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Volume 13 Omake
Volume 13 Omake
Volume Number Volume 13
Chapter Title Omake
Published July 21, 2018
Previous Chapter Chapter 132
Next Chapter Chapter 133


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


This Omake is divided into sections.

After Chapter 129 (喪129その後)[]

Ucchi Disguise Omake Vol 13

Uchi changes her hair and face to hide from Kowarith

To her shock, Uchi's unnamed friend excitedly points out to the unnamed Kayo the place for Kowarith's show. Uchi sweats and worries. Kowarith greets them with a "wahai" which Kayo, Nagi, and the Girl with Braids eagerly returns. Kowarith then appears confused. The three see Uchi with her hair changed, and eyes in a different emoji style (> <) standing next to Miyazaki. They collectively ask "Emiri?" and she stammers sweating, "w-wrong."

After Chapter 130 (喪130その後)[]

Rena tells Yoshida and the currently unnamed Anna Haruna that she needs to visit the bathroom. Anna promises that that they will wait there for her. Rena walks by Futaki who is having her picture taken with a costume panda. To herself, Rena declares that it is a "Kimo Panda" and decides to walk over as Futaki waves goodbye to the figure. Meanwhile, Yoshida grows impatient, and Anna suggests they look for her. They find Rena talking to the costumed panda. Rena appears to tease the costumed worker to come with her and asking what hour his shift ends. Rena insists that she has someone who wants to see him as she playfully punches him in the "stomach" as she promises it will not take him a lot of time.

Yoshida explodes and hits Rena again.

Afterword 1: "A Mentally-Tired Story" (骨折した話・seishinteki ni tsukareta hanashi[]

Nico Tanigawa, the author and artist, walk as the author explains that he went to an amusement park to research the material for Volume 13. The artist notices a theater with the title "Kowarīchi" (コワリィッチ) and notes she does not know what is the attraction. Another sign gives a 10 minute waiting period. After 30 minutes they finally enter. Later, they slump on a table and note that the attraction is the model for Chapter 127.

Afterword 2: "A Fractured Story" (骨折した話・kossetsushita hanashi)[]

The author bikes "one day in Makuhari," and sees a well-endowed young woman. To himself he thinks he recognizes her as a "Gravure idol" from a late-night program as he bikes away from her still looking in her direction. The narration notes the pachinko parlors of Makuhari have many "Gravure idol" performers. He does not notice a post and slams his left hand into it. He thinks that it hurts, but he wonders if the pain means he broke it. The caption states that he did break it.


In order of appearance:

Referebacks and Forwards[]

  • Emiri attends the show with Kowarith in Chapter 127 where she reveals her first name and refuses to be Kowarith's "girlfriend." She explains that she already has someone she loves.
  • コワリィッチ is Kowarith. Perhaps Nico Tanigawa were caught not singing.
  • Emiri meets her friends in Chapter 129.
  • Yoshida received her bunny as an apology from her Rena in Chapter 130.
  • "A Girl Does Not have a Name!": at this point, Emiri's friends have not received names.


  • As usual, the kanji for "mourning" (喪) is used rather than "chapter."
  • Yoshida somehow quickly handed her stuffed bunny to her currently unnamed friend Anna before punching Reina.
  • "A Girl has a Wrong Name!": the official English translation contained in Volume 13 renders her name as "Emily" for unjustified reasons explained in great and interesting detail with extreme unction on her character page.  

Cultureal References[]

Memorial Moments[]

  • The Faceless Girl: Uchi has a new face . . . based on another emoji.
  • Reina probably wanted to surprise Yoshida by bringing the costumed panda over to her. Sensitive to "cute things," Yoshida again misunderstands the situation.


  • “We attended the attraction that became the model for Chapter 129." – Nico Tanigawa



Story Navigation
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