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WataMote Wiki
Chapter 77
WataMote Chapter 077
Volume Number Volume 8
Chapter Title Because I'm Not Popular, I'll Face My Second Night Of The Trip
Published May 8, 2015
Previous Chapter Chapter 76
Next Chapter Special Edition


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


Uchi returns to the room to find Tomoko, Yuri, and Yoshida fast asleep after climbing Fushimi Inari Peak. The side-panel narration notes: "Everyone's worn out!" Ucchi wonders what they could have done that day. Though she inwardly does not really care what they did, she decides she would feel bad if they missed dinner. Uchi tries to wake up Yoshida. She touches Yoshida's shoulder, and Yoshida dreams it is Tomoko.

Ucchi Wakes Yoshida c077

Like Tomoko previously, Uchi's hands appear to stray, and Yoshida dreams it is Tomoko who pinches her nipples a second time. She violently elbows whom she thinks is Tomoko in the stomach and continues sleeping. Doubled-over in pain, Uchi rises hurt, shaken, and angry. She then leaves the room. Sometime after 7 PM, Mako enters the room and wakes Yuri up, saying that the group missed dinner. She then gives Yuri a protection charm and asks if they can sightsee together the next day since it is free time and students do not have to stick to their groups.

Yoshida Accuses Tomoko c077

Yoshida dreamt that Ucchi was Tomoko

Yoshida wakes up, sees the sleeping Tomoko, and recalls her dream of Tomoko, rather than Ucchi, pinching her nipples. She punches Tomoko in her stomach and accuses her of pinching her nipples in her sleep again. They comically argue, and Mako decides to leave.

For dinner the group decides to sneak out, but they are quickly gets caught by Ogino. They explain the situation, and Ogino notes that she took rollcall at dinner and everyone checked in which reveals to the reader that Ucchi marked all three of them as "present." Ogino brings them to a nearby convenience store to grab some food and then directly asks Tomoko if she is making friends.

After they return, Ogino talks to Yoshida and Yuri privately. Tomoko stays nearby to listen in on the conversation and grows profoundly embarrassed. Ogino says that she hopes the two girls will be friends with Tomoko. Tomoko returns to the room and sternly informs the other two that she will spend time with her friends from a different class.

Tomoko walks off annoyed as she believes the rest of the group will pity her now because of what Ogino said. As Tomoko walks around, she sees a boyfriend and girlfriend meeting outside then overhears an argument between two girls over a boy coming from a room. While this happens, Tomoko decides that she really wants a "very school field trip-esque event to happen," and decides to buy a card from a lobby vending machines to watch porn with the group.

Tomoko gets a movie card c077

For Educational Purposes

Tomoko explains to Yuri that the card lets them watch "paid channels." Yuri, sweating, expreses concern that it gives access to "porn channels." Yoshida happily agrees to watch movies. Tomoko responds that they can watch movies, then inwardly wonders if Yoshida has no idea about pornography channels. "Whatever," Tomoko rationalizes, she can at least have a "heart-pointing night with this," as she inserts the card.

Yoshida Screwed by Tomoko Again c077

"But . . . I only wanted . . . the Disney Channel. . . ."

The card does not work, so Yoshida goes the lobby to loudly complain to the staff. The Homeroom Teacher scolds her and says that the card will not work in certain rooms reserved by schools to prevent students from renting pornography. Utterly mortified, Yoshida storms back to her room. Next door, Uchi and her friends discuss such matters as Natsu talking to a boy named Kazuki. Suddenly, they hear violent noises from next door. They wonder what is happening, Miyazaki complains about the noise, and Kayo, the currently unnamed Girl with Black Hair, notes that Yoshida is in that room. Inwardly, Uchi wonders what they are doing.


In order of appearance:

Referbacks and Referforwards[]

  • On the cover the selfie that Kotomi and Tomoko took in Chapter 71 can be seen.
  • When Uchi tries to wake Yoshida up, Yoshida remembers Tomoko pinching her nipples from Chapter 74.
  • Fortunately, Masaki's innocence will not at all, in anyway, become a recurrent theme, goodness no!

Cultural References[]

  • "Dat AssEarth": From the Credit Where Credit is Due Department, reddit user Yumi no Oto claims that since the Japanese have a problem saying the English word "earth," and sound like they are saying "ass," that this is a clever pun. While WataMote Wiki has not experienced that directly, there is no other explanation why Yuri would have sweatpants that has "Earth" across her Superior Posterior. Now why her sweat shirt might have "Olive Olive" on the front of it, WataMote Wiki will not speculate upon for decorum.

Memorial Moments[]

  • "In a Pinch": Emiri possibly takes the opportunity to touch Masaki. Back when the chapter was published, WataMote Wiki felt that Emiri might have touched Masaki close enough to trigger Masaki's memories of Tomoko. Masaki is described as very hard to arouse, so what did Emiri do to wake her? However, at that that time, Emiri's . . . er . . . interests . . . Arg! Spoilers There be! . . . were not revealed, As of this edit, neither Masaki nor Emiri have thought nor commented on it.
  • Yoshida elbows Emiri in the stomach.
  • Ogino's best intentions fail again.
  • Despite her violent exterior and Tomoko's imagination of her as a deliquent, Masaki is very innocent.


?! – Masaki Yoshida

    • "What?" – Tomoko Kuroki
    • "Just like this morning!" – Yoshida
    • "Huh? Are you talking about the time I groped you?" – Tomoko
    • I'm gonna fucking kill you!" – Yoshida
  • "Sneaking out of the hotel at night to go get food is the first school field trip-esque thing I've done since coming here." – Tomoko
  • "Thanks to that Home Room teacher of mine, they're probably going to start pitying me." – Tomoko
  • "Could it be that she's innocent even though she's a delinquent?" – Tomoko, about Yoshida
  • "What in the world are they doing? I don't really care but still. . . ." – Emiri Uchi



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