正解一面白くない根元 (sekai ichi omoshirokunai Nemoto)
- ↑ "Sir, in my heart, I know I'm funny." – Lt. Steven Hauk
- ↑ WataMote Wiki basks in the hatred of another editor who keeps declaring the play a failure.
- ↑ She basically says, "because what was weird," 悪かったから (warukattakara).
- ↑ Arg!
- ↑ Like a doll's eyes!
- ↑ Tomoki . . . probably . . . not.
- ↑ But not "happily," she is not Miho-chan after all.
- ↑ WataMote Wiki objects.
- ↑ Translation Note: Sayaka says, "不可抗力 (fukakōryoku)," which, yes, is translated into Google English ["Googlish? – Ed.] as "Act of God," or "force majeure." This is not how Sayaka talks. It is also "irresistible force" and "inevitability." Ever-Pleasantly Clueless, Sayaka tries to say that it was an inevitable but unforeseen result of their actions. She does say "fray (フレイ・furei)."
- ↑ Translation Note: perhaps too literal, but WataMote Wiki deems Akari ranting, "old and stinky," funny.
- ↑ Zoooop!
- ↑ Translation Note: Sachi only says "this freckles," (このソバカス ・sono sobakasu). Perhaps "bitch" is implied, but she does not say it.
- ↑ But not as happily as Miho-chan.
- ↑ "Kissgate?" Work with WataMote Wiki here.
- ↑ Probably.
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