Proofreading to Do! Boo!
Chapter 226-2 | ||
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Volume Number | 26 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm not popular it's the Cultural Festival Second Day (Middle Part) | |
Published | October 30, 2024 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 226-1 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 226-3 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This is a continuation of the previous release, and is divided into titled sections.
A Place of Memories (思い出の場所・omoi de no basho)[]
Tomoko and Yuri are startled by Hina approaching them with Asuka and greeting them with a, "Nē nē."[1] She presents them with a flier that advertises Tomoko's movie. She explains that "Ā-chan" made them and gave them to those with "main roles" (メイン役・mein yaku) to hand them out.
Chibi Asuka-chan smiles as she observes that "Komiyama-san" is a little hard to find. Stunned Chibi Tomoko repeats, "main?" Concerned Chibi Hina insists that she was definitely a main character (主要人物・shuyōjinbutsu). Normal, Asuka remarks to Hina that since the general admission is starting, they should head towards the main entrance.[2] Hina happily cheerfully agrees as Yuri and Tomoko observe them in silence. In what would belong in the Gallery if not already in the cover, the quartet walk together. The next panel focuses on Tomoko who startles and remarks, "A- . . . there's a place I want to stop by for a bit. . . ." Confused Chibi Hina emits an "E?"
The next panel reveals an empty staircase. Looking at it, Tomoko observes that there is still no one. Hina asks if there is something here. With a view looking down the staircase at the quartet, Tomoko explains, "here is the place of my first-year Cultural Festival." She sits on the steps, pulls out her phone, and explains that this is how she spent most of her time. Hina looks at this seriously. Yuri turns silently towards Hina, who sweats as she tries to smile and demands that she not look at her as if she wants to say something.
Asuka breaks the tension by sitting next to Tomoko on the stairs and beaming as she asks if it is okay to sit next to her. Tomoko sheepishly stammers a "yes." Yuri watches with some surprise. Similarly surprised, Hina thinks that she wanted to do that first. She sits down and "scoots" towards the smiling Asuka as she declares that now she will make it a memory of them all together. Blushing, Tomoko stammers "O," but Yuri thinks, "shameless."[3] Still, Yuri pulls out her phone and focuses it on them as she says, "I'll take a picture." Tomoko asks what she is doing, and Yuri explains that it is fine, "just saving a memory."
To be Concerned About[4](気にならない・ki ni naranai)[]

Many anonymous people line up at the entrance where two anonymous girls greet them with their arms raised. Inside, oddly anonymous Anna, Reina, and Masaki sit chatting. Inside, Tomoko and Hina see two anonymous girls. Hina exclaims, "admission is starting, right." The blond anonymous girl remarks explains that the brochure is available in both paper and electronic versions. However, the other [LINK HERE EVENTUALLY] turns towards Tomoko and Hina and remarks an "A!"
She gains her face, approaches Asuaka. and exclaims that they are people from the movie. As a chibi, she brightly proclaims that the views have increased dramatically, and it was really interesting. Sweating and Holding Her Head Chibi Tomoko stammers a "he" and "so." [LINK HERE EVENTUALLY] turns to chat with Hina and Asuka. Yuri turns with some concern to Tomoko and cautions that when a video becomes popular with the views increasing, people call it "popular": "Don't take it too seriously." Tomoko responds, "you're a water pitcher?"[5]
The next panel focuses on Yuri's face. She continues to lecture, "That movie is a good work, but it's not interesting. When it comes to movies, trust me." Tomoko retorts that she wants to trust people she first met. In the background [NAME] chirps that she especially laughed at the baseball scene. Asuka grabs Tomoko by the shoulders to pull her in front of [NAME] as she declares, "I'm happy that you praised me so much, but the director is not me, but Kuroki-san here." Tomoko sheepishly thinks the girl was not talking to her. [NAME] brightly emits a polite, "A- that's so, right!" Tomoko is oddly surprised at the girl's expression,[6] and she in the next panel observes the girl from a distance as the girl gestures to her right and tell listeners off panel that where reception is. Tomoko thinks, "How should I put it, but it feels like she's looking down on me, or like she's not paying any attention to me, . . . That kind of look, it's been awhile. . . . Though my video only got five-digit views, so I really don't care." Tomoko smiles by biting her lower lip in a fashion that requires the Gallery, Tomoko continues to muse that even though she is the Student Council President, she does not have the eye for it like the previous had an eye for it. "Look at me like that," she continues to muse, "even though I'm in a high-ranking group and my videos have had tens of thousands of views. . . . But I don't mind at all."[7]
Cheeky Brats[8] (メスガキ・mesugaki)[]
Faceless Sachi[-chan – Ed.] smiles in her class t-shirt as she directs the viewer toward the coffee cup ride and where to kindly line up. Kaede approaches her and politely apologizes to "Sacchi-chan." She explains that "those (あいつら・aitsura)" went to see a play. Above her head, chibi versions of Miyazaki, Nagi, and Kayo float with the caption あいつら. Still Faceless, Sachi politely replies that she was not busy. Maki approaches her to indicate two Giggling Underclass-Chans from another school[9] sitting in the corridor who are in the way and directs her to caution them.
Sachi thinks, "I don't give a shit! You do it!"[10]
Then Sachi says, "I don't give a shit! You do it!"[11]

Shown: "Game Respects Game!"
This elicits an "A?!" from Maki, this polite discussion on decorum is interrupted in the next panel by Kaho pleasantly[12] offering to talk to the girls, but still without her face, Sachi insists that it is okay. Faceless, she insists that she is fine because she likes children. Behind her, Maki and Nori inwardly marvel, "YOU LIE!!" For her part, Sachi muses that up to the age of five, they are the same as animals, so she does not hate them. Still without her face, she approaches the faceless girls and politely informs them that since they impede people passing by could they move. The one with black hair apologizes. Faceless Sachi smiles as she watches them leave. The black-haired one tells her companion, "We got scolded, right!" She moves her arms from behind her back to cross them as she continues to smile as she observes the two. The black-haired one giggles as she whispers that Sachi is really staring at her. Her companion giggles a whisper back, "hilarious!!" With her face and an expression that justifies her comparison to undersea predators,[13] Sachi imagines her faceless self gossiping with Maki and Nori while a smiling Koharu observes. She also imagines the current Maki and Nori in their festival class t-shirts gossiping about her: "I used to do that kind of thing a lot too, but when you're on the receiving end of it it really pisses you off!"[14] She continues to inwardly insist that she does not hate children, but children who become women she hates.[15] She then suggests if the two keep acting like that, they will become like the "trash" behind them: Maki and Nori.[16]
She is interrupted by Koharu asking what she is doing. Faceless, Sachi greets her with a "Koharu-chan." Over a view of balloon, Irritated Chibi Koharu reminds her that, yesterday, she said she had nothing to do, so they should go around. Faceless and Perhaps Sheepish Chibi Sachi protests that she has things to do and things have changed. Normal but still Faceless, Sachi offers her a candy as she suggests that because she will give her candy, she can wait patiently. Koharu asks if she is making her a fool, but she takes the candy, sits down in the corridor, and plops it in her mouth as she demands that Sachi be quick or she will go of with someone else.
Faceless Sachi observes, "Koharu-chan if your there, you're in the way."
Koharu explodes, "Hā? I'm not in anyone's way!!" Smiling, but still faceless, Sachi replies that her existence is a hindrance and there is a large piece of garbage in the hallway. Watching, Maki and Nori marvel, "Is it true she likes brats[17]?"
Frequent Developments[18] (よくある展開・yoku aru tenkai)[]

A girl from 2-4 stands in front of the curtain to announce that the performance starts in ten minutes. At the head of the line stands Kotomi and Hikari. A voice emerges from behind the curtain that exclaims, "The wheelchair still!" Inside, a girl with blond twin tails explains to Director Glasses-Chan and Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan that since the person in charge was not there she could not borrow it. Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan sweats as she turns to her crestfallen friend and laments that they are out of time.
Evil Step-Sister Sayaka pleasantly[19] asserts from her chair that it is fine and she can do it without a wheelchair. She dramatically stands and screams in pain as Step-Sister Akari watches. Director Glasses-Chan turns to Prince Tomoki, who is sitting down on a box next to Evil Step-Sister Sayaka, who is now leaning on Step-Sister Akari. She observes that this happened because of "Tomoki-kun's" calf kick (カーフキック・kāfu kikku) to "Yoda-san." Nonplussed, Prince Tomoki asks her why she suddenly thinks she is an expert on combat sports. Sayaka inwardly repeats "カーフ." Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan sternly observes, "For now, the replacement . . . it's impossible, right."
Female legs with stylish black socks stride into the room, with the voice of another declaring that it would be a problem if someone entered without permission, and it is the waiting room. The next panel reveals the owner of the legs to be Kotomi. The girl from outside sweats but proved ineffective. Sweating, Akari says, Senpai?!" The next panel focuses on Kotomi's face. She calmly declares, "Since you are the one to make me look better, you'd better be quiet." She then continues to order Cinderella to clean her room while she goes to town and to chop firewood. The next panel depicts from behind Evil Step-Sister Kotomi with Akari, Sayaka, and Director Glasses-chan looking at her with surprise, Tomoki merely glares. Kotomi continues to recite the Evil Step-Sister's lines, and Sayaka inwardly marvels, "My lines. . . ."
Director Glasses-chan admits it is amazing, while Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan notes that she memorized "Yoda-san's lines perfectly, right." Excited, she then suggests, "Wait, Senpai can take Yoda's place." Director Glasses-chan quickly agrees since Kotomi had been forever watching their rehearsals.
The next panel focuses on Akari's face as she declares, "Since yesterday, you've been making too many impetuous decisions."[20] The next panel depicts them all: Akari addresses the surprised Sayaka while Tomoki and Kotomi watch. Director and Twin Tales look on. Akari explains that while a substitute is good, using someone from another class is wrong. She continues to tell Sayaka that it is just this once, so please be patient, then asks "Senpai" to just watch. Surprised Sayaka[-chan – Ed.] emits a "yes."
Track Suit Twin Tales-chan thinks, "A princess, or rather like a queen she's starting to appear." Director Glasses-chan merely emits, "yes. . . ."
In order of appearance
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Yuri Tamura
- Hina Nemoto
- Asuka Katō
- Akane Okada (mentioned)
- Kotomi Komiyama
- Masaki Yoshida
- Reina
- Anna Haruna
- Mitsuki Wakui
- Megumi Imae (mentioned)
- Sachi Mima
- Kaede
- Nagi Ōtonari
- Miyazaki
- Kayo
- Maki
- Nori
- Kaho Kusunoki
- Koharu Minami
- Hikari Itō
- Director Glasses-Chan
- Track Suit Twin Tails-Chan
- Sayaka Yoda
- Akari Iguchi
- Tomoki Kuroki
Referbacks and Referforwards[]
- ”The Staircase:“ WataMote Wiki blames an owl. [Get on with it. – Ed.] Right, Chapter 21 first depicts this place of Tomoko's refuge.
- "Nemoto-San Still Survives!": Yuri-chan's ability to hold a grudge would impress Pres. John Adams and various creepy people from Japan. She takes any opportunity to blame Hina for leaving Tomoko alone during their first year's school festival, as shown in Chapters 213-3, 224-1, and 225. No matter how much Hina tries to pass it off as not the big deal, Yuri judges her with only her stare.
- "The revenge of selfies": in Chapter 225, Hina shot a selfie of both her, Yuri and Kiko to cheer up this latter; it's not totally confirmed, but that could be the reason why Yuri shot a photo of Tomoko, Asuka and Hina sitting together in the stairs.
- "Or nothing to do with me": when Tomoko went by her own to Wc'Donalds in Chapter 147, she crosses glances with Tsugu for a second who was chatting with her friends, but this latter just turned away and ignored her.
- ”You Could Help:” Sachi showed or at least feigned no interest in participating in the Cultural Festival. She complains to Koharu helping Shiki-chan film Chapter 210-2 which results in an Epic WataMote Moment.™ However, Chapter 203 she was somewhat surprised when Shiki-chan confronts her in Chapter 203. Meanwhile, despite her rationalizations, Sachi has been alone Chapter 190 after breaking apart her Awesome [Citation Needed – Ed.] Foursome Chapter 189. Is Sachi just "fitting in," as she angrily complained to Shiki? Or does she feel some duty? Or is it the Brain Worms?! Stay tuned!
- "The play of discord": in Chapter 224-3, Miyazaki, Nagi and Kayo overheard Hina and Mako to advice the class 2-4 how to fix the play for the second day since Sayaka got her leg wound, and after the three of them recalled Tomoki plays the prince's role, they felt interested in watching the play for the second day.
- "How easy can Koharu Minami be?": when Sachi wanted to take Koharu to watch class 2-4's play in Chapter 217-2 and this one refused, Sachi convinced her by telling her she'd treat her whatever she'd want. Later in Chapter 222-3, after Kotomi because of running along the hallway and kicked Koharu's ramaining popcorn in the floor, this one gave her 300 yen in compensation. Now, when Koharu goes to class 3-4 and Sachi says her she can't hang out with her, she gives her a candy and says her to wait.
- "All damage you received and yet you're willing to fight": because of Tomoki stepping on and kicking her in Chapter 217-3, Sayaka ended up with her leg wound and having to recur to a crutch to walk, as seen in Chapter 224-3, and due to this, the class 2-4 ended up in a tight to present the play during the second day, however, Hina suggested to the staff to use a wheelchair in the show.
- "A too unwholesome attention to detail": either because she's got a very good memory or because she's attended both rehearsals and previous shows in Chapters 204-1, 205, 210-1, 210-3, 213-1, and 213-2, 217-3, and 221; Kotomi can quote perfectly the evil step-sister's lines from class 2-4's play.
Cultural References[]
- Making the Grade: the idea of an "S" grade/tier comes from Japanese gaming.
- Many
Memorable Moments[]
- "Oh the Shark has/Pretty Teeth, Dear!": Sachi does agree to help, even though it is something as boring as being a greeter. She even seems to feel she must fulfill this duty when Koharu suggests they should leave. Did Shiki-chan rub off on her?
- "A new recurring character?": as discussed in reddit post, the current student coulcil president who also plays as the president for the festival committee from Chapter 215 on, Mitsuki Wakui, may have debuted in Chapter 115.5, as a faceless character and talking to Megumi at the graduation send-off. Later, she's seen in Chapter 162 directing the student council to carry the Tanabata tree and talks briefly with Tomoko. When the school festival began in Chapter 215, she presents herself on stage and introduces the events for the festival, also does brief appearances in chapters 217-1, 217-2 and 224-1. Finally, in current chapter it's shown her real face, although also a hint of despise toward Tomoko after finding out she was the director in charge of the movie, since Wakui assumed Asuka was this person and for that reason she was chatting with her.
- "Finally standing on her own?": It's no secret to anyone that the project of the play has been a bundle of nerves for Akari, since Sayaka postulated both her and Tomoki to play the lead and her played the evil step-sister in 199-3, and that together with the rushed decisions shortly before the premiere in 217-1, which bombed during the actual play in 217-3, and turned Akari into very bad mood as shown in 219. It was not a help to her either that the directors of the play taken rushed decisions to adjust the play after hearing Hina's and Mako's advices in 224-3. Now, after Kotomi barged into classroom and offered herself to replace Sayaka, Akari finally had enough of it.
- "Here is the place of my first-year Cultural Festival." – Tomoko Kuroki
- "That movie is a good work, but it's not interesting. When it comes to movies, trust me." – Yuri Tamura to Tomoko
- "I'm happy that you praised me so much, but the director is not me, but Kuroki-san here." – Asuka Katō to [NAME]
- "How should I put it, but it feels like she's looking down on me, or like she's not paying any attention to me, . . . That kind of look, it's been awhile. . . . Though my video only got five-digit views, so I really don't care." – Tomoko thinking of [NAME]
- "Look at me like that, even though I'm in a high-ranking group and my videos have had tens of thousands of views. . . . But I don't mind at all." – Tomoko still thinking of [NAME]
- "I don't give a shit! You do it!" – Mistress Sachi Mima politely declining a courteous suggestion from Mistress Maki
- "I'm fine because I like children." – Sachi
- "YOU LIE!!" – Maki and Nori inwardly
- "I used to do that kind of thing a lot too, but when you're on the receiving end of it it really pisses you off!" – Sachi
- ↑ Translation Note: Common introjection between friends, particularly girls. Could render this as "Hey, Hey," or "Right!" or even "I will not buy this record! It is scratched!" [Citation Needed – Ed.]
- ↑ WataMote Wiki finds it hilarious that the word for "main entrance," kōmon (校門), is a homophone of "anus," (肛門).
- ↑ しらじらしい (shirajirashii): "barefaced," as in a "lie," "feigned ignorance," basically Yuri thinks Hina is just playing for acceptance. Still, she takes the picture.
- ↑ This phrase has a number of translations:
- 1. to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to worry about; to be concerned about; to care about; to feel uneasy; to be anxious
- 2. to be interested (in); to be curious (about); to wonder (about); to catch one's eye
- ↑ Translation Note: WataMote Wiki understands what the Fanilators loosely translate this as Tomoko accusing Yuri of raining on her. Tomoko says, "水差し野郎か (mizusashi yarō ka)," which is literally: "water pitcher + guy/bitch." 野郎 is often used as a derogatory term in 漫画語 [Stop that! – Ed.] in Mangaish, but Tomoko does not look that angry at Yuri-chan.
- ↑ For which we have a Gallery.
- ↑ "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." – Hamlet, Act III, Scene II
- ↑ Translation Note: ガキ (gaki) is the tried and true "brat." メス (mesu) appears a feminine modifier. That brats are girls, but "girl brats" seem stilted. Together, translations include, "cheeky, vulgar brat; impudent young temptress!" Since said brats behave like Sachi-chan, she would probably agree with "cheeky."
- ↑ To whom she refers to as "brats (ガキ・gaki)."
- ↑ 知らねえよお前がやれよ (shiranēyo omae ga yareyo): while literally, "I don't know! You do it!" WataMote Wiki agrees with the Fanilators that this fits Sachi's intention.
- ↑ She also uses the rude お前 (omae) made famous from the title.
- ↑ She is not Miho!
- ↑ And the thing about Sachi-chan is she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, she doesn't even seem to be livin' . . . 'til she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then . . . ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'.
- ↑ ムカつく (mukatsuku): "to feel irritated," "too feel offended."
- ↑ Translation Note: Technically, Sachi-chan uses singulars, "I don't hate a child but a child who becomes a woman I hate," reads a bit stilted.
- ↑ An appreciation for irony, for Sachi-chan, appears to be something that happens to other people.
- ↑ The kanji is "child (子供)," but the furigana reads "brat (ガキ)."
- ↑ Translation Note: also "common," but in the sense of occurring frequently. This can apply to Poor Akara-Chan, whose unintentionally usurping friend Sayaka-chan – Worst Wing Woman! – is about to be replaced by Kotomi[-chan – Ed.], or to Tomoki, who is about to have a "close encounter" with yet another girl obsessed with him.
- ↑ But not "happily." She is not Miho-chan!
- ↑ 昨日からノリと勢い決めすぎだから (kinō kara nori to ikioi de kimesuki dakara): Hyperliterally, "Yesterday from emotional and forceful decisions, so"
Story Navigation | |
Volume 26 Chapters | 222-1 | 222-2 | 222-3 | 223 | Special Chapter | 224-1 | 224-2 | Summer Special | Summer Special 2 | 224-3 | Summer Special 3 | 225 | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |