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No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular! Volume 25

Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui![1]



Chapters V25

Extras and Goodies[]

  • Front Cover: Tomoko crouches with her phone pointed at the view. Behind her, Tomoki views her with disdain while Kiko smiles at her as she adjusts her baseball cap.
  • Back Cover:
    • Expectation versus Reality: As an Expectation, Serious Tomoki hammers a piece of scenery as Sachi, Kotomi, and Hikari observe him from the doorway. The narration reads: "Stage Props Manager: Kuroki." As Reality, there is a extreme close up of Sayaka deeply blushing as she is locked in their kiss, with only his raised fist seen, and Kotomi leaping from her chair screaming "OOi!!" The naration reads: "Prince Role: Kuroki."
  • Extra Contents:
    • Bonus Pictures:
      • Bonus Picture 1: Tomoko and Yuri sit outside with the rain starting.
      • Bonus Picture 2: Tomoko describes to Tomoki the two of them as adults.
      • Bonus Picture 3: Irritated Tomoki holds Sheepish Akari as Prince and Princess while they both look at Satisfied Evil Stepsister Sayaka.
      • Bonus Picture 4: Miho, happily, lies back seductively being, well, Miho . . . happily.
      • Bonus Picture 5: Chibi Koharu sits with popcorn and looks eagerly between Chibi Mako and Sachi overing further treats.
      • Bonus Picture 6: A girl with streamers in her hair tying two long twin tails smiles.
      • Bonus Picture 7: Policewoman Emiri blows her whistle at the viewer.


  • Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!: "Turn and face the strange!" There are differences between the individually released chapters and the volume:
    • Audition: the sign for the imaginary audition in Chapter 208 has been altered.


