No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular! Volume 15
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui![1]

- WataMote Chapter 143
- WataMote Chapter 144
- Special Edition
- WataMote Chapter 145
- WataMote Chapter 146
- WataMote Chapter 147
- WataMote Chapter 148
- WataMote Chapter 149
- WataMote Chapter 150
- Omake
Extras and Goodies[]
- Special for Launch: The Artist provided character sketches for the inner covers for an exhibition[3]
- Back Cover: As an Expectation, a content Yuri Tamura sits in class with Masaki Yoshida in front of her, Tomoko to her left, and Mako to her right. In Reality, a disappointed Yuri has Minami in front of her and a smug Hina to her left.
- Inner Pages:
- Hikari Itō at night types "good night" on her computer.
- As she walks down the aisle of her classroom, Tomoko watches Yoshinori Kiyota, Wada, and Suzuki talking in the hallway through the windows.
- Relationship Chart: (Main Event)
- Tomoko and Yuri-chan call each other by their names.
- Nemo's time in middle school drawn episode.
- Ball tournament started. Awareness as a senior emerges in Tomoko.
- Shizuku Hirasawa ⟶ Tomoko: "longing (憧れ・akogare)"
- Shizuku ⟵ Tomoko: "I want to act like a senpai"
- Yū Naruse ⟶ Tomoko: "wants to go to college together"
- Yū ⟷ Hikari Itō: "become friends"
- Yū Naruse ⟶ Kotomi Komiyama: "wants to go to college together"
- Shiki Futaki ⟵ Tomoko: "Emoji Mark II"
- Hina Nemoto ⟶ Tomoko: "can be happy when herself"
- Tomoko ⟵ Hina: "close friend (仲良し・nakayoshi)"
- Masaki Yoshida ⟷ Tomoko: "good friend (良き友人・yoki yūjin)"
- Asuka Katō ⟵ Tomoko: "Earth Mother Goddess"
- Katō ⟶ Tomoko: "Motherhood"
- Yuri Tamura ⟷ Tomoko: "deepening friendship (友情深まる・yūjō fukamaru)"
- Yuri ⟶ Koharu Minami: "disgust (嫌悪・ken'o)"
- Minami ⟶ Mike: "wants to badmouth"
- Minami ⟶ Kotomi: "I don't know 'Glasses'"
- Expectation versus Reality: this is one of the volumes where a character other than Tomoko experiences the expectation.
Sweet Swag:
posted by 劣性サニィ@ワタモテ描き垢
posted by 劣性サニィ@ワタモテ描き垢