No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular! Volume 10
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui![1]

- WataMote Chapter 89
- WataMote Chapter 90
- WataMote Chapter 91
- WataMote Chapter 92
- WataMote Chapter 93
- WataMote Chapter 94
- WataMote Chapter 95
- WataMote Chapter 96
- WataMote Chapter 97
- WataMote Chapter 98
- Special Edition
- Omake
- Afterword
Extras and Goodies[]
- Back Cover: presents the fantasy of Tomoko as a loving mother with beaming husband opposed to the reality of her working brother returning to find her playing video games.
- Cover Bonus:
- Right Inner Cover: a pregnant Tomoko!
- Left Inner Cover: an explanation of a virgin conception.
- Relationship Chart: (Main Event)
- Pervert Sisters Formation. Tomoki's suffering increases.
- It turns out that Nemo is a hidden nerd (オタ・ota). Tomoko pays attention.
- First meeting of Yoshida-san and Student Council President.
- Sayaka ⟶ Akari Iguchi: "follower backfires"
- Tomoko ⟶ Akari: "pervert"
- Tomoko ⟵ Tomoki Kuroki: "has some good memories"
- Tomoko ⟶ Tomoki: "feel pity"
- Kotomi Komiyama ⟵ Tomoki: "risky"
- Kotomi ⟶ Tomoki: "like"
- Akari ⟵ Tomoki: "risky"
- Akari ⟶ Tomoki: "like"
- Akari ⟷ Kotomi: "pervert sisters"
- Megumi Imae ⟶ Masaki Yoshida: "trust"
- Yoshida ⟶ Tomoko: "annoying girl"
- Tomoko ⟶ Yoshida: "delinquent"
- Tomoko ⟵ Hina Nemoto: "friends I can forgive"
- Tomoko ⟶ Hina: "anime nerd (アニオタ・ani ota) found"
- Emiri Uchi ⟶ Tomoko: "fear"
- Uchi ⟶ Yū Naruse: "from behind a similar appearing woman"
- Tomoko ⟶ Yū: "there are good and bad things to say"
- Megumi ⟵ Tomoko: "admiration"
- Megumi ⟶ Tomoko: "cute kōhei"
- Ogino ⟵ Tomoko: "compassion factor 0"
- Ogino ⟶ Tomoko: "feels relieved she made friends"