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Chapter 226-3 | ||
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Volume Number | 26 | |
Chapter Title | Because I'm not popular it's the Cultural Festival Second Day (Final Part) | |
Published | November 13, 2024 | |
Previous Chapter | Chapter 226-2 | |
Next Chapter | Chapter 227 |
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!
This is a continuation of the previous release and is similarly divided into titled sections.
Anime Director (アニメ監督・anime kantoku)[]
Beaming, Hina announces their movie for 3-5 and invites all to come and see. Behind her, Tomoko and Yuri stand unimpressed. Yuri flatly remarks, "Prostitute's[1] speaking. Recent anime directors also hate that voice." "Miyazaki?" Tomoko asks, then adds, "though certainly monotone voices are popular. . . ." Sweating as she tries to maintain her composure, Hina tells them to shut up, and they should also hand them out as she hands a flier to an Anonymous Chan. Nearby, Asuka smiles as she hands out fliers.
An anonymous little girl approaches Yuri as looks up at her with her mouth open. Yuri curtly offers her a flier. The little girl runs away towards her mother. Tomoko sarcastically remarks that, surprisingly, children[2] hate Yuri. Yuri insists that it is not that children hate her; she hates children. "Children?" Tomoko replies.
An Anonymous Boy[3] approaches, and Tomoko whispers and stammers as she tries to offer him a flier. He moves over to Asuka and asks for one. The final panel of the section focuses on Tomoko and Yuri. Tomoko remarks, "it feels like an extreme insult to me.[4] Yuri replies with Miyazaki's full name.[5]
Transformation (変身・henshin)[]

Shown: Tomoko staring for a panel
Standing next to a large empty box, Tomoko notices the head of the costume character that hugged her. As a chibi, she remarks, "This is that costume." Chibi Yuri rhetorically asks, "there's no one inside?" Normal, Tomoko wonders if she will get into trouble if she wore it without permision. "Probably," Yuri replies. Tomoko continues that she wants to be the internal organs of a mascot once in her life. Yuri repeats, "internal organs. . . ." Tomoko stares for a panel.[6] The next panel depicts her wearing the costume. With her voice softened by the costume head, she tries to say, "It's not as smelly as I thought it would be." This elicits an "E?" from Yuri, and Tomoko shouts her remark. Shocked Hina asks what she is doing. Tomoko replies that because no one can see her face, she feels like she can do anything. This elicits another "E?" from Yuri, and Tomoko shouting her remark. Shocked Chibi Hina confesses that her sudden loud voice startled her.
Similarly, Tomoko states that she feels empowered, which requires her to shout it. Chibi Yuri wonders about "empowered (パワー・pawā)." She then states, "Now I can also kill people,"[7] which similarly requires her shouting it, and Chibi Hina marvels over "kill."
Major Incident (おおごと・oogoto)[]
Tomoko in her costume seems to shake as she says in blurry kanji that she cannot contain her excitement. This elicits yet another "E?" from Yuri, but she flies toward Anna, Reina, and Masaki sitting. Anna pleasantly observes, "Hey, something's coming over here." Masaki reacts with surprise. Tomoko stops in front of Masaki and waves her posterior back and forth. Reina laughs and asks who it is while Anna laughs. For her part, Masaki stares severely at the costumed Tomoko. Tomoko then runs away, to Anna cheerfully asking, "Hey, where're you going!!" Reina teases a "come back!"
Tomoko returns to the group of Asuka, Yuri, and Hina giving out fliers. In front of them, Mitsuki gives out fliers with the Anonymous Twin Tail Blond Girl [CHECK!] Behind Mitsuki, she shakes her butt to Anna and Reina's laughter. When her arms approach Mitsuki from behind, Mitsuki looks back and pleasantly asks if her break is already over. Tomoko walks away laughing to Mitsuki's "E?" After a moment, Mitsuki suddenly realizes the wearer is not who she thought she was. Shocked, she exclaims, "Who?! SUSPICIOUS!!"
The next panel depicts everyone watching as Tomoko is subdued on the ground by two boys as Mitsuki cries out for a teacher. Yuri turns away stifling a giggle with her forearm.
Thought (思い・omoi)[]

Unmasked and embarrassed, Tomoko guiltily holds the head of the costume character. Over this Angry Chibi Mitsuki screams, "E?! A girl, I mean the one from before!!" Asuka pleasantly interrupts to rhetorically ask "Tomo-chan" if she just wanted to entertain. Mitsuki protests. Blond-Haired Glasses-Kun and Blond Twin-Tailed Anonymous-Chan approach her with the latter stating, that since Tomoko is a girl and not a suspicious person, it is fine. He agrees, but Mitsuki emits an "E?" as she sweats and stammers a "but." She looks back at the sulking Tomoko and thinks that though she is a girl she tried to sexually harass her. The next panel focuses on her face as she continues to think that she cannot agree that this can end like this then confesses, "since I first saw this person, I've hated her." She continues to think as a blushing Tomoko turns to acknowledge Hina who tell her to return the costume to its original place. Mitsuki marvels that Tomoko does not care about her own appearance or put in any effort to it, yet she is surrounded by friends upon whose kindness she relies.
She then imagines a montage of standing and smiling with her friends as students enter the school, smiling as she brings papers to Megumi, then grooming her eyebrows in front of a mirror. She reminisces about how she worked hard and was courageous to get where she is now. The next panel focuses on a shocked Tomoko still in the costume and holding its head. Behind her stands Asuka and Hina. She continues to inwardly complain, "Normally, she wouldn't have had anything, but her boring movie just happened to get a lot of views because of the popularity of the people around her."
The next panel focuses on her face as Megumi approaches and greets her friend with the twin tails. Megumi's friend who took the picture of Megumi with Tomoko smiles behind her. In her costume, Tomoko stands in front of Megumi. Her friend squeals over the nostalgia of Makujī (マクジー).
Tomoko embraces Megumi, but Mitsuki angrily thinks, "Sexually harassing Senpai I will absolutely never allow!" as she delivers a hard right punch to Tomoko's back.
"Aa Mitsuki-chan?!" the shocked Megumi exclaims.
In order of appearance
- Hina Nemoto
- Yuri Tamura
- Tomoko Kuroki
- Asuka Katō
- Masaki Yoshida
- Reina
- Anna Haruna
- Mitsuki Wakui
- Blond-Haired Glasses-Kun
- Blond Twin-Tailed Anonymous-Chan
- Megumi Imae
- Megumi Friend one - Check Linkypoo
- Megumi Friend two - electric boogaloo - the girl
Referbacks and Referforwards[]
- "Tamura-Sensei 怖い": In Chapter 138 during their visit to Chiba West University, Tomoko imagined how Yuri would behave if she were a teacher which involved violent results. Now in the gate of Haramaku school when trying to hand a flyer to a little girl, Yuri scares her away with her glance.
- "Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride": during the wrap-up party after the inauguration of school festival in Chapter 217-2, some boys approached Yuri and Asuka to talk about the movie of the class 3-5 just to flirt with them while ignoring Tomoko completely. Similarly, when Tomoko now struggles to hand a flyer to a generic "hot guy," he ignores her and goes to Asuka.
- "Who Let the Dog
sOut?!": In Chapter 224-1 during the closure of the first day of school festival, someone wore the infamous dog's costume from first year on the stage next to the Mitsuki. Apparently the person is skilled with the drums. - "Still reticent to show out her laugh": after Tomoko tripped over the stairs and Koharu and Sachi made fun of her in Chapter 117, Tomoko shouted a comment about Koharu's teeth, which caused Yuri to laugh but she quickly held it on. Now, after Tomoko was detained by student council after being found suspicious by Wakui, Yuri holds her laugh on with her arm.
- "Join to the club, student council president": credit where credit is due, Wakui Mitsuki is added up to the list of characters who found hard to believe that Tomoko had friends despite the pre-established image they got from her, like Koharu in Chapter 128, Kiko in chapters 141 and 224-1, and Miyazaki in Chapter 156.
- "Hug": in the Chapter of manga, which corresponds to Episode 11 in the anime, when Tomoko felt alone during the school festival, Megumi hugged her while wearing a dog's costume and gave a balloon to her. Tomoko only realized about Megumi being the one in the costume in the Chapter 115.5, when she had already graduated, something that Tomoko regretted for not realizing before. When Tomoko met again with Megumi during summer break in Chapter 182, she tried to bring the subject but was not able to. Now, in third year's school festival, while wearing the same dog's costume and after realizing of Megumi's presence, she puts on the dog's head and hugs her senpai to pay back the gesture.
Cultural References[]
- Hayao Miyazaki: an obscure creator of anime who is in no way celebrated nor noteworthy . . . probably. Seriously, if WataMote Wiki has to explain. . . .
- Guiltiest of Gears: Mitsuki punches Tomoko as the latter performs the aforementioned hug, with the former's posture being drawn in a way similar to Sol Badguy's Fierce Strike.
- "A Mascot has a Name": Megumi's friend refers to the mascot costume as Makujī.
- Timelines Converge: Mitsuki is shown to have many similarities to the "Sachi's Group" Tomoko in one of the Volume 18 alternate timelines.
- "Sisters of Guts": when Tomoko saw the dog costume, she expressed how she wanted to be its insides. This comment resembles to one said by Serika, protagonist of Choku!, another manga written by Nico Tanigawa, where she looked an announcement of part-time job to hire someone who wears a duck's costume, and Serika expressed how she wanted to be its innards.
Memorable Moments[]
- "Do You Like Children, Yuri-Chan?!": "If they're well-cooked." Yuri scares small children, establishing her career path as a preschool principle.
- Free Hugs!: Tomoko returns Megumi's hug, which goes as well as it usually does in WataMote.
- "A new enemy appeared!?": it is not new to see in the plot the rivalry between Tomoko and another girl, which has already happened with Kotomi, Hina (mostly on Hina's side, though) or Fūka, which mainly involve embarrassing incidents that can shatter the innocence of the people around; and if well it's kinda possible that kind of dynamic unfolds, so far, Wakui Mitsuki might be the first person to show resentment to Tomoko in such a short time and interactions of knowing her, and the fact that Wakui is the student council president could have a big factor to play in this fact, given fact that she's already seen Tomoko's unsightly side after she stopped when she was wearing the dog costume to fool around, and after seeing it was her in the costume, Wakui couldn't accept that someone like Tomoko, who doesn't pay attention to her appearance or put in any effort, is surrounded of friends; Wakui just assumes that someone like Tomoko wouldn’t have anything and just accepts that her movie went viral because it features popular girls; and all of this before knowing that Megumi is Tomoko’s senpai.
- "Prostitute's speaking. Recent anime directors also hate that voice." – Mistress Yuri Tamura offering constructive criticism to Mistress Hina Nemoto . . . probably
- "Yuri-chan's surprisingly hated by children, right." – Tomoko Kuroki
- "It's not the children that hates me, it is I that hate children." – Yuri
- "Children?" – Tomoko
- "It doesn't stink as bad as I thought!" - Tomoko
- "Now I can kill people." – Tomoko
- "Who?! SUSPICIOUS!!" – Mitsuki Wakui
- "Since I first saw this person, I've hated her." – Mitsuki Wakui inwardly about Tomoko
- "Normally, she wouldn't have had anything, but her boring movie just happened to get a lot of views because of the popularity of the people around her." – Mitsuki inwardly
- ↑ 娼婦 (shōfu)
- ↑ Translation Note: technically both Tomoko and Yuri use the singular. "A child hates Yuri-chan" works, but "A child doesn't hate me, I hate a child," comes off stilted. The generalization is plural.
- ↑ "Anonymous-kun?"
- ↑ The kanji reads, "an extreme insult to existence," but the kanji for existence (生命・seimei) has the furigana for "I" (わたし・watashi).
- ↑ Cens●red in the Japanese Original
- ↑ The onomatopoeia is "uzu (うず)," which can mean "intent" as in intent to do something.
- ↑ WataMote Wiki will confess disappointment that Tomoko did not say, "Now I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds!"
Story Navigation | |
Volume 26 Chapters | 222-1 | 222-2 | 222-3 | 223 | Special Chapter | 224-1 | 224-2 | Summer Special | Summer Special 2 | 224-3 | Summer Special 3 | 225 | Omake |
Manga Volumes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
TomoMote Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv |
Anime Episodes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA |