WataMote Wiki
WataMote Wiki
Cover V23 Omake
Volume Number 23
Chapter Title Omake
Published May 11, 2023
Previous Chapter Special Chapter 15
Next Chapter Chapter 213-1


Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!


The omake is divided into titled parts.

Chapter 210 Bonus 1 (喪210おまけ1・mo 210 omake 1)[]

Sachi, Koharu, Masaki, Emiri, Fūka, Kotomi, and Miho happily watch the rehearsal through the classroom doorway. Sachi thinks, "What? Don't tell me all these guys didn't come here to see that guy[1], did they?" Over a view of the smiling Fūka with stars as a background, Sachi thinks, "that one Sasaki has been famous since the first year. Recently, there are rumors that she has become a huge slut!"[2]

With Miho [happily – Ed.] crouching, Sachi muses, "Narita . . . this one's also famous, right?" She adds that when she was a first and second year she heard that Miho was dating a boy.

She then observes Masaki, who is staring ahead intently: "Yoshida . . . was in the same class . . . delinquent. . . ." "According to the rumors, she's gone out a lot with that guy!" Looking Emiri, who stares blankly, Sachi thinks, "Uchi . . . same class . . . For two years I've been in the same class as Uchi!!"

Chapter 210 Bonus 2 (喪210おまけ2・mo 210 omake 2)[]

The panel gives a view from behind Shiki after the filming. Facing her, a delighted Akane remarks that this is the first time she has seen Shiki's smiling face. Koharu cutely smiles as she encourages Shiki to smile more. Further in the background, Yoshinori and Suzuki stand chatting with their backs to the Noble Readership. In front of them, and deeper in the background, Kakinuma and Hirotaka talk.

Meanwhile, in the immediate foreground, Sachi stands and thinks, "Boring . . . leave quickly. . . ."

Look v23 Omake

Anna chats with Wada. Anna asks him where he got the uniform. He replies that "A-chan" gave him the skirt from the summer, and he came up with the rest. Reina teasingly asks him about where he got his underwear (下・shita), which gets Faced Sachi and Koharu's attention. Surrounded by strawberries, Wada starts to lift up his skirt as he asks Reina if she wants to look. Reina squeals, "Kyahahaha let me see! Let me see!"

The next panel focuses on Sachi and Koharu. As Faced Sachi raises her bottle, "off panel" Reina squeals, "Uaaaaaa! Something risky! It's so erotic!" Sachi slyly asks, "What, Koharu-chan, are you looking at? You want to see?" A deeply blushing Koharu protests, "?! That's not true!!"

Sweating, Kakinuma confronts both Koharu and Sachi: "You said we do that, but you girls[3] do too, right?" Faceless Sachi inwardly rages, "Don't talk to me, peasant[4]," while Surprised Koharu emits a "?" A sweating Hirotaka stammers an "Oi."

Concerned Chibi Koharu asks what that was suppose to mean. Sweating Chibi Kakinuma replies, "No, you girls said it. . . . We do it. . . ." Upset Chibi Koharu explodes, "Because I don't know what that means! To be frank!"

Koharu Understands v23 Omake

"'Double . . . click . . . my mouse?'" [Citation Needed – Ed.]

"MASTURBATE, damn it!! "[5] Kakinuma explodes, "YOU GIRLS DO IT TOO!!"

Blushing deeply and sweating, Koharu emits another "E?" then starts to say "gross."

The scene pulls back to give a view from behind Koharu and Sachi, with Seriously Sweating Kakinuma standing next to a sweating Hirotaka. Behind him, Anna and Reina smile slyly, with Akane looking concerned.

In the foreground, Faceless Sachi smiles.

"Majorly disgusting. . . ." the Seriously Embarrassed Koharu finally admits.

Kakinuma can only emit his own "E?"

With her face and smiling in such a way that justifies having a Gallery, Sachi muses that she got to see the losers get carried away and fall.

"I'm glad I didn't go home!"

Afterwards (あとがき・atogaki)[]

With the sign-title "One Day at Work," the Author sits alone thinking, "it's time for her to arrive, right?" He calls the Artist, informs her that it is already 2 o'clock, but she protests that she is she cannot get up. What follows is the Author challenging her to get up, and her, over the phone, demonstrating that it hurts far too much to rise.

One of their announcements describing her condition is reproduced.

The Artist lays at a table with her pencil in her left hand whilst covered by a blanket. The Author goes to Okinawa and returns with quite the sunburn.


In order of appearance


  • Beer Babe: Fūka started to brag about how experienced she is with boys in Chapter 184-1, including her claims about how beer . . . it is beer . . . beer . . . from a beer can . . . tastes, and she encouraged her "Experienced Friend" Rise to spread them as well in the hope this would intimidate Tomoko back when Fūka believed Tomoko looked down on her for being completely innocent.
  • Playgirl Miho: In Chapter 184-1, Fūka mentioned that Miho was dating the basketball team captain . A "Miho" was mentioned in the Chapter 6 to have a boyfriend, but it remains unknown if they are the same.
  • A Fleetwood Mac Album: the fight at school cafeteria in Chapter 134 that resulted in Gropegate I: A New Grope also led to rumors spread throughout the school, as seen in Chapter 145.
  • "When the Lady Smiles":
    • Her Shikiness: as Tomoko observes when watching Shiki's videos that reveal the lower half of her face, she has a very pretty smile.
    • Her Little Fanged Bitchiness: Work with WataMote Wiki here. WataMote Wiki will confess that when Koharu honestly smiles and laughs she is cute. Sachi still insists that she is cuter.
  • "My Butt Hurt": Wada's "Kuroki-Level" joke on Chapter 192-2. WataMote Wiki will avoid speculation regarding Mr. Wada's orientation(s). Though WataMote Wiki also avoided coming to such a conclusion regarding Emiri for scores of chapters. While he is a bit of a satire of a type of character, Wada is open to people. He is not at all insulted by Anna or Reina's teasing; he plays along. He knows of the way Tomoko jokes and decided to make one to shock Yoshinori in particular. He appears to have little in the way of boundaries. If, say, Koharu demanded to know to whom he . . . um . . . he would probably answer cheerfully.

Cultural References[]


  • Frequency of Mouse Clickage: this site claims to have statistics regarding the frequency of Japanese women mast . . . er . . . double-clicking their mice. It has colored graphs; hence, SCIENCE!

Memorable Moments[]

  • "One cannot be betrayed if one has no people": per the wisdom of Mr. Kobayashi, it seems that Emiri does not make an impression on others in her class save her "Emoji Posse." Emiri is devoted to them, and they like her. This begs the question of how and when they met. Emiri also seems very comfortable with just this set of friends . . . and Tomoko. While she makes "small talk" with Fellow Introvert Yuri, and even complains inwardly about Yuri's scathing frankness, she really makes no effort to know anyone in Tomoko's circle of friends and acquaintances. Thus Sachi's surprise when she realizes that she has been in class with a girl that she knows nothing about.
  • Are You the Master of Your Domain?": while Kakinuma is angry about Sachi's suggestion, he fails to handle it effectively. Reina actually gives him a possible out by teasingly asking if he "of course" "does it" to Shiki. He could have laughed it off that he has too much respect for Ms. Futaki and does it to "Your Favorite Waifu HERE." By progressively losing his temper and screaming he just keeps the attention on himself.
  • "I'm the Queen of My Castle!": WataMote is rather clear, with some of its more infamous scenes involving Tomoko, that "girls do it." WataMote Wiki refuses to believe that Koharu has never "double clicked her mouse," probably to Leni Riefenstahl videos [Stop that. – Ed.], but it seems that she does not know the terminology and is embarrassed at the suggestion that she does . . . to Hello Kitty anime [Citation Needed. – Ed.].
  • "[Faceless – Ed.] Girls Just Wanna have Fun": Sachi generally avoided interactions with anyone other than her "Gruesome Foursome," finding everyone else an object of ridicule. She has had minor moments of "fun" after breaking up the group and reducing herself to a veritable outcast. In this chapter, she continuously bitched complained about accompanying Koharu who felt obliged to help Shiki with the filming. Here, she admits to having, well, "fun." Granted, it is at the expense of Koharu.


  • "That one Sasaki has been famous since the first year. Recently, there are rumors that she has become a cum bitch!" – Sachi Mima inwardly
  • "Uchi . . . from my class . . . Uchi who's been in the same class with me for two years!!" – Sachi
  • "Uaaaaaa! Something risky! It's so erotic!" – Reina remarking on Shiki's smile [Citation Needed. – Ed.]
  • ""What, Koharu-chan, are you looking at? You want to see?"" – Sachi
    • "?! That's not true!!" – Koharu Minami
  • "You said we do that, but you girls do too, right?" – Kakinuma inquiring about "doing the Hustle" . . . probably.
  • "I got to witness a gloomer get cocky and degrade himself even further. I'm glad I didn't go home!" – Sachi about Kakinuma



  1. As is its wont, WataMote has what the character actually says or thinks in the furigana over the explanatory kanji.
  2. 最近クソビッチって噂もあるし: with クソ (kuso) as an intensifier for ビッチ, the Japanese "bitch."
  3. Using the rude term made famous in the title: お前ら (omaera).
  4. ザコ (zako): "insignificant," "small fry," "nobody."
  5. As ever censored in the Japanese Original: オ●ニーだよ(onnī dayo)!!


Story Navigation
Volume 23 Chapters 206 | 207 | 208 | 209-1 | 209-2 | 210-1 | 210-2 | 210-3 | 211 | 211.5 | 212 | Special Chapter | Omake
Manga Volumes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
TomoMote Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 10th Anniv
Anime Episodes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | OVA