No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular! Volume 5
Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui![1]

- WataMote Chapter 37
- WataMote Chapter 38
- WataMote Chapter 39
- WataMote Chapter 40
- WataMote Chapter 41
- WataMote Chapter 42
- WataMote Chapter 43
- WataMote Chapter 44
- WataMote Chapter 45
- WataMote Chapter 46
- TomoMote Chapter 1
- Omake
Extras and Goodies[]
- Back Cover: Tomoko imagines walking through the hallways as the manga heroine attracting the looks of boys and girls; in reality she skulks alone.
- Cover Bonus: Tomoko sadly confesses that since she did not expect to get more than four volumes she has run out of jokes.
- Relationship Chart: (Main Event)
- Tomoko, advances to second year. Magnificent self-introduction (second consecutive year).
- Tomoko, exposed looking at penis (ち●こ) pictures in class.
- Regular character Nemo. Komi-san appears.
- Tomoki Kuroki ⟶ Tomoko: "don't want to approach annoying sister"
- Tomoki ⟵ Tomoko: "I wasn't alone if I think about it"
- Megumi Imae ⟵ Tomoko: "someone who cares"
- Megumi ⟶ Tomoko: "child I can't leave alone"
- Hina Nemoto ⟶ Tomoko: "a little strange classmate"
- Tomoko ⟶ Hina: "classmate who gives greetings"
- Ogino ⟶ Tomoko: "worrisome student without friends"
- Tomoko ⟶ Ogino: "annoying crap"
- Tomoko ⟶ Kotomi Komiyama: "maybe get along better together"
- Kotomi ⟶ Tomoko: "grudge from junior high school times"