WataMote Wiki
Chapter 226-1
Cover c226
Volume Number 26
Chapter Title Because I'm not popular it's the Cultural Festival Second Day (First Part)
Published October 9, 2024
Previous Chapter Chapter 225
Next Chapter Chapter 226-2


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


Awkward Scene (気まずいシーン・kimazui shīn)[]

With a view from behind Tomoko in the foreground of the kitchen with Her Mom in the background at their refrigerator, the scene opens in mid-conversation. Tomoko remarks that "Kii-chan" came. Her Mom replies with some surprise that she already encountered her, then explains that Kiko contacted her to say she would spend the night at another friend's house.

As she presents two bowls of rice, she reveals that Kiko told her that because she wanted to surprise her to keep her visit a secret.[1] Turning away and smiling, she suggests that since they are both there, maybe she[2] should come to the festival as well. This elicits a concerned "E?!" from Tomoko, but Tomoki, sitting next to her, maintains his composure as he eats and replies to his mother that she does not have to come.

Tomoki True Love c226-1

Over a view of the window, Concerned Chibi Tomoko insists that she does not have to come, then adds that it really is not interesting. Somewhat Surprised Chibi Tomoko's Mom[3] asks if that is so. Normal, Tomoko whispers to her brother that having her family view her independent film would be tough. She then adds that his "kiss scene (キスシーン・kisu shīn)" would also be tough. Tomoki curtly tells her to shut up then insists that there is no such thing anymore. Tomoko then wonders if kissing was so bad, how would families of actors who perform sex scenes feel. In a scene that justifies inline pickies and the Gallery, a blushing Tomoko reacts to her brother staring at her as they sit in front of a monitor showing an Anonymous but Hairless Gentleman engaging in congress with Mistress Tomoko. Over this, Chibi Tomoko suggests that if she was in a sex scene, it would be painful for him to watch. Suspicious Chibi Tomoko insists he will not watch that.

In the next panel, Innocent Animesque Tomoko has her uniform disheveled as Tomoko asks that he would not want to see a scene of her being raped.[4] Chibi Tomoki replies that, in a way, he would be unable to watch. Finally, the screen shows an Anonymous Boy Ravishing Tomoki as Tomoko suggests that a scene of him being raped would also be a little harsh. Angry Chibi Tomoki demands to know what sort of drama this is.


Smiling Hina, Smiling Kiko, and Dour Yuri walk together along the road as the sunlight streams. Beaming, Hina leans towards the shorter Kiko and declares that this is not the usual route to school: "To not be alone is kind of refreshing, right!" Kiko smiles back at her, but Yuri stares ahead and curtly responds, "I'm as usual, however." Doors to a train open to reveal a surprised Emiri. She gives the informal "good morning (おはよ・ohayo)" greeting, which Hina happily[6] returns, but Kiko gives the more formal version (おはよございます・ohayo gozaimasu). Emiri asks Kiko how yesterday was. Kiko replies that speaking with the two was fun, and her conversation with "Nemoto-san" was especially interesting. As she beams at the compliment, Hina quietly marvels, "By a child being taken care of!!"[7]

Emiri introjects, "Tamura's house . . . I'm not sure if I'm interested or not. . . . I want to go. . . I don't want to go. . . . after all, I'm not going. Slightly Irritated Chibi Yuri replies, "But I didn't invite you." Kiko apparently ignores this, to Emiri's surprise, and she places her hand on Hina's back as she asks what "3-5" will do today. Hina remarks that, normally, it would be screening, and Yuri interrupts, "Speaking of which, the number of views of our movie has. . . ?"

The next panel introduces Akane shocked to see Hina as she enters the train. Behind her, Hikari appears similarly surprised. Over a background of flowers, Shocked and Concerned Chibi Akane asks Hina why she is there. Beaming Chibi Hina explains that since she stayed over night at "Tamura-san's" home, she came from there. Normal Akane chirps that riding the morning train with Hina seems strange. "Right!" Hina chirps back. Behind them, Hikari emits a nervous "good morning" to Yuri, who similarly returns it. Meanwhile, Kiko with her Perpetual Smile holds on to a railing as she regards Akane thinking, "this person. . . ." Emiri silently looks at Kiko, then asks her if she is interested in "Okada" and if she should call out to her, but Kiko that she is not yet and is fine.

Emiri c226-1

Shown: "Awwwww!"

Masaki, Reina, and Miyazaki stand at the stop waiting for them. Masaki greets them with an "O!" Akane asks Masaki if they are early this morning because of the Cultural Festival, but Masaki insists that it is just a coincidence. She then turns on Kiko and asks her why she is such a "shitty brat," and Kiko replies that she is not "shitty."[8] Instead, for two days she has been a Haramaku student. Over a view of Tomoko and Fūka inside the convenience store engaging in their morning ritual of consulting women's magazines . . . probably . . . Impatient Chibi Masaki remarks that "they"[9] are just standing and reading to they should go one ahead. Chibi Akane replies that she is also ready and and agrees to go with Masaki. She then asks for Hina, who replied that she will also go. Hina turns to Kiko and asks if she will wait for "Kuro," but Kiko declines since she also does not want to be late.

The next panel depicts Kiko and Hina walking away. Behind them, Emiri stands directly in front of the store window and stares through it at Tomoko as Tomoko reads from her magazine next to the similarly reading Fūka. Next to Emiri, Miyazaki smiles at her. Behind Tomoko and Fūka, Yuri looks out of the window at Emiri with puzzled expression.

The next page is the actual "cover" of the chapter. In the foreground of the crowd Nakamura places his arm on Tomoki's shoulder. In front of them, probably the Short-Haired Blond Girl is seen from behind handing out fliers to middle school girls. Still in the foreground but behind Tomoki, Tomoko walks with Yuri, who stares at her with a similar puzzled expression as she did with Emiri. Behind them stands in her festival t-shirt and big hair bow, Emiri stands pensively watching Tomoko. Between her and Tomoko and Yuri walks Kiko and Shizuku. Far behind them, in the deep background, stands a curious group for which the Gallery and Trivia sections exist. The girl who helped Megumi with their festival and took the picture of Megumi with Tomoko[10] stands chatting with a girl who, from behind, resembles Megumi. Also with them is the boy with glasses who also helped the two during their festival. The narration reads: "The Cultural Festival Continues."

Tier Chart (Tier表・チィアhyō)[]

Panty Flash Tier c226-1

Not Shown: サチちゃんのパンチラ

Yuri shows Tomoko her phone: "Tomoko, here." Tomoko recognizes it is their film and asks her, "What?" Over a view of the thumbnail seen in the previous chapter with now "12,364" views,[11] Yuri's voice explains that the views are "huge." Tomoko's voice remarks, "A-Really! Yesterday, it was double-digits." With a view of them both in the next panel, Tomoko asks if that is not the same with others, then specifies the band and the play. Yuri replies that the other videos had around a thousand, and another video from their class was the second most, with around three thousand.

Over a view of black . . . "panties" . . . Chibi Tomoko suggests, "Does Yuri-chan have any panty flashes[12] in the movie? If so, it makes sense that it's over 10,000 views." Yuri sharply denies she did, then adds that she wore black underneath. As Mako approaches with a "?" over her head, Tomoko suggest to Yuri that if it was Mako, it would be about 5,000. Yuri asks if that is the way it is.

Over the presented "Movie Panty Flash Strongest Tier Chart," Chibi Tomoko remarks, "Tier Chart, if I were to make it, it would look something like this." Suspicious Chibi Yuri repeats, "Tier?" Tomoko's chart places Asuka, Fūka, and Miho[13] at the top "S" tier. Asuka's character from the movie shares the "A" tier with Shizuku. "B" consists of Hina, Yuri, and Masaki. "C" contains Mako, Emiri, and Kaho. Hikari brings up "D" and, naturally, Kotomi is last in "E."

Tomoko suggests that if it is an "S Character," they should get between 30,000 and 50,000 views. Yuri observes that this is a ranking boys would get in trouble doing.

Reactions (感想・kansō)[]

Yuri then asks Tomoko if she is curious why the view count has increased. Tomoko sheepishly replies that she is curious but afraid to find out. Over a view of advertising and negative comments,[14] Chibi Tomoko confesses that if it grows with these bad comments, it will be a shock. Yuri notices in the background Akane with Yoshinori. He holds a paper and proclaims that he made a flier. Yuri insists that the important thing is that everyone has a different opinion, and it is seen by many people. Tomoko asks that, first of all, 10,000 views is impressive. She then adds that she would think 100,000 to 200,000 would be amazing.

At her laptop, Shiki adds that 10,000 a day is amazing. The next panel reveals she is sitting at her desk. She explains that something like that does not happen without a reason. Inwardly, Tomoko notes that Shiki's videos are over 10,000. With a view of the views with a spot for Shiki to "Comment,"[15] Tomoko asks her if she knows why it happened. Shiki suggests they will understand by viewing her video's comments.

Shiki-Tomoko-Yuri c226-1

Tomoko stands behind the seated Shiki, and Yuri stands behind her, and all of them stare intently at the comments. The comments are:

  • The girl is too cute.
  • Good acting!
  • Funny
  • Everyone's cute!
  • The editing skills are quite high
  • Black-haired girl's monotone reading becomes addictive. w[16]
  • Main character? My type of girl[17]
  • For a Cultural Festival, quality's high
  • I feel the youth
  • Pink-haired girl's[18] cute

Tomoko inwardly perseverates[19] on the word "funny (おもろ・omoro)," and takes on an expression for which the Gallery exists. With a shocked expression that also belongs in the Gallery, Yuri repeats, "Black-haired girl's monotone reading becomes addictive," then inwardly screams, "Monotone Reading?!" Shiki's mouth takes a sharper version of the ω [w – Ed.] when she experiences a "personal moment" eating focacia bread as she repeats inwardly the praise for her editing.

Tomoko Criticism c226-1

Shown: An Epic Grimace

The next panel is from the perspective behind them. Tomoko whispers, "Well . . . it's not bad is it?" Shiki replies that YouTube[20] commentaries basically have nothing bad about them; however, Yuri rages that the person making the comment has no taste[21] and insists her acting was not without intonation. Shiki continues to focus on the comments and opines that, judging on this comment, people are focusing on the "cute high school girls."[22] She then states she will check to see if their video is being introduced on social network sites (SNS) like message boards. Over a view of comments, Chibi Shiki remarks that while she does not know if they are alumni[23] of this high school, but college students have introduced it on social network sites. Chibi Tomoko repeats, "college." Normal, she and Yuri huddle around Shiki as Shiki notes that the URL of their video is on a bulletin board. Tomoko asks if it is something disturbing and she should not watch it.

Tomoko turns away as she listens to Yuri read the screen over Shiki. Yuri remarks that it is written that it is "interesting." Tomoko turns back towards them with a smile, as Yuri contines that they are actually finding making fun of it fun. Tomoko turns away with an Epic Grimace.

"This . . . for Tomoko better not to look, maybe."


In order of appearance

Referbacks and Referforwards[]

  • Sleep Over: in Chapter 224-3, Tomoko spotted Kiko at the restaurant, she suddenly invited herself to stay the night over Yuri's home. Yuri repeatedly refused but submitted to persuassion.
  • "Her Kiss is On Your Lips!": During his Class 2-4's play in Chapter 217-3, Tomoki attempted to vent his rage against Sayaka – Worst Wing Woman! –, by repeatedly kicking her shin, then eventually trying to punch her to knock her out.[24] but due to her shin injury he cause, she trips, falls on him, with their lips locking. This causes Tomoki profound embarrassment which others do not understand.
  • Strangers on a Train: Chapter 117 reveals that Yuri and Emiri share the same train when they go to school. The editor of this section wonders why it has not been shown that Akane and Hikari also ride the same train.
  • "I'm Not that Curious About Her": when Kiko visited House Kuroki during Golden Week in Chapter 141, she noticed Tomoko's photos from her visit to DisneyMouseland. Kiko noted Tomoko posing with Yuri, Asuka, Hina, Emiri and Akane. While it seems that she wanted to meet everyone in the photo, she does not appear that interested in Akane in this chapter.
  • "The Brat is Back" "Stone-Cold Sober as a Matter of Fact!": Masaki met Kiko in Chapter 142 during Golden Week when Kiko asked Tomoko to visit her school. Masaki hit Megumi's dog when he . . . um . . . frolicked . . . in her . . . Road to a Cs chapter.hristening. Kiko scolded her and demanded to know why she would hit a dog which the embarrassed Masaki could not explain.
  • "Come to My Window!": Chapter 199 depicts Tomoko reading magazines with Fūka whilst Emiri stares at Tomoko through the store window. WataMote Wiki recalls initial reticence with the conclusion that Emiri has a crush on Tomoko.
  • "Marshall McLuhan, Casual Viewin'": Any who catch that reference will make Shiki-chan smile with an Ω. Ιn the previous chapter, when Yuri checked the movie in her phone it had 7,219 after 5 hours after being uploaded. In the beginning of the next day, it had 12,364 views and then quickly rose to 12,572.
  • "Yes, I've been Black": Yuri revealed in Chapter 148 that she wears an extra layer underneath her skirt. WataMote Wiki will do more research. . . .
  • "Shrimp-Chan is Back" "Stone-Cold Sober as a Matter of Fact!": Shiki's ω expression was first revealed in Chapter 154 when she eats her favorite food.

Cultural References[]

  • Making the Grade: the idea of an "S" grade/tier comes from Japanese gaming.


  • "Who's That Girl Running Around with You?! Tell Me!: As shown in the Gallery, reddit user KuroRead suggests one of the girls in the crowd is the friend of Megumi Imae who, as revealed in a sketch in Volume 12, was the one who took the picture of Tomoko with Megumi as depicted on the cover of Volume 12. The girl in front of her and viewed from behind,[25] does wear Megumi-chan's hair style. Another reddit user MarcilaMTN notes the presence of a boy with glasses who certainly looks like the one who helped Megumi and her friend in Chapter 55. WataMote Wiki deems this persuasive, though subsequent chapters should clarify the issue.
  • Comments:
    • "Found an interesting/funny movie" with a link
    • "Not interesting/funny": おもんな (omonna) appears an abbreviation for 面白いない (omoshiroinai)
    • "Shit."
  • "Continuity everywhere:" in Chapter 197, Tomoko showed to Yuri and Hina the invitations for Hongō's school festival, which was going to be held on September 25th. Later, in Chapter 199, Miyazaki comments to Yuri how she went to Hongō's school festival on previous day, which makes that chapter happens on September 26th; besides, it can be seen in the first page of that same chapter a sign announcing there's 28 days left before the school festival. Therefore, with all previous information, it can be deduced that the school festival began on October 24th, which presumably makes the second day of the school festival takes place on October 25th.

Memorable Moments[]

  • Sibling Rivalry: Tomoko and Tomoki appear to have a bit more natural "banter."
  • "Why So Evasive, Kii-Chan?": Kiko's motivation appeared to be a combination of learning how the Tomoko she knew gained friends and trying to alienate them from her. She has thus far failed in the second by revealing nothing that shocks Tomoko's friends. Undaunted, Kiko persists, but with regards to her apparent first motivation, she seems to wish to avoid any contact with Tomoko. How will this all play out? Stay tuned!
  • Wild Speculation Department: does Miyazaki smiling at Emiri while she pines for Tomoko mean Miyazaki actually "gets it?" This would make sense since Nagi and Kaho do appear to know at least that Emiri has a crush on a girl, and they probably talk when they hang out with one another! Does Yuri's staring at Emiri, then staring with a similar puzzled expression at Tomoko, suggest that she is beginning to suspect something about Emiri? Stay tuned!


  • "If just kissing is this unpleasant, how do you think the families of actors who do sex scenes feel?" – Tomoko Kuroki to Tomoki Kuroki
  • "Tamura's house . . . I'm not sure if I'm interested or not. . . . I want to go. . . I don't want to go. . . . after all, I'm not going." – Emiri Uchi
    • "But I didn't invite you." – Yuri Tamura
  • "Why are you a shitty brat?" – Mistress Masaki Yoshida
    • "Not shitty." – Mistress Kiko Satozaki
  • "Does Yuri-chan have any panty flashes in the movie? If so, it makes sense that it's over 10,000 views." – Mistress Tomoko Kuroki
    • "Did not! Besides, underneath I wore black!" – Mistress Yuri Tamura
  • "'Funny' . . . 'funny'" – Tomoko inwardly
    • "'Black-haird girl's monotone reading becomes addictive.' 'Monotone?!'" – Yuri Tamura inwardly
    • "'The editing skills are quite high.'" – Shiki Futaki inwardly



  1. Cultural Translation Note: eschewing pronouns, Mrs. Kuroki refers to Tomoko as "Tomoko," rather than "you," and herself as "mother" as she would be formally addressed by Tomoko: おかあさん (okāsan). WataMote Wiki is easily amused that the keyboard automatically converts おかあさん to 👩.
  2. Given the previous note, here she does say "I" for herself (私).
  3. Who has it going on.
  4. Presumably [CENSORED – Ed.] in the Japanese Original.
  5. As in "attendance of school"
  6. But not as much as Miho, goodness no!
  7. Translation Note: Hina's phrase is 子供に気を遣われてる (kodomo ni ki wo tsukawareteru) which, hyperliterally, is "by a child to be taken care of."
  8. Translation Note: Masaki's appellation combines in the katakana "shit" (クソ・kuso ) with "brat" (ガキ・gaki). One can translate it with any number of derogatory implications. WataMote Wiki finds Kiko-chan denying that she is, specifically, "shitty," amusing.
  9. Ever using the less-than-polite あいつ (aitsu), "that over there," in the plural: あいつら.
  10. See the Referbacks, Trivia, and Gallery sections.
  11. Curiously erased from the Fanilation.
  12. Translation Note: "Panchira" (パンチラ)!!!! [! – Ed.] This is specifically a brief glimpse of a lady's unmentionables.
  13. Happily.
  14. See Trivia.
  15. With her "Shiki Avatar!"
  16. See Gallery for the Japanese Original.
  17. Translation Note: "All Glory to the Fanilators." The statement is の子タイプ (no ko taipu), which is literally "of [possessive] child type." Japanese drops words like pronouns which should be understood. Previous comments use 女の子 (onna no ko) which is "girl," or "woman child," so the commentator just uses 子 (ko) to give "my type of girl."
  18. Also just using 子.
  19. WataMote Wiki strives to improve your vocabulary.
  20. Cens●red in the Japanese Original.
  21. Translation Note: while "sense (センス・sensu)," it also means "taste," which makes more, well, sense.
  22. The pinnacle of art.
  23. Shiki says "OB" and "OG," which probably stands for "Old Boy," and "Old Girl." Let Readers with understanding know the superior Korean film adaptation of the insipid and boring Japanese manga Oldboy. Try the dumplings. . . .
  24. WataMote Wiki does not condone violence against women, especially Sayaka-chan, even if she is the Worst Wing Woman!
  25. Snicker! Snicker!


Story Navigation
Volume 26 Chapters 222-1 | 222-2 | 222-3 | 223 | Special Chapter | 224-1 | 224-2 | Summer Special | Summer Special 2 | 224-3 | Summer Special 3 | 225 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA