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Chapter 229
Cover c229
Volume Number 26
Chapter Title Because I'm not popular, goodbye Makuzō
Published January 15, 2025
Previous Chapter Chapter 228
Next Chapter Chapter 230-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This chapter returns to Tomoko who, still costumed, somehow hides behind a thin tree with Kiko, ever smiling, next to her, and Emiri and Asuka standing between then and Blond-Haired Glasses-Kun and Anonymous Student Council-Kun who reveal bright futures in criminal investigation by not being able to find her. They announce this conclusion from their thorough investigation which elicits an "A-" from Mitsuki-chan to Asuka and Emiri. and she asks the where "that kigurumi (着ぐるみ) wearing person" went since they want it back to use it. Emiri flatly repeats the syllables of "kigurumi" then glances back towards Tomoko who remains unnoticed by Mitsuki.[1] Over a view of the tree, Chibi Emiri replies that she has not seen her. Concerned Chibi Mitsuki accepts this then asks if she does find her to please tell her to return the costume.

Both Asuka and Emiri watch Mitsuki depart towards a crowd of visiting anonymous youngsters. Emiri glances back towards Tomoko and asks her why she is hiding then adds that she sheltered her for now. Still behind the tree, Tomoko explains that if the bitch [2]finds her, she will punch her in the kidney.[3] Emiri repeats the phrase "kidney punch," (キドニープロー) as a question, and Tomoko clarifies "to strike the kidney," (腎臓殴られる・jinzō nagurareru). Surprised, Emiri deems "that woman," to be disgusting.

Over a view of the costumed Tomoko with her legs and arms tied, lying on a tarpaulin, and covered by a net, Concerned Chibi Asuka suggests that if they stay there, they will find her, and she may suffer something worse. A Somewhat-Concerned Chibi Emiri asks if they will treat Tomoko like a bear.

Three Stooges c299

Kiko places her right hand on Tomoko's "shoulder" as she rhetorically asks why they do not take "this child (この子・konoko)" to the original safe place they found her. Tomoko manages to look dejected.[4] "'This child,'" Emiri repeats, "Kuroki, right?" but Kiko corrects her that now she is "this child." Over the top of Tomoko's costumed head, Chibi Emiri asks where is this "original safe place." Chibi Kiko responds, "Isn't it a place with forest and nature?" A concerned Asuka takes Tomoko by her left paw and laments that if she returns, she will never see Tomo-chan anymore. Kiko insists that "this child" is not her "big sister," and even though she is gone, she will live on in their hearts. Emiri stares at them as she imagines chibi versions of Mako, Masaki, and Yuri with the title つっこみ (tsukkomi)[5] and thinks that it is quite troublesome without.[6]

Pointing with her "paw," Tomoko directs them to take her "over there." Concerned Chibi Emiri repeats, "over there?" Over a view of a tent, Chibi Costumed Tomoko explains, "behind that tent." Concerned Chibi Emiri responds, "close." Over an imagination of Tomoko fleeing from the costume left behind the tent, Tomoko explains that if she goes there she can return to her world.

Tomoko turns to Asuka, takes her by her hands and "wags" her tail. Asuka promises if she leaves it to them, she will return safely. Behind her, Kiko stares at Tomoko's wagging tale with her Perpetual Smile.™ Emiri also stares at Tomoko's "tail," and thinks, "disgusting."

Asuka Stalks

"The lioness spots her prey as the hyena watches. . . ."

Emiri and Tomoko hide in a manner not completely ridiculous behind a bush whilst an Anonymous Student Council-Kun and Chan look around cluelessly. Tomoko stands,[7] but both Kiko and Emiri push her down by her "head," as Kiko explains that because she will be found, she should keep her head down. The next panel takes the perspective behind them, with Asuka approaching an Anonymous Kun from behind. Again, Tomoko stands,[8] but Emiri and Kiko push her back down. Emiri asks her what this is, while Kiko advises, ". . . yet too early!"

The next panel takes the perspective facing Asuka and her victim the Anonymous-Kun. Asuka asks him if it is okay to bother him, and he eagerly responds. In the background, Kiko pushes Tomoko forward.

From their perspective, Tomoko starts to walk ahead while Kiko warns her to wait. Over a view of a crowd of students, Chibi Kiko explains that she has to go there, but there are a lot of people. She then suggests that they go around. Chibi Costumed Tomoko thinks on this, then barges through the crowd shouting. Chibi Emiri reacts by wondering, "By brute force?!! Isn't that too much trouble?!" Nevertheless, the quartet of Tomoko, Kiko, Asuka, and Emiri reach the tent. Tomoko regards it for a beat, which elicits an "!" reaction from Kiko. Tomoko extends her left paw then takes Kiko's right hand. Kiko responds, "It's farewell, right. . . ." Tomoko hugs her, and Kiko responds, "Forever we're friends." Emiri remarks, "Like in the movies where the monster and child separate?" Asuka continues to play along as she tells Tomoko to be well. Tomoko holds Asuka's waist and makes thrusting motions. Shocked Chibi Emiri reacts that it is probably suppose to be a touching scene, "but the passion's out of control, gross. . . ."

Emiri X Tomoko c229

However, in the next panel, Tomoko embraces Emiri and proclaims, "Uchi . . . My Friend (マイフレンド・mai furendo)." Emiri asks her what kind of character she was. Looking out from the tent at passersby, Asuka asks if they should go now, since they are close to the gate, and if they stay they will get caught.

A view of the gate shows entering with two friends. She is greeted by Mitsuki and her Anonymous Glasses-Kun. Tomoko notices Yū and explodes into "Uwaaaaaaaaā, Yū-chan's heeeeeeeeeeeeere!!"

She rushes to embrace Yū, while calling out her name, which results in Mitsuki delivering another Kidney Strike [Tm. – Ed.] to her.

Tomoko lies grabbing here back. A surprised Yū looks down on her while Emiri also looks down on her shouting "Disgusting disgusting!!" Mitsuki calmly calls over an Anonymous–Kun.

In the foreground, both Kiko and Asuka observe the scene smiling.


In order of appearance


  • "The Bitch is Back!" Stone-Cold Sober as a Matter of Fact!: In Chapter 226-3, Tomoko took without permission the dog costume, donned it, then felt free to fool around.
  • "She's going to give me a kidney blow if she finds me": also, in Chapter 226-3, when Tomoko was spotted by the student council, and after she hugged Megumi while still wearing dog's costume, the student council president punched her ragingly.
  • Hit Girl: Why Kiko calmed down and ceased punching Tomoko is not shown.
  • "With Fronds Like These, Who Need Anemones?": Emiri declares to Tomoko that she is her close friend [TERM] in CHAPTER. This confuses Tomoko.
  • "Onē-chan is not Your Dog, Kiko!": when Tomoko went to visit Kiko in Chapter 60, Kiko began to treat her like her pet dog that died. When Tomoko plays the character, Kiko follows along.
  • "Our meeting was unavoidable... and obscene": in Chapter 198-1, after Tomoko, Yuri, Hina and Asuka went to Hongō High School to tour along school festival. By greeting Yū, Tomoko ran to her and hugged her in such a way that others may considerate inappropriate and obscene.


  • Kidney Punches: have long been illegal in boxing and are illegal in mixed martial arts due to the risks of severe injury.

Memorable Moments[]

  • "We see faces, but we don't know hearts": it's the second chapter where Tomoko's face doesn't appear even when she's on stage, even in her fantasy of she running away after leaving the costume, her face is not shown.
  • Playing in Her Playground: Asuka and Kiko rather enter Tomoko's joke of being a character.
  • "Simple distraction or femme fatale?": whether or not she's aware of her attractive and how this one can affect the boys she interacts with, the core fact here is that Asuka approached a boy from student council to talk with him to distract him whereas Tomoko in dog's costume snuck away from area.
  • 絵文字 X 喪女 [Emoji X Mojo – Ed.]: No, WataMote Wiki is not serious, but since Tomoko hugs Emiri and calls her "friend" in Engrish, she at least accepts Emiri is "always around." WataMote Wiki is not suggesting Tomoko did that because she understands Emiri's feelings; she just shared a bit of what she experienced when Megumi infamously hugged her Chapter 21, adapted in Episode 11, which she also gave to Shizuku when Shizuku felt crushed by her classmates. No balloons were exchanged.
  • Fashionably Gross: Emiri seems to accept Mako, Masaki, and Yuri. She remains aloof and conceited, but she does perceive that they have a positive influence on "Kuroki."

Cultural References[]

  • さよなら (sayonara): the "goodbye" learned by most in their first Japanese class is actually rarely used. It implies that one will not see the other in a very long time if ever. Does this suggest Tomoko is putting away a childish moment? Sorry, something came over WataMote Wiki there, this is Tomoko after all.


  • "Because if I'm found by the bitch, she'll deliver a kidney punch. – Tomoko Kuroki
    • "'Kidney punch?'" – Emiri Uchi
    • "To strike the kidney." – Tomoko
    • "What's that, that woman's disgusting. . . ." – Emiri
  • "Why don't we just take this child back to the original safe place where we found her?" – Kiko Satozaki
    • "'This child . . .' Kuroki, right?" – Emiri
    • "No, for now, 'this child.'" – Kiko
  • "Like in the movies where the monster and child separate?" – Emiri



  1. Will become a famous female private investigator, but without the immortality and sexual tension . . . probably.
  2. Using the derogatory あいつ.
  3. Translation Note: As ever, WataMote has the speaker say the furigana over explanatory kanji. Tomoko says "kidonī purō (キドニープロー)," which Emiri hears, over "hook punch (鉤突き・kagitsukeki)."
  4. WataMote Wiki will note that, in the costume's head, Tomoko's head must have expanded laterally to accommodate the eye holes.
  5. "Thrust into, cram in," et cetera.
  6. Translation Note: thus, Emiri observes that the absence of the three who butt in is "quite troublesome."
  7. Dramatically!
  8. Dramatically dramatically!


Story Navigation
Volume 26 Chapters 222-1 | 222-2 | 222-3 | 223 | Special Chapter | 224-1 | 224-2 | Summer Special | Summer Special 2 | 224-3 | Summer Special 3 | 225 | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA